//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: The Dragon Pony // by Luminous Paradox //------------------------------// My heart thumped inside me. I clutched it and felt strangely comforted when my claws touched my scaly chest. The rain pelted down and mist surrounded me. The air was cold and tense and the sense of unease sent a shiver down my spine. The mist was full with amber eyes glowing with hatred. I bare no shame when I say that a pair of those eyes belonged to me.   Even when the chill from the wind blew darkness into my soul and threatened to freeze me, my burning mixture of emotions warmed me up. I panted and felt like I was going to choke. Every muscle in my body was poised – ready to pounce. I cursed the horrible weather but kept as silent as a mouse.    I suddenly heard a battle cry. The shrill noise pierced through the air. My body froze and I could smell my own fear scent. The thundering noise of hooves smashing the ground, charging towards me, made my heart skip a beat. The battle cry from the opposing team was retorted back by the roar from our leader.   Knowing that was the signal to attack I leaped forward. When I saw my opponents I stifled a laugh. No drake had told me what we were fighting. What they had told me was that they had the power of flight, magic and earth. My opponent was a pony!   I slashed my claws into its flesh and watched the blood splatter on the ground with no remorse. My eyes narrowed till they were just thinn slits of charcoal black. I suddenly felt a sharp stab in my stomach. Coughing up a mouthful of blood I glared at the pony that dared to stab me. The pony’s eyes were filled with terror and his body trembled. Before I could sink my claws into his flesh a magical aura encircled the pony and lifted him away.   Magic!   I pushed my thoughts about magic out of my head and reminded myself that I was on the battlefield. I glanced at my comrades shocked to see so many down. I shakily took a breath in and felt like crying when I smelled the scent of my brother’s blood. I recognised his body crumpled on the bloodstained floor and started to choke on my tears when I realised that his body no longer moved. Rage urged me forward and I was thankful that the rain hid the tears that spilled down my face. I halted when I felt sharp arrows pierce my back. I look up to see the sky having a battle of its own. Ponies with wings battled dragons fiercely and the arrows from the ponies came shattering down.   A pony than leaped on to of me and I wrestled it to the ground. I noticed that this pony had a horn but that did not matter.   I was a fool.   The pony smirked at me and his horn began to glow. I reared back in alarm but I was to slow to dodge the bullet of magical energy that crashed into me. I sank into the ground. Defeated, but not for long. When the enemy came to finish me off I kicked my hind legs upwards knocking him out. I cringed as I moved and wished that I had magic to heal my wounds.   More ponies entered and I saw a shining light. An elegant, white pony stepped into the battlefield. All the ponies stopped fighting and bowed before her.   The queen?   Following behind the elegant ruler was a tall dark blue mare. Looking similar to the bigger mare she had wings and a horn. Scale Scar (the dragon leader) lifted his head his eyes shining with a mixture of respect and hatred.   “Princess Celestia,” He muttered. The white mare nodded.   “Scale Scar,” she murmured, her voice sounded like milk in the morning. Scale Scar towered over the princess but the princess stood as regal and confident as if she was the same size as the bulky leader of dragons. “Scale Scar, this fight has gone too far,” The Princess said. The big drake’s eyes flashed with confusion.   “Too far? TOO FAR? This is the battle YOU started Celestia!” growled Scar. I had never heard Scar so angry before.   “This is a fight over territory Scar. Territory YOU want,” retorted Celestia. Scar kept silent but I could see his body was itching to pounce at the regal ruler and tear her apart. “We shall finish this battle before anymore lives are lost. I shall give you a section of Equestria for you to live in. It is a secluded place where no pony shall enter. Consider my offer Scar before any more of your kind are killed,” said Celestia. Scar merely nodded as a sign of agreement. Half of me wanted to carry on fighting, not wanting to be defeated. The other half was relieved to be able to live in a place in peace. Scar spread open his wings and soared off into the sky.   “Everfree forest Scar. That is where you shall stay.” Yelled the blue mare her voice was sharp and felt commanding.   Scar nodded than flew off. The remaining dragons struggled to get up and follow but soon I was the only dragon left. I tried to get up but my legs felt like jelly. I spread open my wings but they had holes in them making them useless.   Celestia looked at me with a pang of sympathy. The blue mare galloped towards me. I cringed at her touch. Her horn glowed and I held my breath. The light faded and she stepped back. I weakly got up surprised that my legs were as strong as ever. I lifted open my wings happy to see no damage on them. I flew upwards and nodded my gratitude to the princesses.   I flew towards the Everfree forest alone. But halfway through I stopped. I could hear a noise like a pitiful mewling from a cat. I swooped downwards towards the voice. I saw a bundle of cloth in the middle of the ground. There was nobody in sight. I pawed the bundle and it spilled open revealing a filly. It was crying.   It had a bright orange coat and its mane was a light blond. It looked a lot like a pony that had been under the sun to long. I wondered whether it was a stallion or a mare but soon realized it was a colt. Wondering what to do I did not notice a young stallion in the background.   “Take him. P…please,” It muttered.   I whipped my head around but I did not attack.   “Why?” I asked.   “I… I don’t want it. I… I don’t want to become a father yet. And… and what’s the point it has not mother?” “No mother?” I echoed back.   “Sh… she died in labour,” muttered the stallion. I saw that his eyes were clouded with sorrow and regret. I felt a pang of sympathy for him.   “Very well,” I muttered. I scooped up the filly and put him on my back. My brain was confused and I had no idea why I was agreeing.   “Thank you,” said the stallion.   I leapt back in the air making sure the child was safe. I felt strangely comforted with the feeling of the colt’s warmth. Than a sudden daunting thought shook me. What is Scar going to say about this?