
by BlazzingInferno

Family Meals

Brunch came just in time. Between her almost nonexistent breakfast, long walk in killer shoes, and the bravado she’d mustered for Iron Wing, she was ready to eat anything. Luckily for her, anything was precisely what she could request.

By the time she strolled into the miniature banquet hall, all the other princesses were seated at the square table. The atmosphere was surprisingly laid back, considering that she was mingling with royalty. In this special room, deep within the castle, she was just another pony. There would be no bowing, no overt formalities, and no silly titles.

Luna proved this by letting out a belch. Twilight giggled, Celestia tried not to.

Cadence was the first to look away from the spectacle and see Cloud Walker approaching. “Good morning! How was your first meeting?”

Cloud Walker kicked off her shoes and grinned. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

“I knew you’d get the hang of this.”

“Oh this one didn’t have anything to do with being a princess; I just needed a little old fashioned Cloudsdale diplomacy.”

“Cloudsdale diplomacy?”

“Insults, mostly.”

The others chuckled. They thought she was joking.

She found a seat at the table and looked over the array of delicacies that’d already been set out. More than anything she wanted something simple, like hay and eggs with a little spicy rainbow sauce. Her stomach insisted such a special request would take too long. Instead she slid over the nearest two plates, one filled with miniature sandwiches and the other with fruit tarts.

Powdered sugar coated her nose as she snatched a tart from the top of the pile. One of her hooves reached up to steady the tiara on her head. If she wasn’t careful it’d land in her tea cup again.

Celestia smiled at her. Somehow that pony managed to look regal even while working her way through a plate of celery stalks and tea cakes. “How did you sleep, Cloud Walker?”

Awful. That’s what she wanted to say. She couldn’t though; not to Celestia, not even in this room where crowns were just funny hats. Being that flippant with the grand sovereign of Equestria went against everything she’d ever been taught. Her grade school teacher once gave her a week of detention for refusing to capitalize her title on a report.

“It was… all right. I’m still not used to sleeping in such a big room, or being in one at all for that matter. I think the Cloudsdale weather factory is smaller.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, I know the past week has been quite an adjustment. Twilight here should remember what it feels like more than either of us.”

Twilight, now the second newest alicorn in the room, tensed up. Her cheeks were smeared with jam and her quick look around the room made it clear that she was more than a little self conscious about it in present company.

“Oh, um, yes. I suppose I am.”

“Care to compare notes during our magic lesson?”

Twilight nodded while she wiped her face. “I’d love to.”

Cadence jumped in next. “I know how you feel about home, this visit for your coronation has been wonderful but personally I can’t wait to see Shining Armor again.”

Twilight smiled. “And I can’t wait to see my Ponyville friends. How’s Shining been doing, running the Crystal Empire by himself?”

“Oh, he’s a natural! Why in his last letter he said…”

Cloud Walker’s attention shifted. While Cadence went on about her husband’s forays into leadership she studied the room’s other occupants. She used to do this all the time, whether on the campaign trail or in the mayor’s office. Everypony said more with their body language than their voice, and a room full of princesses was no exception. She’d find her niche in this group, one way or another.

The most obvious thing was magic. They all had a fork or cup floating next to them, if not several. She was the only one stooping to using her hooves or, worse still, dipping her face down to the plate to take a bite.

Familiarity was a another easy one. A healthy rapport between the royal sisters was expected. What she hadn’t counted on was the worshipful gaze that Twilight seemed to have for everypony else here. In hindsight it made perfect sense: Cadence was her sister in law and former foal sitter, and she’d been Celestia’s personal student for years. Puzzling why she idolized Luna would have to wait, Cadence’s story was about to end on a joke.

“…and he told the advisor ‘if my wife was here she’d throw you a parade, can you come back in a couple days?’”

Everypony laughed, Cloud Walker included. Cadence earned it, especially for managing to mimic her husband’s voice.

Cadence wiped a tear away. “Wow, did I get off track. Cloud Walker, what I meant to say is that we really understand how important a home is. I know we’ll all do whatever we can to make your new life as comfortable as possible.”

Luna’s now empty mug of hot chocolate knocked against the table. Her morning shot of sugar left her a tad more boisterous than normal. “Well, I for one couldn’t be happier that a new princess is abiding with us in the castle. Before you know it we’ll have your chambers just how you like them. Perhaps a new set of furniture? Better wall hangings? I’ll gladly assist you after dinner, if you desire.”

At least Luna’s choice of words was relatively modern. After her evening coffee she’d revert to language that hadn’t been spoken for a thousand years.

Celestia tapped Luna on the shoulder with her wing. “Commendable dear sister, but I do believe that’s one of my tea cakes that you’re eating.”

Luna stuck out her tongue. “I don’t suppose you’d like it back, would you?”

Once again laughter filled the room. This time Cloud Walker’s contribution was forced. No amount of decorations or rearranging would solve the real problem. These other ponies were the real princesses. They were family. She was just a pegasus who’d taken a wrong turn and stumbled into their midst.