The Last Keeper of Harmony

by Rammy


"There can only be one princess in Equestria! And that princess will be me!"
"Luna, I will not fight you! You must lower the moon! It is your duty!"
"Luna? I am... Nightmare Moon! I have but one royal duty now: to destroy you!"
"Oh, dear sister. I am sorry, but you have given me no choice but to use these."

The night was strangely quiet for the forest; never before had the Everfree been so quiet. An oily smoke lingered in the air, a slight hint of arcane magic mixed in. A castle, now in ruins, rose above the tree tops.

A cloaked pony stood for a moment taking this all in. The castle before him, the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, had seen better days. Huge holes littered the walls and roof. Shattered fragments of stained glass windows were scattered along the ground, and once proud statues stood broken. It was clear that a fierce battle had just occurred.

The pony warily moved closer. No guards were around as he nudged a secret entrance open. This does not bode well. He mused, blinking a bit at the sudden darkness that wrapped around its form. He only paused long enough to get used to the dark before moving forward with practiced hooves. After a few moments, the corridor brightened. Ahead, as the hall turned to the left, light poured out. As he got closer, on both sides of the corridor, pony armor on display became visible.

He turned the corner, hooves loudly crushing shattered glass. A hoof lifted up to carefully maneuver around the glass. He took a moment to look up. Outside, past a glassless window, the moon could been seen, rising above the crest of the treetops. A shadow of a unicorn mare could be seen upon its surface. He stared intently at the sight, silently debating on its meaning.

Odd. The pony thought.

He continued to move carefully around the debris. Once he made it halfway down the corridor, he turned to see a door half off its hinges. Sliding through the gap, he entered a grand hall that appeared to be a throne room. Two thrones stood at the end of the hall, and above each one was a formerly gorgeous tapestry, now hanging torn and scorched. Interestingly, only one of the royals was there, and was laid across the wrong throne, no less.

The ears under the cloak twitched slightly, as the sounds of soft sobbing drifted in the air. The sobs were coming from the white alicorn mare with a sun cutie mark, laying across the throne underneath the blue tapestry. Her mane was listless and dull, hanging limply upon her back and shoulders. Her coat matted, cut, and scorched.

He was about to ask what had happened when his hoof brushed up against something hard. Curiosity and concern morphed into rage as he looked down to see six stone orbs. He could feel the dying remains of harmony magic emanating from them. His fury broke out, echoing across the chambers and scaring some birds who were still nearby into a startled flight.


"Knight!" Celestia gasped, her head snapping up. She recognized the deep voice. Turning, she saw the cloaked pony, the eyes from within the cloak glowing white in anger and power. She gulped slightly.

Stomping a hoof loudly the stallion that Celestia called 'Knight' angrily retorted, "DON'T YOU 'KNIGHT’ ME! HARMONY HAS BEEN SHATTERED ON YOU AND YOUR SISTER’S WATCH!" He lowered his voice, irritated at the echo drowning out his voice, "Did you forget the safeguards? Or did you decide to not heed my instructions?!"

"But I... I had no choice," Celestia managed to blubber out, ending in a very noticeable squeak.

NO CHOICE!! Knight roared sending a blast of air and mana that shattered what remain of the windows and sent Celestia tumbling back behind the thrones. "NO CHOICE!?"

Why does everything always have to go sideways? Why must disharmony always occur in Equestria just before I get here? Knight thought to himself, trying to calm his rage. He needed to figure out the reason for the moon's recent course reversal as well as the reason for Celestia's 'choice' and he was positive both were related.

“Where is Luna?”

At this Celestia burst into tears once again gazing at the blue tapestry above her between bouts of sobs. Knight just stood there impatiently waiting for Celestia to collect herself. Just as he was about to voice his displeasure she began her tale from the moment that she confronted Luna until the current moment. At the end of it Knight could do nothing but shake his head in disappointment. He had expect better of the Princesses of Equestria.

Celestia chewed her lip before asking the question that she feared the answer to. "What can be done about my sister?"

Knight looked towards the moon before returning his gaze back to Celestia. Thoughts swirled in his head as he formulated a response. "Until new bearers are chosen? Nothing."


"Yes, nothing." Knight growled, annoyed at Celestia's tone. "The elements were taxed beyond their limit and are useless until they have recovered enough to reform and that could take anywhere from a few decades to several centuries."


"If she was infested by a nightmare then yes." A quick flash of light, and a green and purple egg, with a faint shimmering rainbow aura around it, floated carefully towards Celestia. "Take this dragon egg. With it you should find the new Bearer of... what did you call it again? 'Magic’, right, fine."

Oh my dear little brother, I pray that you hatch soon... harmony is needed, and we have lost it again this night. Knight called out silently, watching sadly as Celestia carefully took the egg in her golden aura.

"Guard it and the hatchling with your life. For if it dies, Princess Celestia, I will make your death a long and torturous one. The fate of this world rests on the dragon within."

With a swish of his tail, the stallion silently turned around and disappeared into the shadows, leaving only the echo of of his hooves on the stone floor in his wake.

**A night 1001 Summers Later**

Spike blinked as he watch what he hoped were stars shimmering far above him. There was nothing else he could see in the dark void that surrounded him. He nervously rubbed the spines atop of his head. Where am I? Looking down he could see that there was no ground which — of course — proved to be a mistake. He suddenly felt dizzy, and the void below him though groundless oddly seemed closer, far too close.

Please tell me I'm dreaming, he thought, trying to hold his spinning head.

"Uhh... Luna?... Anypony?" The dragon called out. This place was making him way too nervous. He really hoped that Luna would show up; he again begged silently that he was dreaming.

"Little brother..." a baritone, male voice, barely audible, echoed from all around.

"Hello?" The dragon ignored his continued dizziness and began looking around slowly. He dared not moved from where he was; he wasn’t sure if moving would cause him to fall. He still wasn't even sure if he wasn’t already falling.

"Little brother..." the voice called again, louder.

"Who's there?" Still, Spike found nothing and nopony. This never goes well in comics, he thought, grabbing the spade at the end of his tail, sucking on it.

"Your big brother of course," the voice chuckled slightly.

"But you're not Shining Armor," Spike dropped his tail irritation overriding his easier fear.

Could this be a prank by Discord? But I didn’t think he could enter dreams... can he?

"No, of course not," The agreement only caused the dragon confusion. Was the voice’s no a no to his objection or his thought about this being Discord?

"Then who are you? I thought only Princess Luna could enter dreams," He absentmindedly smoothed his head spines.

"This plane isn't the realm of dreams, but you are asleep..."

"Then where are we?" Spike’s curiosity overtook him as he looked around again to try and see anything.

"This place has many names... but it is known to non-keepers as the Plane of Destiny or Plane of Memories. However to those like us, it's the Plane of Harmony," Seemingly to confirm this, memories of Spike suddenly appeared around him. Spike looked at them in wonder, reaching out a claw to touch one. Just as he was about to make contact, the memories shimmered, and disappeared back into the void.

Spike fell over backwards from the shock, and the voice seemed to find amusement in this, chuckling softly.

The dragon shook his head to bring himself out of his stupor, "Us?...Non-keepers... Plane of Harmony?" All of this was only adding to his confusion.

"All in good time, brother..."

"You're not my brother!" Spike pouted, wanting to find the voice and give it a good haircut, dragon style. "Who are you?"

"It’s not time yet to reveal myself... besides, I don't have the strength to come to you yet..." The last part sounded almost sickly, weak.

"Why are you speaking to me?" He tilted his head, trying to wrap his mind around everything.

"All in good time, my brother. I will explain everything when the time comes... So many questions! You deserve answers, but I see we don't have the time."

"What do you mean, no time?" Spike scratched his head trying to figure out the puzzle to this deflective voice. A tingling feeling of frustration crept up his spine.


"How did you know my name?" But the voice did not respond, "How did you know my name?"


"I will be there soon, but I have a warni..."


"..ware of The Dar..."

Wake up Spike...

"Huh... wha?" Spike blinked groggily, and realized that he was back in his basket in the library treehouse in Ponyville.

"Spike, you silly dragon, it's time to get up. It's your birthday, remember?" A female voice called out. Spike took a moment longer than usual to recognize that it was Twilight. He sighed.

"Coming Twi’."