//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: A Hoof Heights Story: Sapphire Shores and Jill Jewel // by lyra_lover777 //------------------------------// There she stood. Jill Jewel (she assumed it was her since she was putting things away). A non alicorn godess. Her mane was straight and long, with three stripes of color. The top stripe was deep maroon, the middle stripe red- orange, and the final, bottom stripe was pure white. Jill's coat was also the purest white. Her eyes were red-orange. Her horn stood from her head, her hair swept out of the way so the whole thing was visible. Her tail was the same colors as her mane, but was bushier and thicker and ended in a large swirl. Her cutie mark was a necklace with a giant ruby heart in the middle of the necklace and three smaller rubies on each side of the bigger ruby. She was tall and lean and sooooo beautiful... "OHHH MY GOSH ITS SAPPHIRE SHORES!!" The end of Sapphire's trench coat had gotten caught in the doorway and as she had walked forward it had been pulled off of her. Her fedora had slid off her head when she had suddenly stopped to stare at the godess Jill Jewel who was sooooo.... Sapphire reigned her self. She was straight. She didn't filly fool. Fashion must have put something in those pancakes this morning. She looked up at the shouting mare. But it was not Jill shouting. It was an old unicorn mare with a green apple coat and a light pink mane. Her cutie mark was a single white lace doily. " Great Aunt Lacy Macy" said Jill. Her aunt must be the one that owned that clothes store for common ponies. "Please calm down. Half the ponies of this town are celebrities like Great Goal, the gold medal winning pegasus or Ink Quill, the famous writer." She looked up at me. "Sorry about this. She isn't usually like this." All I could do was slowly nod as she turned back to her great aunt and started the arduous process of calming down a fanfilly when her idol was in front of her. After finishing with her great aunt, she told Sapphire that she could look around. When Jill spoke to her, her heart began to beat a million miles a minute. Sapphire looked around and found a beautiful horn ring that matched the dress she was wearing now. It was pure turquoise with three small rubies dotting the top. She picked it up and carried it to the register. As she was ringing it up, Jill asked Sapphire something. "So, I um was wondering if you, you know,wanted to go to Bon Appetite's cafe tommorrow for lunch. Not as a date, just to get to know you better. And I'm not doing this to get famous. You just seem like a good mare." Sapphire could tell that Jill wasn't lying. Usually she would have quickly refused. But something iside her lept with joy and she said,"I would love to go." in her normal voice, not her sassy one. "Okay. Its a date. Not a date date, but a... well you get what I mean. See you tomorrow!!" said the sweet and beautiful Jill Jewel, who was the most beau- oh it happened again thought Sapphire as she walked out of the shop waving. When she got back to the Boutique at 2:00 p.m., Fashion was giving a hair cut to a pegasus mare named Beaker Lab. She had a mane of two different tones of pink, and her mane and tail were short and clung to her body. She was butter yellow and had a cutie mark of a test tube full of a strange green liquid with three green bubbles over it. Her eyes were light green, the same color as Fashion's. After the pegasus mare left with a bag with a green dress with emeralds on it in her hooves, Sapphire helped fashion finish a simple red dress with no jewels on it. She put it on a hanger and hung it on a rack. "What happened to the dress you designed earlier?" asked Sapphire. "I already finished it." Sure enough, the green dress was in the window on a mannequin. Fashion went back to work sketching a dress for a foal. It was yellow with a single sapphire with a pin on the back clipping it all together. The rest of the day passed by quickly, with a blue pegasus stallion named Straight Shot buying a simple black tuxedo. Straight had a short brown mane and tail and blue eyes. His cutie mark was a bow with an arrow in it. He owned the archery shop next door. Fashion finished the dress for the foal at 5:00 p.m. and they left the store closing it. They went back to Fashion"s house for dinner. Star would not be attending dinner because she had to go out of town to Manehattan for a lecture on how to run your observatory. Yes, Star Dust owned an observatory and would travel to Manehattan for its well being. Anyways, the two sat down to a dinner of tomato soup, baked potatoes with cheese and hay on them, and a salad. They talked and Sapphire told Fashion of the arrangement for tomorrow. "Are you sure its more than a lunch to become friends? Are you sure its not a lunch to become- filly friends?" Fashion smiled slyly. "It is a simple lunch between possible friends. Nothing more." But a part of Sapphire wanted it to be a date... No thought SapphireIt is nothing more than lunch and suppressed the thought. She distracted Fashion by telling her that she had seen somepony in jeggings, and the fashionista went on a rampage about how much she hated jeggings. As Sapphire fell asleep, she thought of Jill and quickly fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.