//------------------------------// // Prologue- Part 2 // Story: World War Fandom // by SolongStarbird //------------------------------// TWO MONTHS LATER "The anchor has been planted sir, the last one!" "We must inform those higher up that we are ready to begin a new age, the start of the New Order." "Yes sir." "Oh, how I've waited for this moment!" "So say we all." -=-=-=-=-=-=- "Years of preparation and hard work, they have resulted in what you see before you, and the climactic events about to be displayed," the masked figure spoke to an army of similarly masked comrades, pointing to a giant supercomputer hooked up to a reactor. "We recently finished planting the anchors in the dimensions spawned by the internet, as well as integrating the internet itself into the New Order Device. Today, the entirety of our omnipotent group will get to witness its launch. As you watch, remember that the world will never be the same again. We mastered the internet, surpassed the world in all of its technology, hopped through dimensions, even traveled through time to do this. Brothers, sisters, you should all be proud of yourselves. You all deserve to witness the dawn of the New Order." The New Order Device began to glow brilliant colors and a beam of gray light shot into the sky, the universe seemed to shatter for a brief moment, and then everything flew back together. The light became nearly blinding, as the crowd cheered and chanted, "We are Anonymous! Anonymous is legion! Anonymous never forgives!" Then all became still, peaceful, even if just for a moment. No one knew if the world would be that calm ever again. Chances were that it never would, for the old world was gone. "Welcome to the New Order! Now, let us build an empire."