//------------------------------// // Chapter 61 - The Battle of Canterlot Part 5 // Story: A Journey Unthought Of: Revival of Chaos // by Hustlin Tom //------------------------------// It was the height of the battle on the upper terrace, and several strange things began to occur. The Changelings’ behavior shifted momentarily from hostile but restrained to outright murderous, then to a calm, solemn stupor. Bon Bon used their distraction to her advantage by popping open the pods of several captured ponies and escorting them out to safety. Atop his perch Mr. Black fired round after round. He didn’t care why the bugs had stopped, but he knew it wouldn’t last forever, and he wanted as few as possible around when they became aware of their surroundings again. His rifle clicked: he had gone through his last bullet. Fluttershy’s hooves, meanwhile, were hard at work as she helped other ponies with the injured in the castle foyer, which had been set up as a triage station. There weren’t many with experience in medical knowledge among the civilians or the castle’s staff, but she made for a good substitute for a full-fledged nurse. Though she made sure to help every patient she could, she regularly checked up on Fancy Pants as she made her rounds. She stood by him as he lay unconscious on a bed of linens, and she blotted away the excess blood leaking from his rapidly forming scar. “You’re going to be alright,” she softly reassured him, though she also did it to comfort herself as well. “Oh Celestia,” said a tortured whisper at Fluttershy’s side. As she turned to look at the gorgeous unicorn mare beside her, she recognized her: Fleur De Lis. “What have they done to you, my sweet gentlepony?” she asked quietly as she gently stroked his mane with her hoof. The emotional pain that Fluttershy saw on Fleur’s face struck the chords of her heart, and she spoke up, “The gash is largely superficial; it’s been treated, but he is still badly hurt from being nearly trampled.” Fleur tenderly continued to rustle Fancy Pants’ mane a little, “I’m thankful to have him back, though I wish the reunion weren’t like this.” She turned and looked to Fluttershy with a pleading glance, “Will you show me how to care for him? He’s been gone for so long, and I just need to be with him.” Fluttershy smiled softly and nodded her understanding, “Absolutely.” Soarin and Cloudchaser flew into the makeshift hospital with Spitfire in tow: her breathing was ragged and her heartbeat was shallow. “What happened to the city hospital,” Soarin asked one of the castle’s servants, “We were going to fly there, but it’s gone!” He shrugged, “My guess is it was taken below with the rest of the city.” Rainbow Dash flew in behind the three Wonderbolts, having helped to escort them in through the battle outside. Her gut was tied up in knots. She had never seen her heroes like this: confused, weakened. She had wanted to sit in vigil with them over their Captain, her idol, but her dread stopped her. What if she didn’t make it? The thought made her descend and land on the castle floor uncertainly. It can’t end like this, she thought to herself as she trotted over to where they were laying Spitfire on some soft blankets. She felt a tap on her shoulder that awakened her from her state of worry. Applejack put her foreleg around her lightly and patted her back, “We need ta go, Dash.” Rainbow looked back to Spitfire’s bed. She was pale yellow, but she was at least beginning to breathe easier. Cloudchaser argued with Soarin’ with a hushed tone, but he simply pointed out toward the door. With a visible sigh she left them to head back out to command the other Wonderbolts, while he stayed by his Captain’s side. Soarin’ watched her leave, and then he noticed Rainbow Dash’s gaze and looked to her. Applejack gave her another tug which she tried to shrug off. He noticed that as well, and shook his head. He mouthed “Go”, and then returned his attention back to Spitfire. Rainbow Dash internally struggled with herself for a few moments before she turned to Applejack, “Let’s go. We’ve got a job to do.” As the two of them left for the castle doors they were soon joined by Rarity, who had also taken some time to persuade Fluttershy to leave her post. “Twilight should hopefully still be with the Prince and Princess,” Rarity thought aloud for the others to hear, “but where in the world is Pinkie Pie?” “I have come to dispense sugary justice and chew bubble gum,” the mare in question declared as she walked toward them out of nowhere, a colorful mortar launcher cradled in her front hooves, and a helmet on her head which was inscribed with ‘Born to Party’. “I still have thirty packs of gum left,” she growled as she blew a large bubble, which burst with a loud smack, “My Pinkie Sense gave me a doozy like no other a few minutes ago.” “Something’s been givin’ me the creepy-crawlies too,” Applejack nodded as she looked to the others, “Ah figured if something related to Discord was gonna happen, it would be soon.” “Oh it’s soon alright,” Pinkie Pie affirmed as her body began to seize and shake all over, her legs flaying like they were possessed, “In fact it’s happening right now!” With a flash of red light that filled Canterlot Square, Discord made his entrance. The draconequus didn’t move initially or even so much as utter a smug declaration; he simply stood where he had appeared and waited. Those who were nearest to him, both Equestrian and Changeling, noticed something very strange occurring as the seconds ticked by: a haunting melody filled the air that flooded their minds. As they became consumed with finding the source of the sound, they all stopped what they were doing and turned toward him. It was in that moment, when he felt there was an audience large enough for his liking, that he began to sing. Come with me And you'll be In a world of Pure imagination He snapped his fingers as he waved his arm and red lightning spewed from out of their tips. Cobble stones flew from out of the street and wrapped around the body of an unsuspecting unicorn pony. She cried out for help as the bricks fused around her, then through her. Her whimpering turned into snarling as the transformation finished: a gargoyle with predatory eyes, carnivorous teeth, and rocky hide and quills reared on its clawed back legs and attacked the nearest group of ponies it could find. Discord smiled, then swung a male earth pony up into his arms, the terrified pony held aloft by his cheeks in the Lord of Chaos’ hands. Take a look The earth pony struggled against the grip around his face, but it didn’t matter as he was already being corrupted by Discord’s powers. And you'll see Into my imagination Just as casually as he had picked the stallion out of the crowd, he tossed him aside to go about whatever sick wish he had in mind. With a click of his reptilian appendage on the cobbled street, stone transmuted into a small sea of cornstarch-water, which began to swallow up those closest to him. Discord, meanwhile, began to dance and twirl across the substance, never sinking beneath its surface. We'll begin With a spin Traveling in The world of my creation He leapt off of the white colored goo and began to wave his arms in front of him in an oscillating pattern. Red sparks began to appear between his fingers. The smell of ozone filled the air. The little singularity of chaos that pulsed between his palms was erratic in its emission of light, shape, and energy level. It was absolutely exquisite. Discord looked up to see six very familiar ponies rushing towards him: Twilight Sparkle led the charge, her friends close behind. He smiled deviously. Just in time. He brought his hands closer, squeezing down on the point between them. What we'll see Will defy As he looked up, his eyes twinkled ominously. Twilight’s opened wide as she realized what was about to happen, and she tried to skid to a stop. “Explanation!” Discord yelled, then he opened his palms wide. The singularity exploded, the shockwave scattering everyone but the draconequus from the point of detonation. The Elements spun head over hooves until they each came to a pained stop near each other. As the energy Discord had created continued to expand, the surrounding area began to warp and ripple under its effect. Lollipops sprang up from the ground, uprooted themselves, and grew large, sharp rows of teeth. Ponies began to run in screaming panic as the carnivorous treats started to hop after them. Licorice bushes began to ensnare anything that got near them. A creature with tentacles made of taffy and a hide of rock candy began to savage the Changelings near it, but they evaded its attack through flight or their metamorphic abilities. Twisted hobgoblins made of pretzels appeared and began to vomit molten cheese from their mouths as well as leak It from the holes where their eyes should have been. Discord frenetically teleported across the battlefield, staying in one place just long enough to infect a pony or Changeling with his influence, only to reappear somewhere else and continue the process. In no time at all he had corrupted several individuals or drones, and he then reappeared in front of the Elements, his arms raised as he looked around his mad kingdom, If you want to view paradise Simply look around and view it Anything you refrain from, do it Wanna change the world? There's nothing To it “At least for me it isn’t,” he finished with a chuckle. Twilight began to pick herself up, and as she did she helped Rarity to her hooves as well. “Discord,” she called out. The Lord of Chaos looked at her with a bemused smile as he hovered a little closer to the six of them, “Yes Twilight dear, what is it?” “You know how this ends,” she declared as she adjusted her Element of Magic. Discord tapped his chin as he drew even nearer, “Really? I’m not so sure. I’m feeling rather full of energy, like I could take on the world. I don’t think I will be going back to my cell for quite a while.” “We beg to differ,” Twilight replied. She and her friends began to rise into the air, their Elements resonating as they approached full power. Their powers activated and combined, creating the signature rainbow they had become known for. “Not this time, you don’t!” Discord yelled as he reached out with his lion’s paw. The Twilight’s elemental tiara began to shudder. After some momentary struggling, Discord’s red aura seized the artifact and ripped it from her head. “Hey!” she exclaimed, while the others had similar reactions when their necklaces were ripped away, and the technicolor energy dissipated. “These used to be so much more powerful centuries ago,” Discord commented as he brought each of the Elements before him, “that was back before Celestia sealed away their power to only those who could use them in tandem. They were once able to seal me away for what was meant to be an eternity, and were capable of recreating worlds from dust. Now, though? They’re little trinkets for dress up.” Twilight tried to reach with her magic to swipe them back, but she could not concentrate. Rainbow Dash made to try and grab them with a quick burst of speed, but Discord caused super elastic cellophane to appear in front of her. She strained against it even though she couldn’t breathe, but ultimately she was slingshot back into her friends, causing them to tumble once again. “There will be no ‘solution by friendship’ today,” Discord declared as he brought the Elements to circle in front of him, “I gave you your chance to save the day in 46 minutes, and things never happen the same way twice.” A dark purple light appeared from up out of the lower terrace of Canterlot and began to arc towards him. “DISCORD!” Nightmare Moon angrily yelled as she rocketed down from the sky. Twilight barely registered the arrival of the dark alicorn. Her eyes were turned toward the Elements, which rattled in the draconequus’ grip. “Huh,” the mad titan exclaimed, “Well that's new.” He then turned his attention back to his prizes, and he grinned, “Oh well.” The Elements began to whine. Cracks appeared across their surfaces, and light of each hue shone through them. Twilight shrugged off her friend’s bodies and began to run towards him like her life depended on it. Nightmare Moon tucked her wings and dropped towards him. A brilliant flash emanated from Discord’s palms, blinding the both of them. Twilight became temporarily delirious from the explosion of color and she had to stop in her tracks. She blinked rapidly to try and get the imprint of the light from out of her eyes. As it finally began to clear, she saw that Discord had remained where he had been, hovering just above the ground. On the street before him, Twilight was horrified to see thousands of multicolored shards, each sparking with power, but each also quickly dying out like a fire’s last embers. Nightmare Moon hovered just above her, stunned just as she was. “Well how about that,” Discord smirked, and he put his hands to his chest, “It looks like I win!”