A Stallion with a Question

by Ugly-Duckling123

Chap 9

All the next day Macintosh was in the barn rehearsing how he was going to ask for Fluttershy's hand.

But he was having trouble getting the words from his brain to his mouth...

"Ok thirty-seven's time the charm," he said trying not to think of the animals watching him, or how he messed up the last thirty-six attempts.

"Ok... Ahem...

'Fluttershy, I love you,"

Getting nods from everyone 'So far so good'.

"I want to spend every moment of my life with you,"

More nods 'Getting there'.

"I've met you from the first moment I loved you...

HORSE APPLES!" Mac cried falling backwards into the straw hands over his face in misery.

And there it goes. 'And so close too.' everyone shaking their heads.

"You almost had it youngin'" Granny's voice came out of the silence making Mac jump a bit.

"I don't think I'll ever get it right Granny," he said lowering his hands looking up at the ceiling.

"Why don't you take a break son?" Granny said walking over to him. "You've been in here all morning you know."

"That's because I can't get it right." Mac said getting up hugging his knees and looking away from Granny.

"Well why don't you give up then," Granny Smith said going the same way she did with her Appleseed when he was going though this.

"Because I'm an Apple," Mac said "Apples are stubborn."

"You sure that's the only reason son?" she asked.

Thinking Mac said "I... I'm doing it because I love her, and I want to spend every moment of my life with her, I... I've loved her since I first met her." Mac said not thinking about what he was saying. "And I want her to marry me."

"There you go sonny, you can to do!" Granny said smiling at the confused look on her grandson's face, just like the one Appleseed wore.

"Huh?" Mac asked.

"While telling me why you were doing this, son," Granny said "You said word for in-correct-order word, what you've been trying to say all morning."

Realizing she was right Mac smiled at his grandmother. "Thanks Granny. I... I think I'm going to take Seed out for a ride if that's alright?" he asked turning to his horse who nodded and started pacing his fence.

"Just be yourself tomorrow son," Granny said walking out the barn. "She likes you for you, and you don't need words to tell that. Oh and be careful while you're out. Don't want all this practice going to waste do we?"


A few minutes later Appleseed was outside the barn in his saddle, bags on his back filled with a small first aid kit, water canteens, pen and paper, and a small packed lunch. Mac had just shut the barn doors hoisted himself up, and was leading Appleseed to the forest to visit the grotto.

At Blooms school, to get back at Apple Bloom for the paper ball on Monday, Twinkle walked over to her desk at lunch that day and put on her best acting face.

"Apple Bloom, I just heard about what happened to Honey-Crisp," she started off Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, giving confused looks to each other while Diamond Tiara had her jaw clenched and hands into fists.

"I just came over to say I'm really sorry..."

But as Apple Bloom was about to say it was ok Twinkle added in her normal voice.

"Sorry it wasn't a snake with poison in its mouth. Ha Ha Ha Ha." she said walking away rejoining Golden Edge and Jewel who were also laughing.

Annoyed that she couldn't do anything Apple Bloom shot daggers at her as Twinkle turned away. But what happened next was a surprise to everyone.

After about five minutes of confusion and 'GO! GO! GO! GO!'s' from the class Miss Cheerilee stepped forward and separated the girls on the floor Twinkle and

"Diamond Tiara?" everyone asked shocked thinking the one who would of gone after Twinkle first would have been Scootaloo, but when everyone looked up to see her, she was being held back by Sweetie Belle both as shocked as the rest of the class.

Twinkle had a black eye, her perfect hair ripped out of the braided pony-tail and teeth marks on her arm.

Diamond Tiara had a bloody nose, her uniform ripped at the sleeves, and nail scratches down her legs.

"Everyone expect you five," Miss Cheerilee pointed to the girls and Twinkle "Please go outside. Now."

With no words or noise, the whole class left the class room, the last person closing the door.

"Now. One at a time. What happened?" Miss Cheerilee asked sitting at her desk.

"All I was doing Miss was saying sorry because how I heard about what happened to Honey-Crisp." Twinkle said rubbing the bite marks on her arm.

"She said she was sorry it wasn't a venomous snake that bit her Miss." Apple Bloom said still shooting daggers trying not to cry in front of Twinkle Star.

Sighing Miss Cheerilee asked a simple question

"What do you have against each other girls?"

"She's just a hot-head-bully." "She's always picking on us." "She's always making fun of me my family and my horse."

"You took our friend away!" Twinkle said looking at the girls Diamond Tiara standing next to them.

"I chose to leave you!" Diamond Tiara said stepping forward halting when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "I found that I rather have friends who like me for me and who I like in return, rather than be a... A hot-headed-always-picking-on-people-and-making-fun-of-them-bully for the rest of my life!"

Tears forming in her eyes Twinkle rushed to the door opening it making the class fall to the floor and ran to the girls bathroom to cry.

"Sweetie Belle can you go with Diamond Tiara to the nurse please." Miss Cheerilee asked not caring her class was eavesdropping. "Scootaloo can you help Apple Bloom outside to get some air."

Both girls nodding in understanding leading the other two out as the class came back in to finish their lunches in silence.

In town Fluttershy was in Sugarcube Corner with Twilight and Pinkie saying Mac gave the ok's to using the grotto for the party.

"Yay!" Pinkie said setting the place up for the twins birthday party that afternoon when they came home from school.

"Are you sure Mac's ok with it?" Twilight asked sipping at her milkshake. "It's just the way you told us about it the other day, it sounded like it was important to him."

"It is," Fluttershy said, "And he said he was alright with it if I am. And I'd like to take part in this if it will make Apple Bloom happy."

Suddenly Fluttershy's phone rang.

"Hello?" she asked answering it.

"Is Mac with ya Fluttershy?" a worried sounding Applejack asked.

"AJ? What's wrong?" Fluttershy asked making Twilight and Pinkie stop and listen.

"Mac's missing, Granny said he went out to ride Seed around 11o'clock but it's now 4:30 and Appleseed came back alone all scared like, like the time with the wolves."

"Oh no." Fluttershy said tears in her eyes. "You don't think..."

"Don't even make me think of it Fluttershy!" Applejack screamed down the phone. "Just tell me if he's with you!"

"No sorry." Fluttershy said fishing out some money to pay for her snack waving goodbye and running out the door still listening to Applejack.

"Well where are you?"

"I was at Sugarcube Corner and I'm coming as fast as I can to the farm." Fluttershy said running down he street and up the dirt path to the farm hoping Mac's alright.

When she got there she saw Applejack was pacing around eyes shifting side to side muttering to herself, Appleseed doing the same thing.

It would have been funny if the situation hadn't been as bad as it is.

Seeing Fluttershy Applejack stopped and ran up to her tears in her eyes.

"Oh Shy, where can he be?" she asked pulling away.

Appleseed called to Fluttershy and pointed to his back.

Understanding, Fluttershy got on and said to Applejack "You stay here in case he comes back. Keep your phone on. Me and Appleseed will go and try and find him in the woods." and with that Fluttershy put her riding lessons she had been having for the past few years to the test, as she set off to the forest.

In the woods Mac was lying on the ground in a pain he hadn't felt since the first and suppose-to-be-last time Seed threw him off.

Breathing heavily trying to keep his eyes open he listened for the sound of Appleseed coming back hopefully with help.

It was getting dark now, and even though his fear of the forest at night was less than it was, he was still scared.

Then he heard it. The sound of galloping hooves coming towards him turning his head he saw Appleseed and

"Fl... Fluttershy?" he asked weakly, trying not to move too much to keep the pain down.

"MAC!" Fluttershy said getting down and running over to him. "What happened?"

"Something spooked Seed and I was thrown off." Mac said inhaling loudly. "Hurts exactly where it did last time, guess that's a new 'tradition' eh?"

"Mac stop trying to be funny this is serious." Fluttershy said dialling Applejack with her phone, going over to comfort an upset Appleseed.


"I found him AJ" Fluttershy said happily.

"Is he alright?" she asked worried.

"Sort of." Fluttershy said "He says Seed threw him and he thinks he broke his ribs again. But he's trying to be funny about the pain so I think he's alright."

"Do you know where you are so we can call for help?" Applejack asked.

"Not really," Fluttershy said looking around wishing she had been paying attention on the way in. "And I don't have enough supplies to fix him up to get him back to the farm."

Applejack started to hyperventilate in panic.

"AJ calm down everything's fine."

"Let me speak to her Shy," Mac said.

Putting her phone on speaker but staying quiet Fluttershy let the two speak to one another.

"AJ? It's Mac," he said looking up to the sky. "You've learnt where the Grotto is by now right?" he asked.

"Yeah but what's that got to do...

"We were taking that path when this happened. Call the doctor like Ma and Pa did last time and lead them into the forest on that path." he explained not trying to scare his sister by showing pain in his voice. "Just keep following it and eventually you'll come to us. Understand?"

"Aye, aye Big Brother. Be there as soon as we can." Applejack said hanging up to call the doctors.

"Why were you going to the Grotto Mac?" Fluttershy asked now seeing where she was smiling as she hung up as well.

"I needed some fresh air after been stuck in the barn all morning." he said being careful on what he said.

"Why were you in the barn all morning?" Fluttershy asked

"Granny's planning a family reunion soon and wanted to make sure everything in the hayloft was still there and in tip top shape." he said closing his eyes.

Since all they could do was wait for Applejack and help to arrive Fluttershy and Appleseed got themselves comfy on the ground, dried leaves crunching as they sat down.

After a few minutes, Fluttershy's phone buzzed saying she got a text.

Fluttershy, Doc's are here about to lead them into the forest.

Watch over Mac till get there please :raritywink:


"What it say?" Mac asked waiting a few seconds after the phone buzzed.

"Applejack says they're just coming in to the forest." Fluttershy said happily. "Just hang in there." she said seeing how much pain Mac was in.

"Anything... For you." Mac said though his teeth hoping AJ would be here soon.

"Urm... how about a game till she gets here?" Fluttershy asked knowing she had to keep Mac awake.

"Kay," Mac said "What game?"

"20 Questions." Fluttershy said after a minute.

"Kay you first." Mac said.

"Got something." she said.

"Is it a person?" Mac began.


"Is it a plant?"


"Is a animal?"


"Is it a small animal?" Mac asked thinking of all the animals Fluttershy knew and thinking to himself he'd need way more than the remaining 16 questions to get the answer.


"Ok, er..." that puts Angel out then. "Is it a animal you can have as a pet?"


After thinking for a bit. "Is it a loud animal?"

Thinking of the right answer to give Fluttershy went with "No."

"Ok, it's an animal you can have as a pet, it's not a small animal, and it's not all that loud either." Mac said to himself getting everything together. "Do we have them at the farm?"


"It's a horse." Mac said smiling.

"Yes!" Fluttershy answered. "Ok your turn."

Thinking of the perfect thing, Mac nodded.

"Got it."

"Is it..."

Suddenly a twig snapped. "Mac, Shy where are you?" Applejack called out.

"Over here Applejack!" Fluttershy called getting up to welcome everyone.

"Thanks Shy," Applejack said as the doctors went over to Mac.

"What for Applejack?" Fluttershy asked.

"If... If you hadn't stopped me, I'd still be pacing around and muttering to myself." Applejack said tears in her eyes.

Not knowing what to say, Fluttershy hugged her friend and said. "You're welcome."

Back at the farm, Mac was all wrapped up and was in his room lying on the bed trying to sleep when a knock came to the door.

"Yep?" he asked wondering who it was.

Applejack came in with a tray of apple fritters and some juice for him.

"Feeling better?" they both said smiling a little.

"Still hurts a bit but Apples get bruises every now and then don't we?" Mac said slowly propping himself up, retrieving the tray.

"Well, now you're home I'm better." Applejack said getting Mac's desk chair to sit by the bed. "But I'm still a bit shook up."

"And Fluttershy?" Mac asked. They were given the news that he had to stay in bed for five days. Meaning they'll miss their anniversary the next day.

"She says she cares more about you and your safety than a date that will come every year." Applejack said reaching for a box on the bedside table.

"Shame when you think about it," she said looking at the ring for the first time. "She didn't even know what you were getting for her did she?"

"Nope..." Mac said sighing.

"And now all that rehearsing will be for nothing."

"It will not!" Mac exclaimed wincing at the pain. "I'll ask her when I'm better. It might not make it special, but she will get that ring."

"I was joking Mac." Applejack said putting the box back. "But seriously how many tries did it take for you to get it right?"

"38" he whispered looking away from his sister ears turning pink.

"Sorry?" she said a hand cupping her ear. "Didn't quite catch that."

"38. The last one was helped by Granny." he said sighing.

"It took you 38 tries to get it word perfect?" Applejack asked scoffing a bit.

"I was nervous alright?" Mac said finishing the last fritter. "Bet you couldn't do any better."

"Ok, ok." Applejack said holding up her hands. "She's still downstairs if you want her to see you."

Giving his sister a 'What do you think?' look Applejack took the tray and left as he hid the ring box in the draw in the bedside table.

A bit later Fluttershy was at the door tear streaks down her face but smiling nonetheless.

"You ok Shy?" Mac asked seeing this.

"I'm fine." she said. "These are tears of joy that you're alright." she lied slightly.

"I'm sorry I hurt myself the day before our anniversary." he said looking away from her ashamed.

"It's alright," Fluttershy said taking the seat Applejack was just in. "What matters is that you're back and fine."

Thinking it would be the only thing to cheer her up Mac got the box out of the bedside table.

"What's that?" she asked remembering seeing it when they got back.

"My 20 Questions something. I was going to give it to you in the barn tomorrow but I guess I can't now, so...." Mac trailed of smiling clearing his throat.

"Fluttershy I love you, I want to spend every moment of our lives together, I've loved you since the first moment I met you..." he paused to open the box. "Will you marry me?"

Stunned that this was coming towards her so soon Fluttershy just looked from Mac to the ring and back, eyes gleaming with fresh tears.

"Yes. Yes of coarse I will!" she said holding out her hand for him to place the ring on it for her to see it better.

"Oh Mac I love it." she said seeing the animals in the three sections.

"That was why I was in the barn all morning." Mac said smiling. "I was practicing getting it right so I could ask you tomorrow."

"It don't care when you were going to ask me Mac," she said moving forward to kiss him. "Even if it took another five years I would still say yes."