//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Who's King // by Muffinz 4 Life //------------------------------// Who's King By: Kitty Pony "And then t-they just laughed and walked away!" Silver Spoon sighed and glanced at her shiny grey hooves. It was better than listening to Diamond Tiara ranting about her day. Is that some dust? She thought, then proceeded to flick away whatever the tiny figure lay on her hoof. "I just can't believe that some lame group of ponies underestimated my family's wealth!" The pink filly complained. "When I inherit my father's money I'll make sure they'll be the first ones to go. Aside from those cutie mark crusaders or whatever they're called." Diamond then started twirling her mane as she daydreamed. "Well, I'll probably be living in a castle somewhere in Canterlot. Then I won't have to worry about stupid ponies like them." "Mm-hm." Silver said, trying her best to keep the boredom out of her voice. She couldn't believe she put up with this for years. Don't worry Silver she thought to herself. I just have to sit through this only a little bit longer. The grey filly sighed. My revenge had better be worth it, I don't know how much more of this I can put up with! Silver Spoon trotted through the playground, nervously glancing one way to the next. When she saw a pink filly on the swings stare at her, Silver sprinted behind a corner of the school. After a few minutes staying hidden, she poked her head away from the wall. The pink filly was still there, but not who Silver originally assumed it was. She wiped a drop of sweat off the rim of her forehead, and continued on her way across the playground. When she came near a tree, Silver once again hid behind it. Just in case. She had agreed to attend the CMC's meeting, and she was going to live up to her promise to not bring Diamond Tiara. She better not see me, Silver thought with worry. When the coast was clear, she hurried to another hiding spot. She had Diamond distracted, but she wouldn't stay there for long. "Silver?" Silver Spoon's head shot up, and she immediately scrambled to where she heard the voice. She sighed with relief when she saw the noise coming from a familiar beige filly. "Applebloom, is the coast clear?" Applebloom turned her head a few ways, then nodded to Silver. The grey filly lightly came over to where Applebloom and her two friends where, then sat herself down in the circle the CMC had made. "Grrr..." Silver saw that she had made the mistake of sitting next to Scootaloo, who, from what Silver Spoon could tell, was still getting used to the fact of teaming up with the grey filly. She gave a sheepish grin, then turned her attention to Applebloom. "Is she gone?" Silver nodded. "Yeah, I told her there was some lipstick in the filly's room." Sweetie Belle chuckled. "Wow, she really fell for that?" Silver Spoon shrugged. "Apparently." "Alright, let's get to business." Applebloom looked at the grey filly. "You know most about her, right?" "Yeah." "Okay, where does Diamond hang out after school most often?" Silver Spoon tapped her chin with a light grey hoof. "Well, she mostly stays at her own house, but she also owns some land with a pool near south of Ponyville. She takes me there every Wednesday." Applebloom got out a notebook, then scribbled down some words as Silver spoke. "What's really precious to her?" Scootaloo asked. "She has a picture of her mom in her room. She'll do anything to protect that." Silver shoved her hooves over her mouth-but it was too late. What she said could never be taken back. Applebloom stopped writing, and looked up at Silver with an unsure look in her hazel eyes. "Uh, don't you think that's going a might to far?'' Sweetie nodded in agreement. But Scootaloo still protested. "C'mon guys! Think of what she's said to us! How many times she used us, bullied us, and what she's done to other ponies." Applebloom sighed. "Fine." Then wrote a few things down on the page in front of her. Silver Spoon's lavender eyes darted around the playground, her mouth opened to say something, something to change the CMC's minds about all this. "Wait guys-" But before she could muster anything more, the bell rang. "Alright gals. Usual place tonight?" The two other fillies nodded, then trotted away to line up for class, but not before Scootaloo could scowl at Silver and mouth- You're not one of us. Heartbroken, Silver couldn't bring up what little energy she had to go into class. Instead, she collapsed on the grass, and curled into a little ball. A little, grey ball of tears. What have I done? Because there was one little fact that Silver Spoon forgot to tell them, and even if she did get the chance, Scootaloo was dead-set on getting to that photo. The one little fact was... Diamond Tiara's mom was dead.