The Monster of Canterlot

by drnkntst

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

I groaned as the light from Celestia’s sun managed to catch me right in the eyes. “Oh, Honey, did I wake you? I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s fine. Besides, I got a big day today. Might as well get started.” I rubbed my eyes and stood from the bed. “I’m gonna wash up and meet you in the dining room.”

“Okay, Sweetie. I’ll see you soon.”

I returned to my room and took care of my morning routine. I showered and shaved before I dressed. After that, I quickly packed a small bag, just in case. We were going to be going to Ponyville today, but if things went according to plan, we would be returning before tonight.

“You’re up early. Excited about seeing your friends again?”

“Morning, Bunny. I guess I’d be lying if I said ‘no’, but the real reason I’m up so early is because Mom doesn’t close the blinds when she raises the sun.”

“Well, at least you don’t have to wake up as early as I do.”

“I don’t work you that hard, do I?”

Bunny giggled. “No, you don’t. I just take my duties seriously and one of those duties is to be here before you wake up. That just means I have to wake up before dawn in order to be here on time.”

“Good, I’m glad.” I headed for the door. “Now, after breakfast, we’ll be heading for Ponyville, so if you want to change out of your uniform, that’d be fine.”

“Alright, but there is something I should probably warn you about.”

“Oh? And what’s tha-” I didn’t get a chance to finish my question. A small, fluffy pony barreled into my stomach and latched onto me with all her tiny might.

“Chris…! I missed you so much!”

“*Cough* I missed you too, Fluffy Butt.” I hugged her close. “Now c’mon, breakfast is waiting.”

We walked through the halls toward the dining room, Cotton was riding on my shoulder. Guards, maids and servants waved hello and welcomed me home. It was good to be home and I was feeling good. Even seeing Blueblood didn’t bring me down.

“So the creature has returned,” Blueblood said with a sneer. “Shame. The palace was smelling much better without the stench of primate in the air.”

“Good morning, Cousin. How are you today?” I smiled as I walked right past him.

“…I um, I am… well?” The look on his face was priceless.

“Glad to hear it.” I sat down at my normal spot next to Celestia with Cotton sitting on my lap. “Good morning, Aunt Luna, Mom.” They both nodded in greeting.

“Psst, Chris?” Cotton tried to get my attention. I looked down at her to show she had it. “Why were you so nice to Bluebutt? He was being a jerk to you.”

“Well, Fluffy, first, Mom had asked me to try to get along, so I am. Second, I’m in too good a mood right now to let petty insults bring me down. And third, it didn’t really bother me.”

“Or perhaps the monkey has simply learned his place,” Blueblood called out.

“Maybe, or maybe I’m just tuning out garbage I don’t want to hear,” I retorted.

Blueblood quietly fumed over being both bested and being unable to upset me. The rest of us, on the other hoof, enjoyed our breakfast in peace.


After breakfast, I, along with a few guards, went down to Auburn’s small home to retrieve him. Bunny and Cotton had already boarded the airship we were going to take to Ponyville. There was no need to expose them to any unseen danger. From what I could see, it didn’t look like he had lied to us.

“Your highness.” I looked up and spotted one of Luna’s night guards floating down to greet me.

“Report,” I commanded.

“We watched Auburn Skies enter the building, but he did not exit all night.”

“Alright, good work. You and your partner can take off and get some well-earned rest.”

“Yes, your highness, thank you.” They both flew off back toward the palace.

Once the two night guards were out of sight, I went inside the building. It was the purest example of a tenement building, according to the definition I had been given at least. Fixtures were broken and tiles were missing from the floor. The smell itself was… unique. If he was lying, he was goin very far out of his way over just a few apples.

Finally, I reached Auburn’s door. “Sergeant, please hold back. I doubt I will be in any real danger and I don’t want to give anypony any reason to panic.”

“Understood, Prince.”

I knocked on the door. It was opened by an earth mare, who screamed, slammed the door, and then opened it again, slower this time. “F-forgive m-me, your m-m-majesty. I w-wasn’t expecting company.”

“That’s quite alright, ma’am, think nothing of it. I was actually looking for one Auburn Skies. Is he here?”

“My husband? Yes, he’s here. Why, may I ask, are you looking for him?”

He must not have told her what happened. “Well, he came to me yesterday and asked for some help in procuring a new job. I’m here to escort him to his new employer in Ponyville myself.”

“W-wait, Ponyville? Why is he goin to Ponyville? What about us? What about his family?”

“Whoa, whoa, he’s not running away, merely being gainfully employed.”

“Auburn! Come over here!” I was starting to feel sorry for him all over again.

“What is it, San- oh.”

“‘Oh’? Is that all you have to say for yourself? You’re going off to Ponyville on your own and leaving me and your daughter behind and all you can say is ‘oh’?!”


“Miss, I think there has been some confusion here. He isn’t leaving you behind, because you are coming along. I have arranged for lodgings and will help enroll your daughter in the local school. Right now, however, I have come to gather Auburn so the final arrangements can be made and he can begin his new job right away.”

“Oh, I see. Alright then.”

Auburn kissed his wife, said his goodbyes and followed me out of the building. “I um, I wanted to thank you for not telling her about yesterday. I really appreciate it.”

“I’m here to make sure you repay your debt to society, not ruin your marriage. Besides, it’s only a little extra paperwork. Now march, we have an airship to catch.”


Less than an hour later, we had landed outside the Golden Oaks Library and disembarked. The guards took their places around the library while the rest of us entered.

“I still don’t see why you had to tag along, Mom.”

“What,” Celestia showed some mock hurt, “I can’t spend some time with my son?” She giggled as I rolled my eyes. “Besides, I had planned on coming to Ponyville today anyway.”

“Why?” I deadpanned.

“To see what was keeping you here, of course.”

“Chris, be nice to your mother.”

“Twi, she doesn’t need your help. Look, you ladies just wait here. I’ll take Auburn by his temporary home and then to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack has already been briefed on the situation.”

“Fine, just hurry back.”

“Can I go with you?” my calf asked.

I reached down and plucked Cotton Tail from my leg before holding her up to eye level. “Sorry, Fluffy Butt, but you should wait here with your mother.” I set her down on Dust Bunny’s back.

“He’s right, Honey,” Bunny agreed.

“Hmph, fine.” Her tiny tantrum was just too cute.

“Good, now come along, Auburn. We have things to do and see.”


We arrived at the apple farm and were promptly greeted by Applejack and her brother, who I hadn’t met yet. His size alone would be enough to intimidate an average sized pony, but add in his strength, and even a griffon would have to be crazy to try to take him on one-on-one. Thankfully, I knew, from stories and anecdotes, that he was a gentle giant. Auburn, however, didn’t.

“Howdy there, Chris. Is this meh new worker?” Applejack hollered out.

“Morning, Applejack. Yeah, this is him. His crimes were very minor, so try not to break him.”

“No promises.”

“Eeyup,” her brother confirmed.

“I’m assuming this is the famous Big Macintosh,” I indicated the large stallion.

“Eeyup,” he repeated.

“Ah never introduced ya’ll?”

“Nnope,” Big Mac and I said at the same time.

“Oh, well, Big Macintosh, this is Prince Chris. Chris, this is meh big brother, Big Macintosh.”

I reached out a hand and he placed his hoof in it, we shook. “Pleased to meet you, Big Mac.”

“Your highness,” He nodded.

I decided to correct him on that later, you know, when a convicted criminal wasn’t right there. “And this is your new worker, Auburn Skies.” He nodded when they looked at him. “Auburn, these two ponies will be your new bosses. You will do as they say when they say. In turn, you and your family will be given a place to live and a fair wage.” Again, I saw the look of hope in his eyes, and it made me happy. Unfortunately, he wasn’t there for the fun of it. “You were assigned here because the Apples could always use a helping hoof right before winter,” Especially when the fall estrus hits and puts Applejack out of commission for a few days. “You will be reporting to the local guard on a regular basis for the next thirty days. And just in case you’re thinking about running away or doing anything untoward to these ponies… Applejack, a demonstration if you please.”

“Sure thing.” Applejack trotted over to a nearby apple tree and, with a swift buck from just one leg, dropped every apple on it.

“And take it from me, she was holding back. Also, her five closest friends are about the most amazing and terrifying ponies I’ve ever met, and they don’t take kindly to anypony doing anything to hurt their friends.” Auburn nodded, showing that he understood. I crouched down next to him, wrapped an arm around his shoulders, “one more thing,” I pointed toward the nearby woods and tracked them around the farm, “that is the Everfree Forest.” Then I pointed to the far end of the farm, “and that is the Whitetail Wood. Applejack and her friends know both like the back of their hooves. So my advice to you is this, do the work, earn the pay, and make something of yourself. I can’t say the Apples will need you after winter starts, but a reference from the one and only Element of Honesty sure won’t hurt your chances of getting work. You got me?”

“Yes, your highness, I won’t run and I won’t let you down.”

“Good. I’m sorry to come across so harsh, but this is for your own good.”

“Yes, your highness, I know that and I thank you for this opportunity.”

I stood back up. “You’re welcome. Now, I believe these ponies have some chores for you to get started on.”

“Eeyup,” the siblings echoed.

“Thought so. Take care now.” And I left for town. I was hoping Celestia hadn’t emptied out Sugarcube Corner.

It had only been one night, but all the ponies in town were waving at me like they were genuinely happy to see me again. This really was a very friendly town. They were even so kind as to let me know Celestia had returned to the library without my having to ask.

I approached the library, after making a quick stop at the schoolhouse to enroll a new student, just in time to see the door opening with Celestia on the other side. I was about to say something when I was nearly knocked over by a pony who had hugged me from behind.

“Hey there, Chris.” I recognized the voice as Rose’s. “You know, I’ve been craving another massage since that night.” Her slightly sensual tone was very inviting. Sadly, I wasn’t the only one who heard it.

“I was unaware you were in the habit of giving out massages to ponies outside the family.”

“Hey… Mom.” I swear I could feel Rose going cold behind me.

“And just who are you hiding, Honey?” I felt Rose’s grip tightening around me.

“This lovely mare is Roseluck,” I pointed over my shoulder with a single raised thumb. “She runs a nearby flower shop with her friends Lily Valley and Daisy. We’ve also been kinda… dating.”

“I see. Let’s discuss this further inside,” Celestia commanded before she turned and headed back inside. I dropped my chin to my chest and followed her inside, dragging Rose behind me. She had yet to loosen her grip. As soon as the door closed, I was subjected to a series of happy squeals. “Oh~, my little boy has found himself a mare.” She then scooped up the nearest pony and hugged them in excitement. Dust Bunny was not amused, but didn’t argue or struggle, it would’ve been pointless.

“So, you’re not mad, Princess?” Rose asked while still using me as a shield.

“Mad?” Celestia released Bunny, who dropped unceremoniously to the floor. “Why would I be mad about my son meeting his special somepony?”

Rose finally dared to peak around me. “Forgive me, your highness, but I was… scared you would be angry with me or that you might think I was trying to steal him away from you.”

“Are you trying to steal him away from me?” Celestia was looming over Rose and I. I knew she wasn’t being serious though.

“N-n-no, Princess, n-n-n-never.”

“Then there’s nothing to worry about. If you’re not trying to take away Chris, then I won’t have to banish you.” She laughed, nopony else joined her. “What? I was joking, I swear.”

“Well, now that the awkwardness is out of the way,” I glared at Celestia who simply shrugged, “we can move on to introductions. Rose, you already know Twilight and Spike. This is Dust Bunny, my personal maid and good friend.”

“Greetings. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Bunny’s voice was friendly, but her face said ‘hurt him and you will know suffering’. How she did that with a smile, I still don’t know.

“And this little ball of cute,” I picked Cotton up off the floor and held her to my chest, “is her daughter, Cotton Tail. Though I like to call her Fluffy Butt.” Cotton giggled happily while I tickled her tummy.

Rose walked over to greet the little filly. “Hello there, Fluf-”

“Nooo…!” Cotton flailed at Rose, making her take a few steps back.

“Hey, Fluffy, cut that out.” She stopped her kicking and screaming immediately and looked up at me with sorrowful eyes.

“I’m terribly sorry,” Bunny said, “but she won’t even let the princesses call her that. Chris is the only one who can. Whenever anypony else does… well, you’ve seen it for yourself.”

“I-it’s okay. Sorry about that, Cotton Tail.”

Cotton shook her head, “no, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t act up or have a fit over it.”

I set Cotton on the floor and Rose sat on her haunches in front of her. Rose then reached out and patted Cotton on her head. “How about this, I’m sorry and you’re sorry, so let’s just start over.”

Cotton Tail nodded. “Okay.” Cotton bore a huge grin and was giggling. She, like everypony else, was warming up to Rose.

And so it went for the next thirty minutes or so. Sadly, like all good things, our time in Ponyville came to an end. Celestia, Bunny, Cotton, all the guards we brought along, and I all loaded back up on the airship and took off for our return home.

“So,” Celestia’s voice came from over my shoulder as I leaned on the railing and watched the scenery pass below, “you were keeping secrets from me.”

I sighed deeply in defeat. “Yeah, I was, and I’m sorry. I just… I don’t know.”

Celestia stepped right up next to me and then lowered herself to the deck. “Climb on, Chris.” I did as instructed and climbed onto her back and wrapped my arms around her neck, just like when I was a child. Slowly, Celestia unfurled her wings and she began to lift off the deck. She slowly rose until we reached cloud level and she landed on a particularly comfortable one. “Chris, do you know why I adopted you?”

“Luna told me you always wanted a family of your own, but every time you tried to find love, the stallion was only interested in advancing their own status. So, when I was in need of a mother as much as I was, you saw an opportunity for both of us to get what we needed.

“You make it sound kind of cold, but that is basically right. The real truth is much simpler than that,” she turned her head so we could look into each other’s eyes, “I adopted you because I loved you. Even as a child you were very brave and friendly and… everything I could want in a foal. It never mattered to me that you walked on two legs instead of four, or that you don’t have fur, or needed to eat animal protein. I was even willing to accept those weird little fingers of yours,” she giggled as I scratched behind her ear. “I know that my being a princess may be intimidating to other ponies, and I’ve come to accept the loneliness that comes with the privilege of ruling. But as long as I have you and of course Luna, Twilight and Cadance, that loneliness doesn’t show its ugly head.” I knew what she meant, being the only human in a world of talking ponies and griffons and even hydras, I too felt lonely sometimes. “But, when the ones I love feel they need to keep secrets, I can’t help but feel a little bit of that loneliness again.”

My first instinct was that she was simply overreacting, but then I remembered the kind of trials she’s had to go through in her long life. Luna resenting her and becoming Nightmare Moon. Sunset Shimmer ignoring her warnings and running out on her. Even my being here, which was caused by her student trying magic that was beyond her control at the time.

So much trouble caused by ponies trying to impress her, become her and even being jealous of her. All of them tried to go beyond their reach and each of them kept secrets from her, big and small. It was no wonder she hated them.

“I’m sorry, Mom, I didn’t mean to hurt you or keep my relationship with Rose a secret. I just didn’t know when or how to tell you.” I hugged her neck tighter. “I love you.”

She smiled and nodded. “I love you too. Now, let’s go home.”

And that’s how my girlfriend met my mother.