Keeping your Promises

by RaylanKrios


Scootaloo did not sleep well. She didn’t really sleep at all. Instead, she laid awake, fighting every instinct in her heart and mind that told her to sprint across the hall and bury herself in the warmth and security of Rainbow’s wing. Despite those instincts, Scootaloo stayed rooted in her own bed, trying to convince herself that everything was fine right where she was. When morning came, she was more tired than when she went to bed, but she was also at least a little proud of herself.

Scootaloo and Rainbow went through their typical morning routine of breakfast, preening and trying to get out the door in a timely enough fashion that they could both avoid another dressing down about the importance of being on time. Rainbow wisely refrained from commenting on Scootaloo’s victory out of fear that mentioning it would somehow taint its purity. If she had been in Scootaloo’s hoofs, she wouldn’t want the fact that she slept in her own room to be a cause for celebration. So, in accordance with that idea, Rainbow said nothing about last night’s sleeping situation, but when she dropped Scootaloo off at the schoolhouse, she couldn’t help but notice that the filly was still carrying the feather she had given her.

After a morning spent reviewing math, it was lunchtime at the Ponyville school house, and the CMC were eating in their usual spot, under a tree, and far away from the tiara-wearing tyrant who ruled the schoolyard as though it was her personal kingdom. The only possible challenge to her authority, Cheerilee, ate lunch inside where she was easily accessible but also afforded a few minutes of peace and quiet. It was a situation that allowed her to maintain her cheerful disposition, but it had the unfortunate side effect of leaving the schoolyard firmly in the control of Diamond Tiara.

“Move it! Why don’t go get some stilts or something. Then I could actually see you when you’re getting in my way. So annoying!” Diamond said as she kicked at Pipsqueak who had the misfortune of bumping into the tyrant on his way to his own preferred grazing spot.

“Sorry, Diamond,” the diminutive colt said as he quickly hurried out of the way lest he incur further wrath.

“Diamond is such a jerk. Somepony should teach her a lesson,” Scootaloo said absentmindedly, as the CMC witnessed the latest episode of Diamond’s iron hoofed rule over lunchtime.

“Um, Scootaloo, she’s not picking on us for once. Maybe we should let this go?” Sweetie Belle offered, not wanting to see her friend get hurt again rather than disagreeing with the sentiment.

“Nothing gets better if you ignore it,” Scootaloo said quietly. She got up from the ground and tucked the feather Rainbow had given her into her own wing. She wasn’t sure if it would work, but she needed every bit of courage she could get as she began walking toward her almost certain doom. “Hey, Diamond, why don’t you leave him alone?” she called out, hoping that the bully wouldn’t be able to hear the fear in her voice.

Diamond Tiara turned and located the source of the outburst. A look of surprise as much as anger flashed across her face when she realized who it was who dared to address her in such a disrespectful manner. “You can’t tell me what to do, blank flank,” she sneered.

Scootaloo ignored the sensation of her heart pounding out of her chest. “And that’s another thing. I’m sick of you calling me blank flank all the time. I’d rather have a blank flank than have my cutie mark be a stupid tiara. You’re not princess of anything, ‘cept being a… plot flank,” she said, closing the distance between the two ponies.

Diamond wore a look of confusion; ponies simply didn’t talk to her that way. Unable to think of an appropriate response, she resorted to an old standard she used when taunting the orange pegasus. “At least I’m not some flightless chicken.”

“You don’t get to call me chicken anymore either, Cry-mond Tiara.” I’m gonna die and I didn’t even get a chance to thank AB and Sweetie for being my friends. I hope they say nice things at my funeral.

“I don’t, Chickenloo? Oh, look, I just did. Chickenloo. You’re just a stupid chicken. Actually, I take that back: chickens lay eggs, so they at least serve a purpose. You’re nothing but a useless, won’t-ever-fly, sorry excuse for a pony whose parents should have abandoned her when she was born like all the other useless pegasi.”

When asked about it later, Scootaloo would admit that she didn’t really remember punching Diamond Tiara; all she remembered was that suddenly there was a sharp thud, and when she looked down, the pink pony was sprawled in the dirt a few feet away. Diamond gingerly brought her hoof up to her muzzle, only to recoil in horror when she noticed that a sticky trail of blood now ran across her previously pristine hoof. Diamond Tiara took a few rapid breaths and then started bawling, her shrill shriek echoing across the playground as her tears fell to the ground.

The wails of a crying filly brought Cheerilee galloping out from inside the schoolhouse. “What is going on out here?” she asked in horror as much as wonder.

“Scootaloo punched Diamond Tiara in the face. I saw everything Miss Cheerilee,” Silver Spoon said, eager to condemn the orange filly who dared to fight back against the established power structure of lunchtime.

“Silver, go with Diamond to Nurse Redheart. Scootaloo, come with me,” Cheerilee said angrily.

Needless to say, Scootaloo spent the rest of the day sitting in the corner in time out waiting to learn the rest of her punishment.

After school let out, Scootaloo found herself alone with Miss Cheerilee waiting for something, though she wasn’t quite sure what. The normally smiling teacher wasn’t talking; she just sat behind her desk grading papers, occasionally looking up. Finally, Rainbow Dash walked into the school house, holding a letter.

“I got your letter. Why am I here?” Rainbow asked.

“Scootaloo, why don’t you tell Rainbow Dash what you did?”

“I kinda... punched Diamond Tiara,” Scootaloo said quietly. She had been in trouble enough to know how this would go: first Rainbow would yell at her, then Cheerilee would tell her she was wrong for punching another student. After she was through being lectured at, she’d be punished by Cheerilee, and then Rainbow would punish her again when she got home. She was surprised that instead of yelling at her, Rainbow stayed calm.

“Is Diamond Tiara okay?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“She had a bloody nose...”

“So, she’s fine then?”

“In my class, we don’t hit,” Cheerilee decreed. “What do you think we should do about this Rainbow Dash?”

“Scootaloo, why did you hit Diamond Tiara?” Rainbow asked, in a tone that suggested curiosity more than anger.

“She was bullying Pipsqueak. I told her to stop and then she called me a chicken,” Scootaloo said quietly, figuring that now she was about to get yelled at.

“I don’t care what Diamond said; I’ll punish her later. In my class, we don’t hit,” Cheerilee told the orange filly.

Rainbow Dash ignored Cheerilee’s judgment. “Did you use a weapon, Scoots?”

Scootaloo shook her head; so far this was not going how she was expecting it to.

“Did you hit her when she wasn’t looking?”


“Did you hit her after she was on the ground?”

Scootaloo shook her head. “No, it was just the one punch.”

“Well, then I don’t really see a problem here,” Rainbow said as she turned her attention back to the school teacher.

“Rainbow Dash, I’m trying to teach these kids that violence is never the answer.”

“Have you ever been bullied, Cheerilee?” The school teacher shook her head. “I didn’t think so; ponies like you don’t get bullied. I know that we’re supposed to set a good example and say things like, ‘Use your words,’ but it seems like ponies talk to Diamond Tiara all the time and she doesn’t get the message.”

“That’s not the point, Rainbow-”

“I think it is. Sometimes, you can’t reason with a bully. Sometimes, the only thing they understand is the taste of blood. Scootaloo didn’t injure her permanently, she didn’t beat her up and she fought fair.” Rainbow turned to Scootaloo. “Good job, Scoots. I’m proud of you.”

“Scootaloo needs to be punished for this!” Cheerilee exclaimed in disbelief that the mare in front of her was actually supporting Scootaloo’s actions.

“Why? Because she stood up to a bully? I’m not punishing her for that.”

“Scootaloo you’re suspended from school for the next two days, and I want you to write a letter of apology to Diamond Tiara.”

Dear Diamond Tiara, I’m sorry your ugly face got in the way of my hoof, Scootaloo thought.

“Hey, Scoots, wanna go get some ice cream?” Rainbow asked, turning her attention back to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo tried not to appear excited. She still wasn’t entirely sure what was going on, but she figured it wouldn’t help if Cheerilee thought she was happy. “Um... ok,” she said in as passive of a tone as possible.

“Awesome. Well, Scoots and I are going to go get some ice cream. I guess we’ll see you in two days,” Rainbow said cheerfully.

With nothing more to say, Rainbow turned and started to exit the building. “Bye, Miss Cheerilee!” Scootaloo said quietly, before hurrying to catch up with her idol, leaving an annoyed and perplexed school teacher behind them.

True to her word, Rainbow took Scootaloo to the ice cream shop and bought a pair of ice cream cones for the duo to enjoy. “Okay, kid. Serious talk time. You can’t go around punching ponies in the face,” Rainbow said as Scootaloo happily licked at the chocolate mound of ice cream balancing precariously on top of a waffle cone.

“I know, but I was just thinking about how you said that things don’t get better if you ignore them, and how Diamond is always bullying ponies. So, I thought maybe I could do something about it.”

“Diamond Tiara is a special case, but Cheerilee is right; in general, you shouldn’t go around punching ponies in the face, even if they deserve it.

“So, how do I know when it’s okay?”

“I think you’re smart enough to figure it out. But for now, I don’t want to hear anymore about you getting into fights.”

“I won’t, I promise. But how’d you know all that about bullies, not listening and stuff?”

Rainbow spoke quietly. She didn’t like thinking about what life was like when she was a filly. “Remember when I told you how I got my cutie mark?” Scootaloo nodded. “Well, even after I did a sonic rainboom, I still kinda sorta got bullied. I told the teachers, but all that meant was that the bullies waited until the teachers weren’t around to tease me. Then one day I stood up for myself.” Rainbow let out a low chuckle. “I bucked one of them so hard right in his stupid mouth.” Rainbow caught herself smiling and quickly changed her expression to a somber one. “The bullies still weren’t nice to me after that, but they did think twice before calling me Rainbow Crash again.”

“Oh.” Scootaloo still had trouble imagining a world where anypony could possibly say anything even remotely negative about the mare in front of her. Rainbow Dash was way too cool for that. “Don’t worry Rainbow Dash. I still think you’re the most awesome pony in all of Equestria, even if some stupid bullies did make fun of you.”

“Thanks kid.” A smile began to form on Rainbow face again. “So, you really knocked her down with one punch?

Scootaloo grinned sheepishly. “Yeah.”

“That’s my girl,” Rainbow said, no longer trying to suppress the big smile on her face as she ruffled the purple mane. A second later, Rainbow strained her neck upward, trying to get a closer look at Scootaloo’s flank.

“What are you doing?” Scootaloo wondered.

“I just thought you might have earned a bully punching cutie mark. Maybe something cool like a boxing glove.”

“Did I?!” Scootaloo said, straining, trying to glimpse her own flank. She let out a disappointed “oh” when she confirmed it was still bare.

“That’s okay, squirt. Let’s see if we can’t get you an ice cream eating cutie mark.”