//------------------------------// // Cakes and Pie // Story: Shard: Settling In // by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof //------------------------------// "And then Twilight was all 'nooooo. I'll never leave my friends.' Then the stone she was holding was all 'wooosh, I'm glowie.' Which made Sombra go 'Nooo! The light, it burns.' Then we all woke up and were like 'oh, no where's Twilight?' But she was fine and the princess showed up and was all 'you saved us, but he's still out there.' And we were all 'oh no, we need to stop him.'" There was a ding of a kitchen timer. "And that's what happened," Pinkie Pie finished as she pulled the cake tin out of the oven. Mr. Cake -- a tall, gangly stallion with an orange tinted yellow coat and orange mane -- and Mrs. Cake -- a thick figured mare with a pale blue coat and swirly pink mane -- stared at Pinkie, mouths hanging open slightly. The pair gave a slow blink, their minds working to process and absorb what they had just been told after parsing the Pinkie-ness of it all. "So," Mrs. Cake said slowly, "you and your friends are supposed to somehow find these... Elements of Harmony and stop this... King Sombra stallion?" "Right," Pinkie answered. She started grabbing ingredients to begin work on the next baked good. "Does that mean you'll be leaving us?" Mr. Cake asked. "No," Pinkie replied before pausing, tapping her chin. "I mean... not really?" She gave a shrug. "I guess I'll have to leave Ponyville some times to look for them or stop him or something. On the other hoof, Princess Temporal sent Fluttershy and Luna to live here when we're not, so I don't think I'll have to move to Canterlot or anything." "That's good," Mrs. Cake responded with a sigh. She gave Pinkie Pie a hug. "You may not be our daughter, but you have been like family to us." "Aww." Pinkie Pie hugged Mrs. Cake back, then stopped. She pushed the older mare away, looking at her. "What's going on?" "What do you mean?" Mrs. Cake asked. "You and Mr. Cake have been giving off weird feelings lately," Pinkie explained. "It's like..." she thought a moment and licked her lips. "It's like you're really excited and happy about something, but also really scared and nervous too. Mr. and Mrs. Cake shifted, looking to each other. "We may as well tell her," Mr. Cake suggested. "Tell me what?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Well," Mrs. Cake started slowly, "we were hoping to find out a little more first before announcing it to anypony." "You remember the other day when Cuppy was feeling a little sick?" Mr. Cake asked. Pinkie gave a nod. The bowl and ingredients were set aside, forgotten for the moment. "Well we went to the doctor and..." He turned to his wife. "We found out that... I'm pregnant," Mrs. Cake finished. "What?" Pinkie squealed, jumping in excitement. She hugged the two of them. "That's great!" She stopped, looking at the pair. "Isn't it?" "It is," Mrs. Cake answered. "We were planning on having foals. It's just that... it's a big change and a lot of responsibility." "And that was even before King Sombra's return and try to enslave all of Equestria," Mr. Cake added. "This calls for a PAR-" "NO!" both Cakes said, putting their hooves over Pinkie Pie's mouth. "Or at least not yet," Mrs. Cake continued as she pulled her hoof away. "We want to wait until we know if its a colt of filly before we tell anypony else." "Oh, okay," Pinkie said with a grin. "I super-duper-duper promise not to tell another single solitary pony until you say it's okay." "We appreciate it," Mr. Cake said. "So much," Mrs. Cake added, "that I'm going to go make you your favorite cupcakes." "HOORAY!"