Free to a Good Home

by Marshylawl

A New Beginning

As you lay back on your bed, you begin to recollect these past few months. With the help of Twilight, you have managed to teach the other five of your precious little fillies to speak at a fourth grade level. Teaching Rainbow Dash was the hardest part, as her and Applejack always seemed to get off topic; mostly by Applejack tapping Rainbow’s nose with her hoof and galloping off. You have noticed that your little ponies are starting to grow up a little bit, looking more as they did in ‘Cutie Mark Chronicles’ and less of what they looked like when you found them on your doorstep roughly six months ago. It breaks your heart; knowing that your playful little daughters are growing up so fast. They have all grown about four inches each. Growing up too fast... Now you sit and read, as Twilight reads with you; she was always interested in your books. Twilight lay down near you, her front hooves resting on your leg, her chin resting on the book. She always taps the page twice when she wants you to turn the page, which you found so goddamn adorable; except when you aren’t finished yet.

Rainbow speeds around the corner, zipping around ever so carelessly, before crashing into the back of the couch you sit on. “Daddy! DADDY!” She repeats, fighting for your attention and winning.

“Yes, Dashie?”

“C-can you take me for flying lessons?”

“I’m sorry, Dashie; but you know we can’t do that. We have to wait until I have enough money for us to get a new house, away from others.”

“B-but daddy? Why can’t other people see m-me?”

You struggle for an answer, unsure of what to say. You desperately want to tell her the truth, but sometimes the truth hurts… If Dashie and the rest of your fillies understand why they haven’t ventured outside your small prefabricated home, they may never forgive you. But all that will change soon, as your new online job has skyrocketed, and the pay has increased greatly. You have already fixed your car, and you will soon be able to buy a cozy house out on the countryside, away from any other civilization. But you are yet not far away from the nearest Wal-Mart. You answer with an ‘I will answer that question another time, my little Dashie’. That was always the “default” saying, but it was true, at least. “Ain’t it ‘cause we ain’t like you, daddy?” Applejack trots up, overhearing your conversation with Rainbow Dash. Sometimes you wish she wasn’t so honest… You softly stroke Applejack and Rainbow’s manes slowly, drying away any tears that emit from their glistening eyes. “I will answer that question when the time comes.”


You finally receive the email you have been waiting for since early last week, from your realtor. The bank transfer was successful, and you know own the house of your dreams. Well not yours, more of your daughters’ dreams. You have been pegged with questions and pleads from all six of your fillies, especially Rainbow Dash; and finally have gotten it. You walk up to Rainbow, sitting her down on the couch. “Dashie, I have something to say.” She blushes, just a tad, and looks down at her hooves. “Yes, daddy?” She has that same crack in her voice from the show… “I…” You zone out, amazed of how unkept her rainbow mane is, yet it is still so beautiful… “I- got the house! I can finally teach you to fly!” A high pitched squeal emits from her, as she zips up to you; giving you the most heartwarming hug she ever gave you. “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou” You quickly put a single finger over her mouth, as you start to speak again. “As I was about to say, do you want to help me tell the others?”

“S-sure I will daddy!” You stroke her mane once more, and walk off to the others; a happily trotting Rainbow Dash joins your side. As you join the other fillies, Applejack is the first to speak up.

“Are ya’ll gonna tell us?”

“You must be talking about why Dashie here is so happy, are you?”

“Yes daddy.”

“Well, we-

“WEAREGETTINGTHATHOUSE!” Rainbow speaks up before putting a hoof over her mouth. “Oops, sorry daddy…” Rainbow’s ears dropped to the sides of her head as she just realized what she has done. “I-I’m s-sorry daddy…” Her lips begin to quiver; as she is on the verge of breaking down in tears. You quickly kneel down, pulling her close to you. You can feel her start to hyperventilate a little. “Shhh, it’s okay Dashie.” Rainbow dropped her head on your shoulder, “N-no it’s n-not daddy…” Tears have started to stream down her face, falling on your back; you didn’t care, you just wanted to calm your daughter down. “How about I make it up to you; I will give you extra flying lessons once we move in. Is that okay with you?” Suddenly, Rainbow’s ears perk up a little, and a small grin slowly takes place. “Of course, daddy.” You bring her in for another hug as she wipes away any remaining tears. Soon enough, all six of your fillies are nuzzling you and Rainbow Dash.


Today is moving day. After the original home owners finally accepted your deal over the others, you are finally moving in. It has been almost two months since putting the deal on the cozy-looking countryside cottage resting on three acres of land. All six of your little fillies are as excited as ever, as now they could finally roam around outside; as this house is nowhere near anyone else. Especially Rainbow Dash, who is darting around your van; looking for a window to look through, before jumping up to the passenger seat. Rainbow then put her forehooves on the dashboard, her wings fluttering with delight as she has finally found a window to look through. A very scared looking Fluttershy is curled up in an adorable mass of yellow fur, covered by a flourishing pink mane. You notice this, and pull over; your daughter shall fear no longer. You hoist her up to the passenger seat, greeted by a very happy Rainbow Dash. You acknowledge that this will reassure Fluttershy; which it did. She then curls up against Rainbow; who in return cuddles her back. A small huff emits from Fluttershy, as she drifts off to sleep.

As you arrive at the cottage, you shift your head to the back of the van, where you note that all six of your little ponies are fast asleep. “Wake up! We’re here!” Rainbow is the first to react, her ears perked up, her face now visible behind her tossed rainbow mane. She then starts jumping around the car, her wings fluttering with delight. You open the doors, as one by one, each little filly start piling out. All a bit groggy from waking up, but awake and happy the seemingly long road trip has come to an end. They follow your lead, as you unlock the front door and step inside. The first instinct is the size; the cottage is 2500 square feet, resting on three acres of land and water. Your little fillies gallop inside; almost knocking you over. They dart all over the house, picking their bedrooms and overall exploring every nook and cranny of this humongous cottage. The movers have already unpacked all of your furniture and accessories, but this house still seems empty. You are thrown out of your train of thought when Rainbow knocks you back onto the couch. “Daddydaddydaddydaddy! Can you teach me to fly now? Can you? Please? Pretty pleasepleaseplease?” You are about to tell her that it can wait until morning; until she unleashes your weakness against you.

Puppy eyes… Must resist…

“Sure Dashie!” Shit.

“Thank you daddy!” She gives you a little nuzzle before galloping out back. Well, might as well start now…


After some scraped hooves and a ruffled feather, Rainbow has finally understood the gist of flying. Noticing the sun descending below the horizon, you hoist her into your arms, carrying her back inside the cottage. You are greeted by your other five fillies, assaulting the very sleepy cyan filly with questions. Rainbow groans, and turns over in your arms; shuffling around for a more comfortable position. You shush the others, and slowly carry Rainbow Dash up to her bedroom. You had enough leftover money to purchase various necessities for your fillies, such as beds and brushes; as well as toys, just so they don’t get bored if you take one filly out to play. You slowly place the sleeping cyan filly on her bed, which was designed with various racing designs. She seemed to like that, as you thought she would; you gave the show another go, only for answers for what each individual pony enjoyed. You tiptoe out of her bedroom, making sure to close her door on the way out. You then proceed to put the other five fillies to bed, Pinkie Pie being the hardest; as she kept piling on questions on how the flying session with Rainbow went. After they fall asleep, you make your way to your own bedroom, conveniently placed at the end of the hall, where all of the other bedrooms are allocated.

You enter slowly, making sure not to make any sounds that could wake up your daughters, especially Pinkie Pie. She seemed to have super-sensitive hearing, particularly when she is sleeping; and when she wakes up in the middle of the night, it isn’t easy to get her to fall back asleep. You start to slowly drift off to sleep, finally getting some peace and quiet since the car ride. Having six little fillies may sound amazing, but sometimes six daughters can be just… madness. You began to piece together what you are going to do for the upcoming week. It is nearing the one year anniversary of the day you found the six little fillies on your doorstep. You brought them in, raised them; for almost a whole year now. They are growing up faster than you want them too; and the question still rests at the back of your mind.

Why are they here?

You knew that one of these days, Princess Celestia or somepony else will whisk them away; taking them from their new home, taking them away from their happy lives…

With their father.

You knew that one of these days, they would be taken away from you; and it scared you.