//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Runeterra // Story: The Redemption of Jericho Swain // by Ghosted Note //------------------------------// The Redemption of Jericho Swain by Ghosted Note Chapter 1: Runeterra Human. It was an odd word, with an odd meaning attached to it. It certainly was fascinating, to some degree, learning how to use a new body, but there was no getting around the strangeness inherent to the situation. Twilight Sparkle wasn’t quite sure how to react. After waking up in Runeterra, it hadn’t exactly been hard to extrapolate that a similar accident that had brought six aliens to Equestria had now brought up to six ponies to Runeterra, complete with a bizarre new form. It had been a stroke of luck that she’d landed nearby her two friends and comrades-in-arms, Nasus and Ryze, though they’d seemed rather awkward about the situation when she’d approached them, insisting that she put on a rather simplistic robe. Twilight Sparkle prided herself on her scholarly outlook on life. She would identify a problem, research it, and solve it, coming out with a lesson learned to report to her mentor. She approached this situation with the same scholarly professionalism that she held so much pride in now, if only because thinking about how much danger her friends were in was the quickest way to go into a panic attack. Seeing her two friends in their native forms had been a treat though. The tattoos that covered Ryze’s bluish-purple skin seemed even more intricate than they had when he had been transformed into a unicorn, and Nasus, now that he had reverted back to his own true form, seemed even more intimidating, though Twilight knew better than that. Even so, it was hard not to recoil a little from the huge, red-eyed behemoth. At the present moment, Twilight Sparkle was pondering a completely different mystery though. As she brushed a lock of her (thankfully) unchanged mane out of her face, she picked up a nearby book. She’d never really given much thought as to why she could perfectly understand the speech of beings from an entirely different world, and now she was regretting it. Looking at the book in front of her, she knew the title was ‘A Brief History of Valoran’. What she didn’t know was how she knew this. The script was a jagged and swirling script unlike the smooth flow of her native Equestrian alphabet, and when she looked at it, it seemed like an incomprehensible scribble...when she read it though, she somehow knew the exact intent behind each word and sentence, and felt a strange tickle in the back of her head as she realized that she was reading a language that she didn’t know and still understanding it. It was baffling, and above all, it was a great way to occupy her thoughts while Nasus and Ryze conferred with representatives from the League of Legends to plead for help in determining if any of her Equestrian friends had been pulled into this world as well. The thought of a pony as gentle as Fluttershy landing in Noxus brought a nervous shudder to her. Research could wait, though, and Twilight set aside the book as there was a click from the excessively ornate double doors that separated the library at the Institute of War from the rest of the building. The aforementioned tattoo-covered human greeted Twilight Sparkle with a neutral expression. “Good news and bad news. Good news is that the League has confirmed that your friends have been located and are unharmed, if a bit scattered. They’ve agreed to allocate some resources to retrieving them. The bad news... The League’s official position is that the resources required to research and create a spell to send you all home would not be a politically viable use of the funding it receives from its constituent city-states. Nasus is currently having some...strong words with them about that as we speak, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. We’ll have to gather our own support if we want to get your group home.” Twilight could tell that Ryze was trying to be positive, relatively speaking, but the gruff mage still ended up sounding like he was about to perform acts of gratuitous violence toward those who ran the League’s affairs. “Well...at least we’re getting anything at all. I admit, I didn’t quite believe you when you said that the League almost never acted outside of its own interests.” Twilight Sparkle sighed. “Well, one thing at a time. At least we know where the girls are. We should focus on that problem first.” Ryze nodded. “Unfortunately, I will not be able to accompany you. My work outside of the League keeps me from being as well-traveled as some of my fellow champions. I have, however, called in a favor from a friend though. You will not be without escort. He might be a bit dramatic at times, but Kassadin is still a good man, or something close enough to man, and you will remain safe in your travels with him by your side.” “And from your descriptions, I thought nothing good ever came from the influence and favor-mongering that you said was endemic to the League.” It was a small jab, but still playful enough not to be taken as an insult to his occupation. “Yes, I must admit, even the most taxing exercise that comprises politics within the League can be beneficial, when its components aren’t busy trying to assassinate each other. Now, come. Let’s see if Nasus has had any luck.” With that, the two departed, eager to see if Nasus’ calm and wise demeanor might be able to sway the hardened hearts of the League of Legends. As they walked, Twilight thought she felt the building shudder slightly. - - - - “This problem was directly caused by representatives of the League. I understand that you have already reprimanded the Summoners in question, but when I agreed to aid your organization in its infancy, I was under the impression that this was an institution of peace, justice, and fairness.” Nasus’ voice was calm, but crackling of magic in the air around him betrayed his frustration. “Or have the latter goals been betrayed for the sake of the former?” The three Ambassadors of the League shifted nervously in their seats. They had years of experience dealing with angry champions, Summoners, and representatives from the various city-states for years, but that still didn’t prepare them for how terrifying the League’s immortal members could be at times, having had time untold to practice their intimidation skills, not that Nasus was actively trying to be intimidating; some things are unavoidable when one is an ancient anthropomorphic jackal that towers over every human around him. The bravest of the three cleared his throat nervously before responding. “I-We’re terribly sorry Nasus, but our hands are tied. We’re already processing your appeal, but you’ve been around long enough to know how slow paperwork moves around here. I promise we’ll do our best to make sure it gets taken care of as soon as possible, but until the date of your appeal, I can’t promise any more aid.” “Very well. Please notify me immediately upon the completion of the appeal’s processing.” It was on days such as this that Nasus could almost excuse his brother’s psychotic rantings about how the evil inherent in civilization must be cut out. Speaking of which, it was about time that he payed Renekton a visit, as masochistic a ritual as it had been since his brother had been captured. As he exited the bland office, he caught sight of Ryze and Twilight Sparkle heading in his direction, and upon seeing their inquisitive expressions, he shook his head. “We will have to wait for the appeal to process before any more progress can be made.” Twilight’s face fell slightly, but she otherwise maintained her composure. “Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait until then. I won’t be delaying my departure for too long. Ryze was just filling me in on some cultural gaps here and there. I’ll be getting some supplies and meeting up with the escort Ryze arranged, and then I’ll be leaving by tomorrow hopefully. I hope the Princesses aren’t too worried about us...” “As much as you should act to change what would cause you worry, you should not worry about what you cannot change. Even so, one does not rule a civilization without some degree of mental durability. The best you can do is work toward returning home as quickly as possible. I would offer more help, but I’m afraid that I have matters of my own to attend to. I shall be more than happy to help with any necessary research afterward, though.” Nasus reached into a small bag resting against his gold-colored armor, and drew out a handful of coins. “This should see to most needs you might encounter that the League’s funding does not handle. Good luck, Twilight Sparkle.” Nasus wasted no time in departing. He had someone to visit, after all. Ryze frowned knowingly at Nasus’ abrupt departure, leaving Twilight Sparkle puzzled and clueless. Nonetheless, she thanked Nasus as he left for his generosity, and followed Ryze toward the Institute of War’s library, where they were supposed to meet Kassadin, the mage who was to serve as Twilight’s help and bodyguard. From Ryze’s descriptions, Kassadin had some experience in interdimensional travel, but it had apparently left him a bit scarred. It seemed that most humans who delved into such things had come out either physically or mentally disfigured, or a combination thereof. Currently, Kassadin was one of two humans to be alive after delving into a dimension commonly referred to as ‘The Void’. The other had apparently been driven to insanity by the experience though. Twilight shuddered as Ryze mentioned the unfortunate seer’s newfound obsession with opening a stable portal to the Void so that the residents thereof might consume Valoran. Meeting Kassadin was unsettling in its own right. At first glance, Twilight was inclined to ask Ryze again if he was sure that purple was not a natural skin color for humans, considering the apparent abundance of the skin color. The next thing to catch her attention was that past a bulky looking mask that contained some sort of breathing apparatus, Kassadin was extremely muscular, to the point of looking almost unnatural. Walking through the Institute of War had subjected Twilight to many interesting sights though, so she wasn’t very surprised at when she couldn’t hear the sound of footfalls from within the dark skirt-like piece of garb that adorned the mage. She wouldn’t say it aloud, but Twilight was swiftly getting the impression that magic-users here opted for as showy a demeanor as possible. Instead, Twilight smiled politely and made a slightly awkward and off-balance attempt at a curtsy. “Hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Ryze has told me so much about you. I’m pleased to meet you.” “Nothing too scarring, I would hope.” It was hard to describe his voice. The best Twilight could think of was that his mask made it sound like he was garbled, as if he was trying to speak while his mask was filled with water, or perhaps molasses. Despite this, she believed that she could understand what he said somewhat clearly. “Ryze has assisted me in my research in past times. I see it fitting to repay him now. I am glad to be able to assist you. Follow me, and we may begin preparations.” - - - - It was a well-lit, warmly furnished room. Nasus refused to let the League settle for anything less after the initial capture. His brother would at least be comfortable while a cure was sought for his madness. Reptilian eyes followed Nasus as he closed the reinforced iron door behind him, and chains rattled in futility as a being of similar stature to Nasus, but with the features of a crocodile, struggled and pulled, howling with bloodlust. Nasus tried to force a smile, with limited results. “Much has happened since we last spoke, brother. I recently had to traverse a different world, even, though it seems some of the trouble that we found there has followed us. It’s a pity that the League won’t devote any of its resources to helping us return our newfound companions to their home, though.” As usual, Renekton wasn’t especially interested in his brother’s adventures. Death threats and guttural roars accompanied creative descriptions of what Renekton would do to Nasus and everyone around him when he was free again. Nasus was unphased, though, and continued his story while the figure in front of him thrashed and spasmed in rage. This had been the routine for months now, since Renekton had arrived in Runeterra. Nasus would visit, hoping to find some spark of what his brother used to be, and try to reassure Renekton that he was still working to help him, and that he would not make the same mistakes twice. “You know there is no cure, brother. Even now they use us both as tools to make the evil in their hearts real. The only cure is at the end of my blade. My rage will consume them all, and they shall be purged.” Nasus finally did manage a sad smile, as the brief moment of lucidity passed and Renekton resumed his ranting. That was two lucid moments within as many months. Progress was being made. - - - - It had taken Rainbow Dash a while to calm down after discovering her new form and even longer to stop fidgeting and experimenting long enough for Riven to have a serious dialogue with her, and Riven had been hard pressed not to show any of her building frustration. Keeping calm was the key here. “It’s logical to assume that since Twilight was the focal point of the spell, there’s a decent chance of her, and maybe your other friends being here too. I’ve already sent a letter to the Institute of War. Until they respond, it is probably best for you to stay here and avoid the streets. Noxus...is not the safest to roam around, and even though you still have your wings, there’s plenty of people here who could do you harm if they saw you, airborne or not. We will take no chances.” Rainbow Dash understood, but couldn’t help being a little disheartened. “You mean I gotta stay cooped up in here for however long it takes them to respond? Who knows how long that could be! I didn’t even get to bring a book or anything.” “Didn’t take you for the reading type,” Riven responded offhandedly. “The League is usually prompt when it comes to communicating with the champions, as long as no official paperwork is involved. It shouldn’t be too long. If it is, though, I’ll be sure to at least teach you some basic self-defence to keep that new body in one piece, though rest assured you won’t be wandering the streets ever without me with you.” “Geez, you act as if I’ll burst into flames the moment I am seen. It’s like you have no faith in your homeland or something. Whatever happened to all of that fancy talk about being a meritocracy, and about how everyone here works to improve themselves?” Rainbow Dash inwardly flinched. She hadn’t meant to sound quite as harsh as she did. If Riven was bothered, she didn’t show it, though, and responded with a calmness carefully constructed to withstand Rainbow Dash’s brash mannerisms and sideways insults to her homeland. “The Noxian ideal remains intact, for the most part. However, Noxus has never been much for...conventional morality. Many here are more concerned for the individual than the whole, and will do anything to advance themselves. In any case, you should be perfectly safe here. People know by now not to mess with me or my stuff.” Riven’s breath caught for a moment. ‘I should probably take down what’s left of the last thieves. I don’t really want to have to explain that to her...and maybe I slightly regret having to kill them when they attacked? That’s new.’ Riven’s internal dialogue passed unnoticed, though, and Rainbow Dash hopped to her feet, wobbling for a moment before regaining her balance. “Well, at least show me around your...house? Compound? Miniature fortress?” Riven nodded, trying not to feel like she was babysitting a hyperactive teen, and began to lead the way. - - - - Jericho Swain set aside the letter he had been reading, and turned to the man now struggling against the chains that bound him. “Your information has been very helpful, my good man. Keep it up, and I promise you, you’ll be out of Noxus within the week. A resigned sigh was the captured soldier’s response, along with the rattle of chains as he went limp. Swain was out of the room and out of earshot shortly. One of his lieutenants had captured the Demacian soldier in Swain’s absence, and had given some new, useful information. It was this lieutenant that now waited on Swain’s orders as the Grand General of Noxus. Swain was happy to oblige. “Dispose of him as you see fit.” If there’s one thing Swain had no respect for, it was someone who cracked under pressure. Of course, now, there were more pressing matters to attend to. Aside from being the most famous tactician in all of Valoran, Swain was also an accomplished magic-user, and it was now time to do some research. In the security of his own chambers, Swain examined the artifacts in front of him. These had once served to empower the leader of an attempted coup in Equestria. Perhaps now, the Nightmare’s Regalia could serve him as well. Swain wasn’t the type to pass over an advantage, and it had been a simple affair to stow away the armor that apparently held enough power to allow Discord to break the seal that the ancient magics of the Elements of Harmony had placed on him. In Equestria, such power would only be of use to the most extreme residents of that happy world, but here, in Runeterra, Swain could think of one hundred easy uses for it. He’d been studying the armor in his spare time since he had returned to Runeterra, hoping to find a way to identify and extract whatever magical potential the armor held. It was his objective to have made tangible progress before his next visit to the Institute of War. He didn’t need his curiosity eating at him while he met with Riven, who had written to him to request a meeting shortly after they had returned to Runeterra. The soft cooing of a raven drew Swain’s attention to his long-time companion. Swain had gotten the impression that the creature didn’t approve of Swain’s latest obsession in the least, though it made no move to stop him. Six eyes stared disapprovingly at Swain before looking toward the setting sun. The message was understood. Research would have to wait; Swain had politics to attend to. - - - - “Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!” It was a friendly christening for such a violent affair, and the magically recorded and repeated greeting had become a bit of a joke among the champions of the League for being seemingly ignorant of what was about to follow, though most agreed that it was more likely that the Summoners of the League were probably just that indifferent to violence by now. Of course, it wasn’t the Summoners that held the attention of the masses at the moment, though. Ten champions now stood on the field, in two groups of five, each waiting for the unspoken communication from their respective Summoners. It only took a matter of minutes to establish the initial connection, though it took a bit longer for two minds to truly settle into one body. Summoner’s Rift was a battlefield established in a forest bisected by a river. Three long pathways had been cut through the forest and over the river, terminating in two small fortresses on either side. Along each path stood a series of towering statues, each fitted with a glowing gem, and a large structure housing another gem, this one larger and magically suspended, stood at each end where the three paths came together. It was these so-called Nexus’ that comprised the main objective for these pitched battles. It was in the shorter, center pathway that two champions now stood facing each other from behind two small armies of automatons commonly referred to as minions. The younger of the two, a blonde-haired explorer wearing a large gauntlet shimmering faintly with arcane power, regarded his opponent with a frown. “Shouldn’t you be in the bottom lane, Ezreal?” Ryze idly pelted a nearby minion with a ball of electricity. Ezreal rolled his eyes, and brushed his hair out of his face. “The Summoners down there are kinda new. They didn’t listen to reason before sending Evelynn and Teemo bottom. Any second now, it’s gonna be-” “First blood! Double kill!” The ever-chipper tones of that unseen announcer rang out across the battlefield, and Ezreal sighed in defeat. “Called it. Anyway, you’ll never guess who showed up at my pad in Piltover the other day.” Ezreal hopped over the broken form of a minion before tossing a bolt of magic toward Ryze, who effortlessly dodged it. “Way ahead of you, boy. Twilight Sparkle is currently en route to Piltover now to meet with Fluttershy. I have Kassadin escorting her. Since he’s currently banned from all major battles, he shouldn’t have any matches interrupting the journey. You’ve got her somewhere safe, right?” Ryze continued dancing around all of Ezreal’s attempted attacks, and continued absentmindedly slaughtering minions. “You need to work on your aim, boy.” “Having an off day. Anyway, Fluttershy’s safe and sound. Told her to stay at my place, but I’m not worried too much. You know Piltover has some pretty low crime rates.” Ezreal paused for a moment. “So...if Twilight Sparkle’s here, and Fluttershy’s here, does that mean the others are too?” “You’re not quite as dumb as you look... Most of the time, anyway. Applejack and Rarity landed in Demacia, and Rainbow Dash is in Noxus with Riven. Pinkie Pie is in Bandle City. We’ve already sent word to Bandle City and Demacia to be on the lookout, but we’re having trouble finding Riven. She doesn’t exactly advertise her location.” Ezreal didn’t notice Ryze flipping a page in his spellbook as the latter continued to talk. “Also, boy, you’re a bit far away from your tower.” Realization dawned on Ezreal a moment too late as one of Ryze’s allies bull-rushed him from the nearby brush, and as he turned to flee, an all-too-familiar magical cage surrounded him, and the last thing he saw was a veritable storm of electrical energy arcing toward him. “Well, fu-” - - - - There was a blinding light as Ezreal awoke on a large dais behind his team’s Nexus. With a groan, he stretched out his muscles and tried to shake off the feeling of having recently been fried by his mentor. Walking toward the nearby shopkeeper that dispensed the rewards for a champion’s efforts during a match, he couldn’t help but reflect upon how one never got used to the sensation of dying. All in all, it was yet another glorious day in the life of a champion.