The Marerainian Affair

by Uncle Knot

O dark thrity

The brightness of Captain Shimmer’s horn hurt the eyes of the waking Jorge. He squinted and turned his head.

“Wake up sleepy head." barked Captain Shimmer "We are here. You know Ponyville, the place with all the great sightseeing attractions”

“Five more minutes” Jorge requested

“No, I’ll send Gilda to drag you up on deck and then push you over the edge myself if you are not on deck in 10 seconds”

The threat of being dragged by a griffin must have set off some type of inner alarm. Jorge managed to climb up on deck. It was eerily quiet. Octavia stood by the rail in the moonlight. She was a sight worth getting up for. Beyond her the sky was very dark, it wasn’t the sky, the dark was the trees. The airship had found a place to land. Above the trees and below the lift balloon Jorge could see the stars. One could hear the howl of a distant wolf.

Octavia swung her instrument onto her back and stepped off the deck into the air. Jorge gasped and ran to catch her, only to see her walk down a gangplank to the ground.

“Well, come on” said Knot already on the ground

“Where is the town? All I see is this dark forest.” asked Jorge

“We could land in the town square but that might attract attention." answered Shimmer "So we land out here and walk into town”

Before Jorge could turn around, Shimmer had used her magic to withdraw the gangplank and the airship was lifting off. Shimmer’s illumination faded quicker and the three were left in the dark meadow surrounded by the even darker woods. The moonlight now became the chief source of light as the airship’s shadow left the area. Jorge’s eyesight began to adjust; three outlines could be distinguished from the trees; the shapely Octavia, the large Knot and a 3rd. Some pony had come to meet them? No, the 3rd outline was not moving. Some type of statue, a unicorn with wings.

“Be very quiet and follow me” said Octavia. She led Jorge with Knot following, across the meadow to a pathway, which took them out of the forest into the sleeping town. The sky showed just a hint of the rising sun. They headed for the only lite house. Thumping could be heard coming from the inside.

“What’s that noise?” asked Jorge

“Wubs” answered Octavia

“Hey, where did Knot go?” asked Jorge

“I’m still here” said Knot

“Where? I can’t see you” said Jorge

“My brothers call me the pale one” said Knot

“Pale, you’re transparent” commented Jorge

“You did ask for discreet and invisible security” quoted Knot

Octavia opened the door to the house without even knocking. It was immediately apparent that knocking would have been useless, as the wubs poured out the door flooding the street with deafening noise.

“TAVI” came a shout and a white unicorn tackled Octavia in the entrance hallway

“Nice to see you too” said Octavia

“Who is your handsome friend?” asked Vinyl

“This is Jorge, a distant cousin” responded Octavia

“Cousin eh?" questioned Vinyl "Any cousin of Tavi’s is well a close friend of mine”

“How do you do Miss, Miss?” asked Jorge

“Miss Scratch, but you can call me Vinyl”

“I may call you Vinyl” said Jorge

“Please do”

“Vinyl, are you having a party?” asked Octavia

“Yes, I’m having a cheer myself up party because you were away, but now that you’re back, I can have a welcome home party. Come meet every pony Jorge. The two sleeping ones on the couch are Julianne and Caroline Carrot, Julianne has the green hair. This one under the table is Berry Punch, and that is my best party pony, Pinky Pie. Wake up Pinky”

“Ooh he’s gorgeous” said Pinky “Maybe I am still dreaming”

“No Pinky, you are awake, this is Jorge, my distant cousin” answered Octavia

“Hello Jorge – ous, welcome to Ponyville” said Pinky

“Good morning Miss Pie” said Jorge

“Oh so polite, he may not be as distant as you think Tavi” commented Vinyl

“So what brings you to Ponyville Jorge – ous?” asked Pinky

“An airship” said Jorge

“What?” exclaimed Pinky and Vinyl

“Jorge is a crew member aboard an airship” said Octavia “He is in town to pick up supplies and do a little sightseeing”

“Will you be staying with us while you’re here?” asked Vinyl

“No, I think I would prefer to stay in an inn or hotel. Some place private” responded Jorge

“Silly pony, there is no inn or hotel” said Pinky “I know, you can stay at the palace. We got plenty of room there”

“Stay in the palace? In Canterlot?” asked Jorge hesitantly

“No, the new palace here in town." said Pinky "It was built by the tree of Harmony”