Cutie Mark Cleansers

by Duke of Canterlot

Prince Blueblood

Apple Bloom giggled with glee over her next target: Prince Blueblood.
He was simply born into royalty and had the expectation that everything would go well for him, as a result. That probably was true, until Apple Bloom visits her.

The two of them had met once before.

Apple Bloom always had an interest in weapons and learning how to use them. She had heard that the greatest swordspony in all of Equestria was the well-renowned Prince Blueblood. Any pony who wanted to become good with swords would want to get lessons from Blueblood. She was only six years old and her family was visiting Canterlot.

"C'mon Applejack", whined Apple Bloom, "ah want to learn how to use a sword."

"No use for that on the farm, and it's far too dangerous for a little filly like you."

"Big Mac got to learn how to use a sword last year.."

"He was older than you and, besides, you're a filly.. no need for swords."

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. Like the tough and stubborn Applejack would ever let something like gender stop her from doing anything she wanted. She knew that her older sister was making excuses. Applejack wanted Apple Bloom to stay safe.

"C'mon, sis. Ah want to be a swordspony. Defending the farm against dangers." Apple Bloom wanted to add that a sword could have killed the timberwolves who killed their parents.. but that was tough territory to tread on. That was why Big Mac took up the art of swordsponyship, he didn't want any pony he cared about to be harmed by outside forces.

"For the last time, Apple Bloom, no!"

Apple Bloom had to meet Prince Blueblood and see if he would be willing to teach her how to use a sword.
He was touted as the best fighter in all of Equestria and had slain many a dragon.
She snuck out while her older sister and brother went to sleep at the hotel they were staying at.

Apple Bloom arrived at Blueblood's castle. It was in a secluded grassy area. Far away from the hustle of the city of Canterlot.
She walked to the front of the castle and knocked on the door.

"Go away, I do not allow visitors", said a high-class Canterlot voice.

"Ah want to learn how to use a sword and ah heard that you've been teaching ponies."

The door opened. There was Prince Blueblood, in all of his princely and regal glory.
He looked down at Apple Bloom and said, "You're a little one. You don't even have your cutie mark yet."

"Ah want to be the best sword-wielding filly in all of Equestria, you can teach me to be the best."

"Hmmmmmm", hummed Blueblood, "you see... errr.... I only teach ponies of a certain class how to use a sword. From your accent alone, I know you are not one of those ponies."

"C'mon", whined Apple Bloom, "I'm really strong and quick. Hell.. teach me well enough and I could probably beat any pony in a swordfight."

Blueblood laughed heartily and said, "You? A little earth pony filly? You can beat me? Ridiculous."

"You really are a detestable prick, huh?"

"I never said I wasn't", said Blueblood calmly and with a smile, "now get out of my castle!! I shant teach a pony of your breeding the high-class act of the sword. Get out!"

Apple Bloom scowled at Blueblood and ran off.

Luckily for Apple Bloom, her brother taught her how to fight with a sword. Even if Blueblood refused to teach her...

This was also one of the riskiest kills Apple Bloom was going to make. Not because it would be difficult.
Rather, the repercussions for killing a pony of royal status were much more severe than killing any other kind of pony.
There was no trial if you were accused of killing a pony of royalty. Rather, there was a tribunal of judges who decided on your fate. There have been tales of ponies being executed by the 'benevolent' Princess Celestia.
Apple Bloom wondered if Princess Celestia felt happy inside when she killed other ponies or did she do so solemnly.

It was time to revenge. Apple Bloom would challenge Blueblood to a sword fight and slice him up in the process. She was confident that she could beat the prissy prince. Many of the tales told about him were probably not true. Big Mac would probably have an easier time defeating the prick than even she would. Yes, Blueblood's death would make the world a better place.. that's for sure.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were following from behind.

"Are you thinking of doing what I think you are thinking of doing?", asked Sweetie Belle.

"Time to kill a prince", said Apple Bloom with a smile.

"Ummm... Bloom", said Scootaloo nervously, "you do know what happens if you get caught killing a prince."

"Ah do", responded Apple Bloom, "this is based on principle. I'm not going to let some undesirable live simply because he's a prince. It goes against my beliefs. We got history. Besides, if Blueblood is really as great as he says he is, I could be the one who dies."

Apple Bloom thought to herself, ah'm not gonna die.

"Yikes", shrieked Sweetie Belle, "you really don't have to do this... ummmm... I think you did a pretty good job of improving the world already. I think you could let all the others live... you know."

This was too much fun, thought Apple Bloom, that was the last thought on her mind.

"You two could turn back, you know", said Apple Bloom, "ah don't need either of you for this kill."

"Are you nuts", said Scootaloo, "I get what you're trying to do... but... you're really risking your life to kill Blueblood?"

"Ah have it all planned out. I don't think I'm going to die."

"Like I said, you're too smart for your own damn good. Sweetie Belle and I are staying close."

"We don't want to go away.. in case.. you know on the off chance that you get hurt", added Sweetie Belle.

"You two are great friends", said Apple Bloom with a smile.

They arrived at Blueblood's castle.

"Stay hidden", whispered Apple Bloom to them, "if you hear a feminine yelp, it's probably Blueblood."

They nodded.

Apple Bloom was ready to go in.

Apple Bloom climbed up the castle. She knew that Blueblood had a room with his collection of swords. The plan was to take one of them and challenge Blueblood to a fight. He would have no problem with slaying a filly who didn't have her cutie mark yet. Boy, would he be surprised about what she could do!

Apple Bloom climbed up about two stories and saw the room with dozens of swords hanging on the walls.
She chuckled about how this was a less exhilarating experience than being on Lyra's bag at the train.

Good, the room was unoccupied. It would make it easy to take a sword.
Apple Bloom saw a medium-length sword made of the rare Valyrian steel. He was probably one of the few who actually owned such a sword... neither Big Mac nor her could afford one. Yes.. kill Blueblood with his own affluence.

She opened the window and snuck inside.
Apple Bloom took the sword and began her quest to find Blueblood.
Maybe he wasn't even home?
She would wait as long as she had to wait.

It was a large castle, she finally saw Blueblood in a room smiling at himself in the mirror. What a pathetic narcissist! He was a good looking prince, but the pony who loved Blueblood more than any other pony was himself.

"Ho", shouted Apple Bloom.

Blueblood turned around and said, "Sweet Celestia, what are your grubby little hooves doing with my high quality sword made of Valyrian steel!?!?"

"Ah borrowed it. Ah'll give it back after I beat you in a sword fight."

Blueblood laughed and said, "Puh-leese! You, beat me? I am Prince Blueblood, the greatest pony in all of Equestria. You think you can beat me! That is preposterous.'

Apple Bloom shrugged and said, "Get a sword and fight me."

"I don't know", said Blueblood, "my aunt Celestia will be awfully sore with me if I kill a little filly with my sword."

"Yea, she would", said Apple Bloom, "but ah don't think we will have to worry about that."

"You're a cocky little cunt, aren't you", snarled Blueblood, "time to teach you a lesson."

Blueblood ran out to get his sword.

Apple Bloom held the handle of the sword between her teeth. This was certainly risky. What if the tales were true about Blueblood?
What if he was better than her or her brother, Big Mac?

Apple Bloom wasn't a patient pony. The prissy prick was taking too long. She wasn't going anywhere though.

She then heard, "A nice long sword that weighs more than you should do it!!"

She saw that the prince levitated the sword in the air with his unicorn magic.

"Overcompensating much, huh", suggested Apple Bloom.

Blueblood snarled and said, "I am well compensated in that area, thank you very much."

"Let's fight."

Blueblood swung down his long and powerful sword down on Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom stopped the blow through her smaller, yet tough sword. Ah... his sword definitely didn't feel like it was made of Valyrian steel. Perhaps, she could weaken his sword or even break it.

Apple Bloom ran under Blueblood holding the sword. She paced herself around the room and jumped -trying to go for the kill.
However, Blueblood swung his sword at Apple Bloom, causing her to be pushed back down onto the ground.

Owww.. thought Apple Bloom... that hurt. She would catch Blueblood off guard and make it seem like she was going to give up.

"How could you", sniffled Apple Bloom, "that hurt so much."

"You're the idiot who challenged me to a fight", responded Blueblood, "let it be known that no pony can beat me in combat."

Apple Bloom was itching to strike. She really was.. but like all of her other murders, timing was key.

Prince Blueblood walked over to Apple Bloom and began kicking at her and saying, "Know your place in life, little one. Now, I shall take the sword you 'borrowed'..."

Apple Bloom grabbed the sword and jumped into the air, cutting Blueblood in the back.
He fell to the ground instantly and began to cry... "that hurt."

Apple Bloom stared down at Blueblood and said, "Know your place in life, princely one. Now, I shall take your life."

"Please spare me", cried Blueblood.

Apple Bloom shook her head.

She then stood on her hind legs and held the sword with her front hooves.
She swung the sword downwards and aimed it so that Blueblood's head would be separated from his body.
He died instantly.

Apple Bloom quickly ran out of the castle and met up with her friends.

"You got some scratches", commented Sweetie Belle with worry.

"It's okay", responded Apple Bloom, "some ponies have been hurt much worse than ah've been. Let's go before some pony sees us."

The three fillies took the shrinking potion again and made their way to the train station. Thankfully, nothing eventful happened on the ride home and it was actually kind of peaceful. Probably, because it was late at night. They were back at Ponyville. Apple Bloom needed to think of a good excuse as to why she was home too late.. she shrugged... Cutie Mark Crusader antics should be a good enough excuse.

The fun was just beginning.
Apple Bloom did learn something important today.
Blueblood's blood wasn't blue.