A Feline's Point of View

by Zman537

A Night of Nights

Chapter 10

~Felix's POV~

I slowly woke with a wide yawn as the moonlight poured in through the window. I looked over at the open curtains in confusion before shrugging. ‘Yet another cat thing; waking up in the middle of the night.’ I slowly pulled myself from Scootaloo, who was dead asleep, and moved over to the window. I looked up at the moon and smiled. “Wow that’s pretty.”

I stayed up on the windowsill and stared at the moon for a moment longer before my ear flicked in the direction of the moon. ‘What was...’ I listened closer and I could hear... singing? I listened longer and eventually I could make out the words. My eyebrows(?) shot up as I recognized the song being sung from an old movie I had watched when I was human. ‘Oh hey I know this song! Hocus Pocus for the win.’

I kept watching the moon as the singing continued and pictured myself floating through the air with Scootaloo and the moon shining down on the two of us. It was a lovely image, but I eventually got bored of that and hopped back over to Scoots. I laid my head over her shoulder, purring as I got comfy and looked out the window again. My purrs seemed to keep matching the singing no matter what I did to try not to. Scootaloo was smiling in her sleep as a lone figure flew over the moon and the singing came to an end.

A few moments later, to my surprise, Princess Luna landed outside the cottage in the back yard, before she soundlessly teleported into the room and looked down at me. “Hello Felix. I was wondering whose dreams ended so early into my night.”

I looked at her in confusion. “Um... dreams?” ‘Okay... if she can look into dreams, then that’s creepy.’

She nodded and sat down next to the bed. “That’s right, dreams.” ‘[Creepiness intensifies].’ “As the princess of the night, it’s my duty to insure the safety of not only my ponies’ in their homes, but in their dreams and sleep as well.” Oh....okay. Still rather creepy though. She looked over at Scootaloo and smiled softly. “Her dreams have been plagued by nightmares for as long I have been in this age, but you seem to be helping stop them just by being with her.”

I nodded a few times and looked up at her again. “Alright. Dreamwalking Princesses. So I do have a quick question though. Did you come down here just to tell me that, or is there more to this visit?”

Luna looked over at me with an amused grin. “Actually, it just so happened to cross my mind that most of your actions from the story you told us were, oh how to put it?... Irrational. I decided that rather than pondering the question of why you did what you did myself, I’d come down and let you explain.” She leaned in until her face was right in front of mine. “So I ask you Felix. Why did you pretend to be a common pet, instead of simply asking for help from my sister’s pupil and her friends?”

I could feel myself blush under my fur and rubbed the back of my head. “Eheheh, funny story about that. But if you want me to answer that to the best of my abilities, I’m going to need a few minutes to ramble.” and hopefully not blurt out exactly what pushed for that choice of action.

Luna tapped her chin with a hoof as she looked up at the ceiling. “Well... I do have a few minutes before my next court meeting.” She smiled softly and looked over towards me once again. “Go right ahead young Felix.”

The next five or so minutes were spent collecting and telling the Princess everything I could remember about my actions on day 1 through now. Once I had finished telling Luna what I could, I sat there in front of her with my blush slowly growing in intensity. “So.... yeah~, I wasn’t exactly thinking when I had first come up with the scheme.”

Luna had a bemused smile on her face as she looked down at me. “Clearly. Did you truly believe you were dreaming? I’ve known ponies to become lucid when dreaming, but reality tends to be unchangeable.”

I sighed and slumped forwards, splaying my paws in every direction. “Well, I wasn’t a cat before hand ya know.” I paused for a moment before tapping my chin. “Or should I say “before paw” now? I do have a lack of hands at the moment.”

Luna chuckled a little as she started petting me. “You’re getting off topic.” Her smile fell completely as she leaned closer to look me in the eye. “Now why don’t you tell me the actual reason for your actions? I can tell from your dreams, no matter how short they last, that there is something you fear greatly, and fear can motivate all thinking beings to behave irrationally.”

I paled under my coat, even as she continued to pet me. “I...” I looked away for a moment before nervously pawing at my tail. “I’d rather not say.”

Luna was silent for a moment before she sighed. “Very well, I shall not press further.” She got up and unfurled her wings as the window opened in a blue haze. “I must be off now, my next court meeting is in a few minutes.” She looked back at me before smiling and turning to the night sky.

Before she took off though, she paused and looked over at me again. “I almost forgot, I also came by to let you know we felt something change a few hours ago, in a similar manner that we felt a change when you arrived.” I blinked a few times before she bowed slightly. “It has been a pleasure talking to you, Felix. We’ll be off now.”

I bowed towards the lunar princess and smiled. “As has talking to you, Princess.” I got up from my bow and looked around to find Luna nowhere to be seen. I hopped over to the window and looked up to see her fly away through the air before disappearing in a flash. I sighed before scampering back over to my spot near Scoots. I looked down at her for a moment before sighing again and laying my head on her shoulder once more.

I couldn’t really sleep after that. Part of me was angry for being indirect and rude (sort of) to a princess, and the other half was praising me for not getting too deep into my own insecurities. Man I hate talking about that kind of stuff.

And finally, there was that wiggling confusion as to what exactly she meant by ‘change similar to when I got here’. Did someone else show up? Either way, for the moment, it was a blank and dreamless sleep while cuddling Scootaloo. I did eventually manage to fall asleep though. Even that still seemed to be haunted by the beautiful tune Luna had sung earlier.

No seriously, I couldn’t get the song out of my head.

At all.
Nope, it’s still there.

~3rd POV: Sweetie’s room~

Sweetie Belle slept softly in her room as the night crept on, silent to the world. Outside the bedroom door, Opalescence was calmly grooming herself. She looked around the boutique for a brief moment. “It sure does get lonely in here by myself.” She smirked and continued to groom her paw before heading down the stairs towards some fabric rolls. “It’s still better than all the racket Rarity causes. What was I thinking when I chose her as my owner?” She hopped up on the fabric and started kneading the interwoven violet thread into a soft bed for herself. “Still, at least she buy’s lots of plush, soft fabrics and wonderful food.”

If Opalescence had not begun to nap downstairs, she would have noticed something start inside Sweetie’s bedroom.

Inside the room, just as Opalescence had left, a small white feather, glowing softly in the darkness, fell to the ground. It was soon followed by several more feathers, all of them containing a variety of colors from white to black to reds and greens. The most prominent color was yellow, as the feathers began to build into a pile in the corner of the room. When the last feather landed on the pile, a brief flash from the feathers lit up the room before fading away completely.

Sweetie, who had been disturbed by the sudden shift in light, stirred in her sleep. “Huh wha-?” Drearily, she looked around her room, trying to find where the light had come from. When she could not find anything different in the darkness of her bedroom, Sweetie yawned softly and curled back into her bed. “Must be... my imagination...” Once her head laid once more on her pillow, the room was filled with the soft snores of young unicorn.

There was an additional noise though, that filled the air. One that was unnoticed by the small filly, as it was hidden by her own sleep.

The breathing of something that now lay in the pile of feathers, that sat in the corner of her room.

~Felix POV~

With a yawn I stretched out of Scootaloo’s slumbering grip and into the morning light that bathed the bedding. “Oooooh that was a good nap.” I turned back to Scootaloo and pawed at her eyes. “Wakey wakey sleepyhead.”

Scootaloo grumbled and pushed my paws (and me) away from her face. “No... five more minutes.”

I pursed my lips and mock frowned. “I see how it is, trying to sleep in. Avoiding the sacred task, that is feeding me, loving me, and giving all your attention to me.” I made my way closer to her head and grinned devilishly as I saw Scootaloo try to hide her giggles. “For this transgression, against all that is holy and feline, you must be punished!” I flopped onto her head and curled up.

“Until you get up, your head is my bed.”

Both of our ears perked up as we heard soft giggles coming from the door, I was about to look over when Scoots turned her head and caused me to flop off. When I got back to my paws, I looked over and saw Fluttershy barely holding back her own laughter.

Just because I could right then, I made a silly face while tilting my head to the side.

I will not lie, for the next couple of minutes, every living being in that room (though I’m not sure about the demon rabbit) was laughing at my silly face and antics. Fluttershy’s laughter was calmer than the rest of us, but Scootaloo is a filly who has never really seen any funny cat pictures that are infamous on the web, and I’m a scatterbrained nitwit. What did you expect to happen? A calm breakfast?

Insidently, that actually was what happened next, and was the original reason Fluttershy had come upstairs. Once we were down stairs and not choking on air, Scootaloo was lead into the kitchen and I was given some food just outside the door. “Here you go Felix. Go ahead and eat up.”

I nodded at the butter pegasus and smiled. “Thanks for the food Fluttershy.” She smiled back as I dug into the meaty goodness. I swallowed the large portion in my mouth before sighing. “To think... not five months ago, I would have called someone crazy for saying I’d enjoy catfood.” As I ate the fish flavored food, I couldn’t help but feel that today would be a strange day. Well, strange compared to everything else I’ve been subjected to, but that’s another topic.

So yeah, today would either be strange, or that demon rabbit is watching me from somewhere out of sight.

Oh no wait, I see him. He’s glaring at me with intensity from the corner.