//------------------------------// // Romantic Setting at the Park // Story: Young Love // by Gleaming //------------------------------// Romantic Setting at the Park [/hr] The golden glow of the sun seeped through windows all around Ponyville, everypony closing their eyes to stay in bed. While, other ponies welcomed the morning rays of Celestia's sun to start the day. Today was the day for Sweetie Belle and Button Mash to finally solve their romantic dilemma, with the help of Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, including Babs Seed. We all live for that one moment in our lives to find that special pony to be in our lives, this could be the moment. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all got out of bed early to meetup with one another for the final preparations for the secret admirer date. The three friends gathered around in a huddle, keeping their conversation confidential. ''Is everything ready for tonight?'' Sweetie Belle asked. ''Everything is totally ready for tonight. We did every step to prepare for you guys to shine in the moonlight, also that I'll be earning my reward if this goes well.'' Scootaloo nudged them in the shoulders, a grin plastered over her face. ''We'll see about that, why don't we make this interestin'?'' Apple Bloom proposed her offer to Scootaloo, smiling wickedly. ''I'm intrigued, assuming that it's a bet, so what are the stakes?'' Scootaloo cocked an eyebrow, tempted by the offer. ''The stakes in this bet are, if the date does not goes as planned or something out of nowhere alters it, you have to do my chores for a month and serve me a glass of lemonade after you complete each chore.'' ''An awesome pony like me shouldn't have to do chores, I accept your terms of the bet. If Sweetie Belle and Button Mash are able to share a romantic moment and kiss, not only do I get my bits, but you have to be my servant for a week.'' Scootaloo retorted, puckering her lips to tease her. ''You are so on!'' they bumped their hooves with a clacking sound. ''Now with that being said, hopefully I can convince Rarity to make a dress for me. Though, it is so last minute.'' Sweetie Belle squeaked with a blank expression on her face, her ears drooped down. ''Don't worry about it, Sweetie Belle. You can ask Rarity to make you a dress, while we wait behind a bush at the park and not watch you during your date.'' ''Yea-h, wait what?'' Before Sweetie Belle could get her answer, both of her friends vanished into thin air, leaving a small trail of dust in their departure. [/hr] Sweetie Belle galloped to her sister's fashion business, attempting to convince the seamstress into making a dress for her date. If all else fails, pouting and using her ways of persuasion could benefit her in the long run. It couldn't hurt to make a simple dress for her to wear, anything would make her happy. She walked into the boutique, as Rarity added the finishing touches to the commissions that her clients from Trottingham requested for a wedding, always enhancing her art in any way possible. The elegant mare finished the flamboyant dress and exquisite suit, which were decorated with finesse. Both of them looked formal as each detail shined with the most lavish features: a red bow tie on the suit along with the dress sparkling in its exterior design, the diamonds topped the dress off completely. ''Rarity?'' Sweetie Belle tapped her on the shoulder, not wishing to disturb her. ''Yes, Sweetie Belle?'' Rarity lets her red designer glasses slide down her nose, giving the filly her undivided attention. ''I forgot to tell you this, you have to make me a dress for my date tonight at the park.'' Sweetie Belle requested, looking up at her sister. ''Since I just finished my commission orders for the day, I'd be happy to make a dress for my little sister. Who's the lucky colt that is dating my sister?'' Rarity asked curiously. ''Button Mash, he is a pony who is close to my heart.'' Sweetie Belle replied back to her sister. ''I hope that he treats you well, nopony should have to deal with their special somepony who doesn't give them the respect they deserve. Anyway, I'll start on your dress right now.'' Rarity confirmed, grabbing a mannequin with her magic and looking through her set of dresses to pick the best one for Sweetie Belle. ''Thank you, you're the best sister ever!'' Sweetie jumped over to Rarity and wrapped her hooves around her neck softly. ''Of course, that's what sisters are for, darling.'' Rarity smiled with a big grin, focusing on the mannequin. She lit up her horn with a blue aura, placing different dresses on the mannequin to see what looked the best and what fits. ''I'll make sure to come back later to wear the dress.'' Sweetie left her sister's establishment, bouncing happily with joy down the road. [/hr] While Sweetie Belle was getting herself ready, Button Mash did the same to look sharp tonight. His mother, Love Tap made her way into her son's room to check up on him. She looked at Button Mash trying on some suits that could make him look dapper on his secret admirer date, her motherly instincts decided to kick in. ''Button, honey?'' ''Yeah, mom?'' Button stopped what he was doing, turning to his mom. ''If you are having trouble on looking for a suit to wear, I could be more than happy to help.'' Love Tap pointed to a closet in his room, where a special suit was hidden in there. ''I don't know mom, I'm trying to prove that I can handle this on my own.'' ''Button, nopony can handle anything on their own, especially a date.'' Love Tap retorted. ''I can never say no to you mom, unless you confiscate my JoyBoy if I don't go on the date.'' Button said, gesturing to his controller. ''I--I would never do that.'' Love Tap slid the controller back in his room, without him noticing. ''Of course not, so you can show me the suit.'' Button said, walking over to the closet. Love Tap opened the closet to unveil the suit with the black bow tie and red rose, both were visible on the suit. The red rose was in a small pocket on the top of the suit, while the black bow tie was in the center. ''This is same suit that your father wore when we out on our first date, he saved it for you just in case that you needed it.'' ''I miss dad.'' ''Me too, Button.'' Love Tap enveloped Button in a hug. The silence filled the room before the hug was applied. Button waved to his mom, as he walked out the door in his suit holding the single red rose. [/hr] Sweetie Belle returned to the Carousel Boutique with the street lights lighting up the night. ''I'm back Rarity, is the dress ready?'' Rarity held out the small, white dress which had one part of the dress colored in a light pink hue. ''It is ready for you, Sweetie Belle!'' Sweetie's mouth hanged agape, she couldn't contain her amazement. ''I love it!'' she squeaked, holding still for Rarity to try on the dress. A few minutes of squirming and calculating her measurements, Sweetie Belle was able to fit into her elegant white dress. ''Thanks again, Rarity!'' ''It was no problem at all, my dear. I always aim to please the client, especially my little sister.'' Rarity waving her hoof around as Sweetie trotted silently to the park. [/hr] Apple Bloom and Scootaloo trotted to the park as well, hiding behind a bush nearby. They watched their friend walk past the bush to the park, they couldn't help but gaze in awe to admire the scenery of the park at night. Button Mash made his way to the park from the opposite side. Looking up at the moon's radiance spreading across the night sky, Button and Sweetie met at each others' path on their way to the park benches. ''Sweetie Belle?'' Button asked, with his mouth hanging open. ''It's me, you silly colt. You weren't expecting me, did you?'' Sweetie was just as surprised to see Button too, she didn't expect this to start off well. ''To be honest, I received a letter about meeting a secret admirer. It said I had to bring flowers and a bag of bits, I managed to get a rose and a fancy suit to boot, courtesy of my mom.'' Button gave Sweetie the red rose, she inhaled the scent of the flower while the scent tickled the inside of her nose. ''Aren't you the sweetest thing? I know that our past dates went well and that we haven't managed to click, but I can assure you that I'll still love you no matter what.'' Sweetie promised, walking side-by-side with Button over to the park's lake, her friends still following her movements while staying hidden behind a bush. ''Ah'm so going to win this bet.'' Apple Bloom boasted. Scootaloo put her hoof in her mouth to silence her and said, ''Are you trying to alert all of Ponyville? We have to be silent.'' ''Gotcha.'' Tiny fireflies submerged from the cool waters of the lake with their light illuminating around the lake, they formed a curved formation of a heart as the young ponies watched the small animals entertaining them, with a light show. ''I love coming to this park and watching the fireflies at night.'' Sweetie said, her green eyes lighting up with every passing moment of watching the fireflies. ''Though I've never been to this park before, I'm glad that I'm here with you. I love you, Sweetie Belle.'' ''I love you too, Button Mash.'' Button and Sweetie came closer to each other for a kiss that could light up fireworks, until they were suddenly interrupted. ''Just kiss already!'' Scootaloo shouted from the bush, as Apple Bloom pushed her back down on the grass. ''Are ya tryin' to blow our cover?!'' Apple Bloom blurted out, keeping her friend out of sight. A small firefly hovered above Button's muzzle and firmly landed on it. Unaware of the small illuminating insect, Sweetie tries to shoo the insect away from him. ''Button, you've got a little something on your nose. I'll get it.'' Sweetie kissed Button on the muzzle, while the firefly fled for its life to avoid getting smooched by the unicorn's lips. Button's face went from its normal color to a very noticeable dark shade of red, the blush caused Sweetie to giggle at him. ''Thanks for getting rid of that firefly, Sweetie. Would you care to explain why your friends are hiding behind the bush?'' ''Apple Bloom and Scootaloo made a bet earlier today, to see if this date would be deemed a success or a failure. Judging from what we said to each other and what we did, I can say that our date was a success!'' ''Hopefully, I earned my cutie mark from that,'' Sweetie looked down at her flank, still a blank spot remained, ''Better luck next time, I suppose.'' ''You don't need a cutie mark to define who you are. I have my cutie mark, but having the ability to thrive for it by any means necessary, can leave a pony feeling kind of empty inside.'' Button replied, looking down at his gaming controller cutie mark with a sigh. ''It's all about the journey for a high reward in life, if it makes you happy once you get your cutie mark, I'll keep my persistence high until I achieve my goal. But, you're right, it's better to do what you love and be happy than not be satisfied.'' Sweetie assented, pointing to her muzzle. ''You can kiss me now.'' Button repaid the favor by kissing Sweetie on her muzzle. ''I had a fine time with you, why don't you and your friends come play some video games at my house?'' Sweetie felt tempted at the offer, thinking of the right response to the question. Many things were rushing through her head, albeit this night was getting better and better. ''I have room for four.'' ''Room for four?'' Babs Seed emerged from the shadows, blowing her mane out of her face. ''We'd be delighted to come, sorry that I didn't tell you that I was here, Sweetie Belle. I came to visit Ponyville and I did meet Button Mash, I hope you don't mind if I can come with you guys?'' ''The more, the merrier!'' Button told them, as they exchanged looks with each other. [/hr] When they all arrived at Button's house, Love Tap welcomed them all into the house and closed the door behind them. The fillies and colt made their way into Button's gaming sanctuary, holding their four gaming controllers and playing an old classic multiplayer game, Super Mario Colt Kart 64. Their controllers had a arrow that pointed in four different directions and a red button, but they didn't pay them no mind at all and just jumped into the action. The gaming disc was inserted into the system, beginning the long loading process. The game started and they all clicked on the multiplayer mode on the menu, picking their racers to start the game off on the right hoof. First map was: Rainbow Road, a map that Button was not too fond of when he faced the computer, now he has to face three different opponents and the computer. Button sighed. ''I never do good on this map since I keep falling off, it's now or never.'' Sweetie nuzzled herself against Button, ''Don't worry, you have your good luck charm right here.'' Apple Bloom frowned at Scootaloo, her ears flopped down in disappointment. ''Looks like you win, Scootaloo. I'll be your servant for a week, and I have the bits that you wanted.'' she threw down a wool bag containing bits, with string surrounding the top of the bag. Scootaloo's grin grew larger, holding a similar bag of bits in her hoof. ''Already got you covered.'' Apple Bloom quickly responded, ''Where did you get those bits from?'' Scootaloo paused for a moment, before answering the question. ''You'll find out soon enough, when you serve me for a week.'' Apple Bloom was left speechless after that, she focused on the task at hand, winning the race. As the countdown to the race finished, all four ponies and the computer-picked opponents battled it with each advantage catapulting the leader in the lead. Tooth and nail, victory was guaranteed to the pony who fought through it all: to survive falling off the map, getting hit by blue shells, and losing your 1st place lead. Babs was the first to go, being the unlucky one who got hit by the blue shell. Scootaloo gave it her all to stick it out, but unfortunately Button, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom were the only three ponies remaining. Scootaloo looked at the scoreboard. ''This game cheats, I swear. Now I see why Button hates Rainbow Road so much, I kept falling off that stupid map.'' Apple Bloom snorted at her complaining friend. ''Scoots, maybe Rainbow Dash loves that map. She probably designed the map just to frustrate you, as a test of whether you're awesome or not.'' Scootaloo muttered under her breath. ''I don't need a map to determine my level of awesomeness, silly filly.'' she took out a signed Wonderbolts poster, with Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Soarin's autographs on it. ''I have a limited edition poster anyway.'' The final stretch of the race approached the third and final lap of the race. Sweetie and Button started off very fast as their karts went past the obstacles and raced along the road, their karts took off into the sky and landed back on the road's path getting one step closer to finishing the race. Just before Button could reach the checkered finish line with Sweetie not too far behind, Apple Bloom took off in front of Sweetie Belle. Button's kart went past the finish line, Apple Bloom following soon after, as Sweetie Belle claimed her position in third place. Scoreboard: 1st. Button Mash 2nd. Apple Bloom 3rd. Sweetie Belle 4th. Scootaloo 5th. Babs Seed ''That was a great game ya'll, I'd better go to the train station before my folks get worried.'' Babs Seed walked out of the room and out of the door to the Ponyville Train Station. Babs walked into the train as it arrived, taking a seat in the empty seats. The conductor announced to the ponies on the train station's platform and the ponies already in the train, ''All aboard! The next stop is, Manehattan!'' he checked his watch for the time and walked into the train, the locomotive departed from the station to the next station in Manehattan. [/hr] Sweetie moved closer to Button, his face turning red from the close contact. ''I can't believe I came in second place, still a fun game though.'' The dark shade of red on Button's face diminished after he said, ''You may of come in second place, but you are first place in my heart.'' ''You always say the sweetest things.'' Sweetie pounced happily on Button, pinning his forelegs down. ''I'm like a ninja of love.'' ''We'll leave you two lovebirds alone, I got to go back to the farm, see you guys tomorrow!'' Apple Bloom made her out of the room, Scootaloo stopped in her tracks before following her friend. ''Sweetie, you should use these bits for your wedding with Button.'' Scootaloo placed the wool bag full of bits on Button's bed, puckered her lips and made smooching noises to tease her lovesick friend. ''Scoots, we need to teach you about borrowing my bows without asking and giving ponies their personal space. Right after I serve you for a week.'' she grabbed her teasing Crusader and took her out of the house as quickly as possible. ''Your friends are the best, Sweetie Belle.'' ''They sure are Button, just like yo--'' Her words were cut off once Button Mash reversed the predicament he was in, and pinned her forelegs down. ''Gotcha!'' They looked into each others' eyes remembering this night and cherishing the moment. Romance is what they desired and thrived for since they first met, now they can finally say conveying their feelings was worth the wait. THE END