//------------------------------// // *Bark* // Story: Lightning Dust and Polar // by firebirdabirdoffire //------------------------------// Lightning Dust was lying on her on a cloud, one day. "How's a pet supposed to give me a better attitude? They're all too slow." Lightning's parents and the Wonderbolt Academy sent her to her therapist. The therapist recommended that she should find a pet. Lightning however had problem. She can't think of what kind of animal to adopt. Meanwhile, on the Polar Pass raceway in CTR: Crash Team Racing. Polar was in first place. Too bad for him that the game pulled a Mario Kart. Because the enemy Dingodile was tailing him got the time warp item to ruin Polar's day. "Hm... Something seems a l'il bit off with this one..." Dingodile looked at the weapon in his hand, it had the reflection of someplace nobody would recognize. So much so he forgot to pay attention on the road and bumped against the wall, and saw that the other racers were closing in on him. "AAargh. That bear had it comin' anyways." In a rush of panic, Dingodile shot his Time Warp(?) right now. Instead of when everyone has passed him. Polar got sucked into the time vortex, but didn't stumble. Instead he disappeared. Lightning Dust sighed as she stared into sky. Suddenly a strange... thing appeared above her. It quickly disappeared as soon a blot from above was falling above her. Lightning's eyes widened and quickly rolled out of the way. Lightning saw her life flash in front of her eyes, as well with seemed like a panda bear on a motorcycle. Taking a deep breath, Lightning looked at the road below here. The bear was riding on it. "What the heck?" She said slowly. She then quickly darted towards the vehicle. Catching up was easy. Lightning was pretty much twice as fast, maybe even more than the kart. She got in front it, flying backwards facing the bear. "A Polar bear in a car... Now I've seen... Nah, I've seen weirder." *Bark* Polar barked cutely. The kart jumped startling the Pegasus at the unexpected move. The cub drifted on the turn in the road. Said road would eventually lead to a ravine. Lightning Dust would let that possibility, so she lift the kart up with Polar in it. Polar looked down at the ground on all sides. *Bark* He said. Lightning quickly removed the cub from his kart. And put him quietly down next to the kart. And then Polar viciously mauled Lightning Dust. The end. *Bark* "What is a Polar Bear doing here. In a car no less?..." She asked herself as Polar looked around him absentmindedly. *Bark* 'Maybe he can be my pet. He has a car and can drive really well. I need to have it upgraded to have it match my speed though...' Lightning thought to herself. "You want to be me pet?" Lightning asked the Bear. *Bark* "I'll take that as a yes. Now I need a name for you. I'll call you 'Polar', because I can't think of anything better." *Bark* "Hmmm... How fast are you on your feet?" *Bark* "CAN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING ELSE!?" *Bark* "That was a stupid question, LD." *Bark* *Bark* "Can follow me in that car? I can make it better at my Uncle's garage." One small upgrade later... "There, done." Lightning said rolling from underneath. With some oil smudges on her body that her jumpsuit wouldn't cover. So just her face and mane. "Your car should now be now be able to transform into a plane and a hovercraft. I installed the hovercraft case plane mode malfunctions." *Bark* Polar said sitting a meter away. "You're welcome." Lightning said, knowing the cub appreciated it. Supposedly anyway. It's really hard to tell. *Bark* "This is a hobby. I don't really like to do this. So ironically, I'm extremely talented at it. But I've always liked flying more..." Lightning tried to remove the jump suit. *Bark* "It's something my parents forced on me on vacation once." Lightning said through her teeth. *Bark* "I forgot. I tried to forget the reason. Guess it worked. Can we just drop this subject?" Lightning pleaded. *Bark* "Thank you. Can you help take off this suit? I can't reach the zipper. We'll race after it's off." At the checkered starting line near the tip of a cliff, seeing over a fast ocean. "Okay Polar. This is how this race is going to work. We first have long flying stretch over the ocean. You'll need a running start for that because you need that ramp to transform into a plane. After that just follow the arrows. Got it?" *Bark* Polar replied, sitting next to his kart. "Good. Now get in your car so we can have some fun. And in case you have troubles with your vehicle and fall, and the built in hovercraft doesn't work, I'll just save you. 'Kay?" Lightning said excited for the race. Polar climbed into his improved kart. *Bark* "Let's race. You take running start, once you cross the line I'll enter the scene." Polar accelerated. He got enough speed to get a lot of air on the ramp, he also jumped with the kart out of habit. He pushed the planed button. Some leather wings with mechanical 'bones' folded out along with a propeller in front. Lightning was slightly behind him, mostly likely checking if the plane runs okay. "It works! See you at the finish line." Lightning barely got past him. She made the plane mode much faster then the kart ever would. "You should be able to go a little faster!" She shouted in front of Polar. Polar responded by flying past her. For the rest of this long stretch Lightning was slightly behind Polar. About equal speeds. Lightning lightly cursed herself for that. But on the other hoof she rarely got to race someone or some as fast as her. It was almost time for the turn in the road. There were some spires sticking out of the ocean. Most of those spires were in a singular curve, and a lone one. The curve had two giant wooden arrows pointing right. "This is where you turn!" Lightning said while making a sharp pointy turn. The plane had more difficulty to turn. The last part was just another long boring stretch. Lightning won, polar was 6 seconds behind her. When Polar landed and got out of his kart he was greeted by Lightning and unsatisfied glare... Only for Lightning to cuddle him while flying in the sky. "You're gonna be the best pet ever." Polar blankly stares as usual as he licked Lightning. This took Lightning by surprise and dropped Polar. "Sorry 'bout that." She cuddled him again. "You're really cool to have around. We should find a Unicorn that some a spell that allows you to walk on clouds, if that's possible. And I'll train you to be the fastest pet in Equestria!" *Bark*