DLairgkht World

by Groupiegatalo


By the time Twilight and company make it outside the sun was beginning to set. No words had been exchanged during the plight back up through the dungeon. Only thoughts on what they just encountered and what should be down linger within their heads. For each of them they were planning on doing something. Something that could prove futile or very prosperous.
As they exit out of the throne room Fluttershy looks back wondering if the creature will be okay through the night. Now that she thinks about it, they never even learned what type of creature he is. In fact they had hardly learned anything. She questions going back and checking on him, but decides against not wanting to go back alone knowing the others wouldn't want to go back.. She decides to wait till tomorrow to ask one of the others to come back with her. Or either go back with Twilight since she already knows that she will.
Meanwhile Twilight walks with meaningful strides. She had cracked open something, but only a fraction. No, not even a fraction. Just a mere scratch on an seeable indestructible box of mysteries. She couldn't even fathom all that she might be able to learn. But it all starts with him. The one that doesn't want anything to do with them at all. The one that was there during what ever happened. She could always ask Celestia but.
Rainbow walks beside Twilight concern on her face. She could tell Twilight was going to do something big. It radiated off her and by the way that she moves... Rainbow bites her bottom lip. If she was really going to go up against Celestia and Luna and demand answers and use all the girls as witnesses her loyalty would be tested. If all this was suppose to be a sealed tight secret than what would happen to them all if they revealed they knew about it. Would she stand beside her friends or play dumb?
Rarity on the other hoof was far from conflicted. She had her sister to take care of. If she had to make some pony a scape goat to prevent herself from getting into to much trouble, like she used to do in her foal years, than she will. She sees it as a generous offer to his sister. Give up her friends so she can take care of her. It was the right thing to do.
At least in her mind.
Applejack, for once, isn't sure of if she's ready for what's about to happen next. Either way she's going to be strong and stand for what she believes is right. If Twilight is going to go to Celestia and Luna about this, it would only be right if she went with her. Looking at Twilight shows Applejack how confident Twilight is of her next actions.
Or at least she hopes she is.
All of them are so unsure of the future. They are all concerned with something. Yet they're all brave enough to face it.
Whether as a team or not... That hasn't been decided.

A man cackles in the dark. His mind playing over the conversation "he" just had. He shakes his head as he leans against the rusted bars of the jail cell he's now outside of. He could already feel his powers coming back. To his much enjoyment.
"If only Flint could see me now. I wonder if I would finally give him a run for his money?" He says thinking of an old friend, father, and mentor.
Flint was someone etched into him to the very core. So deep that he will never leave him. Flint was the only reason he could keep a shut lip to almost everything. Flint was the reason for the resistance. Flint was the reason they all did great. Flint was everything to every single last person that was once alive.
Flint showed "him" the path to walk down. Now, that path can still be followed. But in the way he likes.
A headache comes on. The first one in ages. He can only bring forth a smile upon his darkened lips. He runs his almost blacker than night pointer finger across the cobblestone floor watching as runes come across them. The piece of the floor the runes rest on explodes sending out mini fragments. It was only a small portion the spell went over just to test how much magic he can do without feeling exhausted.
"Of course I remember." Another headache, "Hehe sorry we remember... You know you are a real pain in our."
He stops as another headaches comes across, "Hehe... how I missed your playful nature... You know... They're going to come back despite your cool words. You can have all the charm you want pretty boy, but that won't change a thing."
Silence follows as the man sits and relaxes again. His muscles had tensed up from the use of magic just than. Magic was always such a fickle thing back than. Now he could care less. It wasn't like he was using his own magic.
The man tries to stand struggling at first but manages to stand up leaning against the bars. His strength was coming back slowly. If he could just get out of the dungeon it would come back even faster. At least the magic inside the cell weren't restricting him anymore. He always hated how when ponies put their minds to it they could create something to contain what ever they wanted. It always seemed to piss him and Flint off.
"So... how far do you think we can go... No, I don't want to wait till morning." He replies to nothing, "Let's see."
He pushes off the bars and gets in a few wobbly steps before falling forward. He manages to turn and land on his left arm.
"Shut up..."
He lays there barely visible to anything that may pass by. The only way they would notice him is by seeing his clothes and that's even if they pay attention.
More headaches present themselves as he lays there huffing from the force he had to use in moving that much, "Laughing... doesn't... help..."
"Fine!" He shouts managing to scoot himself against the wall between the cell on the left and the cell next door, "I''ll wait for you to take over so you can come get us out of here. I wonder how well you'll do mister smart guy."
Obviously the invisible voice says something he doesn't like as a frown crosses his midnight face, "What ever just shut up and let me rest."

When Twilight and Company reach Ponyville Twilight stops and turns to everypony.
"Okay. Now whether or not you can make it I want to see everypony at the castle in the morning. I've got something to discuss and I'm going to need you girls to go over some things with me. Okay?"
The girls say nothing as they nod their heads.
"Now please go home and rest. We all need it after... that." Twilight says remembering the skeletons and the weird white creature, "Don't try to think about it too much okay girls?"
She says that more directly to Fluttershy who seems to be the most distant of the group. The look she has across her face shows she's deep in thought about something. What it is only Fluttershy knows and Twilight doesn't have time to find out. She just wants to get back and sleep. In fact she doesn't even want to have the meeting in the morning, but the sooner they start the better.
Everypony heads to their respective homes. Rainbowdash flies off to her home, Rarity slowly walks home, Applejack gallops mumbling about tin pans and hitting places she rather not be hit, Fluttershy stays there a moment almost about to ask something before deciding against it and walking off herself, Twilight turns and heads for the tree castle. Each leaving with their own feelings, worries, and decisions.
Twilight arrives at the castle as a patrol is walking in front of it. She stops and takes time to admire the design. The armor plating was a dark purple with two bigger versions of her cutie mark, a star with miniature stars around it, on both sides of the body armor both a deep shade of red. The helmets were designed of the dragon persuasion. The helmets are designed to go down the snout and muzzle to give them a viscous look of a dragon. A special spell had been placed on all helmets to allow the guards to breathe fire for as long as they have the stamina, or magic for unicorns, to hold it.
It was a neat little design she let Spike put in since he's her number one assistance and has been a really huge help since the very beginning. It was the least she could do.
"Twilight!" A boyish voice calls out.
Speaking of whom. Twilight looks up and smiles at her number assistant.
A purple scaled, green spiked, which are surprisingly soft; baby dragon no bigger than her chest is waiting for her at the front gate. Wait gate? She doesn't remember a gate being up. When did.
"So what you find?" Spike asks anxious of what she might have found out at the castle.
Ever since he found that secret passage way he wants to go there more than ever ready to search the places from top to bottom in order to find other secrets. But Twilight keeps telling him it's too dangerous. Last time he checked the place was completely safe. Nothing even tried to hurt him while he was in there. To his knowledge of course. Plus what happened with the comic book while they were there was awesome not dangerous.
"I'll tell you about it in the morning. First I want to eat and than I want to take a nice long relaxing bath before I go to bed. If you really want to know you'll have to wake up early with me." Twilight says snuggling the baby dragon's face, "If I don't see you, good night Spike."
"Good night Twilight!" Spike says following in behind her.
For some odd reason the tree castle seems a lot cleaner. In fact the smell of pastries hit her nose so hard it almost reminds her of Sugar Cube Corner....
"Oh dear Celestia, " She murmurs getting nervous, "I wonder what Pinkie's done..." Twilight says heading for the kitchen.
Spike snickers, "Well,"

Twilight awakens with a start. Her alarm clocks is going off like crazy. She reaches over to it and hits it off when she realizes she doesn't even have an alarm clock. The alarm clocks shifts and turns into Discord who starts to yawn, "Me oh my! What a lovely nap that was. Don't you think Twilight?"
Twilight groans inwardly. Just what she needed. A headache for her headache.
"I'm not in the mood Discord."
"But you never seem to be in the mood my dear Princess." Discord says floating up and smiling, "Plus I thought you were always a morning person."
Twilight sighs as she gets out of bed. She truly doesn't know what is with the god of chaos this morning or even, in fact, yesterday, "Tell me Discord. Did you know about the dun."
A claw claps around her mouth. Discord stares into her eyes, "Be wary of what you say for the walls have ears."
Twilight looks around to see all the wall have ears straining to hear what she says. She didn't even realize that Discord had changed anything let alone moved. But at least now she didn't even require Discord's answer. Apparently they needed to stay hush hush about it for now.
"Discord..." She says when he takes his claw, or more like peels his claw like tape, of her mouth, "You have to be at the meeting. I need your input about this. I know Celestia and Luna will never tell me about mysterious that don't involve me."
Discord scratches his head and walks around the room, "Sorry Twilight, but I will have to decline. But I must ask. Did you meet anyone down there?"
"Yes, but we didn't catch his name. Why?"
"Just. Just a question." Discord says walking to a window, "Well Twilight it was nice being here in the morning with you, but I must simply fly off."
On cue he snaps his fingers and a jetpack appears on his back which fires off with out him through the window, "Tsk, I really got to talk to those guys and their faulty equipment. Also I'll pay for the window some other time. Just put it on my."
"Just leave..." Twilight says already knowing what he's about to say and do.
With that Discord flies out, rather pleased with himself, through the window most likely to catch his ride. Twilight shakes her head a headache already in-suit. She could tell this was going to be a fun morning. She opens the door and walks to the throne room that also counts as the meeting room.

Nearly thirty minutes before somepony shows up. The first to walk into the throne room and take her seat is Applejack.
"Sorry Twi. I had to take care of a few chores before coming in. Where's everypony else?"
"That's what I'm wondering..." Twilight mutters, "They know the usual time to get here."
"Maybe they have something holding them up sugar cube." Applejack says moving around in her throne not quite used to it yet.
"I hope so..."
The next to arrive is Fluttershy ten minutes after Applejack and right behind her is Rainbowdash. The two take their seats, "Sorry for being late. We wanted to see if Pinkie would come along, but she said that she had something planned at the castle today for all the guards and staff. I didn't bother asking her about it" Rainbowdash says shaking her head.
"So what is this meeting about exactly?" Fluttershy asks, "I have an idea, but I don't know if its really what I think."
"Well Fluttershy." Twilight says ready to get started instead of waiting around all day, "We're going back to the creature and demanding answers. I already know Celestia and Luna aren't going to tell me so I'd rather not cross that bridge yet."
Rainbow, who has been looking tense while she was walking in, seems to relax at the news. Fluttershy nods her head, "Alright Twilight. I actually wanted to go back too to see if the creature is alright. But are you sure you'll be able to keep um calm during the exchange. You seemed pretty upset yesterday..."
"Ya ain't gotta worry non Flutters! The creature Seemed like it could handle itself so I'm sure he's fine plus I'm sure Twilight will do fine!" Applejack says waving a hoof at her, "Now what about Rarity?"
"She's not here obviously for some reason." Twilight says getting out of her chair, "But we don't have time to wait around. Every minute is a minute that the creature has already left and is far from where he once was."
"Twilight... I have a question." Fluttershy pipes up.
"What is it?" She asks looking directly at her.
"How will he get out of the hole if he can't fly?" She says in a quieter tone.
The room goes quiet as they all look at Fluttershy.

The man that was once as dark as midnight. Is now white skinned again, but healthier than the former form. He stands on his wobbly legs and moves forward shuffling more than walking. He takes a deep breath of the some what fresher air.
"Think the sky looks any different? Probably not..."
The man moves forward stumbling every now and than. He makes it to the stairs leading further down and higher up. He goes up knowing that deeper down most likely lies nothing. Though he has been wrong before, after all look where he was. He uses the railing to help lift himself up each and every step till he reaches the ending.
"Damn stairs..." He breathes out already tired.
He is starting to push himself a bit hard trying to get out into the open air, but he knows that once out there he'll start to feel a million times better. He walks down the corridor and checks out the cells. The ones down stairs seemed to lack what the ones up here have. Bodies, or more appropriate, skeletons. Seeing the dead bodies feels him with more energy as he walks along side the right side letting his hand slide against the wall and metal. Each cell he passes he can see the faint look on their faces. He barely can recall the names of the ones that used to be in there.
The different users of magic. The ones he grew up with and the ones he met during the whole escapade that ended him in his special spot. The ones he met during the punishment and, sadly, he can't meet ones after it. He can only reacquaint with their skeletons.
He chuckles at the thought of shaking hands with the skeletons and introducing himself. Asking them how their day is, how's the weather, do you want to get revenge, maybe practice in magic together. He shakes his head that holds a smile that holds back pain. The pain that nothing can inflect on him other than himself. He breathes out and takes a shaky hand through his hair.
"Keep it cool... there will be a time to think back and mourn later... For now..." He looks up to where a faint light shines down, "I have to get out."
He takes a deep breath and feels the air for magic. It's very faint, but its still there. Faint traces of magic in the underground system. He takes it and mixes it with the magic forced into him to slowly raise himself from the ground. He slowly floats up through the hole draining him of the energy he has left. The thought of escaping and regaining the energy faster fuels the spell as well as he reaches the top and drops the spell.
He grabs hold of the edge and climbs out panting. The fresh air does good for his lungs as he finds it easier to breath. The breeze that rolls across his skin spikes his enjoyment of this. He stands, spreads his legs and arms, and opens his palms embracing the breeze. He looks to his right and left to see the throne room is disarray.
"They let this place fall apart..." He breathes out as he stands up straight again.
He looks at the broken windows and torn down tapestry that once made this place beautiful beyond belief. Seeing as this place must be abandoned he wonders if they've relocated to another area where they'll rule from. He nods his head knowing that has to be the most true thing yet. He walks over to one of the broken down windows to see woods and the sun still rising above the horizon.
"The glorious ball of death that gives life and taketh it. How you mock me and comfort me at the same time. How I wish to blot you out of my existence and yet embrace you as a father would his son or daughter." He says eyeing the trees, "And I see that our graves are that of trees. A tree for every dead man and woman must be here. Wonder why they planted them... Or perhaps one of my friends summoned them to protect us... No, No. Most unlikely, yet there is a slim chance. There is always a slim chance."
He looks back at the hole he rose from. Just like his escape and the possibility of taking vengeance against the hated children of the damned Pony king and queen there is always a slim chance of something happening. Something nags at him from the back of his mind, "Of course... the more we dwell on it the more impossible it sounds... But we'll try or die trying... At least they've made the mistake of forgetting about us. Well that is until I told them to go tell the children that I've come back from the grave."
He sighs and walks from the throne room to the tattered balcony that looks onto the main foyer of the castle. The foyer that now has a hole at the top of it and leaves adorned all over the ground from time to time. Most of the leaves looked brushed away which shows someone has been keeping care of the castle.
"The only three rooms I've ever seen look shittier than I remember..." He says walking to the intact stairs on his left.
If he was still underground he would've laid down by now, but out in the sun he feels all the better. He lets his hand rubs down the scratched wood of the railing of the stairs. A memory hits as he looks to his left to see people chained, bleeding, and babbling madness as they're all lead away for their fate up stairs. He passes a certain face, his own face. Or at least what used to be his face.
Time chases a lot of things. Your appearance, the way you think, and your life goals.
He watches as the young version of himself is lead up stairs and is broken away from the group till everything fades away. From there he can almost recall what happened. He continues his decent and walks towards the doors that also holds holes as well as scorch marks. A fire or magical blast that left an every lasting mark on these door.
"Must have been something great..." Rubbing a hand down the door he proceeded to push it open allowing him better access to the outside word.
There he stands on the top step, "Now, if they did what I asked them to they won't be far from getting here from wherever they are."
He looks at his right hand as a white ball appear in it. He begins tossing it up and down wondering how to pass the time. After all he had to make sure to welcome the bitch if she gets here.

"Hey!" Twilight cries out watching as the creature from yesterday throws a white orb against the wall of the ruined castle, "What do you think you're doing!"
The creature flinches before catching the ball and crushing it in his hand. He turns around and stares at them indifferently. It's almost like he was waiting for someone else. And truth be told, he is pissed that it's these guys coming here again. He runs through a list of spells in his mind in case they've been sent here to take care of him. He smiles inwardly believing that will draw them out. Princesses coming to avenge another princess.
"Why are you guys back." He says smoothly showing no signs of emotion in his voice.
"We've come because we need answers. I've thought a lot about what you said yesterday and I realized that I know little to nothing about the past. In fact only those who have been around long enough probably only know of the true past. That's why I want to learn, from you." Twilight says
The creature just continues to stare as if not believing them at all. In fact he doesn't. He scoffs, "Get out of here. I don't wish to talk to you. I only wish to see Celestia and Luna so I can fight and kill them... It might not bring back everyone, but its a start for comfort."
Twilight looks at her friends each one showing a different emotion. Fluttershy looks to just about ready to run to the creature and give it a hug, Applejack is tensing up ready to fight the creature if she has to, and Rainbowdash just has a scowl on her face not liking this creature for one bit.
"Look... I'm not going away and I'm not bringing Celestia or Luna into this. If they come then they'll only get rid of you just like the others! I'm trying to spare your life yet you keep trying to throw it away! I'm trying to preserve knowledge and yet!"
The creature smiles and shakes his head, "None of that matters to me...I rather let the past die along with me. We failed at what we tried to accomplish so our names have been erased from memory..."
Twilight takes a step forward, "That's selfish! We're mean to learn from our past not forget it!"
"Forget and let live my dear unicorn." He begins walking forward towards her.
She flinches back as Applejack and Rainbowdash stand between her and him, "I choose to let go of my past because it haunts me. Even now I still see fragments of the past."
"Stop right there don't come any closer!" Applejack yells.
Twilight stares the creature right in the eyes. He shows no emotions with them and the way he walks with such presence is intimidating. He speaks with such confidence and yet cold at the same time. She can easily tell he's been through so much even if he doesn't show it. She wonders for a moment what all Celestia and Luna did to him along with everyone else. It must have been horrible for him to want to completely forget his past.
"Since you guys want to know so bad I'll give you a little hint so you guys can figure it out yourself."
He sits upon the ground directly in front of Applejack. He crosses his legs and lays his arms on them before resting his hands in between his legs in the hole he's created. The group watches him with excitement wondering what all he'll say.
"In the eyes of a dying race,
that leaves with out a trace
tradition buried alive and secrets that will lie.
In the mouth of a dying race,
blood pours out at a fast pace
Last words fall deaf
sealed close at death.
In the ears of a dying race,
we did no hear the chase
the world fell silent
listening wasn't our talent.
In the hands of a dying race,
we held things that left a bile taste.
The items that led our destruction,
put us in the reduction.
In the nose of a dying race,
the smell of fire we could not sate.
The bile burned our nose
the sun did more than no one knows."
He stops his head lowered remembering and knowing what each words means. He remembers how some of the prisoners would say this whenever a guard would pass by or Celestia and Luna would visit him in his "home". The group only stares with Fluttershy on the verge of tears.
The words have a strong impact on her as she realizes he's speaking of the past. Though she's not sure what all of it means, the sad tone he speaks in tells her more than anything. Twilight is about to ask something before he continues thinking of other words to add to it.
"But, in a striving race
they all show happiness upon their face.
All innocent of the bloody show
of the race that took the biggest blow.
Now I'll let you take that how you want. I know what each and every words means towards my people, yet that won't change the fact of what has happened and what can't be returned. I want some peace of mind before I try to kill myself."
Fluttershy perks up tears flowing down more, "What!? You're going to what!?"
He nods his head that still hangs low, "This world has no more use for us. I've lived to long, way to long. I don't want to live anymore."
A hoof comes across his cheek from Applejack who also has tears in her eyes, "How can ya talk so calmly about something like that! Yer talkin about enden yerself!"
"I know. I don't care anymore about my life. That's what makes us different. You've all lived comfortable lives. I can tell by looking at each and everyone one of you." He raises his head and looks them each in the eyes, "A kid that was raised to be tougher than anything yet holds a soft side to her that she wants nobody to know about, a meek girl that cares for everything but afraid that if she shows it to much she'll be taken advantage again, a princess too smart for her own good that seeks out a vent for her daily life of learning, and a mare that wants to show the world she's tougher than anything when she's not. I've seen it all before and more. That's why I don't care."
He stands and looks down at them all, "Which way to the sisters or will you send her here? I don't have time to... No, I do. But I rather not live longer than I have to."
The group of ponies keep quiet as they look upon Twilight who is staring at the ground. She wonders to herself what she should do. The situation is sad and cold.
"There is no chance for forgiveness... is there?"
"Never." He speaks immediately.
She takes a deep breath, "I will not bring them here neither will I tell you where they are. Not unless your co-operate with me."
His eyes flare, "Do you really think. Just even for a second that Me, the guys that despises ponies will work with you guys even for a second? You should be grateful I've even let you live for so long as it is. I'm starting to rethink it too."
Appleajack and Rainbowdash inch closer to him ready to fight if they have to. Twilight simply just shakes her head, "That was them. This is us. You can trust us more you can them."
He starts to laugh as a joke that breaks out into a full hearted laugh. The girls all watch his sudden mood change both curious and afraid. They exchange glances, "Damn! I haven't had that good of a laugh in over a millennium!"
Twilight's anger peaks just a bit, "And what's so funny!?"
"You are! To me all ponies are the same... I understand you live life differently and all have your own personalities, but rally against one and you have a mob coming after you. I wouldn't dare turn my back to you guys or give you a sideways glance either. No, if I'm going to kill them I'm making sure there is nobody behind me. Just me and them only."
Twilight is about to lash out, but Fluttershy beats her to it. Sort of.
Fluttershy throws herself against him knocking him to the ground in a hug. Twilight and company all stare in disbelief at this. Even the creature seems shocked about it. But he comes back from it faster but pushing her off him. She lands on the ground with her wings extended shuttering. Twilight lays a hoof on her to only feel electricity run through her hoof. She pulls back and stares in horror at her.
The creature stands up his right hand showing sparks on it, "You're pushing your patience with me. Keep it up and I promise the next one will be fatal."
Fluttershy cries out in pain as she tries to get up to only fall back to her side.
"What did you do to her!" Twilight cries out igniting her horn.
"Paralysis to her nerves. She'll be in pain, but its not fatal. I can make her feel better, but than you'll hate me even more. Though I could care less. Just a shock to her hearth and poof problem gone."
"You bastard!" Rainbow cries out head rushing the creature.
"Rainbow! No!" Twilight cries out reach out with her magic to stop.
To late as the creature grabs her fore leg with his left hand and head butts her sending her backward. It dazes her and her readies to end her life, but something to their great pleasure happens before Applejack attempts to tackle him. He's picked up and lifted into the sky.
"What the hell!?" He cries out.
He looks up to see a creature with more parts combined than he'd thought to see.
"Well hello Morbiss." It speaks out.
"Discord.. Twilight breathes out confused on whether or not she's happy to see him or not. .