//------------------------------// // Notturnale. // Story: Ab Initio-From the Start-Al Principio. // by Daxn //------------------------------// The waiting in the cameretta was short and painless for Twilight, who, as soon as her mother opened the door of the cameretta, walked towards the bathroom for wash her hooves and finally eat some untainted food, under the shape of the scones she had bought earlier that day. But Velvet decided to give them a bath, instead of just let them clean their hooves. In the bathroom, Twilight got rid of the diaper she was wearing, picked some bars of paraffine-scented soap and a can of mane shampoo, and put said bars and said can on the border of the bath tub. Since Velvet was still struggling into getting the diaper off a trashing Pinkie Pie, Twilight closed the tap, before the water could start to overflow. Done that, seeing that herm other still struggled, she helped her into keeping Pinkie still. When, finally, after several minutes of fighting, Velvet could get Twilight's pink friend out of her diaper and into the water, the washing began. After clearing with the paraffine soap her body from the dirt and sweat she had acculumated while walking, Twilight put the diaper back on her waist, and went to the set dianner table where Sedula was waiting to bring in the dinner. Once Velvet, Twilight and Pinkie was sitting at the table, Sedual started to bring in food. Sedula came in the dining room, bringing in the parmigiana of eggplants some white bread and soft, feta-like, cheese. Twilight looked at the portions of the food, and saw that, while the parmigiana was enough for all three, meaning it was sure-fire free from laxatives, the bread and the chesse was not. Twilight deviously smiled, as she took her portion of parmigiana, and slowly started to eat it while watched by Velvet wearing her usual smile, and while also did eat her portion, albeit much faster. After a while, when Twilight was at three quarters of her portion, Pinkie took all the bread and all the cheese on the table, and, with the knife, sliced the bread in half and spreared the feta-like cheese on each slice. This, for some reasons, annoyed Velvet, who yanked the plate full of bread and cheese away from her pink host. While she exclaimed "Hey!" and tried to grab the plate mid-air, Velvet said, while keeping her chin high and trying to keep the dish as far as possible from the pink pony's mouth. "Nah-ah. You can't take all of it and leave Twilight without it." Twilight flailed her left hoof towards her mother while blushing, bit her lip, and producing some sweat from her forefront, the hope of not eating laxative still high in her mind. This time, Pinkie's desire to play the part was helpful: she did a puppy dog face and said. "But Twily said she didn't want theeemmm..." Velvet was unbreakable. "No, aks her first." The pink mare crossed her hooves and pouted, refusing to listen at Velvet's request of asking permission before taking all the food. Velvet slowly hovered the bread and the cheese over Twilight's dish, trying a tantrum-defeating tactic that Always worked. That is, if the other part wanted to cooperate. As soon as her mother put a piece of the likely tainted bread on the place, Twilight politely put it back on the plate, and said. "No thanks." Velvet rolled her eyes, and put the piece back in the plate. "Don't start, please." Sighing, Twilight let her mother put half of the cheesed bread on the dish, still hoping that it didn't mean that she had to eat it. Done that, Velvet turne her attention back to Pinkie, and, once again, tried to reason with her. Pinkie refused to listen to Velvet, and, finally, decided to enforce her demends. How? By stealing Twilight's plate, of course. Velvet's daughter, seeing that her mother was trying to snatch the dish mid-air yet again from Pinkie's grasp, decided to take the bread and give it directly to Pinkie. Her pink friend was quick in understanding, and ate in one go the bread, leaving Velvet with an empty plate. Twilight's mother was surely not amused, and, after putting the plate away, grabbed Pinkie's tail, and, after going on her four hooves and walking away from the table, she dragged a trahsing Pinkie near. "Pinkie!" She shouted "You were so rude! Say 'sorry' to Twilight!" Pinkie, realizing the looming threat of spanking, took a pleading and defeated stance, and said. "Okay, oaky," then she turned at Twilight, and, while giving a small wink, said "Sorry Twilight." Pinkie's wink leaft Twilight slightly baffled, because she didn't see the reason for that.wink. But soon the bafflment was overtaken by the relief of not begin forced to eat the laxative bread and cheese. "Good filly. But, since you have eaten all the bread, I won't give anymore food for tonight." Said Velvet sternly. Pinkie Pie sulked, and went back to her seat. Once the pink pony was back at her seat, Velvet immediately changed her expression on her face from angry to crazy calm. "Do you want anymore food, Twily?" The purple pony did not want to tempo her luck that night. "No thanks mother. I am full." Velvet nodded, and brought her and her daughter's dish in the kitchen. Twilight decided that, at that point, go to bed was the best option. So, she yawned, and stretched her hooves upwards. Velvet noticed that, and, while looming on her daughter, she said. "Are you sleepy Twily?" Twilight, trying her best to ignore the creepy stance of her mohter, nodded. "Well then, shall we go to bed?" Velvet said, while wlaking towards the stairs. Twilight, with a sigh, followed her mother in her defiled bedroom. There Twilight ran towards the wardrobe, opened it, quickly putt on herself a green pyjama, and launched herself under the sheets of her comically undersized bed. Twilight's mother asked. "Do you want me to.." Twilight answered rapidly. "No thanks." Velvet silently nodded, turned off the light, and closed the door. When the lights were off and the door closed, Twilight laid her head on the pillow and closed her eyes: as soon as she did that, she drifted into sleep. When Twilight opened up her eyes, darkness was all she couldsee around her. The only visible thing in front of her was a inlaid door that, judging by its colours, was made of some kind of glowering oxen horn. The door stipes decorated with two small marble statues, representing two blindfolded ponies keeping an hourglass in their hooves. Twilight was jarred, confused, speechless, in that situation. The fact that she appeared to be slowly dragged towards the door did not help the overall situation. “Where I am? Why the door is emanating light on its own? Why is it dragging me?” Asked Twilight to herself, as she tried to stand on her four hooves, but failed to do so due strangely slipperly floor and the constant but resolute dragging. After a couple of desperate tries, Twilight gave up, and let the mysterious force drag her towards the door which, when Twilight was nearby, opened inwards automonsly, revealing a red and mint green spiral spiraling clockwise. The sight of the spiral made Twilight flail around a bit in a vain attempt to run away, but the floor, once again, prevented her from doing so. Then her body was slowly enveloped by the spiral. Twilight closed her eyes, and waited. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in her hours, in the cameretta, to be more specific. Twilight found herself sitting atop of a purple and pink rug shaped like her cutie mark fused with Velvet's. Twilight decided to look at her surrondings: she raised herself on four hooves, and turned around. When she did that, she saw Shining Armour wearing a diaper, sucking a pacifier and playing with a diapered and pacifer-sucking Pinkie with the same look-alike dolls Twilight saw previously. Twilight walked with insecurity towards his brother and her friend, and said. "Ehm... Shiny, what are you doing here?" Twilight's brother looked at his sister, his face plastered with a smile that desperately wanted to be innocent, but came off as creepy instead, thanks to the size of the smile, the subject in question, and the dull eyes. "Sistah Twi!" Shouted Shining Armour with a squeaky voice, one that did not belong to the fully-grown stallion he was, but to a little colt. Pinkie had a similar reaction, a little bounce and a giggle to be more precise. For this reason, Twilight backed down, with disgust, which increased even more once she felt a mushy feeling on her backside, meaning that she also pooped herself. Shining Armour giggled wholeheartly and clapped his front hooves. "Twily did stinky!" "Yes, she do!" Said Pinkie while laughing like if there was no tomorrow. "Oh no, Shining has fallen!" Shouted Twilight, as her horror grew even more "I must flee!" She shouted, as she ran towards the cameretta's door. However, as soon as she was at few steps from the door, it suddenly opened, revealing Velvet, who had an even more crazier face then the usual she wore. Twilight froze in fear in front of her mother. Velvet lit up her horn, and picked up Twilight, somehow shrinking her to a thre-years old. "Oh, hello Twily. I see you are poopy," Said Velvet, as she brought her to the changing table "We can't be poopy, if we want Mommy Celestia to take us!" Twilight remained both frightened and confused by Velvet's phrase, and said nothing, as her mother placed her on the changing table and proceeded to take out the supplies. However, before her mother could change Twilight's diaper, Twilight noticed the arrival of another pony from the door. It was Princess Celestia, and had, dandling from her breastplate, some medicine cans. "Is my... precious Twily... ready?" Asked Celestia while salivating with a voice that sent shivers down the spine. Shining Armour saluted Celestia with "Auntie Cewestia!" And, strangely, the military greet. Princess Celestia gave the salute back to Shining, and started to walk towards Velvet. As she walked, Twilight could notice additional details about Celestia's apperance. Namely, Celestia's legs were long and thin, the muzzle slightly resembled a beak, the cans tied to the breast plate were tagged with things like "Regressione," "Umiliazione," "Lassativo," and "Follia." Also, the crown did not had the usual oval gem but one partially resembling a baby bottle. Since Twilight was too distracted into looking at her crazed mentor, she had failed to notice she was begin magically lift by Celestia. "What a foul smell!" Celestia said "How I can take a smelly foal as my personal student? I think I will just leave you here, where you belong..." Twilight's eyes filled with tears, and felt fear growing stronger and stronger. Then, the mercy hit. "Oh, don't worry Celestia. I think I will just keep her here... forever." Velvet said, before letting out an evil laughter. Twilight cried and cried, until another voice called from outsaid. "Not!" Said the voice, followed by the sound of hooves charging, and the appearance of a sleeky silouhette of an unicorn mare waving a giant stamp in her magical grip. Velvet froze in surprise, and was na easy prey for the stamp, who hit her head, and made Velvet wither and disappear in a cloud of dust. Then the mare hit a unprepared Celestia on the forehead with the stamp, destroying the crown, and causing the labelled cans to mysteriously fall off the chestplate and burst into flames when they hit the floor. Celestia herself collapsed on the floor uncoscious. Shining Armor proceeded to cover his eyes and cry, as the mare charged him, and made him uncoscious, somehow destroying the diaper and the pacifier in a cloud of blue smoke. The mare repeated the process with an equally-scared Pinkie Pie, who also lost the diaper and the pacifier. Twilight stared, her mouth agape, to the mare that had saved her. The unicorn mare was pink, her mane was curly and White, and, around flank, there was the cutie mark of a gavel in a laurel crown. No doubt: Twilight's saviour looked like a grown-up Lex Populi. Then the mare took Twilight in her magical grip, and brought her to the door, all without saying a word, and ignoring Twilight's questions about her identity and motivations. Twilight remained disappointed by the mare's silence, but she was still too grateful towards her to say something about that. When the mare stepped off with Twilight still in her magical grip, the latter could see a bizzarre scene going on in front of her: a crowd of ponies dancing and singing around a burning wooden statue. Twilight opened her mouth for ask something... Twilight woke up from her tormented slumber in her bed, covered in sweat. "What... ah, it was all just a dream," Said Twilight, as she cleaned up her face from the sweat with her left hoof. Then she sniffed the air, and felt the smell of methane, sign that she had soiled her diaper "Since I am already awake, I think I should clean myself." Twilight slowly jumped out of her bed, and walked slowly towards the bathroom. As she slowly walked down the hallway, she noticed that the Sun had yet to be raised, meaning she was still deep in the night. With this in mind, Twilight walked faster to the bathroom, since she was less worried about getting caught by Velvet. Twilight opened the bathroom's door and entered in the room. There, she lied down on the tiled floor, and untaped the diaper from her waist, and, done that, she took the nearby toilet paper roll for clean herself up. Thorwing the used pieces of paper in the toilet, Twilight then proceeded to throw the used diaper in the waste bin just under the sink. Once she done with that, Twilight took with her magic the can of baby powder and a fresh diaper to put on. When she was finally done, Twilight went back on her four hooves, and exited from the bathroom and went back to her bedroom. Once she had managed to avoid to step on a sleeping Pinkie and go under the blankets of her comically undersized bed, Twilight stared at the ceiling, and thought about the dream she had made. "That was a prettyintense dream. Btween my mother begin even more insane, Celestia losing her mind, and the horn door covering a whirwinding spiral..." Then, something clicked in Twilight's mind, at the mention of the door. "Hold on... an oxen horn door? Wasn't that... no... that can't be right." Said Twilight to herself with doubt "this whole thing is too absurd to happen. How it could happen?" Twilight realized something else and facehoofed at her moment of stupidity. "Right, the fact that I saw a door made of horn in a dream doesn't mean that the events happened in the dream will play out just like that. I have to interpeter them." Twilight put her right hoof under her chin thoughtfully. "First of all. My brother, in a twist of iron, acted like a foal younger than the age Velvet assigned to me, so I guess that means he won't help me because either he doesn't know, or doesn't want to act. The fact that Pinkie plays with him means that my pink friend is also not helping. Not that it was lost on me already." Twilight chuckled, before going back to think. "Next, a simple part to interpeter: in the dream, Princess Celestia resembled a stork, since she wants a baby. Nothing too surprising here." Twilight turned around. "Then, Celestia begin crazed like my mother in my dream. I guess she is trying everyth..." Twilight shook her head in disbelief,and said to herself "No, that can't be right. I don't think she is doing nothing at all against my mother because she wants me to break down and turn mentally into a three-years old. A more likely interpretation is that Princess Celestia is watching my moves, and that she hopes I will finally get over this and like my current predicament, and, at the same time, she hopes I won't break and be in the state Velvet wants me in for a long time, interpretation reinforced by the fact that in the dream she rejected me because I had used my diaper." Twilight sighed. "Velvet wants to keep me here until either gets cured or dies. Again, nothign too surprising. Onto the next part: the mare armed with a stamp and resembling Lex Populi..." Twilight smiled "well, that is a good omen iI guess. It means that, as long I keep contacts with my little friends in the Kindergarten, I won't fall down the spiral of insanity that brought my mother to her current state. As for the stamp used as weapon by grown-up Lex Populi..." Twilight wrinkled her face in concentration. "MaybeI will be vindicated by the law? Maybe Lex will be the one that will start to stop my mother entirely? But how? She is just a three-years old, and nopony hardly listen to three-years old... or, maybe, is just a random weapon, one derivated from her name, since the stamp is symbol of justice, and Lex means 'Law' in Old Equestrian?" Twilight shook her head. "Yes, it's that. About the cans on Celestia's breastplate... they looked suspiciously similar to..." Twilight was hit by a realization. "Laxative cans! But of course! I have to destroy the laxative supplies, if I want to halt Velvet's insane intention!" Realized that, Velvet's daughter jumped out of bed, and ran downstairs to the kitchen room, her mind devoid of any fear of relitation from her mother. In the kitchen, Twilight looked frantically in all the counters and on every shlves for the laxatives' cans, until she found them, in-between the sauces and dressings kept into a small oak locker above the stove. Twilight looked at the cans with a smile, and started to take them one by one. She took with her magic a small brown porcelain pot labeled as "Ten Herbs," and, while giggling wholeheartly, she shouted "Ten Herbs, begone!" And thre it on the floor, shattering the small pot, and spreading the dried pulvirized herbs on the kitchen's floor. Then she took the Gluttonax's metal can, opened it, poured the white powder it in kitchen's sink, and opened the water's tap, so to flow the powder down the drain. Done that, Twilight took the last laxative left, a small carboard box labeled as "Jarate Diuretic Pills. Taste: Iron." Twilight gleefully threw it in the trash can, and the pieces of the shattered pot with it. And, when she was done with the jarate, Twilight decided to do a spite towards her mother, before going to bed. She took some of the the brown powder that was once contained in the "Ten Herbs" pot, put the handful of dried herbs on the counter, then grabbed with her magic the can of coffee, got off the metal cap, and dropped the bornw herbs in the can. For make it less obvious, Twilight closed the can yet again, shook it, and put it back in its place. By this point, Twilight's desire of tevenge had been gratified, and now she felt lighter. "If everything goes according to the plan," she said, as she climbed the stairs "my mother will get a taste of her own medicine, and she won't be able to counter-attack for a while." Once she was back in her room, Velvet's daughter went under the covers of her undersized bed, dropped her head on the pillow, and, as soon as she closed her eyes, she went back to sleep.