//------------------------------// // Awkward Conversations // Story: Shard: Harmony in the Clouds // by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof //------------------------------// Twilight stopped and stared at the library. Steeling herself, she moved forward to the door, then turned around and walked away. No, she thought to herself as she stopped again. You can do this. You have to do this. Jaw clenching she turned back around and walked for the door again. Twilight reached for the knob, and hesitated. Closing her eyes, she took a slow breath before letting it out. Before she lost all her nerve again, she grabbed the knob and pushed the door open. That was easy enough, Twilight said to herself as she stood at the threshold. Now all she had to do was go inside and do what needed to be done. Just four steps and she would be in the library. Just two steps and she would be half-way there. More than half-way since her head would be in as well. One step. Just one step and she would be on her way to entering the library. She could lean forward. If she leaned forward, her head would be in there. That would be something. Twilight stood on the stoop, staring into the library. Her ears twitched and tail gave a flicker. It's no big deal. I'll just go inside, talk to Trixie a little if I have to, and get the book I need. No problem. Nothing to worry about. Just becau- "Twilight?" Twilight Sparkle let out a squeak. Her legs locked up as she fell over onto her side. Trixie walked up to the door and looked down at the fallen mare, raising an eyebrow. "Are you okay?" she asked. "Fine," Twilight replied quickly. "Fine, fine. Perfectly fine." She paused. "Uhm... can I come in?" "Of course," Trixie said. "I mean... it is a public library after all... and it is business hours." She gave a nervous smile, eyes shifting away and toward Twilight repeatedly. Twilight tried to smile back as she got back up onto her hooves. It felt just as awkward and weird to her as the one on Trixie's looked. Slowly, Twilight moved forward, stepping past Trixie and into the library. "So I haven't seen you since..." Trixie stopped, biting her lip as she did not really want to finish that sentence. "Anyway, what can I do for you?" "Yeah." Twilight looked at her. "I know. I haven't been here since... then. Unfortunately I'm here due to business. I need a book with a cloud-walking spell in it." "Very well. Please follow me." Twilight nodded and followed after Trixie, who suddenly stopped. "About last time," Trixie said as she turned around, "I'm.... uhm... well... I guess I could have done a better job of expressing myself. One that... did not include me forcing a kiss on you." "I... appreciate it," Twilight responded. She groaned and rubbed her head. "I... I want to talk to you about this, but now's not a good time. I promise we'll discuss this when I get back." "Back?" "We have to go to Cloudsdale. That's kind of why I need the cloud-walking spell." "...oh..." Trixie's ears drooped as she turned away and continued walking. Twilight bit her lip and mentally kicked herself. She had not thought this through in the slightest at all. The two had not even seen each other -- much less talked -- since the whole awkward moment when they kissed and Trixie fled to her room. Twilight had been uncertain about coming here because of her feelings. She had not even thought about how Trixie was feeling. "Here they are," Trixie stated, pointing at a set of shelves. "Our books on magic." Her horn began to glow. "I think..." she pulled three books from the shelf, "...these three are probably the best chance for the spell you're looking for. If you need anything else, let me know." "Thanks," Twilight mumbled, taking a hold of the books. As soon as she looked back up, Trixie was gone. Twilight let out a sigh and walked over to one of the tables. She opened the first book and started flipping through the pages, looking for a cloud-walking spell.