Keep living for Friendship

by alejin

Chapter 3 Nice prank. . . . . where am I??

It was a beautiful morning in Equestria, the birds were singing, tha bunnies were runing and huming, squirrels were gathering food, everything looked so normal, well, not counting the fact that a never seen before creature was sleeping very happy under the giant oak tree in the EverFree Forest, this special place, luckily for Alex, was somehow one of the safest places there, many creatures gathered around the extrange creature and were just watching him with wonder eyes, they just stared for many minutes when they noticed he was starting to wake up, he let it out a big yawn and started to scratch the top of his “mane”. at least the animals thought it was a mane

“Oh boy I cant believe I really fell sleep in the park, really? if I got mugged I will really gonna lose my head here, just to think how many hours I will have to spend downloading all my movies and games in a new Vita and Laptop will be a pain in the ass, not to mention having to wait weeks again for that crazy electrician to make me new solar chargers”

When he finally opened his eyes to look for his stuff, he found them next to him, untouched, like he left them last night

“well, I'll be damn, maybe this part of the park is not very known by people, lucky me I guess”

Just to be sure, he started to register every inch of his backpack and suit case, everything was there, his devices, assasin outfit, his gadgets, some spare clothes and snickers he saved just in case he would crash in a friend's house after the convention.

“ok, it looks like everything is here, ok, lets go home and have some breakfast”

He graved his backpack and suit case, keeping talking to himself, he turned around to start walking

“And then I can call Steven to see if he wants his ass to be kicked again in Call of……”

At that moment Alex finally noticed he wasn't alone, he just stayed there, not believing what he was watching, there in front of him, little creatures like bunnies, squirels, many kind of birds, even a monkie, but something was odd, out of place… he could almost swear they look almost like cartoonish and boy…. freeking adorable, (he already thought little animals were adorable but the ones he knew and was used to see, looked like abominations compared to this ones)

One squirell even got near and offered him a peanut and he can swear it smiled to him, so did the other creatures, Alex could not believe it, this were creatures he already saw before, but they acted like they have some kind of mild inteligence, he was shocked, it actually could take a life to make an squirrel or any other animal do what he was just watching now.

But what really took his attention is the fact that the creatures and enviroment looked…. Familiar, like a dejavu, he grabed the peanut, smiled and nod to the squirrel that nod in return and returned to its friend, all the animals quickly lost the interest and started again doing what they were doing (wow!!! Its all what Alex could think at the moment), now he just started to look at his surroundings, he finally noticed he was no longer in the park, this looks like somekind of forest.

“Did someone or someones (he thought his friends maybe) found me sleeping in the park and brought me here as some kind of prank?”

he laughted a little, of course It had to be a prank, all his stuff were intact and with him, but he was in a different place, a robber would only take the stuff and who knows, maybe hurt him in some way, he would never take the chance to try to move him if he wanted to steal his stuff . . . yep! definetily a prank. (a little heavy, but a good prank in the end)

“Hahaha very funny whoever you are, cmon, you can come out, I'm not angry, in fact, I have to congratulate you for this prank, it had to be really hard to bring me here, I know you are not a mugger, you could just steal all my stuff and go, cmon don't be shy, Steven if it's you, I swear if you dont come out, I will go for you, and you know I will find you”

The answer never came, “Well maybe they just left me here and leave” It had sense after all, if you were gonna do this kind of prank, you will not wait for the person to wake up and try to beat you to a pulp, he sigh and did what any scout would do to find his way out of this forest, he climbed the tallest tree he could find, when he reached to top, he could not believe it, he was in the middle of and incredible huge forest, it had at least around 6km of diameter side by side, but what really took his attention, was that not much far away maybe 2 or 3 kms, at least, he could identify a figure that looked like an abandoned castle.

"Where the hell did that or those prankster brought me to? Steven if I found out it was you, you have a lot to explain man"

Alex kept looking for his surrondings but he still was wondering, Am I crazy?, everything really look like a cartoon, it almost feel natural but he couldn't shake off the feeling, he saw his hands, his clothes, his body…. Cartoonish? No way, he needed a mirror to know he was just imagining things, for his bad luck he wasn’t a narcisit so he didn’t have a mirror to always see his reflection, so before going to this castle to find some people, (its a castle, there have to be some tourists taking pictures or something) he thought and went first to the other point that took his attention, a wild river maybe 1 or 2 kms away, he needed some wáter anyway, so he came down from the tree, graved his stuff and started walking.

The scenary wasn’t all bad, it was beautiful and relaxing, but he could swear something or somethings were watching him, he thought it could be the pranksters, but it was… diferent, one almost could feel the thirst of blood in the air. When he finally reached the river, before any sip of wáter he had to do something first, for one reason he needed it, he had to see his reflection, he saw the wáter of this wild river and could not give credit of what he was watching, it was… HIMSELF but different, he could swear his eyes were at lest 4 or 5 times bigger, all his features looked like a cartoon, even his hair look all pointed like an anime character, even looking like a cartoon with big eyes, he knew what was in the reflection. . . was him, Was he kidnaped by some weird scientist that was experimenting a new hallucinogenic drug on him, did he eat something really spoiled yesterday, had he simply gone nuts, the worst part was that the fact that the cartoon looking was not shocking enough for him, but the fact he almost looked like something he knew he saw before, but he could not remember what it was, maybe anime, no it wasn’t, an animated movie, no it wasnt, think Alex think he thought.

Who would say his answer would come in the most unexpected way posible, in the distance he could hear a scream, he was about to run to its source but he noticed the sound was coming in his direction, Alex tried to identify the sound, it was definitely a little girl, not older than 9 or 10 years old, he took his binoculars from his backpack and started looking for the source, what he saw almost made him faint and started to think of the posibility of indeed he had gone nuts, what he saw, was a FILLY, but not just any fillie, it was someon….. somepony he knew very well, there she was, screaming and trying with all her strengh to keep floating, dragged by the wild river, she was, she was SWEETIE BELL!!!!! What the Fu….. for some reason he didnt find the strengh in his heart to finish that word.