//------------------------------// // I Hate To Inform You Crystal... // Story: I'll Fight For You // by AmethystFire //------------------------------// "Obstacles are put in your way to see if what you want is really worth fighting for." Sitting in the hospital bed, in a quiet room only hearing the heart rate machine. It wasn't fast like me heart had been when I felt it, thank Celestia for that. I had the television on watching some Doctor Whooves, upon which my mom brought for me to watch as I was immobile. The episode was great, well, it was one that I had seen multiple times, and it was still the best. Soon the door to my room opened and I watched a white mare, wearing a nurse's cap trot in with a tray of food. I was starving! "Here you go Miss. Feather," Nurse RedHeart set the tray down on the mobile table, "I hope you enjoy your meal. I told the cooks to make this one special." A special meal, for me. Was it my birthday or what?! I opened the tray and found some of my favorite foods there. I picked up the fork and began to eat the food. Soon hearing the door open again. I look up and it's Rainbow Dash and Princess Twilight. "Dashie!" I cried. "Hey kid, I heard from one of your friends that you were here. Twilight wanted to come along as well." Rainbow Dash explained. "I wanted to make sure you were okay, and maybe check you out. The doctors might have missed something." Twilight informed. "We did your highness." the doctor that was taking care of me confessed. "What is it?" I asked. "Your highness and Rainbow Dash, may I speak with you in the hallway please?" Rainbow Dash and Twilight followed the doctor out of the room, leaving me alone in the room once again, with the Doctor and Roseluck. Soon, Rainbow and Twilight came back in with pity in their looks. I was confused, what kind of pity could they be feeling if I was all fine and dandy? "What's going on?" I asked attentively wanting to know. "Crystal Feather, I hate to tell you this my dear..." the doctor paused for a long time, "You have cancer. You may only live for nine more months." My eyes widened. I was dying? How could this be possible? I was in perfect health before all this happened, what could have changed in me to cause this. How would my friends react to this? Would they feel pity too? Or would they be supportive of me? "How is that possible?" I asked. "I don't know my dear. I'm sorry." the doctor pitied me. "Don't say that?! Is there any way to help me live longer?!" "The only way we could do that is give you surgery that could eventually kill you. If you happen to survive the surgery and transplant of new organs, you aren't completely cured of it. This cancer can come back with a big bite. I'm sorry, unless you want to risk your life and go with the surgery I still estimate nine months. I'm very sorry Miss. Feather." I buried my head into my hooves and sobbed. Rainbow Dash and Twilight came up to me and tried to comfort me. Like it was going to help at all. I only had nine months left to live, how was I going to live those. At the moment, I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't even think I was going to last the night. Twilight left the hospital and was replaced with Pinkie Pie. At least she could make me smile after the bad news I got, and I could have Rainbow Dash all to myself, longer than I could've had when I was a young filly. Pinkie tried her hardest to make me smile, but all that would come on my face was a slight smile, and a turn of the head. Soon the door of the hospital room opened up, I looked over and saw Ms. Snapple, Super Junior, Harmony Wing, Stardella, and Lunario. I looked at all of them, they had pity looks on their faces, I knew that they knew what was wrong with me. I buried my head in my hooves again, and began to cry, yet again. They all came over and hugged me, trying to comfort me. Super Junior gave her, "Stay Strong," advice. Ms. Snapple, "Get Better." Harmony, "DON'T DIE!" Lunario, "Fight fire with fire." Stardella didn't say anything, her tears were all the things that she could say. "How long do you have?" Ms. Snapple asked. "Nine whole months." I answered when I could catch my breath.