Baby Twily And Woona.

by Aunt Celestia

Chapter 3

Back in the Royal archives Celestia was looking for a cure to her current predicament. There certainly must be a cure right?
Alas there was not. She was currently on the last page of the last book in the library.

Maybe she could go order more books after this fiasco was over. "Oh how can there not be a cure? Well at any rate I can make Luna think I'm her mother, and Twilight her sister. She already thinks I'm her mom anyway." She said to herself. "It would be for the best. It’s not safe to leave her in foal body and not her mind. It would drive Lulu totally insane." With that she walked to the nursery.

She was down the hall when she heard a loud wailing coming from the room. She picked up the pace to come up from long strides to a fast trot. When she finally came in she saw Twilight sitting up in her wooden crib, eyes over flowing with tears and Luna with her head under her pillow. Luna was asking for Twilight to quit the noise. This only made it worse for the sobbing filly. She headed over to Luna and took her out of the room. "Stay here while I deal with your sister." She strolled back into the room.

Outside Luna was sitting there thinking. "Sister? But Tia is our only one." she wondered what her sister was up to. "We have to keep an eye out for her. For we have no idea what might happen.”

Back in the nursery Celestia had Twily in her hooves rocking her. She was cooing soothing words to calm her down. "Shh it’s okay Twilight, what wrong sweetie?"

Twilight looked up at her with watery eyes, "Me hads a bad dweam. I didn't wike it. Woona was dare awnd she was all s-scary in dis shiny ting. A-and... IM SCARED MAMA!" Twilight was bawling into Celestia's colorless coat.

Celestia hardened then slightly loosened her grip on the foal. "Shhh its okay honey, it’s only a bad dream." But on the inside she was panicked. She starting to remember that's good but she may have to grow up again with this in her dreams every night. Twilight fell asleep in her hooves, tears staining her cute little face. Celestia put her back in her crib, after checking her diaper. Silently she pulled the purple covers with pink stars over the little angel.

Watching for a while as Twilight snuggled with her Smarty Pants doll and a miniature stuffed dragon that happened to resemble Spike. Oh that’s right; I guess I’ll have to bring Spike here before Twilight starts to remember him. Plus he must miss her; they are practically little brother and big sister. Or is that the other way now? Well whatever, hopefully Spike won’t faint upon seeing her as she is now. She then went out the nursery doors to get Luna.

"Luna?" Her sister was nowhere to be seen. She asked the stoic guard to her left, "Do you know where Princess Luna went?" She questioned a bit worried for her sister and for the castle staff.

"Yes your highness, she went to the kitchen to get something. She was not clear on what.” said the guard.
"Thank you umm, Morning Light?" Celestial retorted.

"You’re welcome ma'am." Morning Light, the guard assigned post to the room.

Celestial made her way to the kitchen just in time to see Luna going for the cookie jar. Celestial coughed and got her attention. "Oh um hi! We were just getting a cwookie." Luna’s face was lit up like a Christmas tree with red lights.

"Mmhmm and why didn't you tell me this? You know I'm your mom so ask me first." Celestia spoke with her eyebrow raised.

"Well you see- wait Mom? Did you just shay mom? Cause' you awe not my mother." Luna answered a bit confused. Then it clicked with what she said back at the nursery about 'your sister'.

Celestia had her horn glowing with the spell to make Luna think she was he mother. “Sister what awe you doing?!" But it was too late she fired the spell and in an instant Luna was smiling up at Celestia. "I wove you mommy!" She giggled, holding her hooves out to be picked up.

"And mommy loves you to Lulu." She responded warmly as she picked up her "daughter" and gave her a chocolate chip cookie. She saw after Luna was done with the cookie she was starting to dose off again. "Aww is little Luna tired?"

"Yesh mommy." She replied with a cute yawn and nuzzled her.

"Well then let's get you back to the nursery." With that they teleported to the room and Celestia placed her back into the crib. "See you in a few hours.”, and gave her a kiss.

She then pulled midnight blue covers with stars and moons over her sister. The blanket was old but a spell fixed it right up. She smiled a warm smile as she saw her sister grin as she held a stuffed Ursa Minor that had also been resurrected thanks to the spell.  Well that worked out better than planned she thought. So she walked out into the hallway.

Back in the nursery, Luna opened on eye to make sure it was safe. She climbed over the wooden bars on her crib and dropped slightly to the floor. Then she went over to Twilight’s crib and woke her up. "Hey you ready for the plan?"

"Yes but I really don't like tricking Princess Celestia like this." She answered back, a little worried what Celestia will do if she finds out. "Plus what happens if our mentality reverts as well. She might know already."

"Psh she doesn't suspect a thing.” Luna answered throwing caution to the wind.

Back outside the nursery Celestia was eavesdropping on the whole conversation. “They think they can fool me, well time for a real spell to make them think of me as their mother." She walked off to the archives once again.