The Eternal Knight

by Nerom_Fencer

CmC on Wings.

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and it’s creative properties is owned by Lauren Faust and Hasbro, not me.

Chapter 4: CmC on wings.

By Nerom

Nero sat on a stool. Rarity was measuring his back and wing.
"Talimara wanted me to tell you something, as soon as she saw you Twilight she could see and feel a bond. And that bond was with a dragon I could confirm this. She could also felt Spike somehow when she concentrated on you, so this mostly has to do with him anyhow."
"With me?" The dragon was clearly exited.
"Yes Talimara told me that she have a friend that has visited this world before, but that was thousands of years ago. Anyway she knew about the hibernation habits a dragon have here. This bond you and Twilight share will enable you to not go into hibernation."
"What?" She said,
Nero sighed. "This means that Spike don't need to go into a hibernation as long as this bond is in place and you know how long that will be Twilight. Also she said something that goes like this. If the young will change and grow that's is his will only he will change when he commands. Now I see it like this as Spike grows bigger he will be able to control his own size and so forth. That will say if I'm correct when Spike hit dragon teenage years he will begin to learn how to control his own body structure."
Now it was Rarity's time to say "What? What do you mean and you know how long that will be?"
"It means that as long Twilight lives this bond will be in effect. Now I don't know how long a pony or unicorn for that maters live. thus the word choice, happy?
"Yes. for that mater you have not told us how long a human live." she was making precise cuts in the shirt.
"If you tell me first I tell you. How about that?"
"A pony of any kind except alicorns usually lives between two hundred to tree hundred years." Twilight answered.
"That long? Wow humans only live a roughly a hundred years. Well not me, but hey I cheated and got Immortal." He gave them a big grin.
"Well we know about that darling. Finished! Well with the shirt at least its simple yet fashionable." The shirt levitated in front of him and he took it.
"Thank you Rarity really I mean it. don't want to strut around town naked."
"My pleasure now let me get to work on that jacket of yours, I will need to borrow it for the time being if its layered I won't be able to do much here anyway."
"Take it Rarity I don't need it now anyway. and now it will only serve as a hiding place for them anyway." He tested the wings with the shirt on, it was a perfect fit. he folded the wings close to his body.
"Rarity it fits perfectly I could not found a better unicorn for the job." He walked up from the stool and tested the wings some more.
"It's a long day why not take it outside?" Twilight said she looked at him eagerly I bet that she wants to run tests on me now. He nodded as a answer.
"Why not and we can walk Rarity to her boutique. It's the least we can do."

The four of them walked out of the library. The day was still young but pleasantly warm, Nero let out his hair from the horsetail. It fell loosely down beyond his newly acquired wing base. He corrected his hair a little and looked at the others. "Shall we?" They all nodded and started walking, Spike was riding on Twilight's back.

When they reached the boutique, they had attracted some eyes and even some ohh and aww's along the way.
"It's fun getting some attention once in a while but this is just plain stalking." Nero said letting out a sigh.
"What do you mean? Oh those ponies eyeing us earlier? Don't worry about them."
"No not them I meant the little yellow / red one and orange / purple one that have been following us sens shortly after we left the library. They are in that bush over there." He pointed to a bush slightly behind them to the left. A short red tail was sticking out of it.
"Apple bloom is that you? Twilight grabbed the tail with some telekinesis and tugged. Out came a small filly with a read bow in her mane.
"Apple bloom why are you creeping in bushes for? The filly blushed.
Nero was suppressing a laugh. That looks so silly, never seen such a tiny horse before. I wonder what babies look like?
"You know stalking someone in my world is illegal.. if its severe enough." He could now not help his smile.

The orange one jumped out of the bush and rushed up to him. "Are you really a hu-maw?"
"No I'm a human, not a hu-maw. to be fair that sounds like some monster. Well technically I'm an Angel AKA a human with wings. But that's just my worlds term for it."
"Here an angel is a spirit of pure good." Twiligh said.
"Same in my world but the bodily form of that spirit is a human with wings."
"So a angel in your world is the same thing as a Pegasus in this world?"
"Well yes but we had Pegasus and unicorns in older lore then again it has been proved that they only exist in fantasy in my world. Here I can't deny anything like that. Heck I have even meet a alicord and those are rarely mentioned ever. I think I have heard the term once before coming to Equestria."
A white, purple and pink unicorn filly came out of the boutique.
"Before I go Mr.Nero I want to introduce you to my little sister Sweetie Belle and the other two here is her friends Apple bloom and Scootaloo. Now I have work to do ta ta."
"Rarity wait second I need something from my jacket." He walked over to her and reached into the inner pocket and fished up his phone. "Now I know you will do a splendid job on this one to." She beamed again and walked inside.

"Now Twilight you wanted to go outside so what do you want to do?" He asked while looking at the fillies that had gathered by his legs, He backed a little by instinct he had unpleasant and physiological scars from small children that had lit his pant of fire. they walked closer. "Is this normal?" He pointed down at the small ponies.
"For them yes. They do that sometimes. And I wanted to see if those things let you fly or at least hoover there is a field on the other side of Ponyville close to Rainbows house that we can use. who knows maybe we are lucky and she can bring a cloud. One thing pegasi can do is walk on clouds."

"Yea she did tell me about Pegasi work here in ponyville and that stuff to. Hey Cloudsdale seems cool and if I can walk on clouds then I can visit city in the sky and all." They begun walking to the field in question with the fillies in tow. He noted that none of them had a mark on their flanks. He chuckled in his head. Even I have a mark now. He looked at his arm. and knew that under the thin cloth a imprint of a dragon biting its own tail was slithering around his wrist. no one else noticed as he had taken on his arm guards after the bath.

When they reached the field it was empty save to a rainbow coming from a tree. "Is that Dash?" He pointed at the tree.
"Yes is she napping already?" Twilight answered. They walked past the tree and Rainbow Dash was indeed in it. Scootaloo was just going to wake her with a shout when Nero stopped her.
"No wait. I wanna scare her." Twilight looked at him with gaping mouth.
"Remember what happened last time you tried to scare someone?"
"Yea It was yesterday and it was funny to certain degree, this will be to."
Nero jumped and flapped his wings once gaining more altitude reaching the rainbow maned mare.
"BOO" He and the scared pony was hoovering by the three branches. He did not notice that he did not fall.
"Why did you do.. WHOOAH! Sweet when did you get wings?!"
"This morning. Also got ya!" He smiled and slowly started do descend to the ground, the cyan pony did the same.
"Ha good one Lancer. So wooh wings? How? It's awesome!"
"Strange dream and had them when I woke up well I did not notice them in till Twilight here shouted it out. Now she wants me to test them." She smirked.
"Of course its not everyday some one sprouts wings now is it.
"And seeing that they can lift you why don't we test some basic hovering for now." Dash said before Twilight could continue.
"Her plans exactly." He added and pointed at Twilight.
"Yes, now lets see if you can stay in the same spot for longer period of time why don't you make him company Rainbow."
"Sure If you say so Twi but its kinda easy for me to stay in the air." she said smugly.

"Then lets make it interesting for you you have to carry Apple Bloom here.. and Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo looked disappointed, Nero noticed. Idol or what?
"Scootaloo why don't you join us it be fun." She looked down in the grass. I knew it! "Well?" He squatted down so he came closer to the ground and the filly.
"Can't fly ehhy? Nothing to be ashamed of." He whispered. "How about trying at least. It can't be that bad? Also you have someone that can help you if you want to." Still whispering, she nodded and lifted her head.

"Lets begin then." He stood up again and gave Scoot a quick smile. Rainbow took to the air with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle in her forelegs. He noted that she was almost one point six meter in length. Luna should be around two meters if she stood on her hind legs then.
Scootaloo tried hard, Nero saw the problem rather quickly. "Try flapping your wings slower, hard down lose up. that's how I do it at least." He took to the air and hovered a feet of the ground, slowly flapping his wings but not slow enough to fall. "Like this. You try now."
Scootaloo tried again with minor results she lifted a few inches and then fell to the ground. "See all you need now is rhythm. and a little more force downwards."
"How did you know so much about flying? It's not like you have done much of it before." Twilight looked at him skeptical.
"Well we did have basic physics in school so knowing things about flying is not that hard. We do have things that fly in my world to." He left the part out with giant flying machinery.
"And knowing how to fly is basic?" She asked.
"Yes it is, if you want something to fly you need something that folds you up in this case air, now you need somethings that control the air flow. Wings! wings flap and you go up. What Scootaloo here did wrong is very simple, she had the same forces in both directions neglecting each other. Happy?"
"Well it was not the most scientific approach but it will do." she said and nodded.

"And look someone else got it to." Rainbow remarked. They looked down at Scootaloo that was now in full concentration to just hover an inch or two from the ground.
"Well if she can keep that up for an ten minutes or so, she'll get a hang of it in no time." Nero said. "Well should we continue with my practice or do you want me to hang here all day?" He looked at Twilight from the corner of his eyes.
"If you want to, seeing that you have no problem with hovering. you don't feel tired or anything?"
"Nope. It feels almost like walking slowly and I know that I can keep that up for hours."
"Then we can move around a little?" Rainbow still held the two fillies.
"Well yes Dash but slowly in the beginning we don't want him to crash and brake his neck now do we? Did you forget that I'm immortal already?
"That's no fun!" She said glumly.
"But that's the way we do it Dash. you can go and take a nap or go get a cloud for us Twilight want to test if I can walk on clouds."
"That would be AWESOME! Then you can visit my place I live in a cloud house you know!"
"I know you told me at the party." He rolled his eyes.
"I'll go and get that cloud." she let down the two fillies on the ground.
"No need to rush it." He said when she darted away.

When Rainbow Dash returned with the cloud ten minutes later Nero was doing laps around the field at a moderate phase, Apple Bloom was on his back. Why is he doing that?
"Twilight umm why is he carrying Apple Bloom on his back?"
"To test his strength of course silly, he said that flying normally was easy enough at that speed. He is pretty quick for someone that have never flown before don't you think?"

"So that's not his top speed then is it?"
"Not so far I know." Nero was getting close to pass them again.
"Nero! I brought the cloud! you can stop now!" Dash shouted. Nero came to a halt close to them and Apple Bloom jumped of in the go. not wanting to fall backwards.

"Great then I can stop mindlessly going in circles then." He did not sound to bored.
"Well lets test this cloud then." she gave him a raspberry.
"Haha very funny. lets do this already, Twilight here won't let me fly in high speed without anyone to be there. First time flying and all." He grinned at Rainbow.

"That I can help with."
"Not before he test that cloud you don't." she said with closed eyes and donned a quill and paper.
"Twilight not to ruin your fun, I'm already on the cloud." Rainbow snickered at his remark.
"What! when?" She stared the man that was sitting on the cloud together with Scootaloo, Apple bloom tried to get on his back again pulling his wing down. He gave her a raspberry this time.
"Sorry to ruin your fun." He said. "Ouch! Hey quit it!" He turned around to the filly that tried to climb on his shoulders. It looked funny for the human could not turn to see his own back. "Watch the hair will ya."

"Ah'm sorry." The filly said. Those three is always causing some kind of trouble.
"Can we go flying now or do he have to sit on that cloud all day Twilight?" The purple mare facehoofed.
"Alright but don't do anything drastic we don't want him to brake anything before he meets Princess Celestia."
"Don't worry he will be in safe hoofs... Mostly." She said the last part in a mumble. Nero put down Apple bloom on the ground next to the cloud much to the fillies disappointment.
While Nero put one of the yet black plugs in his ear he mumbled something unheard. A red dot was speeding at them. Rainbow saw the pegasus first.
"We better fly now Lancer."
"Why the haste all of a sudden?"
"Well you see I borrowed the cloud from someone."
"And?" He looked at her.
"And I did not really tell him that I took it." She let out one of those 'I'm guilty laughs'.
"Smart really smart." He said shaking his head. The red dot was now upon them.

"Rainbow Dash! You should really stop taking clouds from me when you want to take a nap I know my house is closer to the town and all, but that don't mean you have the right to take my favorite napping cloud!"
"I'm sorry Storm Chaser, but you see Nero here just got his wings and we though that we test if he could walk on them."
She looked over at Nero and Twilight looking for some help.
"You may take your cloud back. It was comfortable but we don't need it any longer." Nero added.
"Well of course it is. Also how do one sprout wings overnight? I saw you yesterday in town and you had none but this morning you did." He eyed Nero and then Twilight. Nero shrugged his shoulders.
"Donno just happened and now we are testing them so I got to now." He lifted his behind from the cloud he had sat on. "Dash you coming?" he added.
"Yea and sorry again Storm. I was going to ask but you was not home."
"Yea yea next time don't take it. I don't live in a cloud house like you. unlike you my paycheck is not the greatest in the world." Well I am the local chief of weather control.
"It has been nice meeting you Storm Chaser." He gave the pegasus a casual salute and took to the air Rainbow Dash followed suit. When she turned her head around Storm Chaser was talking to Scootaloo that was still perched on his cloud.

Two hours of high speed chases and tricks mostly on rainbows part later. She and Nero was sitting on a cloud that put out for shade in ponyville, well rainbow was laying down on her back front hoofs behind her head.
"Hey I have been meaning to ask you. Why did yo not just take a cloud from up here? instead of taking Storm Chaser's I meant."
"They was not here then some of the other weather ponies put them out forty minutes ago."
"And how exactly do you know that?" She looked at the sky.
"I'm kinda the boss of the Ponyville weather team. so its my job to know what's going around in the sky around here. Pay is good to especially when you don't need to tax for your house."
"Sounds like you are pretty good of then." He chuckled. "Well this is good and all but I'm starting to get hungry and it's lunch time." he stretched his arms into the air. "I better get back to the library to get some."
"Why not just head to the sugar cube or the restaurant." She lifted her head to look on him.
"No money you know, new here and no job and so forth." He said glumly.
"Then I pay for lunch today. I'll just fly down and get a pie or two seeing how much you eat and something to drink it will only be like twenty bits for all. We can eat here where its sunny." He was the one looking at her now a eye brow was raised.
"And whats the catch?" He added with a grin.
"Easy I get to borrow the music player for the rest of the day." If he wants a catch then he gets it.
"Deal! But it better be a good lunch and get a ribbon or some kind of band. I have an idea." He nodded.
"I'll be back in a jiffy."

She speed down to the Sugar cube corner. Lucky me no line.
"Hello Rainbow Dash what can I get you today?" Mr Cake asked when she walked up to the counter.
"Two whole pies. one apple and one blackberry please and two bottles of soda."
"I'm sorry Rainbow but the blackberry pie might take ten minutes before its done Pinkie just put them in the oven a while ago."
"That's no problem I need to go get some things from home can you keep my order in till I get back?" she asked Now I can get that blanket. We don't want the food to fall trough the cloud. "I pay when I come back it will not take long."
"I will Rainbow Dash." He wrote a note and placed it on a big cake box. Rainbow was gone when he looked up.

Back at her place she packed a saddlebag with two plates and a blanket. All she needed for now. she hit herself in the face lightly when she reached the door. Bits! how stupid can I be! She went inside and got her wallet. There should be enough. She went outside and headed back to the Sugacube.

This time Pinkie was behind the counter. "Hey Dash what can i get you? or are you here to play?" The perky pony said with enthusiasm.
"Here to pick up my order pinkie that's all." Pinkie looked down to the order band. One apple and one blackberry pie. she read out loud.
"Are you going to eat all that alone?"
"No Pinkie. can I get the pies now?"
"Sure you can I just took out the blackberry ones so they are a little hot."
"And don't forget the soda I ordered." Dash added.

Pinkie was soon back. "I added some muffins no extra charge, hope you like it and say hey to Nero from me."
"Thanks Pinkie see you soon." she payed the pink pony and walked out of the shop. and flew back to the clouds where Nero was waiting now laying on his back and he had unstrung his shirt a little.

"Hey lazy move it!" She said before she landed beside him on the cloud. "I got Lunch." she noticed the little orange filly that had burrowed herself into the cloud next to him. "Scoot how did you get up here?" she looked at the filly that rose her head and smiled at her.
"I flew" she smiled brightly and got a poke on the muzzle from Nero. "some of the way." She corrected shyly.
"The other two went to have lunch with their sisters at the restaurant and Scootaloo here was trying to get my attention for a good minute or two before I noticed her. Thought that she could eat some lunch with us."
Rainbow laughed softly. "Of course she can eat with us now that she is here, but I only have two plates with me." she started to spread the cloud blanket next to them. "And not to mention two sodas."
"There is three sodas in here." Scootaloo added while getting out the bottles and putting them on the blanket.
"pinkie must have gotten the wrong number. Well good for us then." Dash but the apple pie in front of them. "Lets dig in!"

Twilight was on her way home after lunch with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie at the Sugar cube corner. She had noticed that Rainbow had left right before they had arrived. She had also asked Pinkie where dash had headed. And got the answer that she was going to eat lunch with Nero and Scootaloo. she had also slipped that Dash had not said with who she was going to eat with. I still wonder how she does it. Well its Pinkie so it's no idea of figuring it out.

"Spike I'm home. I need you to to take a letter to the Princesses." She called. The purple dragon came out from the study munching on a garnet.
"On it" He had already a quill and a scroll. She told him what to write and he sent the letter. "We better start packing some things then."
"Ohh spike we don't need so much I only need my pillow, journal and some of my other books. We have everything else we need in Canterlot and the cleaning team we ordered was going to clean the tower today so there is nothing to worry about."
"Yea If you say so Twilight." He said and blowed a green flame into the air, a letter materialized before him.
"That was quick."
Twilight read the letter out loud.

To Twilight Sparkle.

My dear student it is wonderful that you are coming early to Canterlot I will inform Luna when she awakes. I will see you at the competition.

Your Teacher and Princess Celestia.

"Good then she approves that we all come to Canterlot tomorrow." Spike remarked and she nodded in approval.
"We need to tell Nero of the change of plan, I know that Pinkie will tell Rarity and Applejack and Fluttershy will of course tell Rainbow Dash. Lets get to backing."

An hour after lunch was finished and Rainbow, Scootaloo and Nero was just done watching an comedy act from his world.
"Ah Jeff Dunham, Praised for his skill at ventriloquism. I'm glad my films and movies did not get deleted." He was still laughing
"The Guy was funny but I did not understand some of his jokes." That's understandable they are old human jokes. "Don't matter now does it? It was still funny." He said
"Shot I need to work soon, there is a rain due for the evening." Rainbow said.
"Define soon."
"A couple of hours before I need to start i think." He looked at her with a sour look.
"And here i thought twenty minutes of so bahh you have plenty of time."
"Right lets do some thing else I just need to leave this stuff at my place." He nodded at the comment.
"Then i come with you." He added.

Three hours later they decided to take Scoot home. Rainbow needed to get to work and there was much to be done.
"That was fun." Nero let out a deep breath. They had not only been flying but played pranks others and played games like cloud tag.
"Yes it was can we do it sometime again?" Scootaloo seemed happy with it.
"Sure kid but now it's time to say quits for today. Common don't looks so glum we take you home." Rainbow gave her a nodfull agree.
Nero stood by the edge of the cloud they had been playing on and was looking out over ponyville. Scootaloo was securing herself on Dashes back. With a nod from Nero, Rainbow Dash took of and headed for town. Nero jumped from the cloud in a small back flip, dived to gain speed and soared a little under and to the left of of Rainbow. I'm getting better at this.

After a minute or so they came in to the edge of town and rainbow dived closer to a building with cloud house that rested on top of it. It looked like that anyway but when he soared by he saw that the building was merged with the cloud home. well that looks funny.
"That's Storm Chasers house." Dash added to him. Good to know and now I know why he was complaining on you. your house is huge compare to his cloud loft.
"Well that explains why he was grumpy when you took his cloud." He chuckled, they landed by the next house over.
"I can go from here." Scootaloo said a little unhappy.
"Bye Scootaloo it was fun playing with ya." Nero gave her a quick wave and started to turn away. He felt something on his leg, when he looked up he had a orange lump on his leg.
"Hey Scoot." The lump looked up from his leg, he reached down and picked her up and gave her a hug. "Sorry Scoot need to go." He said softly and let her down. "And its not like we are disappearing from Ponyville right." He smirked at Dash and then gave them a soft salute, jumped over Scootaloo and took to the sky.
From behind him he heard. "Show off!" he turned in the air.
"Should you say!" He called back and turned again.

Later he arrived at the library, and went in inside only to find Twilight's saddlebags by the door when he fell over them. "Smart place to leave your bags Twilight." He mumbled, Twilight came out from her study with Spike.
"Ohh good your back, why are you on the floor?" She blinked
"It might be the bags by the door, it might be that I want to or maybe its because some one put bags behind the door and a bipedal creature will easily fall over on them if he is not careful. Your choice." He said while getting back on his feet.
"That's only two choices to choose from." She said a little confused.
"Exactly its a hint to the right answer It's one and three if you want to know. Soo why packed bags by the door?" He did not sound that angry anymore.
"We are going to Canterlot tomorrow with Pinkie and the others, she want us to go to a cake competition." His stomach turned. Please no more pie for awhile.
"As long I don't need to eat pie again!"
"Tired of pie already?"
"Yes I have eaten three pies the past two days. I don't want more right now or tomorrow."
she laughed at him a little.
"Rarity is finished with the jacket you know I put it on your bed. seeing that you don't have any possessions you don't really don't need to pack."
"Yea True." He looked out the window and the sky was getting dark with clouds.

Night had fallen and Nero was still not tired enough to sleep, to be fair he was not tired at all. the past two hours he had passed the time with origami. Something he had always been good at, doing things with his hands.
Twilight had fallen asleep on him again. This time she rested her head on a pillow that he had fetched, the pony was to awake to lift to her bed but he did not want to wake her.
He had gained something similar to... He could not describe it. Well he could not see himself hurting these creatures ever. They were to adorable and amazing.
He continued on with his creations ten of them stood out from the rest.
They were bigger and had more paper in them then the rest except four of them of ten so far. All of them in a distinct color, when he was done he stood up and decided to take a walk after getting the jacket from his bed, and he noticed a new one under it. This one was in the same style but longer and had a hood on it, he put it on.Fits like a glove again Rarity, you are to generous.

While he was walking he was humming on a song that always had moved him Rue's lullaby sung by Adrisaurus. The clouds was gone and showed a one again stunning night. He noticed that the coat was warmer than the jacket but not thicker, it was also not as detailed as the other one. He looked to the mountains that Canterlot rested on.
"If you look at that a blue Canterlot." He looked at the city for a minute and once again walked.

Twilight stretched on the floor and let out a yawn.
"Morning sleepy head is the floor comfortable?" She looked up to see Nero sitting on the couch two small birds was perched on him one on his shoulder and on in his hand.
"Is that?" She began.
"One silver phoenix newly hatched, can already fly the little bugger. Beautiful isn't she?" The small silver bird was not bulky like Pee Wee had been just a few weeks before surely it was smaller but more regal than the young phoenix.
"When?" She stammered.
"An hour ago." He bobbed a finger on the small birds beak and it chirped in a happy response.
Spike came out with a small cart covered in food. "Oh Twilight good that your up I just finished making breakfast." The small dragon was covered in a apron.
"I hope you don't have flowers in all of it or hay." Nero added.
"Not all of it and we do have eggs." Spike replied
"Lets eat then. Nero said

"The train will leave in 10 minutes right? Will big mac get the wall up in time?" Nero asked the dragon. It looked like the man was talking to a child as the dragon only reached to his hip in height. Twilight called on them from the cart.
"Time to move it then, and boy did cake look good." Spike started to walk to the train.
"Yes. Yes it did but look at that." He followed the dragon and pointed over at a mule carting a chocolate moose. "I thought it was a cake competition." The small red bird on his shoulder chirped in unison to the motion eyeing the dessert.
"Yea I like chocolate to Pee Wee. Would be real nice to get some of it."

They got on the train and Nero let out a yawn, the small sliver bird on Spikes head did the same and fluttered up and sat down on Nero's instead. He and Spike went to the room they was chairing for the trip.
"Hey Spike what about some cards? It's only 7pm after all." The little dragon shacked his head.
"Nah I'm going to take a nap we will be in Canterlot by the morning anyway." Nero only nodded in response as they walked out of the dessert cart. Twilight's focus was shifted to the door and in came a griffin.

Writers notes I have changed the writing style in this chapter if you don't like it let me know in the comments below.
If you do, comment so I can go and change the other chapters to this style.
If you don't like this style this chapter will be edited. Also all grammar and wrongs in the text comments are appreciated.