//------------------------------// // 213. Ichthyology by The 8-Bit Flame Princess // Story: The Sun and the Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab // by Fuzzyfurvert //------------------------------// by The 8-bit Flame Princess *** Celestia yawned, thankful that nopony was around to see her this disheveled. It had been a long day filled with many tedious royal duties, and she was just about ready to drop. All she wanted to do was curl up and sleep for ten hours straight, and maybe even cuddle with Twilight for a bit. She hadn't seen her since this morning; their schedules were often so packed nowadays that they could never find the time to see each other. Celestia smiled as she thought of Twilight, and her pace quickened as she walked along the corridor leading to their quarters. She knocked softly on the door out of habit, and the creaked open the door, staying quiet in case Twilight was already asleep. What she found shocked her, though in hindsight she should have seen it coming. Twilight was sat at her desk, her reading glasses on her face - and that's when Celestia knew this was bad. Twilight almost never wore her glasses unless she'd been straining her eyes. Twilight had a simply ginormous books propped open, and she was taking notes while reading the pages carefully, her lips mouthing the words on the page, and habit of hers she'd never been able to break. "Twilight, what are you doing?" Celestia sighed in an exasperated manner, though she wasn't really annoyed. She found Twilight's dedicated approach to learning admirable, but there were times when she just had to put her hoof down, and this was one of them. Twilight blinked, as if she'd only just noticed Celestia's presence. "I'm just reading this new book on ichthyology!" she chirruped, managing to sound energetic and enthusiastic even at eleven o'clock at night, though the small yawns that peppered her speech betrayed her. Celestia came over to Twilight and nuzzled her. "My dear, you simply can't carry on like this. We're both tired, why don't we just get some rest, hmm?" She finished her little persuasive speech with a kiss to Twilight's cheek. "But the ichthyology -" Twilight began to protest, but Celestia interrupted her swiftly. "- Can wait until tomorrow. I don't even know what that is!" Celestia said. twilight removed her classes and set them down, following her love to the bed they shared. "It's the study of fish and -" "Twilight?" "Right. Yes. Sleep. Sorry." Celestia pecked Twilight's cheek again as they cuddled together. "Goodnight, Celestia," Twilight murmured, feeling sleep take over her mind after it had been active for so long. "Dream of ichthyology tonight," Celestia joked. Twilight stifled a chuckle, and it was the last sound that was heard in their quarters as they both fell into a deep slumber.