Demon of the Everfree

by Shatter Steel

Bad First Impressions

Waking up in pain is something I'm hoping to not make a habit of, but life is funny that way. Opening my eyes, the first thing i saw was a white ceiling, not the tree tops before. Looking around confirmed my suspicions that I was not in a forest but what looked like a hospital room.
The bed I was in was comfy but for some reason my feet were hanging over the edge quite a bit. A blue curtain hung to my right blocking my view of the rest of the room.

"It was just a dream...." I laid back down in my bed recalling that strange dream, The strange lion creature, the filly, and my arm. Reaching to rub my sore shoulder, my heart began to sink and quickly go into over drive. "My...arm? Where is my arm?!!" Looking where my arm was supposed to be was nothing but a short stub with bloodied bandages on the end. My heart quickly skyrocketed into overdrive as I tried to figure out what was going on and what happened to me. I screamed in terror trying to get out of the bed, I was so panicked I tangled myself in the sheets and fell to the floor. The pain in my arm also sky rocketed causing me to scream out in pain.

The curtains were pulled back and a white pony with a pink mane moved in me. "Someone bring some anesthetic, the patient is panicked!" Her voice was feminine and soft. My eyes locked onto her, she was wearing what looked like a nurses cap with a red cross. "Wh...what..." My brain was still trying to register my missing arm and now I got talking ponies. Another pony rushed through the door (cause my brain didn't hurt enough), this one with a brown coat, mane and a horn sticking straight out of his head , with what looked like a needle floating over his head.

"Redheart hold him still."

"Yes doctor." The stallion seemed to be hovering the needle slowly towards me as the mare pinned my shoulders down with her hooves.

My brain finally decided I've had enough and reacted. Grabbing the mare by her mane i yanked her to the side the best I could knocking her into the stallion, both of them collapsing on each other. Forcing myself onto my feet I ran to the door only; I was almost to the door when something latched onto my feet causing me to fall to the ground. Looking at my ankle, I saw a golden light wrapped it. I tried tugging my leg away but couldn't get loose.

"Please stop we are trying to help you!" I looked over and saw the stallion behind me his horn glowing the same color light as my ankle. He had a worried look on his face, but that didn't help calm me down.

"Who and what are you?!" I asked my voice panicked.

The pony gestured his hoof to his chest "I'm Dr. Flatline," he then pointed to the white mare "and this is Nurse Redheart. You are in a hospital and we just want to help."

My heart was starting to slow down and I was starting to get my bearings. "What happened to me..? What happened to MY ARM?!!"

Dr. Flatline flinched a bit as a I raised my voice t the end. "You were stung by a manticore, the venom destroyed your arm before we could save it. Please just sit and we will explain all we can." I looked between him and the nurse. Nurse Redheart looked like she was scared of me but was ready to pounce at a moments notice.

I calmed my breathing and looked at the doctor. "Ok... but first please put down the needle, I don't like needle's."

Dr. Flatline gave me a concerned look but nodded. Setting the needle on a table he gestured a hoof to the bed. "Please sit so we can check your wounds." I reluctantly did what I was told and let them examine my arm. The doctor made a few descriptions and the nurse jotted what he said down on a clipboard. When he seemed to be satisfied, he bandaged my arm back and the nurse left the room.

"Ok, your arm seems to be healing fine with no infection, so that's good. Can.... can I ask you for your name?"

"Luceo... Luceo Mackenzie."

The doctor nodded. "Well as I've said my name is Dr. Flatline. Can you tell me what you last remember?"

I thought trying to remember what happened before i blacked out. "I woke up in some forest and I heard a scream; I ran towards it and saw a weird creature attacking a filly. I tried fighting it off, but it was tougher than me and it stung me in my arm," Looking at my arm I felt my heart sink again. "then i grabbed the filly and ran as fast as I could. Is the filly ok? She's not to hurt is she?"

The doctor nodded some more. "The little filly is fine, her leg was scraped up from the thorns but the cuts a re superficial. As for the beast you saw that was a manticore, a ferocious creature with a toxic sting." He smiled a bit. " You were lucky though any longer and that venom would have reached your heart."

"Silver linings and all, I guess. Besides the obvious, where am I?"

"Your in Ponyville. A small quiet town but quite a lovely place. Actually there are a few ponies that would like to see you if you dont mind." I saw no harm in it so I shook my head. "Excellent! Just give me a few minutes and ill have them in." He trotted out the door and left me to my own.