//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: A Little Fun // Story: Octavia's Greatest Moment // by Purpleblackkiwi //------------------------------// it was the day after the interview Octavia woke up to the sun shining in through the small openings between the blinds of her window. Her eyes blinking open to the light streaming across her face. Opening her eyes she sat up and stretched her arms out and gave a large yawn re-situating herself with where she was and the room she was in. She took a glance at the analogue clock in the room to see it was a 11:25 am. She had slept well that night, no interruptions, no nightmares. Perhaps Luna had watched over her that night, or maybe it was someone else. Octavia heard the clank of the door nob, and looked to see the door opening to let in a female with electric blue hair looking rather suspicous. She was eating a burger that looked especially messy splotches of mustard dropping onto the floor. She looked back out of the window on the door to see if a nurse had seen her sneak the burger in. Holding the burger with her mouth she turned around to face the room looking for its inhabitant. "Octavia!? You're awake!" Vinyl said in a voice muffled by the greasy sandwich. She was about to rush to Octavia to check on her. When Octavia raised a hand to stop her where she stood. "I'm fine Vinyl. Last night wasn't that bad, I slept well." Octavia said in a comforting smile. Vinyl let out a sigh of relief."Thats great Tavi." she said as she let her shoulders drop releasing the tension she didn't realize she was holding. Vinyl sat down on her chair once again and continued to eat her sandwich. "Vinyl? why do you have that?" Octavia said as she pointed toward the meal in which Vinyl was now taking large bites out of. "Cause the food here is garbage." Vinyl said through a mouth full of food. "I thought that the nurses wouldn't allow outside food?" Octavia said in a quite voice realizing that Vinyl had snuck in food. "We don't." said a rather aggravated Nurse Redheart standing in the door way. Vinyl fell out of her chair shocked at the sudden appernace of Redheart. letting our a yelp before falling to the floor struggling to breath as her sandwich had lodged itself in her throat. The nurse walked to the DJ who was furiously beating her chest in an attempt to dislodge the food. Vinyl after beating her chest with a closed fist Vinyl finally swallowed the food and gasped for air. "Girl, I would have let you choke to death." The nurse stood above her tapping her foot on the ground crossed with the mischivious female. "Hey thats not funny! You nearly killed me!" Vinyl said picking up her sandwich once more attempting to take another bite. With a swipe the sandwich dissapeared from Vinyl hand and was being held in the air by Redheart out of reach of Vinyls reach. "And this is killing you slowly!" Reaheart said as she kept the burger out of Vinyl reach. "No fair, I wasn't ready!" Vinyl said as she jumped for her lunch swingly wildly. "Nooooope! I am taking this from you!" Redheart as she began to leave the room. "Awwwww how did you even find me?" Vinyl asked. "I followed the tell tale trail of grease and sauce." replied Redheart. "Come on I want my bacon." Vinyl said putting her hands on her hips. "Oooo Bacon." Nurse Redheart exclaimed as she took a bite out of the sandwich. Vinyl's jaw dropped as she saw the Nurse consume her sandwich bite by bite. "Nooooo! You don't even like mustard!" Vinyl said attempting to lunge at the nurse only to be stopped by an open hand. "I do now. By the way Mrs. Philharmonica your appointments at 2:00" The Nurse said in a devious smile and walked out the room while continuing to eat the sandwich. Vinyl now on her knees longed for the sandwhich she would never finish. Octavia felt she had just watched a comedy skit. She could imagine the two working on broadway playing out hilarious skits causing millions to laugh until their sides hurt with enjoyment. "Aww, what am I going to eat now?" Vinyl asked herself. With a chuckle Octavia gave her a reply. "Come on Vinyl lets get some garbage to eat." Octavia said as she began to move from her bed to stand. "Whoa whoa, you are not moving on my watch." Said the blue haired DJ. She quickly got up to keep Octavia in her bed "Vinyl please I'm-" Octavia began to argue. "Noooo way sister. I'm going to grab one of those wheelchairs." Vinyl began before attempting to walk out the door. However an arm kept her behind. As Vinyl looked back to realize that Octavia was holding her with her good arm. "Vinyl sweetie. allow me to walk or I'll put you in that bed with me." She said tiliting her head toward the bed a smile along her face all the yet hinting at an annoyed tone. "I like the sound of that." Said Vinyl in a rather devious voice head tilted down ever so slightly hinting at ideas involving the two in the same bed. ____________________ Vinyl and Octavia were both walking down the hall while Vinyl held her right forearm rubbing it soothingly."Jeez you weren't kidding. You have one hell of a punch." Octavia walked proudly once again happy that carrying that large cello still paid off in the end.The two enjoyed a lunch in the cafeteria, and although they where questioned why Octavia had been down there they still ate none the less. Even if the food was par, the company of each other was what made the evening quite enjoyable. Laughing at the latest news in the world, talking up music ideas and such. Vinyl arguing her modern music trumps Octavia dusty classical. While Octavia assured Vinyl that her classical music would out live Vinyls music by centuries. Laughing out loud realizing that neither really cared anymore about who was better. At the start it was true that the two hated each others genre of music, however the two learned to appreciate the others style with time.Octavia took a quick glance at the clock to realize that it was 16 minutes past her schedualed appointment. In a rush she quickly shoved fries into her mouth and the two took off to the physical recovery room. Upon arriving at the room the two were met with a once again agitated nurse Redheart. With a raised eyebrow the nurse gave a questioning look at the two, but ended dropping the topic of there late arrival. "Mrs. Philharmonia please follow me this way." She said walking ahead to a part of the room that looked like a multiple padded mats put together on the floor. Vinyl sat on the nearby benches watching as the nurse guided Octavia to the middle of all the mats. "We are going to start with moving your fingers." She said with as she pulled out a small booklet. Octavia wore a questioned look expecting for her to continue."Then what? First moving my fingers then what?" She asked The nurse closed the book and looked at Octavia with a sad expression. "Thats all we'll do for a week." she said."I don't expect you to do much more than move your finger, later we'll move on to strengthening your muscles again so you can carry items." She finished and reopened her book to begin reading again. "What? That's it? What about moving my arm, its not like I've been lazy all this time. It's only been a week!" Octavia began, she was offended at the slow plan. "Mrs. Philharmonica its not cause we don't trust your ability in recovering, but rushing things may cause problem in the future. On top of that we want you to leave this hospital with a proper recovery." Nurse Redheart said trying to calm the angered cellist. With a sigh Octavia agreed to obey "Yes nurse. I'm sorry for my rude outburst." "That's fine Mrs. Philharmonica." The nurse replied. However both of them knew why Octavia wanted a more drastic plan. Octavia desperetly want to pick up the cello again. She wanted to feel the familiar wood frame, the bow moving across the string, the emotions poured into a single song. The excersis were not only tedious and monotonous, they were painful. Simple things such as moving an index finger became burning pains across her arm. She was intasked with writing out the alhpabet in the air next to her side. Something that she finished with a painful exhaustion. The bead of sweat from the pain and her eyes clenched told the nurse that this was as far as they needed to go today. "That's good for today Mrs. Philharmonica, please do practice those in your spare time." After watching the nurse leave the room Vinyl got up and decided to join Octavia now sitting on the floor holding her left arm. "I've never had this much trouble with the alphabet, not even in elementary." Octavia said with a smile. Vinyl could see Octavia's genuine attempt to stay positive and to keep her mind off the inevitable deppresion. Vinyl helped Octavia to her feet and took a quick glance around the room. In the room laid multiple equipment walls lined with weights, bars across the room to hold you blance. In one corner of the room a large rectangular table caught her eye. "Wait here." Vinyl quickly said. Octavia lost in her own thoughts never even bothered to look at where Vinyl was going. Octavia only just noticed a small rhythmic taping sound. She looked behind herself to see Vinyl holding a paddle while bouncing up and down a small white ball.Octavia in a second realized that she was infront of a ping pong table. The game that the two spent evenings playing in college. Vinyl still bouncing the ball swung her paddle up to send the ball flying with ample enough air time for her to get into the proper stance for a swing. As the ball fell into place Vinyl swung, and the ball was sent though the air straight for Octavia. Octavia flinched and held up her hand hoping to stop the ball in flight before it had hit her on the side. She looked at Vinyl in furious. "That's to get back at you for this morning." Vinyl chuckled as she gave a wave for Octavia to play a game with her. Octavia always played with her right hand so the game was still playable to her. Even if the Nurse had recommended not to exert herself physically. The memory of many sunsets playing ping pong was to much to resist. Octavia picked up a paddle ready to serve the ball. The day went on with countless serves and the taping of ping pong balls against tables and paddle. The score didn't even matter all that mattered was the small joy that was felt each time a point was scored then the excitement beginning once again as the opponent served again. Octavia could feel her body getting use to fluid movements. Feet shifting quickly to prepare for the next swing. The more she played the faster she moved. She had trouble in the beginning with the fact that her left arm no longer had the ability to stabilize her balance as she played, but she soon grew accustomed to this and avoided relying on her left arm to steady her self. Then came along the one intense game that had the two reaching further and panting harder to win the one match neither willing to give an inch. A small smile crept onto Octavia's face as the ball moved faster and faster. Finally Vinyl allowed the ball to move slow enough for Octavia to strike the ball with more than enough preparation. With a large arched swing Octavia sent the ball flying straight over the net and missing the table entirely. The ball curved upward and striked Vinyl between the eyes. Vinyl off put by the incoming projectile fell back hitting the floor with a thud . Octavia worried for her friends well being ran quickly to and kneeling next to her. "Vinyl are you okay!?" She asked worried taking a close look at her forehead a small round red mark appearing on her clear white skin. "Haha yea Tavi I'm fine, I'm just glad you're having fun." Vinyl said while closing her eyes and smiling back at the chellist. She was genuinely happy that the two had played. The game had reminded her of their college days, a wonderful time when stress came from books and tests, instead of physical recovery and the world bearing on their shoulders. Vinyl head dropped as she realized once again she had wished for those times. Even to her best attempts she had trouble keeping her thoughts focused on present time. Octavia noticed Vinyls sudden mood changed and while Vinyl kept looking at the floor the chellist moved closer. Vinyl felt Octavias hand on her cheek along with a wonderful sensations as she felt a light pressure on her forehead. Vinyl not able to see Octavia's face anymore realized that Octavia was giving her forehead a light kiss particularly close to where the ball had hit her. "Thank you dear." was all Octavia said she raised Vinyls head to meet her eyes. Her deep ruby eyes endless and gleaming as the precious stones they represented. Vinyl was quickly lost in her friends kind eyes. The light purple in her eyes extentuated by her deep black hair. The sweat of the previous game glistening on her face and the hot hand touching her face. Taking her hand off of Vinyls cheeck she gave the suprised and flustered DJ a warm embrace. After realizing what was happening Vinyl wrapped her arms around Octavia tightly and pressed Octavia against herself. Vinyl closed her eyes for a moment to savor this moment and to take in full all of Octavia. She could feel the warmth that eminated from Octavia's chest. The steady rise and fall of her chest as she inhaled and exhaled. She could hear the rhythemic beat of Octavia's heart. Vinyl was overwhelemed with comfort and a warm feeling swept her stomach, and what felt like hours as they embraced Vinyl felt happy with where she was. All to early Octavia let go of Vinyl and helped her up to her feet. "What was that for?" The DJ asked although wishing it could have continued. "For being here for me. Although it may seem insignificant, to be honest without having someone like you here this would have become a nightmare." Octavia said with a warm smile. The two left the room and made their way back to Octavia's room walking side by side down the hall. Finally reaching the room Octavia laid down on her bed. She attempted to stay awake to talk with Vinyl a little longer but due to the medication she soon drifted off. Viny sat in the same chair as usual waiting for sleep to take her as well. Yet the tingling sensation in her stomach and her quickened heart kept her from falling asleep until much later in the night.