Twisting the Cheese

by Derpator

Chapter 3 - Pie with Cheese

How did Marble bend her body like that? Was she incredibly jointed, flexible, like some soulful dancer?

Cheese’s expression could only be one of pure awe as the youngest sister stretched herself to feats unimaginable to him. She had it, her victory, considering Limestone was starting to wobble underneath his weight. He couldn’t even move his head, exempt for his eyes, which found themselves looking towards the spinner, and its current occupier, Maud.

If he could catch the slightest glimpse of a grin coming from Maud, she was sure showing it. She set the spinner off, that sound of plastic rotating repeating in his wobbling body. He exhaled as his next position became known to him, Maud openly calling it out.

No, impossible, he instantly thought after what he heard. He wouldn’t manage to reach that, not when Limestone was positioned beneath him, and Marble...

Well, Marble wasn’t a problem.

He tried very hard, inching his way, carefully passing over Limestone’s stretched body to get to his new destination. His teeth ground together, free air passing out between the gaps as his body shifted its way across.

His legs shook when he got to his new position. He looked at Limestone, glancing back at him with a sympathetic smile. She could tell how hard he was trying, the poor guy. He only found it fitting to reflect back a similar expression, ridding himself of weakness. After a short while of a mere few seconds, which felt like minutes, it even looked like they might have started a conversation, as troublesome as it might have seemed.

Maybe that was the case, or maybe it became awkward. His mouth started to open anyway, but was abruptly interrupted when Pinkie Pie barged her head in through the door, yelling, “Food’s ready!”

The wobbling became frantic, and Cheese found himself losing his immediate balance from Pinkie’s giant disturbance. In one swift failed desperation to hang on, he ended up falling from his lost weight, taking Limestone down with him in the process.

He crushed the mare, landing right on top of her. She let out a muffled grunt as her body got handed extra weight, the stallion perched on top of her. He was rather light for his body and exterior.

“Oops, sorry Cheesie,” Pinkie apologised, her head sticking into the bedroom, resisting the urge to giggle.

He groaned a bit, before realising he was parked on top of Limestone. Panicking right away, he shot himself off her, reaching out his hoof to help her up. “I’m so, so sorry,” he whimpered, afraid that one of them would tackle him for assaulting a sister.

Limestone raised an eyebrow at how the tense stallion nervously bit his lip, looking extremely worried. Shaking her head in a glimpse of disappointment, she happily took the helping hoof, lifting up off the floor with the help of Cheese. “It’s alright,” she assured him, wiping a bit of her coat. “These things happen.”

Marble wasn’t affected in the slightest when Pinkie interjected their game. She unwound her own body, perky as ever, the smile on her. It was pretty obvious her mood was heightened from the mere mention of food, evidenced when she broke her way for the door, leaving only a trace of a dust cloud.

Maud got up from her lax position, laying the spinner down on the floor. She took a gander over at the three ‘pets’ in the corner, still lively and full of activity. She grinned, the first one ever present that Cheese could make out, before she turned and headed for the door too. Boulder was going to be alright in the clutches of Gummy and Boneless Two. She had a sixth sense about the rock.

Cheese wandered over too, ready to embark in Pinkie’s cooking abilities. He still felt bad about not being able to help, but he understood what she wanted from him.

Limestone followed behind him, the sister not saying a word. Whether it was because she wasn’t much of a conversationalist, or just because she had nothing to say, Cheese couldn’t guess. She was more open than Maud though, that was given.

Pinkie merrily bounced her way through Sugarcube Corner, full of energy as she always was, Cheese and Limestone following closely behind. He was a theoretical sandwich already, in-between two Pies. Pinkie was... Pinkie, but when he looked at Limestone, actually getting a proper glance, he could see the similarities, as well as the differences. Pinkie was beautiful in his eyes, but Limestone seemed to inherit some of those physical traits, though he couldn’t tell which parts specifically. He couldn't deny that she looked quite pretty in some aspects. Being surrounded by four pretty mares probably wasn't best for him though.

The mane he was particularly fond of. It was well-kept—not to say the other sisters had bad hair—but something about it rubbed him the right way. It was grey though, something he had easily picked up on, and something that just wouldn’t leave him alone. While Pinkie was one of pure pink, violet and bright, her sisters shared a different contrast between them, a somewhat greyish tone.

He didn’t have a clue of how that happened. How comes Pinkie turned out pink, while the other three were grey? Maybe it really showed off how shining Pinkie was, being the more ‘lively’ one, but that theory wouldn’t support Marble’s hyper attitude.

He decided not to think too much about it as he approached the stairs, the idea not really important in his current situation. Out of the corner of his vision, he witnessed Maud treading her way through the kitchen. Marble was likely in there already, Limestone was taking up the back, while Pinkie happily slid down the rails of the stairs with a goofy grin.

He smirked at the display of the pink figure sliding down the stairs. He’d seen her do it before, but every time would result in a smile, or a simple sign of happiness. Time after time he told himself to take part in the same activity. It was only harmless fun after all.

He bit his lip, pausing to stare at the rail. He wanted to do it. Why did he? Why was it getting to him? He was feeling a little cheesy. And he wasn’t one to turn down a little cheesiness.

But then he had seen Pinkie, who was eagerly looking up at him, waiting patiently for his descent. Her presence only increased his want, his urge, to go through with it.

For the brief moment he took to load himself onto the rail, he completely forgot that Limestone was still behind him. His grin was huge as he slid down the rail, Pinkie holding back her laughter. He held out his hooves like he was pretending to entertain an entire crowd, which in reality was only Pinkie. He didn’t pay attention to control, sliding off and crashing into the wall with a thump.

Pinkie lost it completely, falling over onto her back, her chest heaving manically, her hooves flailing all over the place. The laughter practically raced out of her, catching the attention of Maud and Marble in the next room.

The pair came out to see what had their sister in a fit of giggles, spotting Cheese’s unfortunate accident. They didn’t know the full story, but Marble seemed to beam from the sight, while Maud, from what Cheese imagined, laughed internally.

He readjusted his posture, lifting himself up. His eyes finally got back into place, making first contact with Limestone. She had shared a bit in the group giggle, but nowhere near as much as Pinkie. She slowly edged her way down the stairs, shaking her head a bit from the scene laid upon her.

Cheese scrambled up into a sophisticated posture. He did it awkwardly, his chuckle forced from a sheepish smile. He adjusted his bowtie a bit, finally taking a few steps.

It was a good thing Sugarcube Corner was officially closed for the day. Otherwise that potential public embarrassment might have gone to his head. Pinkie’s mass hysteria might not have boded well, though considering it was her, ponies were probably used to her being that way.

He took a few deep breathes, the heat of the embarrassment flushing over him. Sweat was inevitable if it kept up, and looking down at his tuxedo, it only made him feel worse. He had worn it for hours, converting him into a radiator of heat, though he paid it no heed. His dilemma was heating that up though.

He watched Limestone pass him, the mare giving him a final sadistic grin as she joined her sisters. Maud and Marble also vacated the scene, retreating back into the kitchen. Pinkie approached him, already giving him a small case of shivers. Was she about to rub it in? Knowing her, she likely wouldn’t, though she might make a cute, snarky remark.

“Are you ok?” she asked him, her smile of full effect, likely still entranced by his accident.

“Yeah...” he replied after an exhale. “Just trying something different.”

“It’s ok,” she reassured him, placing her hoof on his shoulder. “With some practice, you’ll be a certified Pinkie Pie!”

Her hoof was tender, resting on him. A certified Pinkie Pie? That sounded good, whatever it was. Did it entail all the qualities of being Pinkie?

He took another sigh, feeling around his body with his hoof, feeling very hot. “Can I...” he trailed, his hoof checking around the tuxedo more. “Take this off?”

Pinkie titled her head, before she leaned in closer with her body, placing her hoof up to his bowtie, fumbling around with it. “Sure.” She analysed the situation too, feeling around his barrel with her hooves, getting the warm feeling he had. He must have been boiling in the thing. She gave him a naughty wink, starting her helpful charity.

He didn’t expect her to help undress him, but she did. And she was a graceful worker, her hooves seeming to take them off without a hitch. No stitching getting caught or any troubles, all Cheese could think was that Pinkie’s hooves worked wonders.

He felt some fresh air come over him as the smart set of clothes were removed from him, unaware of Pinkie’s blush seeing more of his more... bare body. The contact only heightened the blush she had.

He glanced at Pinkie, who was dreamily staring at his body from the side. He quirked his eyebrow as Pinkie’s eyelids dropped, his tan skin in plain view. “Uh... Pinkie?”

“Mmm... yes?” she whispered in response, not averting her almost-lustful gaze.

He took her hoof in his to saw what had gotten her so hypnotised, causing her to realise the situation again. She wobbled her head a bit, before she laid eyes upon the hooves touching each other. Her blush only grew, her temple of pink deepening in the same colour.

He unwillingly flushed too. He gulped as he stared at her attractive figure. It had been a good point to be secluded with Pinkie after all this time with her sisters, and now that he had, he didn’t want it to end, though he didn’t know why his body wouldn’t move. Why wouldn’t his wimpy legs move? Go to the kitchen already, you dolt.

Their eyes locked in on each other, the same effect coming to him confined within her orbs. They called to him like sugar called to Pinkie. She didn’t seem to mind either, fluttering her eyes a teensy bit, sending that same warm feeling down him. Why was it so darned cute and tempting?

Cheese wasn’t aware of how long time had passed as they stood stiff as statues, staring at one another with their hooves touching. He was satisfied more about the Sugarcube Corner predicament. He was sure that if there was a crowd witnessing their display, he would have attracted an unhealthy amount of attention.

“Hey,” a familiar voice cried out from the kitchen. Both of the party ponies only creaked their heads to the side to spot Maud standing there in the open doorway. “Are you coming?”

Cheese immediately took himself away from Pinkie, his initial fear of Maud doing something dreadful. He had just laid his hooves on her younger sister, a likely bad gesture for him to do. He wasn’t sure if Maud’s constant stare was a leer or something else. He couldn’t depict her emotion or vibe, expressionless as it was.

Cheese coughed from the awkwardness, getting back into the grip of reality. Pinkie seemed to paw her hoof on the ground a little, facing downwards. The situation was tense for the both of them.

“Time to eat?” he asked questionably, trying to rid the sugar house of the blatant awkward levels.

“Yeah...” Pinkie mumbled, picking up his clothes off the floor. “I’ll take care of these.”

Cheese didn’t have a chance to say anything as Pinkie had already shot off, likely finding a safe place to put his tuxedo. It felt refreshing to be out of it, back to the casual mood and swing of things.

He made his way to the kitchen, a little fearful of Maud, but the original destination back in his mind. It was time to eat with the Pie sisters, and given that he’d be around with the others than with Pinkie alone, he wouldn’t feel so tense.

When he entered the confines of the kitchen, finally spotting the assortment of food Pinkie had prepared, his jaw dropped. It was... it was... beautiful. What Pinkie had set up was just...

It was a feast—or rather—a buffet. And she had set it all up herself. The three sisters were all sat at the table with their personalised choices of food from the giant stacks in front of them. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how Pinkie worked herself so hard.

Why didn’t she let him help her? He understood her position about wanting him to interact with her sisters more, but she went to way too much effort. How had she done it all by herself? He only felt guiltier every time he asked himself. Knowing the fact that he hadn’t helped only worsened it.

The three sisters gave him a quick glance, though Limestone’s lingered on a bit too much, whilst Marble narrowed her gaze at him for a couple of seconds. They were all happy, or so he imagined them to be, all sat around the table.

He checked out the variety of abounding foods. He had set up a few buffets here and there, but Pinkie had beaten him to the punch after he briefly analysed her selections.

Even the punch she made beat his from first glance, ironic that it was. It wasn’t a party, but she made punch, as well as offer a variety of drinks. He was flabbergasted at her creative techniques.

He heard the hooves treading on the floor behind him, the fourth sister fast approaching. He could tell she knew his reaction, evident from his stiffness. She had likely expected it, and that might have been her plan from the beginning. She liked to surprise ponies. And Cheese...

He was surprised.

“Come on Cheesie, let’s eat,” she said encouragingly, coming into his view. He returned her kind words with a smile, nodding his head, grabbing a plate from the small stack.


What would be the next game, Cheese mused. He had been the first to finish, or rather, get full before he had to stop. The buffet was so exquisite, the banquet leaving a mark he won’t forget. He didn’t want to be rude in leaving the table, preferring to wait for the sisters to finish, but they all told him to go and pick their next activity.

He obliged, though he couldn’t help feeling it was an excuse to get him to leave so they could talk about him. He lost himself part-way through the huge conversation anyway, Maud’s rocktorate a topic he just couldn’t understand. She used such high level terminology for rocks and geology, and he had no clue what any of it was. And yet, the other three could tell exactly what she was talking about, hanging onto every word.

Maud liked rocks. That is all he would have found out if he hadn’t figured it out already.

He had tentatively made his way back to Pinkie’s bedroom. He was a bit full, and he was next to pick some activity, though he was curious about the conversation going on downstairs. A new game, something different, perhaps of a disparate tone. In his current state of gluttony, he was too distracted to think of anything.

He walked over towards the corner where Gummy, Boneless Two and Boulder lurked. Gummy had moved the other two around. He even saw the alligator pushing the chicken up against a wall. He liked to think they were pretending, Gummy playing the role of a police detective, gone to desperate measures to get an answer from Boneless Two.

He had a brief thought. Pinkie and Maud both had a pet. But what about Limestone and Marble? Both Gummy and Boulder were rather... odd, so what could they possibly own, if they even had one? Given that Marble was a babysitter, he imagined the youngest sister would likely own a foal dummy. Given Maud’s crazy pet rock, and Marble’s rather young and crazy ways, he didn’t rule out the kooky idea.

The activity lost his attention as his vision became obscured, and quickly blackened. He couldn’t see, a small force pushing down on his still open eyes. He could feel them; those hooves. One of the sisters had come up behind him.

“Guess who...” the voice softly sang.

He smiled right away. It was Pinkie’s voice. He could recognise that soft tone anywhere. If it were Maud, he would have likely feared for his imminent life, her soft voice only sending a tingle down his spine.

“Hello Pinkie,” he gracefully replied.

“Huh? I’m not Pinkie. Really Cheese?”

His eyebrows furrowed as the hooves slowly pulled away from his eyes. He inspected them, noticing the mistake instantly. They were grey, definitely not pink. “Marble?” he wondered out loud, pretty certain that a soft voice like that wouldn’t be Maud’s.

The mare giggled, prompting him to turn around. He saw Marble standing there in front of him. He squinted his face. “Sorry...”

How had he mixed them up? They sounded so similar, unless Marble put on a strong Pinkie voice. “It’s alright,” she said dismissively.

He didn’t know where to go from where they were. He was alone... with Marble, the sister that seemed like Pinkie the most, only not Pinkie. “Uh...” he mumbled without intention, not sure of a good conversation starter.

Marble blinked her eyes a few times. For a tiny moment, she didn’t know what to say either. She hadn’t really been alone with Cheese for any amount of time that might be regarded as a minute. She played with her lips, quickly attempting to come up with something. When her eyes met an intriguing object, her expression turned to one that could be seen as mischievous. She shot Cheese a brief glance.

“How about some card games?” she asked in a different tone.

Cheese arched his eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Marble continued. She walked over towards the deck that was in the giant pile of games. She picked it up, still maintaining her gaze on Cheese.

Cheese followed Marble with his eyes and his head, the mare moving a tad suspiciously. She closed the gap between them rather quickly.

“Or are you... boneless?” She shot Cheese a look of intimidation.

Cheese’s eyebrow went even higher. Boneless? No one ever called him boneless.

Cheese found his field of vision narrowing, his lust to duel it out with Marble rising. He wanted to, needed to thrash her in some card games. He felt it boiling inside. Boneless... that was a name he just couldn’t accept.

“Let’s do it,” he accepted with more force.

Marble’s cheeky grin grew. She threw the pack of cards to Cheese before planting her rump onto the floor. “Pinkie told me all about your goof-off.” She didn’t receive anything verbal in response, only a nod as Cheese focused his full attention on the cards. She curled up a side of her lip, getting a brief idea.

Cheese took a seat as well, sliding out the stack of cards from within the pack. He gave them a long, cold stare, still in the mind-set of a challenging opponent.

“How are you finding the day?” Marble asked Cheese, the stallion starting to shuffle.

“Hmm,” Cheese mumbled in response without shifting his head. He was entirely focused on the cards.

Marble’s perky smirk evolved further. She leant forward slightly. “So, what do you think of Pinkie?”

Cheese momentarily played with his teeth, before saying, “Pinkie’s cute...”

Marble almost wanted to reach forward and hit Cheese on the noggin for what he was saying. He had no idea. “Did you know she has this super-gigantic-mega-ultra crush on you?” she asked with high hopes.

“Really now...” Cheese muttered, still partaking in his brisk shuffling session.

Marble got even closer, almost planting her entire face right in front of Cheese. “When are you going to ask her out already? Do you have any idea what she would say if you did?!”

Cheese was interrupted as the grey mare had suddenly emerged in his personal vicinity, knocking away his self-concentration on the playing cards. The cards found themselves not being handled anymore. He paused from Marble’s slight outburst. In that small moment, Marble had shouted right at him, though he didn’t know what about. Something about Pinkie...

Why was she giving him a cold glare? Why was it penetrating him deeply, getting underneath his skin? Only her vision would narrow right at him, sending those shivers down him like Maud could manage. Did he say something wrong?

His first fear was that Marble was about to smack him across his face. He knew something was said about Pinkie... but was it offensive? Did he offend her?

After what felt like eternity locked in a one-sided stare contest, Marble let out a loud sigh. She shook her head in what Cheese took as disappointment. She rubbed her temple with a hoof, the corner of her eyes fixing on Cheese. “Cheese... you see, Pinkie ha—“

“Is everyone alright?!” a shrilling voice hollered out. Cheese heard the thudding of nearby hooves, before the door swung open.

Limestone’s figure appeared in the doorway, her chest active from heavy breathing. She stood tall, but looking on alert. “I heard shouting,” she said worriedly. She panted a little.

Marbled seemed to act like nothing had happened, like Limestone’s appearance didn’t mean a thing. “Hey Limestone. We were just talking about Pinkie.”

Limestone lowered an eyebrow, as well as tilting her head. “What about Pinkamena?”

Yes, Cheese thought. What about Pinkamena?

“You know,” the younger sister said, “About how much of a crush she has on Che—“

“Stop!” Limestone blurted out, holding her hoof in the air. Her eyebrows had furrowed, giving off a more ill-tempered tone. Cheese was still trying to catch up with the situation, but he had a sense it wasn’t pretty what was going on.

Limestone briskly walked over towards Marble, almost at a pace of running. She had worry on her, as well as a small trace of anger. Whatever it was Marble had said, it triggered Limestone in some demented way.

Cheese couldn’t make out anything as the two sister engaged in some form of whispering argument. He couldn’t tell, but Limestone seemed to be scolding her sister, while Marble tried to wriggle her way out of it, pretending to be innocent. It made him slightly uncomfortable, being put in a position of a third wheel.

It must have been minutes of a sister war going on, while in reality it only lasted likely half of one. Eventually, Marble shot Cheese one last look, one of sympathy. It looked like she was apologising, but she rose up without a word. She hung her head low as she exited the bedroom, Limestone locked onto her with every step.

Limestone exhaled when her sister faded away from sight. “Dodged a bullet...” she mumbled.

When she looked back round to Cheese, she was met with confusion. Utter confusion. Cheese was lost, and he had no idea what had happened.

Why did Limestone effectively yell at her younger sister?