You can't pick family

by TheNomad

[Not Edited] Chapter 1 "Ahnok"

Twilight Sparkle is an over all calm pony. Except when there is a test involved, or princess Celestia, or the unknown. she's also no longer a calm pony when there is a dragon trying to bust it's way through Sweet Apple Acres and wreck havoc on Ponyville. Sadly when Applebloom came running to her saying that Applejack needed help with dragon trouble, she assumed Spike was doing something he shouldn't.

When she remembered that Spike was in the kitchen making lunch she booked it over to Sweet Apple Acres A.S.A.P. As soon as she walked onto the Apple's homestead she knew there was a dragon. She could hear the shouts of Big Macintosh almost instantly.

Big Mac held the unclothed dragon in a headlock. Twilight wasn't a fool either, she could tell this dargon was not like Spike. It was feral. The only emotion it it's eyes was the call of it's blood lust. Twilight could also tell it, was a she. The dragon had also gone feral quite recently, so she could (in theory) still be reasoned with.

Looking to her right she saw Applebloom and Spike standing next to her. "Spike I need you to go get Fluttershy. She is the only one who can reason with this dragon!"

Spike didn't move. He was blushing as his eyes were glued to the feral dragon's bouncing beasts.


"Huh! Wha?" Stuttered as his blush deepened.

"Get Fluttershy!"

"Gotcha!" Spike said to Twilight with a mock salute. He was half way down the road when Twilight heard Big Mac yell in pain. Turning around Twilight saw Big Macintosh gripping his bloody arm.

An angry looking Applejack was already running at the dragon. She held tightly onto her rope as she rushed at the female dragon.

The dragon didn't know when she was being chocked again, all she knew was she injured the red one's arm and was going in for the final blow, then she couldn't breathe.

Applejack held her boot the back of the dragon's neck as she held her rope on the other side of the dragon's neck. The dragon took it's claws and began cutting its way through the farmer's rope. "MAC, RUN!" Applejack yelled once she saw that the rope was almost cut half way through.

"Eyup!" Mac said as he got up and made his way out of the dragon's way.

"TWILIGHT, HELP!!" Applejack yelled, startling Twilight out of her stupor.

Giving herself a good shake, Twilight looked at the hostile dragon. Illuminating her horn she gripped the female dragon's arms. Twilight could feel the dragon's arms squirm under her magical grasp. The dragon growled as her arms were being restrained. Letting out a burst of flames at the closest lifeforms, which just so happened to be Applejack.

Applejack was just barely able to throw herself backwards enough to dodge the flame. Twilight saw this and quickly snapped the Dragon's mouth shut with her magic. With the now restrained dragon only able to spit hot steam through it's nostrils Twilight could finally relax until Fluttershy came and could calm the dragoness.

"Applejack go see if Big Macintosh is all right." Twilight said.

"You sure you can handle this?"

"Don't worry about me. I've got her"

"Alright." Applejack said before heading to Big Mac.

"Twilight, I'm so sorry. I came as fast as I could!" Fluttershy said as she flew up to Twilight.

"It's alright Fluttershy, I just need you to talk to that dragon."

"But Twilight I talk to animals, not dragons."

"Fluttershy, this dragon has gone feral. I've read if you talk to a feral dragon soon enough you can snap them out of it. Please Fluttershy we could save a life!"

Fluttershy let out an audible gulp. "Okay, I'll try." Fluttershy said as she walked to the growling dragon. "H-hi Miss Dragon."

Fluttershy was met with hot steam to the face.

"Well I tried." Fluttershy said before trying to make a run for it. She only made it several feet before Spike caught her in his arms as he make his way on to the Apple's farm.

"Come on Shy! You've taken on worse." He said smiling.

"B-b-bu-but... okay." She said with a down casted expression. Taking a deep breath Fluttershy walked back up to the feral dragon. "Miss Dragon, my friends wanted to know why you were attacking her and her brother... if that's okay. You don't have to answer if you don't want to...

The dragoness seemed to be ignoring her, she was just staring.

"If it's okay, but could I at least know you're name? If that's okay."

The feral dragon started to growl as she struggled against her magical bonds as hard as she could. "I'm sorry! You don't have to tell me your name." Fluttershy said quickly.

"I don't want to sound rude Fluttershy, but could you h-hurry up?!" Twilight grunted out.

"Sorry." The pegasus said.

"Twilight, you okay?" Spike asked as he set a claw and his sister's shoulder.

The dragon's wails grew louder threw her closed maw. Twilight's nose began to bleed. "Yeah she's just s-stronger th-than I thought."

"Miss Dragon, your starting to hurt my Friend. I know your not doing this on purpose, but could you... um... stop and go back to normal?" Fluttershy tried.

Her pleas were only answered by even stronger wails, her arms slowly pushing against the magic being forced upon them. As soon as the dragon's arms broke the magic holding her arms Twilight let out a yell and fell the the ground. The dragoness looked at the fallen Twilight and threw a punch at Fluttershy knocking her to the ground then ran at Twilight on all fours.

Spike looked at the fallen Twilight, his eyes full of worry. His eyes flicked to the raging feral dragon (that was now charging at his sister). He gritted his teeth as he stood in the way of the other dragon. 'I won't let you get her.' he thought. Then it hit him, literately. Spike was sacked by the other dragon. The wind was knocked out of him, he gasped for air but he couldn't get any. A hand was gripping his throat.

The female dragon picked him up, at looked at Spike in the eyes. Spike looked at the dragoness's slit pupil green eyes. She showed off her teeth, and let out a growl. The feral dragon could feel Spike shake in her grip, she could also smell his fear.

Once Spike stopped looking into the Dragon's eyes he remembered that he needed air. He tried to pry the other dragon's hand from his neck. He could no longer able to get air into his lungs.

The female dragon looked at the smaller weakling of a dragon.The young dragon looked to be of the same bread and color. He was young, and not strong for his age. This dragon may not have been strong but his was healthy and healthy is good.

"Mate." The female dragon said to Spike.

"Wha-what?" Spike stuttered.

"Mate." She said again as she threw Spike to the ground. Taking her claws she began to tare at Spikes clothing.

Twilight looked up at her brother and the feral dragon. She coughed and said, "G-get him." then she fired a bolt of magic at the female. The Dragoness was thrown off of Spike, she crashed right through the Apple family's barn.

"Spike... are you okay?" Twilight asked as she wiped away the blood that was dripping out of her nose.

"Yeah..." He said taking a deep breath. "I really should be asking you that."

"I'm fine, it was just some magical feedback. I'll just be a little sore for awhile nothing more." Twilight said as she walked over to Fluttershy who was still lying on the ground.

"Is she okay?" Asked, worry filled his voice.

"She's out cold. That much is for sure, she might has a concussion. Go get Applejack, tell her to take Fluttershy to the hospital." Spike gave her a nod in agreement before running of to get Applejake. Twilight closed her eyes and let out a long sigh. "Now take care of this dragon." She said softly to herself as she opened her eyes. Walking to the broken barn door she walked though it. The dragon wasn't facing her, it was rather looking at the wall. or something on the wall.

Taking a step closer Twilight saw the dragon was staring into a mirror. One claw touching at the mirror's surface. Not enough to scratch it, but enough to make an audible noise. Then the claw moved to the dragon's own face. She felt her bruised and battered body. Twilight didn't get a good look at the dragoness before, but now she could tell that she had mutable claw, bite, and burn marks that covered her body.

Then the dragon did something Twilight didn't see coming. It started to cry. Tears began to stream down her face. Then she talked, "Monah, Bormah, Zu'u los ful krosis... lig frolaaz zey. Fah Zu'u lost funt dii slen zeymah..." She held her claws to her eyes trying to wipe them free of the tears that littered her vision.

Twilight eyes were almost bulging out of her head, as she took a step back. Then another-


Twilight let out a wince as she kicked a bucket, looking up she saw the dragon was looking at her. The dragon's eyes were still overflowing with tears. The dragon got up. Twilight took a step back. The dragon took a step forward. Twilight lit up her horn, then the dragon held out one of her claws. Twilight stuttered of a second, confused she powered down her horn. The dragon took another step closer to Twilight, then another. Soon the dragon was next to Twilight. With a claw the dragon softly crested Twilight face.

Twilight didn't move. She only stared at the dragon as she petted her face. Twilight didn't say a word as the awkward moment dragged on for what felt like an hour. Twilight stared into the broken dragons crying eyes. They no longer held their previews blood lust or their hatred. Now they only held fear and sadness.

"Barbara krosis... Sorry." The dragon said softly.

Twilight blinked a few times. "What?"

"Lig, forgive Barbara." She said dropping her claw from Twilight's cheek.

Before Twilight could say anything there was a knock at the barn door. "Hey, Twilight did you take care of that dragon? It's been pretty quiet." Spike walked in.

"Zu'u mindok hi..." The dragon said looking at Spike.

"Woh. You did it Twilight! You manage to snap her out of it!"

"Zu'u mindok hin sahlon, nuz nii couldn't kos." The dragon said as she walked over to Spike, her arms held out to him.

"Twilight... you did snap her out of it... right?"

"I-I don't know..."

"What?!" Back stepping from the dragon.

"Nuz nii kent." The dragon said.

The dragon was cornering him now. "Lig, oo lig, Faust fun zey niidro mok. Lig daar ont. .. lig kos til fah zey." She put both claws onto Spike's face, she rested her head on his; looking into his eyes.

As she looked into his eyes her looked into hers. Spike has herd the saying the eyes are the windows to the soul. Before that moment he never thought about that saying all that much, but at that moment he could almost feel her sadness through her eyes. She seemed to be pleading. "Prii fifty eruvos, ahrk Zu'u lost finally rund hi zeymah. " She whispered to him, as she wrapped her arms around him.

Spike blushed as the naked dragon hugged him. "I'm sorry, ma'am but I really don't know what you're saying."

"Hi los Zeymah, You brother. Zu'u los Hi los briinah. I Sister." She replied with a sad smile as she held he at the shoulders, looking into his eyes.

"Wait, I'm your brother?!" Spike half shouted.

"Your his sister?!" Twilight full shouted.