//------------------------------// // Apples in the Orchard // Story: Shard: Settling In // by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof //------------------------------// "Ah really think ya should wait, AJ," said a large stallion with an orange mane. "Least 'til th' sun's back to normal." "What difference does it make?" Applejack asked. "I mean the apples are supposed to be magical anyways." "But-" "No buts, Mac," she interrupted. "I'm going to plant these zap apple seeds and you aren't getting me to change my mind." Applejack's brother Big Macintosh rolled his eyes and gave a shake of his head, but said nothing else. He knew his sister, and at this point, it would do him no good. She could get mighty stubborn once her mind was set on something. Saying anything now would just get her to argue louder and become more stubborn. Times like this, the best thing to do was just keep quiet and wait. Either it will work out the way Applejack had planned -- in which case having kept quiet will keep her saying "I told you so" to a minimum -- or it will not -- in which case she will not pout and fume as badly for as long. Admittedly, knowing this did not always stop him from pushing her buttons a little just to see the final reaction. After all, the was part of being a family. "So what's supposed to happen?" a small yellow filly with bright red mane asked. Applejack finished digging and set the trowel aside. "Well seeing as these were growing in The Everfree Forest just the other day," Applejack explained, "I'm hoping that they'll create a new bunch of zap apple trees. That way we'll have a crop twice a year instead of just once. Which also means we'll be able to sell zap apple products and make more money." She tossed the seeds into the hole. "What if it doesn't?" the filly asked. "Ah, now don't you worry, Apple Bloom." Applejack ruffled the filly's head with one of her hooves. "Ah ain't worried," Apple Bloom replied, looking up at her sister. "I'm just wonderin' is all." "Well if nothing happens now, they could still grow some the same time as the others." "And if it don't work at all," Macintosh spoke up, "we'll probably be getting some bits from the princess." Apple Bloom turned to look at her brother. "What do you mean?" "Well now that AJ is working for the princess," he explain, "she should be getting paid for it." "Big Macintosh," Applejack snapped, glaring at her big brother. "What I do, I do because it's right, and to protect my home and family. I ain't doin' it for the money." "I know that," Macintosh said calmly. "It don't change the fact that she's going to pay you for it, and we could always use the bits." "Yeah," Applejack conceded, "we could. Still, this is something that needs to be done and-" During the conversation, Applejack had been moving around. Unfortunately, she had not been paying attention to where exactly she was standing. As a result, the mare had ended up standing directly above the spot she had just placed the seeds. It was at that point in time that whatever mysterious magic that made the zap apples took affect. From the hole the seeds had been placed in, a ten foot tall tree erupted. Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom stood there, eyes wide and jaws open as they watched the tree launch Applejack flying into the air. From what they could see, it looked like she had been thrown all the way to the other side of the farm. "Do you think she's okay?" Apple Bloom asked. "Probably," Big Macintosh responded. "But... uhm..." he started to walk in the direction his sister went flying, "maybe you should go get Granny and the first aid kit. Just in case." Apple Bloom nodded and turned to run back toward the farm house as fast as she could.