//------------------------------// // Chapter 38 // Story: Are You Ready? // by Dirty Bit //------------------------------// Chapter 38 Inner Struggle Dr. Facilier took his time to wander around Canterlot to pass the time before he was to come back to the castle for a lunch prepared by Princess Celestia. Though he had access to the Royal Library, he thought it would be better to roam the streets and clear his thoughts. With what had happened a few hours ago, he couldn't even think straight anymore, especially with that small feeling from before lurking about in his mind. He couldn't believe that he had been denied a chance to be rid of his debt completely without having to deal with a twisted game. The Shadowcolt didn't know how to react other than to stutter and stammer out of shock and confusion. His only way out was to change his ways completely, but he wondered if it were actually that easy to go so far as to becoming a whole different pony, completely alien to who he really was before his time in Equestria. As he progressed with learning the Magic of Friendship, he began to feel reluctant to do anything horrible he enjoyed doing before for the sake of trying to escape his problem. His shadow was showing a crooked frown, feeling sadness for its master upon the current matter of his obligation. While the doctor was feeling sad about his debt, the shadow was feeling sad about how he was acting. The shadow indeed missed all of those times the two performed acts of mischief before they became ponies, be it scamming passing folks or making their lives miserable with potions planned to go awry. It was saddening to see its master feel so lost about his predicament. Dr. Facilier kept passing be random nobles and felt like looking around at certain activity around the city. Maybe the scenery could help clear his mind with how boring, yet busy Canterlot is nowadays 'Maybe I can try t' strike up conversation with some o' them rich folk...' He then shook his head with a frown 'Nahhhh...' Closing his eyes and giving a sigh, he continued walking, and then accidentally bumped into another pony. Opening his eyes and brushing himself off, he looked ahead and apologized. "Sorry 'bout that, my eyes were shut. It's just that my brain's stuck in a rut..." He looked and saw not one, but two ponies. The one he bumped into was a classy looking unicorn stallion with a white coat and blue mane, sporting a moustache and a monocle to compliment his dashing tuxedo. His cutie mark was three golden crowns. The one next to the stallion was a slender, yet voluptuous unicorn mare with a white coat and pink mane, having a cutie mark that was a set of Fleurs de Lis, two purple, one yellow. The classy unicorn stallion brushed himself off and donned a friendly smile as he looked at Dr. Facilier "Oh, it's quite alright, good sir. I'm sure whatever is bothering you must be of utmost importance." He took the time to examine the Shadowcolt "Hmmm...You don't seem to be a regular around these parts. Oh, but I must say I do admire your attire! Simply stunning." While he was talking, the unicorn mare next to the stallion was making a random pose as he bowed "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Fancy Pants, and this is my wife, Fleur. We were simply on our way home until we've met you. And you are??" Dr. Facilier blinked at this. A friendly noble other than Celestia and Luna? In Canterlot? Clearly this was a sight to behold for him. His shadow was just as confused as it tilted its head while they weren't looking. Not wanting to waste time, he cleared his throat and tipped his hat as he introduced himself. "Th' name you're lookin' for is Dr. Facilier. How're y'all doin' on this fine day? This suit o' mine's alright, you see. It was made by a girl named Rarity." Fleur was making another pose on the opposite side of Fancy Pants as he replied "My my, you're a doctor? I must say, I'm impressed. Are you here on business, perha-Wait! Did you say Rarity??" He adjusted the monocle on his left eye with his magic as he gave a hearty chuckle "Why, how peculiar! I just so happen to have known a mare named Rarity! Are you from Ponyville, Dr. Facilier??" The Shadowcolt never thought a pony like Fancy Pants would be this interested in him, especially after mentioning Rarity. Maybe it was a good idea to strike some conversation with somepony in Canterlot after all. He smiled as he replied to the classy stallion. "Yeah, I live there, an' it's pretty nice. Rarity's a friend o' mine, t' be precise." Fancy Pants nodded "I see...You know, she is also friends with the Princess according to my knowledge. Are you acquainted with her royal highness as well? Since that you're friends with Miss Rarity, I would assume that you would have some sort of connection with Princess Celestia." He couldn't know about the complications behind his debt. Dr. Facilier thought of a lie to hide the details behind his persona. "I've met th' princess, but I'm only visiting here T' enjoy th' scenery an' make my mind clear..." The classy stallion nodded as Fleur made another pose "Ah, yes, you spoke of a mental problem earlier. How ironic actually...A doctor with a problem of his own." He chuckled at his own joke "Well, that is unless you're a psychiatrist. Dr. Facilier, what do you specialize in, if you don't mind me asking??" The Shadowcolt rolled his eyes at Fancy Pants' attempt at humor and decided to enlighten him since he was at least the only tolerable noble in Canterlot. "I jus' brew some potions t' help th' sick. I even have a spot at Ponyville Clinic. It's a small job, but I can't complain. Most o' my potions even ease some pain. Fancy Pants gave a smirk "I see, so you're an alchemist then...Most impressive, Dr. Facilier." He then pulled out his pocketwatch and flinched "Oh my. It seems I have stalled for time on my end. Me and Fleur really must be heading back home now, so I'm afraid we'll have to cut this conversation short. My apologies, but perhaps we can talk later?" Dr. Facilier shook his head with a smile. "It was nice chattin' with ya, even if it was small. Outta all these nobles, you're th' best o' them all..." The classy stallion chuckled "The citizens of Canterlot really are very dull in your eyes, aren't they? While they have class, I highly doubt they have the nice personality that you or Miss Rarity have. This may have been a brief moment of conversation, but I enjoyed it as well, friend. Maybe you could visit us sometime if you're ever around in Canterlot. Farewell, Dr. Facilier." He gave a slight bow as he trotted past him. Fleur was doing a random pose, and then noticed Fancy Pants trot away as she quickly galloped after him. Watching Fancy Pants show his kind and polite demeanor made the doctor think about his current situation and the small feeling lingering inside of him. The classy stallion was indeed perhaps the most nicest pony he has met in Equestria, and he isn't even royalty. The Shadowcolt could only wish that it would be easy for him to become a whole new colt and be rid of his problem, but he couldn't fathom what was bothering him. He went back to walking to help clear his mind and find an answer to his problem, while his shadow continued to frown. Little did Dr. Facilier know, that his shadow wasn't feeling just sadness for its master, but hidden anger. As he trotted along further in the streets, Dr. Facilier heard what seemed to be the sound of insulting laughter as he noticed a scene in the distance ahead of him. A small group of nobles, two stallions and two mares, were laughing at a lone earth pony mare, who looked like she was about to cry as she sat on her haunches. Dr. Facilier saw this and was beginning to get angry, while his shadow began to show a wide and crooked smile. He felt like should go over there and teach the group a lesson, but he didn't want to stoop to their level. The Shadowcolt watched as the group began trotting away with their laughter, and then took the moment to gallop towards the mare before she could flood the street with her tears. "Hey there, girl. What happened back there? Why'd those ponies fill ya with despair??" The mare sniffled and shedded a tear as Dr. Facilier helped her up "Th-They were making fun of my clothes and my lifestyle...I never expected them to just tear me apart like this." She sobbed a little as the doctor was moved by her dilemma. A small part of him wanted to get back at the ones that insulted her, but he wanted to push it aside and figure out how to cheer up the poor mare.This made the doctor's shadow give a silent scoff of outrage as it frowned. "So they said some things that are harsh an' stuff, But that's jus' cuz' they don' have it rough... While they feel high an' mighty lookin' down below, It's really cuz' they all have so much dough." Wiping her eyes and clearing her tears, she gave Dr. Facilier a small smile "You know...Maybe you're right. I never really figured the residents of Canterlot to be so cruel when it came to words. It's a good thing that I don't live here...then I would have to deal with their slander twenty-four seven." This made the Shadowcolt widen his eyes in surprise. The mare he was speaking to looked as if she actually was living in Canterlot with her frilled dress and well-done manestyle. He raised an eyebrow at the mare. "Sorry 'bout that, my hearin's not clear... Did y'all jus' say that you don' live here??" The mare nodded "Why yes. And I'm thankful that I don't, really. I much prefer to live in my hometown of Baltimare! It's simply nicer, especially since I'm more familiar with everypony there. They are indeed more friendly and hard-working! Canterlot IS a very fine place and all, but I love my home all the more! I'm only visiting here for the time being to see the sights." Dr. Facilier paused at this, and spoke again. "But ya look like y'all could fit in here jus' fine! Clearly, those ponies were way outta line! They should jus'accept ya for what you are, Yet instead they insult ya an' go too far!" The mare sighed and spoke once more "Yes, their words are hurtful, but they could never be more right. I actually enjoy the way I look and how I live. Sure it doesn't seem right to others, but it's who I am, you know??" The Shadowcolt paused at this and stayed silent upon hearing her words. They flowed through his mind like a coursing river, especially the last sentence. Before he could ponder further, the shadow had enough of this. It was time to disobey its master for the first time to set him straight. While the two weren't looking, it swooped over to the distant group of nobles that insulted the mare Dr. Facilier was conversing with. It then began to tug on one of their shadows to catch their attention. The stallion that was touched looked around "Huh?" he then turned to the rest of his friends "Which one of you touched me just now?" One of the mares replied "It wasn't me nor any of us. What makes you think we would go so far as to-OH!" With widened eyes, she darted her head left and right "What in blazes? Somepony just slapped my hindquarters!" The two stallions raised their eyebrows at this, and then one gave out a yelp as he was forcefully launched into the other. The stallion grunted and pushed the other off "What has gotten into you!? You nearly ruined my suit!" While the stallion was infuriated as he brushed himself off, the rest of the group were looking about with weary and slightly fearing eyes. The doctor's shadow was giving a crooked smile as it went back to making their lives miserable with idle trickery. Dr. Facilier went to speak until his ears perked up to hear the distant sounds of the nobles yelling. He turned and looked at the distance scene and galloped over, leaving the mare tilting her head in confusion "Was it something I said??" Arriving at the scene, the Shadowcolt noticed what was going on as the group of nobles were either getting pinched or lightly bucked as they stumbled about and tried to catch who was responsible. It felt like they were being threatened by a ghost, until Dr. Facilier knew exactly what was going on. He caught his shadow giving a widened smile after the group of nobles fell into a tired, yet paranoid pile, their outfits messed up and their manes and tails ruffled. Dr. Facilier stared at this for one moment, and his lips slowly curved into a smile as he began to chuckle. The chuckle then turned into laughter, making the shadow smile even more. The laughter then became more morbid and familiar, causing the Shadowcolt to stop and place both hooves over his mouth with an expression of shock. His shadow swooped back to him, keeping its smile as its master sat on his haunches with his mouth covered by his forelegs. The mare Dr. Facilier spoke to before trotted up to his side "Excuse me, sir...Are you alright?" She looked ahead and gasped at the sight of the group that had made fun of her before all messed up. The mare then turned to the Shadowcolt with an expression of shock and confusion "Did you do this!?" Dr. Facilier only stammered and shook his head after removing his forelegs from his mouth "N-No! No, I-I-...I..." He couldn't come up with a proper rhyme with how flustered he was from his action earlier. The doctor shifted his gazes at the mare in front of him and the group that his shadow had made suffer for their arrogance. It was even too much to bear with how he felt about it. He felt joy from seeing their pain. Was it true what his 'friends' had said before? That it was impossible for Dr. Facilier to change completely? He frantically shook his head as he rose from his sitting position and began galloping back towards the castle and leaving the mare behind once more. He breezed past each passing citizen in the streets as he made his way towards the royal gates as his mind was racing with several thoughts. ______________________ Dr. Facilier laid in his room as night had fallen outside in the city. His clothes and hat were hanging on a fine rack while he was merely laying on his comfortable bed and staring at the ceiling. Throughout the rest of the day after he returned to the castle, he had been silent, and hadn't taken the time to find or speak to either Celestia or Luna with his troubles. If he were to resolve his own issues, he would have to do it himself. Besides, even he would know that the princesses would only say certain things like 'Be strong' or 'We have faith in you'. He was even silent in front of them during dinner, and they even responded with their own silence, leading him to believe that they know exactly what was bothering him. They know his problems and even managed to get him halfway out of it, yet they couldn't help him now because their little bet. But was he being selfish with what he asked from Celestia? Or was it because how high his debt was that his circumstances were so dire? No. It couldn't be. He shook his head slowly as he wanted to consider his thoughts lies. But once more, the small part of his mind that had been bugging him today was still there. Dr. Facilier was too flustered with what went through his mind at the moment, and decided to think of something else to ease himself. His lips curved into a smile as he thought about the one thing that brought him joy in all of Equestria other than Celestia saving him 'Fluttershy...Oh, I miss that mare already...I'm sure she'll welcome me with open hooves once I return t' Ponyville. She's definitely th' best thing that happened t' my life next t' th' all th' magic I've learned here an' there...' His affection for Fluttershy was indeed genuine, and it was probably the only thing that gave him solace in his new life. To think that her very soul was all he needed for his freedom was a little conflicting, but it didn't matter anymore. The thought of the timid mare alone was enough to ease the Shadowcolt and lull himself into a deep sleep, especially when he remembered the lullaby she taught him one night 'How'd it go again??' He began to close his eyes as his head played out the melody 'Hush now, quiet now, it's time t' lay your sleepy head...Hush now, quiet now, it's time t' go t' bed...' He smiled as he shut his eyes 'Driftin' off to sleep, the exciting day behind you...Driftin' off to sleep, let the joy of dream land find you...' With that, he did what the song had mentioned and fell asleep. He figured his slumber to be dreamless, until he woke up to what seemed to be a black abyss. Dr. Facilier thought it was Luna monitoring his dreams again until he noticed he was human again. Now he was confused on whether it was Luna or his 'friends' invading his mind as he looked around the towering blackness "Hello?? Anypony there??" It felt awkward to use pony lingo while he was in his human form, but then he heard...footsteps? Dr. Facilier heard footsteps for the first time in a long while as he darted his head in many directions with curious eyes. He then caught a distant figure approaching him. It was bipedal, it was wearing a nice suit and hat, and it had a cane. He squinted his eyes, and then widened at what he saw. It was himself. The Shadowman saw an exact replica of himself approaching him in the black abyss. The only visible differences were that he had a cane in his right hand and he held an expression of extreme displeasure in the form of anger. The other Facilier leered at the former as he stared with shock and finally spoke "Wait a minute...This is a dream, yet here ya are...Who are ya exactly?" The other Facilier gritted his teeth as he glared "What does it look like, genius!? I'm you!!" He lashed out in anger. This one claimed to be the Shadowman himself, yet he seemed outraged and ready to smack the other doctor with his cane. This left the former doctor perplexed as he pointed "Th' hell's that s'posed t' mean?" He placed a thumb on his chest "I'm me. Who're y'all t' claim my identity?" He then felt the end of the other doctor's cane across his face as he fell down. The other Faciier glared "I already told ya, I'm you! The REAL you! Y'all 've been pushin' me int' th' back o' your mind while ya hung out with them nambly pambly ponies! I oughta jus' smack ya around til ya get th' message!" Clearly he wasn't hearing correctly. The real Facilier in front of him? Was he the small part of his mind that has been bugging him during his time of rehabilitation in Equestria? Why did he have to choose to bother the Shadowman now while he was so close to freedom? He got up and rubbed his cheek as he glared back "What do ya mean 'th' real me'? I'M me! Are ya tryin' t' confuse me or somethin'? Cuz' lemme tell ya, it ain't workin'!! Why're ya choosin' t' bother me while I'm tryin' t' sleep!? Did my so-called friends pull this or somethin'? Or is this some kind o' test bein' presented by Luna?" The other Facilier face palm and streaked his hand down slowly to reveal his flowing ire "Our friends on th' other side aren't involved in this...an' that little princess ain't even botherin' t' take a look in our head while you're sleepin'! Bottom line is, y'all are in your own head, an' I'm th' real article standin' in front o' ya! Look at yourself! Do ya even know who ya are anymore!?" This was kind of annoying to listen to what seemed to be an argument with himself and spoke "This is a trick, you're an illusion, an' this is all jus' some stupid attempt at a nightmare! All I wanna do is wake up tomorrow an' start a new day as a new man!" He paused, and felt embarrassed to correct himself "...Stallion?" He was met with another smack across the face with the other Facilier's cane as he spoke "New man!? Th' hell's so new about ya other than this whole 'Magic o' Friendship' crap!? There's only one thing y'all need t' know about yourself, an' that's ya don't belong with them stupid ponies, actin' like some kinda bleedin' heart goofball! Ya are who ya are, an' that THE Dr. Facilier!" He then pointed his cane as he set a firm glance and grinned his gapped teeth "Remember that time we read that one man's fortune and 'cured' his baldness afterwards?" Dr. Facilier heard his clone's words, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the fond memory. The other Facilier nodded "Yeah, we got'em good! An' remember when we tricked that stupid prince an' his little servant? How we turned him int' a frog after he bought our prediction?" The former Shadowman began to laugh more at how he pulled that stunt with relative ease, how he rolled his silver tongue so well. He then stopped himself as he caught on and shook his head "No! No way, that ain't me no more! I'm tryin' t' change my ways an' be rid o' my past forever! Is that too much t' ask!?" The other Facilier's grin quickly turned into a scowl upon hearing the former's words "Ya jus' don't get it, do ya? Ya are who ya are! Y'all aren't some soft little pony who thrives on friendship! You're a man who loved himself some magic and mischief!" Dr. Facilier then spoke out "An' look where that got us!! Some slimy li'l frog jus' foiled us right then an' sent us t' hell in a freakin' handbasket!! I was lucky enough t' have th' princess save me jus' t' keep me away from my 'friends'! Why do ya even bother tryin' t' tell me that it ain't right t' become a whole new man!?" The other Facilier smirked "Cuz' it is how it is. You're jus' learning that friendship crap so y'all could stay away from our friends forever...an' I gotta give ya props on that, but let's be honest for once...Ya can't escape who ya are!" He then smacked the tip of his cane on the nonexistent floor "An' we could've been free sooner if ya hadn't grown a soft spot for that insufferable 'fraidy cat!!" This made the former Facilier get angry as he pointed a finger "Don't you DARE talk badly about my girl Fluttershy, buddy!!!" The other Facilier scoffed and rolled his eyes "Or what!? Ya gonna cry or somethin'? I'm practically what's left o' your balls, barrin' our little shady friend!!" The former Shadowman then thought back to how his shadow caused that little scene earlier today in Canterlot, and how he somehow enjoyed it. The other Facilier continued "Like I said, we coulda had it made! They weren't kiddin' about her soul's value, oh no...That soul alone coulda saved ten people like us! But noooo~!! Ya jus' HAD t' make 'er your girlfriend!! An' I already know y'all wanna get hitched with her later in ya life, but we BOTH know that hitchin' tires ya down!" He then smiled "Y'all jus' wanna be free an' hop from place t' place...But this time, it ain't green that'll solve our troubles..." Dr. Facilier then got more angry "I'M NOT KILLIN' HER!! YA HEAR ME!?" The other Facilier scoffed at this, unphased by the former's volume "Listen up an' listen good...Soon, y'all will have no choice but t' go back t' hell, an' it ain't gonna be pretty. This li'l rehab session o' yours is a waste o' time, even if ya had enjoyed a break from so much torture. I wanna be free as much as you do, but ya can't get rid o' me!" He held out his arms and smiled "This is who ya are, an' there ain't nothin' y'all can do about it, no matter how much ya love that timid mare!" He began to give out his signature evil laugh, and it echoed in the abyss. This made the former Facilier fall to his knees and clasp his hands in his ears as he stared down and hyperventilated. This felt just like listening to 'The Song' when he was angry "No...No!! This ain't right at all!! I can change!! I can!!" The other Facilier stopped laughing and looked down at the former with a bored expression, tsking at how pathetic he looked "Ya jus' won't listen t' reason, will ya?? Fine...I'll wait til ya see th' big picture. But y'all better not make yourself look bad..." He began to walk away, giving a mock wave after turning his back on the sad-looking shell of a man "See ya around, man...Enjoy your 'Friendship' while it lasts..." He then faded out of sight as his appearance was engulfed by the abyss. This was indeed a nightmare for Dr. Facilier. To face what would be considered his former evil self still around and wanting to have a little fun. Was it really impossible to change completely?? After bowing his head while on his knees, he then got up and glared "No...No, my friendship WILL last! Jus' you watch! I'll be a new man-er stallion soon enough!" He shouted at the darkness as he rose to his feet. "...I hope..." End of Chapter 38