Shard: Harmony in the Clouds

by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

The Sphere of Stone

"That was when they came and got me," Moon Glow stated. "When I got there, Wind Tunnel was still trying to lift the stone from the drain directly, which -- if you know anything about suction -- is not an easy task. He would pull it up, rainbow would pour down the drain, creating suction, and the stone would be pulled right back into the same spot."

Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle nodded, listening. Most of the others were just following along, looking around at the weather factory. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack were looking around, studying the place in awe since they have never seen the place before. Rainbow Dash was not that interested since she had seen it numerous times before. Plus, she was able to keep an eye on Luna, who was so excited to see everything that she kept wanting to run off and explore the place. Luna was excited and learning quite a lot. One of the first things she learned that clouds did not taste like cotton candy.

"Fortunately," Moon Glow continued, "I had an idea that we could attach a second pipe to the main one, and attach the other end to the bottom of the storage tank to create a second drain. That way the rainbow liquid could be removed enough that most of the stone would be above the water levels. Then we were able to remove the stone without any suction trying to pull it back down."

"If everything here is made of clouds, why didn't the stone just fall through?" Fluttershy asked.

"That was why we sent a message to Canterlot asking about it," Moon Glow replied.

"I guess that it's a result of the latent magic," Twilight speculated. "Assuming it is one of The Elements of Harmony that is. It's possible that the magical energy they contain, while not actually in use, is enough to allow them to perform minor magical capabilities such as adjusting density levels enough to press on or into clouds as opposed to passing through them."

"Alright," Moon Glow announced as she stopped in front of a door, "here we are. Our office. We didn't really have any other place to put it since we normally don't need a place to store things we find around here." She gripped the knob and pushed the door open.

Inside was a pegasus, a trashcan, and a desk with a sphere on it. The sphere looked to be made of stone, and was very colorful. There were spots of every kind splattered all across the surface. It actually looked like a rainbow colored orb.

"Pretty," Luna said staring at the stone.

"Are you eating my doughnut?" Moon Glow snapped.

"No?" Wind Tunnel responded around the mouthful of food, still holding the doughnut in his hooves.

"Really?" she growled as she walked closer. "Because that looks a lot like my doughnut you have in your hooves."

Wind Tunnel shoved the whole thing in his mouth.

"What doughnut?"

"Do you think this is it?" Fluttershy asked, looking at the stone.

"It looks to be the right size and shape," Twilight answered, "and the fact that it was able to stay on top of a cloud is encouraging."

"Great!" Rainbow Dash grabbed the orb with one of her wings and tucked it under to hold it against her side. "Now let's get this back to Ponyville and see if we can get it to work or something."

"Are you alright?" Rarity asked. "You seem to be-"

The rest of the statement was cut off by a massive boom of thunder.

"Wow," Luna said as she turned toward the weather ponies. "Is the storm department normally so loud?"

"That wasn't from the storm department," Wind Tunnel said before jumping out of his seat and flying over the crowd. "It came from outside."

"That's not good," Moon Glow explained. "We make the weather, we don't have it. If a part of Cloudsdale becomes a storm, it could cause large portions of the city to become unstable. And if it happens here, parts of the facility could be destroyed, which would be disastrous to the weather system. We need to try and contain it."

With that, Moon Glow took off and flew past the group as well, heading for the exit.

"Perhaps we should try to assist as well," Rarity suggested.

The seven of them followed after the weather pegasus and made their way out of the factory. It took the group longer than the pegasi since they were all walking. The sight made them freeze at the doors as they looked out.

Above Cloudsdale and the weather factory was a massive black storm cloud. Lightning flashed and flickered along the lengths and deep inside. There was a constant rolling echo of thunder, interrupted by the occasional massive boom.

"That's weird," Rainbow Dash said as she moved further out of the factory to look up at the clouds above.

"I believe that's already been established," Twilight replied. "What I don't understand is why would a pony want to create a storm over-"

There was a blinding white flash of lightning and an ear shattering boom of thunder. A pegasus figure exploded from the clouds. It streaked through the air, a trail of electricity following along behind it. The figure shot down and grabbed Twilight before shooting up into the sky once again.

"Twilight!" the others called out.

The figure stopped, floating in the air. Another flash revealed the pale green form with orange mane and tail. A silver necklace with growing red crystals surrounded her neck. Her eyes glowed green and lines of electricity danced along her body, arcing out from the tips of her wings and tail. She pulled out a black ring and stuck it onto Twilight Sparkle's horn.

"Lightning Dust?" Rainbow Dash said in confusion.

"Rainbow Dash!" Lightning Dust shouted, holding up Twilight Sparkle. "I have your friend. If you ever want to see her alive again, you will come -- alone -- to the old camp grounds at sunset. And bring the stone. Follow me, or try anything funny, and your friend might just wake up long enough to realize she's about to become a pancake."

There was another flash and a massive boom.

When they passed, Lightning Dust was gone with Twilight Sparkle.