//------------------------------// // Day 2 // Story: Gone for 50 days (A PinkieDash fic) // by 2fab4u //------------------------------// Today I woke up in my bed. I was still half asleep with my eyes closed. I reached out to grab in front of me, but something, or should i say somepony, was missing. I opened my left eye to see where Dashie was and noticed she wasn't there. My eyes shot open in realization as I remembered the events of the day before. I sat down and looked around. Sitting around the bed were my four best friends. They all looked terrible. Fluttershy's eyes were terribly bloodshot, as if she had been crying for an eternity, Rarity's mascara was running down her face, Twilight had huge bags under her eyes, and Applejack had this look in her eyes that I just couldn't explain. I started breathing heavily and I felt my heart pounding out of my chest. My vision suddenly became blurry because of my tears that were starting to join up at my eyes. Applejack trotted over to me and put a hoof around me. "It's okay, Pinkie. It's going to be alright," I think is what she said. I can't remember. I just stayed there sitting down looking straight ahead. I don't know what I was looking at. I was just staring straight ahead as if my life depended on it. After a while, Twilight spoke up. "Come on. I think we should go to the hospital to see Rainbow Dash." Applejack helped me up to my hooves. We walked out the door and started walking to the hospital. While we were walking, we seemed to be getting stares from the other ponies around us. It was probably because of how bad we looked, but I don't care. The whole walk was silent. No one said anything at all. I could hear Fluttershy weeping a bit from behind me. Before I knew it, we were at the hospital. We walked inside into the main entrance. I saw a few people crying here and there. Twilight told me, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy to sit down in the waiting area, so we did. She walked over to a counter at the front of the room. Twilight said something to the mare behind the counter. The mare looked at a notebook thing and said something back to Twilight, and handed her something. Twilight nodded to the mare and walked towards us. She gave us each a sticker that said "visitor" and had the date on it. We each stuck it on ourselves and then followed Twilight. While going to Dashie's room, I saw many doctors and nurses rushing by to get to other rooms, doctors pushing gurneys, and people wandering around trying to find the right room. We kept walking down the halls and up a few stairs when we arrived at a room. Twilight opened the door and walked in. We all followed after her. That's when we saw Rainbow laying down on a bed. She was hooked up to a lot of wires. The doctor was standing next to Dash with his back towards us. He turned around and saw us. "I'm sorry. We're trying the best we can to help Rainbow Dash. We really are, but there just seems to be nothing we can do. We're almost positive she isn't going to make it." I walked over to Dashie's side and hugged her. I closed my eyes shut tight, and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Please, Dashie, don't leave me," I whispered to her. Almost as if on cue, I heard the sound of the heart monitor go from beeping, to completely flat. "No," I simply said. I stopped hugging Dash and I shook her. I remember screaming some words out really loud. I can't really remember what I said, though. I was just screaming out whatever came to my brain. My friends came up to me and tried to pull me away from her. I was struggling to stay by Dashie's side, but the strength of all four of them was too much for me. I felt myself be completely pulled away from her. I was trying to get out of their grip to go back to Rainbow's side. I felt Rarity grab my shoulders with her hooves and turn me to face her. "Pinkie Pie, stop it!" I heard her say. I kept struggling to get out of her grasp. I suddenly felt a sharp sting on the side of my face. "She's gone!" she screamed. She slapped me. I looked at her in shock. I still remember the exact look in her eyes. They were both of sadness and anger. I could see the pain on her face. "Please, Pinkie Pie," she said on the verge of tears. "You're not making this easier for any of us." The others went over to my side and Applejack placed a hoof on my shoulder. Fluttershy looked over at me. "We're all h-hurting, P-Pinkie Pie. This is hard f-for all of u-us," she said with sniffles in between. I grabbed onto her and started hugging her as hard as I could. I started crying my eyes out on her. Fluttershy did the same, and so did the others. After a while, Twilight wiped the tears off her eyes. "C-come on everyp-pony. W-we better get going. We know Rainb-bow Dash wouldn't h-have wanted u-us to be l-like this," she said sniffling. "T-that's true. We n-need to do the best we c-can to live o-on," Rarity responded. They all started walking out the door and I followed behind them. I looked back to see Rainbow Dash laying in the bed still and quiet. She didn't even look like she wasn't alive anymore. She just looked like she was sleeping peacefully. I felt somepony tug at my hooves and saw Applejack looking at me. She gave me a look that said "let's go." I kept walking forward right behind my friends. The rest of the day after this was a blur. I didn't really pay attention to it. There was really no point in it at all. I only remember one thing. When I was walking out of the room where Dashie was, I saw a stallion with the same Rainbow hair as her run past us. He was going up to doctors asking them "I'm looking for my daughter, Rainbow Dash. Do you know where she is?"