//------------------------------// // Day One // Story: At Her Service: The First Time // by WanderingPhysicist //------------------------------//         Pink. No. White. Translucent white in front of… Oh!         Night Light exhales and tries sitting up. His heavy armor weighs him down.         “Can you move?” a kind voice asks. “That armor looks really heavy.”         Night Light looks towards the voice and immediately closes his eyes when he sees white again. “Ma’am, I can see your…”         There is a shriek and sounds of shuffling. When Night Light opens his eyes again, he sees an odd, pinkish appendage in front of him. At the other end of the offered hand, a tall young woman with flowing light blue, pink and purple hair wears an embarrassed expression.         “Well, come on,” the woman huffs.         Night Light extends his own arm, which is clad in golden armor. Both young adults grunt as Night Light is pulled upright. The young man takes a moment to examine himself. He is wearing his full body armor, but his body has changed. Instead of the young stallion he remembers, he is some sort of ape, which he can tell by the hands he has acquired. Unlike the pinkish woman in front of him, he has slightly-darker skin. He removes his helmet to see if his horn is still present, but he finds his head is as smooth as an earth pony’s or pegasus’.         “What the hell?” Night Light groans.         “I can ask you the same thing,” the young woman replies. “It is not every day that someone in gaudy armor passes out in front of the school’s statue.”         “Wording it like that implies this has happened before.” Night Light holds his head. “Where am I?”         “You must be new in town. This is Canterlot High.”         “Canter…”         The young woman rolls her eyes. “Yeah. I know. The horse puns.”         “No, it is not…” Night Light groans and holds his stomach. “Besides, what are you doing here?”         “I was getting some late studying done in the library,” she explains. She frowns, concerned. “Are you okay?”         “Probably. I have had a long day so far.”         The young woman smiles briefly then blushes, looks away and plays with her hair. “If you would like, you could come over for dinner. My parents aren't home and…”         “I have a marefriend.”         The woman pauses. “What?”         Night Light thinks. “A, uh, significant other.”         “OH! I, uh, didn’t mean it like, uh, that. My sister is at home too.” She starts playing with her hair again. “We wouldn’t exactly be alone…”         Night Light laughs. “Okay. Fine. It will at least give me time to figure out where I am and what is going on.”         The woman smiles again and holds out both her hands to help Night Light up. They both grunt loudly as the armored man slowly rises to his feet. Night Light stumbles a bit once he is up, but the woman catches him and he grabs her as well. They stare into each other’s eyes for a moment before the woman backs away. She takes Night Light’s hand and gives a friendly tug.         “Come on. I’m parked this way.”         Night Light retrieves his helmet and follows. The short walk takes extra time thanks to the knight’s armor.         The woman smiles and looks back. “By the way, my friends call me ‘Tia’.”         Night Light nods politely. “And what should I call you?”         Tia laughs. “I said that my friends call me ‘Tia’. What is your name?”         Night Light bows slightly. “I am Night Light. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Tia.”         Tia blushes and laughs silently to herself. “Just ‘Tia’ is fine.”         They arrive at a lot where a beat-up-looking metal vehicle is waiting. Tia gets out a set of keys and opens the doors. Night Light takes off his outer plate armor, leaving on his chain mail and cloth padding, and puts it in the back of the car before taking his seat. Tia laughs playfully at her guest and starts her car. Instead of watching the new city, Night Light closes his eyes and holds his stomach as they drive away.         “So, um, what’s with the armor?” Tia asks.         Night Light looks up. “I am a royal guard serving Princess Celestia. That is our standard uniform while we’re on duty.”         “Princess…” Tia shakes her head. ‘Sounds like a tough job. What are you doing out here?”         “A changeling had infiltrated the palace. I apprehended him before he could do any real harm. I was on my way back to the barracks to write up my report when I stumbled and fell. Next thing I know, I was staring up at your…” Night Light blushes, turns his head and coughs.         Tia blushes too and laughs nervously. “Well, uh, at least it was a pleasant sight to wake up to…”         Night Light blushes even redder and coughs again. Tia nervously laughs again before quieting and focusing on her driving. She keeps glancing at her passenger. Night Light appears to be meditating but with an upset scowl on his face.         “So, uh, this thing you were chasing. What happened to it?” Tia asks.         “Not really much to say.” Night Light leans back and takes a breath. “Another guard found the intruder. I chased the changeling to the throne room. We fought a bit, and I trapped him in a shield spell. I was a little surprised that a changeling made it that far past our security, but my training left me perfectly prepared to…” He cringes, holds his stomach and leans forward. “Oh, no.”         The young man vomits all over the floor of the car. Tia screams and almost loses control of the car.         “I’m sorry,” Night Light mumbles.         “Next time open the window!” Tia shouts.         “I’ll clean this up later…”         “Damn right you will!”         “... but first, I may need your help.”         “What do you mean?” the upset woman sighs.         “When we get to your home, I may need assistance curing this spell.”         Tia shakes her head. “What do you mean ‘spell’? Looks and smells more like a stomach bug from here.”         “ ‘Bug’ is not far off,” Night Light exhales. “I was hit by a magic bolt in my fight with the changeling. It must have been a curse of some sort.” He looks up at his host. “I know how to counteract this. Please he-” He heaves again.         Tia glances down at her guest, scowling.         Night Light smiles weakly and wipes his face. He reaches out with his clean hand. “Please, Tia.” His strength falters for a second and his hand lands on her thigh.         Tia growls and bats away the hand. “We’re almost home. Just keep everything inside you until you are out of the car.”         Night Light nods in agreement. Tia steps on the accelerator. They soon reach a two-story house. A light is on in one of the front rooms. Tia parks the car and quickly exits to help her guest. Night Light tries getting up, but he needs the door to steady his climb. Tia takes a deep breath and, putting fears of a future expulsion to the wind, she hooks an arm around Night Light and helps him to his feet. They walk to the house with Tia doing most of the work. Tia opens the door and drags her guest in.         “Lulu! I’m back!” Tia yells.         “About time!” another girl shouts back. “I was getting really bored by myself. Come play Super Nintendo with me!”         “Not now, Lulu…” the older sister grumbles, carrying her guest towards living room.         “Aaah! I did most of my homework already. Be nice.”         Tia and Night Light reach the living room. A pale young girl with long, dark blue hair lays on the floor in front of a television with a controller in her hands. She looks up at the arrivals.         “Holy crap!” Lulu shouts, jumping up after taking time to pause her game.         “I know, he is in bad shape,” Tia replies. “I need you to help me by…”         “Not that! You’re actually with a guy!” The younger girl fakes a shocked gasp. “Can it be that my sister actually has a life outside of studying and those magazines in her closet she thinks I don’t know about?”         Tia seethes. “Lulu, if you don’t want him puking on your precious Super Nintendo, you will get me a bucket. NOW!”         Lulu squeaks and runs off.         “And some towels too!” Tia adds, helping Night Light to the couch and removing his chain mail. “Lulu will be right back. Do you need anything?”         “Counterspell,” Night Light groans. ‘You need to do the counterspell.”         “Uh… Hate to tell you, but magic is all made up.” Tia stands and places a hand on Night Light’s forehead. “Want me to get you an aspirin or something? We’ll make sure you have plenty of water to stay hydrated while this passes.” She frowns. “Your temperature doesn’t feel unusual…”         Night Light reaches up and catches Tia’s skirt. “You need to kiss me.”         Tia blushes bright red. “WHAT!”         “Changelings are creatures of emotion,” Night Light explains. “This spell was caused by negative emotions. I need an infusion of positive emotions to counter it.”         The young man winces and holds his stomach again. He forgets that he is holding Tia’s skirt and pulls her towards him. She stumbles, landing on top of the young man she just met. She studies his face as it contorts in pain.         “A kiss?’ Tia asks.         “Listen, I don’t like it any more than you do.”         “Excuse me!” the young woman shouts.         “I have a marefriend!” the young man counters. “I am sure your coltfriend wouldn’t want you kissing some random stranger.”         “I, uh... don’t…” Tia looks away for a second. “Just one kiss, okay?”         Tia takes a moment to collect herself. She adjusts her position over Night Light, pulls back her hair and leans in. She pauses for a moment, but Night Light moans and winces again. The young woman takes one last breath and kisses him on the lips. She holds her position until a flash distracts her. Lulu snickers as she readies her camera to take another photo.         “Thanks,” Night Light exhales peacefully, closing his eyes.         “Lulu!” her older sister snaps.         “Just wanted something to remember your first kiss,” the younger sister laughs.         “That wasn’t my… Well, I wa-... Gimme that camera!”         Lulu backs away. “Nuh uh!” She grins. “If that isn’t enough and he needs you to suck out the illness, I bet I can guess where he want you to…”         “Lulu…” Tia growls, standing up to tower over her sister.         Before either sister can say or do anything, Night Light starts coughing. He takes a deep breath and exhales a dark-green mist that slowly dissipates above him. The young man groans and props himself up a bit. He looks at the fighting sisters. “Hey, kid, can you hand me one of those towels?”         Lulu frowns and scoots around her sister to give the young man his towel. “I’m not a kid. I’m only a couple years younger than Big Butt over there. And my name is Lu-”         Tia grabs her sister in a headlock. “ ‘Big Butt’? You’re one to talk, Loudmouth Lulu.”         Night Light wipes his face and clothes clear of any remaining vomit. He sits up and extends a hand to Lulu. “Nice to meet you, Lulu. My name is Night Light.”         Lulu breaks free and shakes the offered hand. “Hi. Are you insane or some sort of boy hooker?”         “LULU!” her sister shouts.         “What!” the younger sister defends. “I just want to know what he is doing with you. Those are the most likely explanations.”         “Are you saying I cannot get a guy normally!”         Lulu rolls her eyes. “One, you are eighteen and haven’t yet done so. And two, he is way too handsome to be into someone like you.”         Tia blushes and growls at her sister.         “Tia is a beautiful young lady,” Night Light states. “If I wasn’t currently involved with someone, I would be honored to get to know her better.”         Lulu grins and holds back laughter.         Night Light lets out an exasperated sigh. “I don’t mean like that.” -- Tia frowns a little -- “If you’ll forgive me, I made a mess of Tia’s motorized conveyance and should be cleaning it up.” He tries standing, but his stomach growls and he falls back down. “Maybe after dinner.”         “You must be running on empty after leaving everything in my car,” Tia comments.         Lulu groans and starts walking away. “I guess I’ll get started on dinner…”         Tia catches up to her. “Actually, I wouldn’t mind taking over for a night…”         Her younger sister stops. “You know mom and dad don’t want you cooking meals when they are not around. Not after the last time when you left the cookbook on the stove.”         “That could have happened to anyone!”         “You left it in the pot with the spaghetti you were boiling!”         Night Light laughs loudly. Tia blushes and moans, embarrassed.         “Not to mention the fire it caused. That water caused. How do you set things on fire with water?”         “Fine! Shut up! Whatever!” the older sister shouts. “Just let me help, okay?”         “You never wanted to help before. Why do you want to..?” Lulu hears Night Light still chuckling. A crafty grin crosses her face. “Oh. I get it.” She pulls her sister to the next room. “You’re sweet on him.”         “Shut up!” Tia glares at her snickering sister. “Now, are you going to let me help or not?” …         Night Light, Tia and Lulu eat a simple meal of sandwiches and snacks in the living room. Tia sits on the couch next to Night Light, scooting close enough to him to almost avoid being creepy. Lulu tries to hide laughter at her sister’s awkward behavior.         “These sandwiches are really good,” Night Light compliments, pulling one apart. “What did you call them?”         “Grilled cheese,” Lulu answers. “I love them, but they are all I can really make. I’m not a good cook.”         “You did a fine job of these. Thank you.”         “I got the snack cakes!” Tia blurts out. “They are all my favorites. They are all really special.”         “All cakes are your special favorites,” Lulu counters.         Tia glares at her sister.         “You have fine tastes,” Night Light replies. “Depending on how long I am here, I can repay you with a meal of my own. I was known as quite the chef back in university.”         “That is so cool,” Tia gushes.         Lulu rolls her eyes. She looks at Night Light. “Tell us more about where you’re from.”         “Like what?”         “What are the people like? Why all the armor? How did you get here?”         Night Light thinks as he eats his grilled cheese. “Well, for starters, we’re all horses.”         Tia chokes on her drink. “What?!”         “Cool! Wait… Then why do you look like us?”         “I don’t know. Probably some magic about how I got here.”         Tia shakes her head. “There is no such thing as mag-”         “Can you do magic?” Lulu interrupts.         Night Light shakes his head. “Not anymore. I’ve been trying since I woke up, but it seems like I lost it in this form.”         Lulu grins. “I would love to know magic. I would control the night and stay up playing video games all the time and have a palace on the moon and…”         Tia rolls her eyes. “Say we believe you about horses and magic, what kind of horse were you?”         “Unicorn.”         Lulu stops her daydream to laugh. “That explains why Tia found you.” The others look at her. “Because unicorns only appear to virgins, duh.”         “Shut your trap and go to your room!” her older sister shouts.         Lulu looks away, pouting. “You can’t banish me. You don’t have the power.”         Before Tia can say anything, Night Light puts a hand on her shoulder. “Lulu, you shouldn’t tease your sister like that. You don’t want to say something you can’t take back.”         “But I’m telling the truth,” Lulu protests. “She’s never shown interest in boys before…”         Tia stands and collects her plate. “I think that is enough small talk for now.’ She takes Night Light’s plate and goes to her sister. “Lulu, did you finish your homework?”         “Yeah… Sorta…” She looks at her sister pleadingly. “Can I stay up and play Mario? Please? It is the weekend.”         “No video games until you finish your homework. You know the rule.”         Lulu frowns and fakes tears. “But we have guest. You don’t want to make him bored, do you?”         Tia sighs and holds her head.         “Let her have her fun,” Night Light suggests. “It won’t hurt. Besides, I should be cleaning your vehicle” -- he examines his clothing -- “And myself for that matter…”         Tia sets down the dishes on the nearest table she can find. “Oh! I can help with that!” She rushes to her guest and grabs his shirt. She freezes when she realizes she has Night Light’s shirt half off.         Lulu sighs and shakes her head.         “I mean! Uh… I’ll get a room ready for you,” Tia hastily says, collecting the dishes again. “Maybe you can borrow some of dad’s clothes…” She hurries away to hide her embarrassment.         Lulu groans. She looks at the guest. “Hey, wanna play Mario with me?”         Tia sits in her room at her desk. She has her books out in front of her, but she is not writing anything down. She sighs and leans back. There is a yawn and knock from the doorway.         Lulu moans, rubbing her eyes. “I’m done playing games for now.”         Tia smiles. “The Mushroom Kingdom can wait while you get some sleep.”         “Dinosaur Island,” the gamer retorts, flopping on the bed. “It is all there in the manual.”         Tia laughs, “Right. You can wash up after Night Light is out of the shower.”         Lulu grins craftily. “Did you peek when you loaned him some of dad’s clothes?”         Her older sister blushes and looks away. “I am not some unabashed pervert. I told him that his clothes were…”         There is another knock on the door. The girls look up. Instantly, their faces turn bright red and eyes go wide.         “... missing.”         Night Light stands in the doorway drying his hair. “Which room did you say was mine again?”         “COVER YOURSELF!” Tia screams.         “I’m fine,” Lulu counters.         Tia throws a pillow at her sister.         Night Light stops drying and wraps the towel around his waist. “Oh. Sorry. I’m still picking up your cultural norms.”         “Geez,” Tia seethes, covering her eyes. “You’re in the last room. In the other direction.”         “Thanks. Sorry for the embarrassment.”         Night Light walks away, sighing and muttering to himself. Tia takes a breath and takes her pillow back from Lulu. The younger girl is snickering uncontrollably.         “Now I really see why you helped him.”         Tia growls and hits her sister with her pillow. “Just get out of here and take your shower.”         Lulu leaves, laughing the whole way. She pops in a second later. “At least we know he wasn’t lying about being a stallion.”         Tia yells and throws her pillow at her quickly fleeing sister.         Night Light lays on a bed, reading a book. He is dressed in some baggy clothes Tia left out for him. There is a knock at the door.         “I’m wearing clothes,” the young man replies.         “That is good to hear,” Tia sighs, entering. “Do you like the books I left out for you?”         “Yes, thank you.”         “I thought they would help you understand our world a little better.”         Night Light sets down the book. “They do. Thank you again.”         “Right...’ Tia looks at the ground. She starts playing with her hair. She looks up and flashes a brief smile before looking away again. “If you need anything, Lulu and I are right down the hall.”         Night nods. “Thank you.”         “Night Light, I…” She shakes her head and smiles again. “Goodnight.”         Night Light returns the smiles. “Goodnight and thanks for everything…”         Tia nods happily and leaves.         “Princess.”         Night Light smiles, laughs and picks up his book again.