//------------------------------// // Ask. 4 // Story: Ask a changeling // by ParadoxPony //------------------------------// Hey Narris, Do you plan on telling your new friends your... secret? I was sure the blush was visible on my face since the three crusaders turned to me with questioning looks. "W-what secrets? I-I-I j-just told them? Shut the horse up voice!" They shrugged, to my pure relief, and then began talking to the voices. "Where did you guys come from?" Asked Scootaloo. "Can you see us?" Asked Sweetie Belle. "Do yuh like apples?" Asked AB to which she received odd looks from the rest of us. There was no reply. I cleared my throat. "Sooo...Let's try a few things out. Girls, I want each of us to go to a separate end of the orchard and listen." "Why?" "I wanna know if we can hear the voice, even if we are far away." The girls nodded and went our separate ways. I made sure to go to an end where I wouldn't run into somepony. It's been about ten minutes since my departure and I still haven't heard anypony, or any voice in their case. I'm starting to wonder if they left or maybe just got board with us. The grass is quite soft under my hooves and I feel it alright to let myself relax and go into soul form. Bad move. No sooner had the green flames surrounded me than I heard the cracking of a branch to my left and saw what I had feared. A large red stallion stood about 15 feet away from me, just staring at me. As soon as he saw me looking he marched in my direction, not blinking, just staring at me. What should I do? Should I kill him? What if he was apple Bloom's dad or something? I had decided what I would do! I would launch myself at this stallion...This large stallion... This kill-you-with-three-hooves-behind-his-back stallion and put a memory erasing spell on him. Gulp. I narrowed my eyes, set my hole filled hooves in a offensive stance and.... Fell to the grass crying like a filly. I am a dead mare. I cringe my muscles in preparation for the blow. I feel every scale on my back stand on end as he... Pets me? I open one eye to see this massive stallion looking down on me with what seemed to be compassion in his eyes. Did he just not know what I was or something? "Howdy there." His voice is deep, but soft. I'm too afraid to reply and he knows it, because he stops stroking my back and lends out a hoof that I gradually take. His strong arms lifts me up to my hooves in a mater of seconds. I was more amazed than scared at this point. He was so strong! "H-hi.' I finally manage after a few moments of awkward silence. He gives me a genuine smile and nothing else. I wonder is you can feel us? *poke poke* "Ouch!" "Are yah hurt?" The stallion asks. "No, no I'm fine." How did they do that? And more importantly, did the others feels it too? He nods and then begins to go back to his work as if I had never been there. Before I could stop myself, I call out, "Wait!" He turns back to me. "I-um...I didn't catch your name!" He looks down for a moment, as if considering the question. "Macintosh, ma'am." I wait for a moment for him to ask me my name but he just goes back to bucking apples. "I'm Narris." "Eeyup." This stallion was strange, but I didn't want to bother him any longer, so I left the orchard and went back to the tree house. My three friends are waiting for me by the time I get back. "Anything?" I ask. "No" they reply in unison. "You?" "Well, yah. I, uh...I got poked." "Poked?" -pokes Narris again- "OUCH!" "What happen?" My friends rushed to my side in defense, searching or sign of injury. "Why didn't we feel it?" Scootaloo asked. "I...I don't know. I think because it was directed at me." The three of them looked at me, a smile on each of their faces. Oh horse. You may want to be a bit cautious in the Crusader's antics Narris. They mean well, but they can be sort of...dangerous. They didn't seemed to notice that remark as they inched closer to me and I inched back. "GIrls? You know what this means? If WE can be one of those voice thingies, WE can get in other ponies heads!" I took a few more hoof steps back as they advanced farther. I was getting dangerously close to the clubhouse wall. "Think'a what we could do'ta Diamond'n'Silver Spoon!" My back hits the wooden wall behind me and my ears fold down. "Yeah! Time to get back at these bullies!" I slowly skidded down, filling my back with a few splinters. "Think of the cutie mark we could get!" In unison,the three fillies became very close and very loud. "Show us Narris!" A bead of sweat rolled down my forehead. "B-b-but I-I can't! I don't know how." "But earlier you-..." "What?" "Oh, never mind." Sweetie Belle fibbed. I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking. The four of us stood in thought and silence, wondering what to do next when the southern voice of Apple Jack was heard on the ground bellow. "APPLE BLOOM! AH THOUGHT AH TOLD'JA TA CLEAN OUT THE PIG'S PEN!" "COME'N BIG SIS! Sorry girls, Ah gotta go. See ya'll on Monday." Apple Bloom trotted drearily out of the tree house and down to her older sister. Something about that mare gave me a bad feeling. Apple Jack. Scootaloo sighed. "I think I better go too girls. Rainbow Dash and I have a play date soon." "Me too. Rarity wants me to help her make her dresses...Or at least I'm sure she will when she sees how helpful I am!" My two remaining friends left the tree house in search of home. Something about all those names did seem familiar though. Something bad... Oh frick... Pinkie, the problem is worse than I thought. They've hit three more sinks, unstable ones too, and it seems that there's a rupture in the first one. I know we usually don't do this, but... you have permission to activate Derpy Hooves for assistance. Good luck, citizen. "No...Not yet...Not now...Not like this..." Pinkie can I tell him what's going on? "Which him? I already informed the muffin man if that's what you mean.'' I drank the strawberry shake in one large gulp and set the glass heavily back to the table. It was Saturday. It was a lonely Saturday... Apple Bloom was catching up on chores, Sweety Belle was grounded (something about setting the house on fire?) and Scootaloo was on a camping trip with Dash. Even Diamond Tiara was busy, she said she had to wash out her mane, I believe. I searched around Sugar Cube Corner for a familiar face in this lonely crowd. Umm… Narris,…do you know what your into. Just try not to fall down cliffs, bridges, roofs, ropes connecting mountains, etc. I don't want to lose a bet with Nigel. -Lightning "Why would I fall of a-...Whose Nigel?...Never mind, I'm afraid to ask." My friends were the only thing on my mind. The only thing worth my time. Hmmm... You might wanna get the Crusaders out of your head, Narris. I'm sure that somepony will just scream out something about you-know-what. Some telepathic ponies are like that. "Don't worry. They can't hear you as long as we aren't next to each other...I think." Also, how was your cookie? "Oh, I haven't eaten it yet. I'm saving it for 'lunch' on Monday. I think I'm starting to get what ponies eat.' Psst hey narris I'm a changeling as well "Do you mind not telling everypony that?!" I poked around the cherry at the bottom of the glass. It was hopeless. Scenta wasn't even home, too busy exploring the boring world of clothe shopping. I felt a nudge to my right as somepony's shoulder brushed by me. I wasn't about to see who it was until the voice was heard. "oh sorry, I-...Hey, it's you!" The blood rushed to my face when I saw him. It was that tall stallion at school. He was wearing a blue apron and holding a broom in one hand. "M-me?" "Yeah. You're the new mare, right?" New mare? I took a shot in the dark and answered yes. That seemed to satisfy him and he took the booth across from me. "So, how do you like it here?" "It-it's, uh, nice?" He smiled awkwardly as our conversation grew quiet. "Well...I have to get back to work. Nice meeting you, um.." His hoof made a circular motion as I stood there looking like a confused idiot. "What was your name?" "Oh! Narris, my name is Narris." "Right, right. Narris. Okay. See you Monday." "Y-yah." I said dully with the dumbest looking smile I could possibly have had. He turned away...and right into a gray mare, dropping his broom and tumbling back into my hooves. I caught him in my wings just in time before the Pagasus he had ran into came toppling on top of the both of us, smashing the whole lot to the tile floor below. My wing twisted uncomfortably below the two of them. Hooves and wings gambled together, each trying to escape the mess. A cream hoof hit me upside the cheek and a wing of the same color found its way inside my mouth. I spit out the feathers and squirmed out. I looked back out at the two still struggling to escape...Or at least one was. I pulled a feather from my mouth...It was cream which means... Oh my... His wing was in my....His wing...My mouth... I rushed from the cafe, passing laughing ponies and a particularly odd pink one on my way out. Pinkie's smile grew wider. "Mission accomplished."