Kamen Rider/MLP: Battle For Equestria

by KnightBrony

Chapter 3: Plans and Henshins

Chapter 3

Plans and Henshins

“Let us out of here right now Chrysalis!” Rainbow Dash said as she she struggled against her bonds. Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack all did the same, trying in vain to escape. Chrysalis laughed at them and paced around their trapped forms. Each of the Mane Six was restrained against a cold metal examination table as members of Foundation X examined them.

“You five really are pathetic to think you could beat me. My enhanced changelings have more power than you could ever imagine. I will admit it was rather fun to see them stomp you and those fool Princesses into the dirt,” Chrysalis said as she laughed.

The Foundation X scientists continued to examine the five. Fluttershy looked to be on the verge of tears. Chrysalis saw this and grabbed Fluttershy's face.

“Don't worry my dear, they're just making a few observations for...let's call it makeover,” Chrysalis said as a few tears escaped Fluttershy's eyes.

“You won't get away with this Chrysalis,” Rainbow Dash said.

“That's right, Twilight and the Princesses will put a stop to you and this Foundation X,” Rarity said.

“Yeah! Twilight's gonna whoop your flank into the next season!” Pinkie said.

“You'll get what's comin' to ya', ya' dang bug!” Applejack said.

Chrysalis laughed at the Mane Six as she looked them over.

"Oh, I'm sure little Twilight is already brainstorming some heroic attempt to save you. I know from experience that brat is full of surprises. But this time...I have some surprises of my own."

“So, Princesses, what's the plan?” Twilight asked. Everyone had gathered in the castle's library to discuss their plan of attack.

"First things first is we need to meet up with Captain Armor and his forces. Luna, have you had any contact from him?” Celestia said.

Luna produced a scroll “We received a message from him saying himself and his forces from the Crystal Empire were on their way to our location as quickly as they could,” Luna said.

“Is Cadence coming as well?” Twilight asked. Luna shook her head.

“Princess Cadence has chosen to remain behind in the Crystal Empire in case Chrysalis decides to mount an attack”.

“I'm betting that wasn't an easy decision. I imagine she would've liked to settle things with Chrysalis herself,” Celestia said.

“Indeed. Setting that aside, we still need to find a way to get back to Canterlot quickly,” Luna said.

“You guys said you could teleport right? Why can't you just do that?” Gentarou asked.

“To teleport all of us to Canterlot would require immense magical energy, of which we have little. We have expended most of our magic bringing thou here. Not to mention we are unsure how teleportation would affect thou brave Kamen Riders,” Luna said.

“Oh,” Gentarou said, feeling slightly embarrassed.

“We can figure that out once Shining Armor and his force arrive. For now, Twilight, why don't you explain the Elements of Harmony to our new friends,” Celestia said.

“Yeah, what exactly are these Elements. They seem pretty important,” Kouta said.

Twilight cleared her throat “The Elements of Harmony are a set of six magic relics of great power. Each Element corresponds to an aspect of friendship: Loyalty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, and my Element, Magic. The Elements hold great magic power, giving whoever wields them immense strength. The Elements used to be bonded to the Princesses, but for almost a year now my friends and I have wielded the Elements to protect Equestria,” she said taking a breath. The Riders each looked at their Elements, realizing just what kind of power they now wielded. Twilight walked up to Shotaro and Phillip and saw their Element.

“You two hold the Element of Loyalty, for one who will remain loyal to their friends no matter what. Although, I must admit I'm a bit confused as to why you both are wielding it. Elements are only supposed to have one bearer,” Twilight said. Shotaro and Phillip both smirked.

“The two of us are one. One detective, and one Kamen Rider. I guess that also applies to being the two in one bearer of a magic necklace,” Shotaro said. Twilight raised an eyebrow at the two, but decided to not pursue the issue at that time. She then walked over to Eiji.

“You possess the Element of Kindness, for one who possesses kindness for all creatures great and small and values peace”.

Eiji smiled and said “Thank you”. Twilight then walked over to Gentarou.

“You hold the Element of Laughter, for one who strives to keep their friends happy and never wants to see them despair”.

“Of course! I am the man who will befriend the whole world. I hate to see my buds down in the dumps,” Gentarou said.

“Perfect fit this one,” Twilight thought. Twilight walked over to Haruto.

“You possess the Element of Generosity, for one who will help people however possible in whatever endeavor they choose”.

Haruto smirked and bowed, saying “Well, I am the final hope after all. Helping people's kind of in the job description”.

Finally, Twilight came upon Kouta “Finally, you possess the Element of Honesty, held by one who no matter the situation, will remain honest and always tell the truth”.

Kouta looked at his Element and then at his Lock Seed “Orange necklace, Orange Lock Seed, kinda fits I suppose,” he said. Twilight looked at the six and smiled.

“Thank you all for agreeing to help us. That said though, I do have a question,” she said.

“Alright, what is it?” Haruto asked. Twilight looked down nervously, unsure how to phrase her question.

“Well, and no offense.....you guys don't exactly look like world saving heroes,” Twilight said. The Riders all deflated at her comment.

“Come again?” Shotaro said.

“Well....you guys keep saying you're these heroes of justice and all that. What exactly is a Kamen Rider, what can you guys do?” Twilight asked. The Riders looked slightly insulted, but understood her confusion.

Haruto cleared his throat and said “Well, looking past the slightly rude comment, this isn't what we look like when we fight”. Twilight perked up at this.

“Really? How so?” Twilight said. The Riders, sans Haruto each reached behind their backs and produced their respective Drivers. Twilight and the Princesses looked at the belts in a mix of confusion and curiosity.

“What are those?” Celestia asked.

“These are what we use to transform. When we wear these belts, we become encased in armor that allows us to fight monsters,” Phillip explained.

“Really? That's awesome! So you guys are like superheroes!!” Spike said.

“That's right!” Gentarou said.

“Would it be possible to see a demonstration?” Celestia said.

“I don't see why not. The question now is who should do it?” Eiji said. Before any of them could say anything, Haruto placed his right hand over his waist.


Immediately his belt appeared around his waist. The Riders all looked at the mage confused.

“What? I figured since magic is what brought us here, I should be the one to demonstrate how our powers work,” Haruto said. The other Riders tried to argue with him, but in the end decided to let him go.

“Well then, it's showtime,” Haruto said as he flipped the hand on his belt over to the left side, a jingle playing from his belt as he did so.


Haruto held up his left hand, displaying his Flame Style ring.

“Henshin!” he yelled as he flipped the visor over the ring and placed it on his belt.


As Haruto's belt rang out, a magic circle appeared on his left side. Haruto extended his left hand as he passed through the circle. Within seconds, he had transformed into his base form, Flame Style.

Spike and the three Princesses jaws dropped at his display. Red jewels shining across his chest and helmet, Wizard raised his left hand and showed off his ring.

“And that's how it's done,” Haruto said, bowing to his audience.

“That was...that was.....”

“AWESOME!!! I've never seen magic like that before!” Spike said.

“We must agree with the young drake. Your form is most impressive,” Luna said.

“Why thank you,” Haruto said.

“How does it work?” Celestia asked.

“It's actually pretty simple. You see,” Haruto began to say before the doors to the library burst open. They all looked to see Shining Armor standing in the doorway in full battle armor.

“Princesses, forgive me for not getting here sooner. We were delayed by...” it was only then that he noticed Wizard and the other Riders standing there. Eyes growing wide, he leaped in front of the Princesses, his horn glowing.

“Get back Princesses, I'll handle these monsters!” Shining Armor said as he fired a bolt of magic at Wizard. Wizard immediately placed a ring on his left hand and activated his belt.


A magic circle appeared in front of Wizard, absorbing Shining Armor's attack.

“Woah now, take it easy. We're not,” Wizard tried to say as Shining Armor fired another attack. Again Wizard used his Defend ring.

“Shiny, stop! They're not with Chrysalis!” Twilight tried to say. Unfortunately her brother was in full battle mode, meaning the only thing his mind was defeating the enemy.

“No choice, gotta go on the attack,” Wizard said as he rolled out of the way of Shining Armor's attacks and slipped two new rings onto his hands. Wizard flipped his belt and placed his left hand over it.


Wizard's armor changed from circular rubies to diamond shaped sapphires. Wizard then flipped his belt back to the right side and used another ring.


Wizard's body changed into a liquid mass, which then flew at Shining Armor, surrounding the armored unicorn. Wizard's body changed back into his armored form, now restraining Shining Armor.

“Calm down Captain, we're not the enemy!” Wizard yelled. Shining Armor struggled against Wizard's grip.

“Like Tartarus! You fit Princess Luna's description of those monster perfectly. Bipedal, strange appearance, able to use magic we've never seen. Give me one good reason I shouldn't blast you straight to Tartarus!” Shining Armor said as he teleported out of Wizard's grip, appearing a few feet away. As Shining Armor charged his horn for another attack and Wizard placed another ring on his hand, Twilight stepped in between them.

“Shining Francis Armor you stop this now!” Twilight yelled. Shining's face went red at the mention of his middle name.

“Francis?” Wizard said as he snickered, as did the other Riders and the Princesses.

“Twily what are you doing, get out of the way!” Shining Armor said. Twilight looked annoyed at her brother and stood tall.

“As a Princess of Equestria I command you to stand down Captain Armor. These people are not our enemies. In fact, they are here to help us. Now stand down!” Twilight said. Shining looked at his sister in shock. Never once had she ever used his middle name in an argument with him, and he certainly never would've expected her to use her new title in such a way.

Begrudgingly, Shining Armor obeyed his sister's wishes “As you command Princess,” Shining said, staring daggers at Wizard as the purple aura around his horn diminished.

Everyone let out a collective sigh, relieved the battle had ended.

Celestia walked up to her student and patted her on the shoulder “Good job Twilight, although I will admit using your brother's middle name like that was playing a bit dirty,” she said. Twilight blushed and apologized. Celestia smiled and walked over to Shining Armor.

“It is good to see you Captain Armor. I appreciate your willingness to protect us, but your rash actions are unfitting of your rank. You should know better than to go into a fight without asking questions first,” she berated. Shining Armor bowed his head in shame.

“Forgive me my lady,” Shining Armor said in shame.

“Rise Captain Armor, you are forgiven,” Celestia said smiling.

Wizard crossed his arms as a magic circle passed over him, his armor disappearing to reveal Haruto's normal appearance.

“That's one way to make introductions I suppose,” Haruto said as he cricked his neck. Shining Armor looked at Haruto with malice and began to walk over to him. Twilight however stood in his way.

“Calm down Shiny! I told you, these six are here to help us,” Twilight said trying to calm her brother down.

“Whatever, I'm just glad you're safe Twily,” Shining said as he hugged his sister, his expression softening. Twilight hugged her brother back and smiled.

After Shining Armor calmed down, Twilight explained to him how she and Celestia had summoned the Riders to help and how they now wielded the remaining Elements.

Shining was less than thrilled.

“So we're just supposed to trust these Riders or whatever to fight for us? How do we know they aren't just deceiving us and they're really working with Chrysalis and Foundation X!?” Shining Armor yelled. Twilight responded by smacking her brother upside the head.

“Would you calm down already! Look Shiny, I know that this is all a bit difficult to understand. Trust me, I was surprised at first too. But the Riders are trustworthy, otherwise the Elements wouldn't have chosen them,” Twilight said. Shining tried to refute his sister's argument, but found he could not. There was a reason she was the smarter of the two siblings in terms of arguments. It was part of the reason they had few if any fights, because Shining Armor knew he could never win an argument with Twilight. Not to mention she could pull out the puppy dog eyes at the drop of a hat.

“I still don't trust them,” Shining Armor said.

“Oi, Shiny!” Gentarou said walking over to him.

“Only Twilight and Cadence get to call me that!” Shining Armor said blushing a bit.

“Whatever. Look, I don't like your attitude. But I can look past that to work with you. Want to know why,” Gentarou said.


Gentarou slicked back his pompadour then pounded his fist against his chest and pointed at Shining Armor.

“Because, I'm Kisaragi Gentarou, the man who will befriend everyone. That includes jerks like you. So let's get along,” Gentarou said as he extended his hand. Shining looked at Gentarou with a level of confusion he thought only Twilight's friend Pinkie Pie could produce.

Shining ignored Gentarou and said “Foolishness aside, we need to think of a battle plan”. Gentarou, to his credit, held his composure. He knew gaining new friends wasn't easy, and that he would be friends with Shining Armor eventually.

“The first thing we need is a way to get back to Canterlot. The railway is too risky, and taking an airship would be even riskier,” Celestia said.

“That's not altogether true,” Shining Armor said. Everyone looked at him confused.

“What do you mean Captain Armor?” Celestia asked. Shining Armor rose from his seat and motioned for the group to follow.

“Come outside and you'll see,” Shining Armor said as he led the group outside.

“WOOAAAHHH!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!” Gentarou yelled as he took in the sight that was before them. In the air above the old castle was a massive warship. It looked very much like an airship one would see being used in many parts of Equestria. However, the outer hull of the ship was made out of a mixture of metal and crystal. The balloon atop it looked to be made out of some strange type of material none of them could recognize.

Needless to say, everyone was impressed.

“A beauty isn't she?” Shining Armor said. Everyone nodded, unable to comprehend what they were seeing.

Finally, Celestia spoke “Captain Armor, what is this ship?”

“This my Princess is the Mark XVII Equestrian Battleship. Or just the XVII for short,” Shining Armor said. Gentarou was giddy with joy.

“AWESOME!!! That reminds me, I wonder how XVII is doing? Probably making lots of friends in space. Hope he doesn't forget his friends on Earth,” Gentarou said with a smile. Everyone looked at Gentarou with a confused look. He noticed and took on a knowing look.

“Oh! Sorry, that name reminded of my friend XVII from my world. Although he was a bit more impressive,” Gentarou said bluntly. Shining heard this and fumed at the pompadoured human.

“Oh really? And what is this other XVII you speak so highly of? Because I can assure you my XVII is the best ship in all of Equestria,” Shining said, annoyance prevalent in his tone.

“XVII's a giant space station with a consciousness. He and I became friends after I stopped a pair of robot siblings from trying to blow up the Earth. Oh, and he can also turn into a giant robot!” Gentarou said with a happy smile on his face.

Everyone sans the other Riders looked at Gentarou, the most confused looks ever seen on a pony on their faces. Shining looked like his brain had shut off and he just stood motionless.

“What kind of world do you people live in?” Twilight asked.

“A very strange one evidently,” Luna said.

“You have no idea,” Haruto said.

Shining shook his head, breaking from his stupor.

“Crazy stories aside, the XVII can travel at speeds no other airship can match. It's also got a magic stone acting as the fuel source. All it needs to refill is a bit of unicorn magic,” Shining said with pride.

“It's amazing. But, where'd you get it Shiny?” Twilight asked.

“I've been designing this ship since I was a recruit. Being a Prince has left me with a lot of down time, so I decided to finally build it. With permission from Cadance of course,” Shining said, sweating at the memory of his wife seeing the bill for this massive project. He was stuck on the couch for a month after that.

“It's an excellent ship Captain Armor. This will certainly help against Chrysalis,” she said. Shining Armor bowed.

“The guards and I will do our best to help stop that evil mind controlling roach,” Shining said, some malice in his voice. Being mind controlled and almost forced to marry an evil changeling queen will do that to a guy.

“Don't forget about us Captain,” Shotaro said as the Riders waved at Shining Armor. Shining Armor scowled at the six and walked up to them.

“Listen well you...whatever you are. I trust you six about as far as I can throw you. However, since you have the Elements and my sister and the Princesses trust you, I'll work with you. So just do your part, stay out of my way, and we'll get through this with as little trouble as possible. Clear?” Shining Armor said to the Riders. The Riders looked at each other for a second before they all smiled.

“Aye aye, Captain,” Gentarou said with a smile. Shining sneered at the six before he teleported up to the ship. Twilight approached the Riders, an embarrassed look on her face.

“Sorry about my brother. He can be a bit overzealous when it comes to his job,” Twilight said. The Riders all smiled at Twilight.

“Don't worry Miss Twilight, it's no trouble. We've all had to deal with someone like him, and they've ended up becoming good friends. Right guys?” Eiji asked his fellow Riders. Everyone but Kouta nodded.

“Let me get back to you on that,” he said, thinking about his strength obsessed rival Kaito. You'd think a guy prancing around in banana armor would be a tiny bit less arrogant.

“Well, if we're all done with that, I say we get moving. We've got an evil queen and Foundation X to defeat,” Haruto said. Twilight smiled at the ringed mage.

“Let's do this!” Kouta said. The Riders and Twilight all cheered as they boarded the XVII and set forth for Canterlot.

Will Shining Armor ever get along with the Riders?
What evil plans does Chrysalis have in store for the Mane Six?
Find out next time on Battle for Equestria!