The Last Keeper of Harmony

by Rammy

Interrogating Chaos

Spike yawned heavily knowing that it was no use trying to fall asleep. Twilight had been pacing since at least before sunrise. Thinking on it, Spike was sure it was all night. Twilight's pacing had even woken him up and in a middle of a dream no less. He had lived with her nearly all his life and still he couldn't believe she'd work herself up so easily. He yawned again while stretching a bit. Spike got up and walked out into the corridor. Looking both directions he didn’t see the alicorn.

He facepalmed. She must have left the door open again! I have got to remind her to close the council door if she plans on doing that.

He slowly waddled down the hall before turning a corner and climbing down the stairs. At the end of the hall was the suspect door. Yep left it open again.

"Twilight," He poked his head in. He silently hoped that he wouldn't have to raise his voice. "Twilight?" Twilight seemed to ignore him so Spike really did have to raise his volume, "TWILIGHT!"

"What?" Twilight stopped pacing confused for a moment at the dragon's outburst.

"Do I need to send Celestia another letter?" He crossed his arms after closing the door behind him.

"Another letter? .... Yes that's it! Spike take a letter," Twilight commanded still completely obvious to an increasingly irritated dragon tapping his foot.

In a flash, Spike ran up to Twilight and pulled her muzzle down to him so that all she could see were his emerald eyes, his annoyed, emerald eyes. He hissed so softly that Twilight almost didn't hear him. "Two words Twi: Smarty. Pants."

"I'm doing it again, aren't I?" Twilight blushed, pulling away from Spike.

Spike only gave her the look that said No, really?

She blushed even redder. "Well at least we should be prepared for his antics this time. Let's go over his file to make sure we have the necessary leverage."

Spike shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose his is claws. "I know I'm going to regret this..."

The council doors opened allowing Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to step though. Once inside Twilight cast a soundproofing spell.

"I take it that Discord is going to make his usual 'chaotic' entrance?" Twilight asked noticing a lack of one self proclaimed 'Spirit of Chaos.'

As if to answer a stone statue of Celestia eating cake dropped into the middle of the room. The sudden appearance and accompanying crash made everyone jump slightly, Celestia more from the horror of the statues subject matter. "DISCORD!!" She yelled in the Canterlot Royal Voice. This of course spooked Fluttershy into hiding behind her cutie-marked throne. She softened her voice when she noticed Fluttershy cowering. "Discord this is a serious matter. Please reign in your propensity to doing pranks and such for one simple meeting."

"Very well, Celestia." The statue spoke then flashed and Discord's usual chimera body taking the place of the statue, "I will at least tone it down...a bit."

Celestia glared threateningly at him but Discord seemed to ignore it. Fluttershy slowly stopped shaking and sat back on her throne though she still looked nervously through her mane.

Seeing that everything had calmed down, for the moment, Twilight started, "Well, Discord, are you going to explain what exactly is going on?"

"I'm not allowed to say..." He sheepishly replied, rubbing his hands nervously.

"What!??!" Twilight yelled her left eye twitching slightly. Rainbow looked ready to pounce as she was already flapping in the air.

"Must I repeat everything I say? It gets really boring..." Discord rolled his eyes like dice before commenting mostly to himself. "Rats! Snake eyes again..."

"Oh, Come on!" Rainbow flew straight at him and pushed a hoof into Discord's face. "If you don't start spilling the beans..."

"Come now, Rainbow, no need for violence. We are among friends," He snapped a claw causing Rainbow's hoof to be encased in a pillow, "and as for beans..." His tail snapped and a pile of beans buried Rainbow Dash.

"DISCORD!" Everyone shouted except Rainbow who has too far buried to be yelling anything.

"As I said I made a promise not to say who it was." Discord went through the motions of the Pinkie Promise even smashing a huge cupcake in Pinkie Pie's eye. Pinkie Pie happily slurped up the cupcake.

“Mmm creamy, creamy frosting!” Pinkie giggled.

“Pinkie!” Everypony but Discord facehoofed, or claw in the case of Spike.

"Discord you don't ever make promises without putting in a loophole." Twilight said knowingly shaking her head at Pinkie antics.

"Well, I never.." Discord pouted.

Twilight interrupted Discord's rant, "Spike go into my office and pull out of the Discord cabinet his ‘promises’ file for me.

"Right away Twilight," Spike got up and walked out of the chambers through a side door.

"You have a whole cabinet just for me?" Discord wiped a tear from his eye, "I didn't know you cared so much about me to give me my very own cabinet."

Twilight’s only reaction was to glare. Fluttershy and Applejack took the opportunity to unbury Rainbow. After a moment the pile rumbled and a streak of multicolor light flew straight up causing the entire pile to explode outward.

“Rainbow!” Rarity yelped, barely blocking the explosion with her magic.

“Eeh, ehh, sorry.” Rainbow sheepishly apologized before landing on her throne. Rarity glared at her hotly before quickly removing the now mashed beans from the room.

A door opened which got everyone’s attention. Spike walked back in, closed the door, and handed a file to Twilight with a few more under his arm.

"Ahem… and I quote," Twilight spoke in smug authority.

"Yes, Princess, I'm ready to use my magic for good instead of evil. Most of the time."

"Sound familiar?" Twilight looked at Discord.

"Well yes... but..." Discord objected crossing his arms.

"Twi, try this one." Spike said, handing a different file to Twilight.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, took the file glanced at it, and then smiled wickedly which only caused Discord to uncharacteristically gulp, "I would think you remember saying this:"

"Tirek tricked me into believing that he could offer me something more valuable than friendship."

"How do you know you haven't been tricked like before?" Twilight narrowed her eyes for effect.

"Hmmm...I think that might be a spoiler," He stamped Twilight's forehead in red ink the word ‘spoiler.’

"This isn't some book!" Twilight angrily tried to rub off the ink before it set.

Discord laughed and winked.

"Gah!" Twilight yelled exasperated at Discord's usual riddles and round about way saying anything.

"Discord you need to tell us who it was that got you to do all of this," Fluttershy Stared at Discord. She knew that the Stare wouldn't work but she also knew how much Discord valued their friendship.

"Well.. I... well that is..' Discord stammered, visibly shrinking. Now that they were friends it unnerved him to see her using the Stare on him.

"Quit stalling and tell us who got you to do this," Rainbow snapped, flapping in the air near Discord again forgetting the earlier incident with beans.

"It was me." A mysterious baritone voice responded.