//------------------------------// // Chapter 4. The Apples // Story: It's a Wonderful Dashie // by Sparky Brony //------------------------------// Hours later Rainbow Dash was back in Ponyville. The street lights made it nearly as bright as day. Again, the ponies were milling about like it was a normal day, yet the sun wasn't scheduled to make an appearance for another few hours. She banked hard upon reaching Ponyville and headed towards the west, alighting in front of the farmhouse at Sweet Apple Acres. She saw lights moving through the orchards so she decided to knock on the door. After several minutes the door opened and a wizened green face peeked out. "Who's bangin on my door, don't you realize that we ponies have to work?" The smell of cooking wafted out the door right into Rainbow's nose, instantly making her hungry. "I'm sorry Granny Smith, but I'm looking for Applejack." "You’re a friend of Applejack? Well, any friend of my wayward granddaughter is a friend of mine, c'mon in, I'll let you meet the family." "Well, erm, ehh…" Rainbow Dash was able to get out before surprisingly strong hooves grabbed her and brought her into the house. She was deposited in front of the family table as the back door opened and Big Macintosh trotted in. Rainbow looked around and flinched when she saw Apple Bloom in the kitchen, covered in flour, pulling some fritters out of the oven. She kept her head down as the Apple family made it to the table. Granny Smith sat a steaming plate of food in front of Rainbow as she kept up talking, not letting her get a word in edgewise. She contented herself by stuffing Granny Smith's cooking into her mouth as quickly as possible. "This here's Big Macintosh." She leaned close to Rainbow and whispered pretty loudly in her ear, "He's single by the way," eliciting a blush from the red stallion. She pointed over to Apple Bloom, and in her normal voice, "And that's my youngest granddaughter Apple Bloom. Together we run this here Sweet Apple Acres. And now what about you, miss." Rainbow was at a loss for words. Applejack wasn't here. "Well, erm, ah…" her mouth wouldn't comply, her mind was running too fast. She stopped for a moment to gather her thoughts. "Actually, I'm looking for Applejack, I thought she would be here." "What are you talking about? Well, we get the occasional letter from her, but she's living with her auntie Orange back in Manehattan." Rainbow's eyes went to pinpricks as she noticed what was right in front of her, with a shaking hoof she pointed at Apple Bloom. "You have a cutie mark?" Apple Bloom looked at her flank and back at Rainbow quizzically, three red apples were on the filly's flank. "Of course I do, when my sister left when I was a tiny filly, I knew I had to be a big pony and help with the farm. I was out bucking apples one day and one just landed right in front of me, I knew that I was meant to be the mare of the farm, and then the apples appeared. I was one of the first ones in my class to get a cutie mark." "I bet your friends were totally jealous." "My friends? You know Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?" Rainbow had to pick up her jaw from the floor. "I was talking about Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle." She was able to suppress a sob at the mention of Scootaloo's name. The yellow filly looked down, not knowing how to react, "I don't know any pony by those names, miss." Rainbow Dash leaped over the table and grabbed the filly. "You don't know your friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle? You three are the cutie mark crusaders, you are on a mission to get your cutie marks." Apple Bloom pushed off Rainbow Dash's hooves, "I don't need to be on a mission to get a cutie mark, I've got one. And Diamond Tiara's dad is our biggest customer, other than the Princess in Canterlot. Of course I'm best friends with her." Rainbow Dash looked up to see a big red hoof on her shoulder. Big Macintosh had a warning look on his face at seeing Rainbow nearly assault his little sister. "Ah don’ think ya should be doin’ that miss," he said as he pushed her away. Tears sprang to Rainbow Dash's eyes. "I don't know what's going on, this is completely crazy." She pointed to Apple Bloom, "She doesn't have a cutie mark, " she pointed to Big Macintosh, "and your sister runs this farm with you and your grandmother." She couldn't take it anymore. Her eyes rolled up into her head and she passed out. *** "Ugh, where am I?" Rainbow Dash moaned as she finally woke up again. She looked out the window, nothing but blackness. Her eyes narrowed on a big red mound laying by the door, Big Mac sat up in response to Rainbow waking. "Uhhh, Miss?" "What time is it?" He glanced at the clock, "It's nine thirty in the evenin, miss." She struggled to get up out of the bed, she must have been tossing and turning before she woke up, but how did she sleep all day? She finally freed herself of the covers and tumbled onto the floor. "Is et true, are you friends with mah sister?" She looked at Big Mac, then looked down, "I was, I think." "Well, when ya see her next, tell her that her family is doin’ good, but we do miss her." "I will, do you know when the next train to Manehattan is leaving?" "I don't remember all the schedules, but I do remember hearing the train whistle around ten at night, and it'll be the last for the night, so ya better hustle or you'll miss it." She looked at him sorrowfully, "Would you happen to have any bits I could borrow, Big Mac?" He looked uncertain, "With us having to hire unicorns to keep the trees growin, money has been tight the last year or so, but I think I could spot ya the bits for a ticket miss." She trotted over to him and gave him a hug. "I'll find out what's going on, and I'll fix this." He looked at her appraisingly, "Yah know, I think ya will." She barely made it in time for the last train east. *** The last time Rainbow Dash had gone to Manehattan was with Rarity and her friends for fashion week, though in the early morning darkness, she did notice that lights were being lit throughout the city. She trotted down a street, she had found a city directory and was heading to the Orange mansion. It was still early, but she decided to try the door. After a few minutes knocking, an old gray pony opened it. "May I help you?" "My name is Rainbow Dash, from Ponyville. I'm looking for my friend Applejack." "Miss Applejack has just awakened, I will inform her, if you'll wait in the library." He moved back to allow her inside, she followed the direction he pointed and meekly waited in the library. She looked around, not a single Daring Do book to be found. Ugh, how boring. "I remember every pony from Ponyville, and I don't remember any pony by the name of Rainbow Dash." She turned around at the familiar voice, but not the accent. She sounded like Rarity, no. Rainbow shook her head hard, she sounded like a Canterlot elite snob. She saw the orange earth pony at the door, and suffered another major shock. Applejack was wearing a dress, her ubiquitous Stetson was missing, and she was wearing, of all things, makeup. Rainbow shrunk from the sight. Applejack regarded the cyan pegasus critically. "No, I don't know you, with that shocking mane, I would never forget that garish color scheme. You need to leave." She opened her mouth and inhaled to call the butler, only to be stopped by a hoof to the mouth. "Applejack, it's me, your friend, Rainbow Dash. We've been friends for years, ever since you found me in your orchard just after I moved to Ponyville. You got me for poaching apples, before I got the job as weather mare for Ponyville. You have to believe me." She removed her hoof. "You've got to be toying with me, Miss Dash, I've never run an orchard. I left that uncouth place many years ago, just after I lost my parents. I belong here now, with the rest of the elite. Now if you will excuse me." Rainbow Dash, at this point, completely lost her cool. She grabbed her friend and started shaking her. "Please, Applejack, you have to remember me, we've been friends for years, you and I tied for last place at the running of the leaves competition, we've done so much…" her words were interrupted via an orange hoof decking her across the face. She tumbled to the floor and looked up at her friend. "I'm sorry, I don't remember anything you've been telling me. It is time for you to go." Sobbing, Rainbow Dash fled.