The Equestrian Blitz

by Underpaid Carronade

Bombs Away!

Satellites first picked up energy displacement in the Southern Pacific ocean, a few hours later a continent; smaller than Australia appeared. It was only few years since the Cold War ended and everyone was on high-alert as soon as it appeared.

The next day, the US Naval Base in San Diego picked up radar contacts approaching from the south, causing the Naval vessels there to fill the harbor and ocean around it. Aircraft also filled the sky, soon heading towards the radar contacts.

The aircraft; while keeping their distance observed the unknowns and relayed their findings. To put it basically, myths were flying towards the city. White Pegasuses flew through the air while wearing golden armor which was a pain to look at when it glinted in the sun. They carried spears, swords, and other medieval weaponry, much to the entertainment of the pilots when they got discovered easily outmaneuvered them with ease, besides one that had a rainbow trailing behind it.

They also seemed to be escorting a carriage made out of solid gold, how they were able to keep that in the air was far beyond them. A pilot was even able to get a photo of them up close; the with shocked expressions of the creatures were priceless.

Soon after the small airshow the creatures were able to get close to the city, only to almost get hit by a flack shell. They seemed to get the message and back off… for a while. The fighters were able to guide the carriage to the Naval base, as soon as they landed they were swamped by military personnel armed with the good old M16.

The white horse was able to calm things down, asking to meet our leaders and saying they come in peace; this only made the soldiers want to blow their brains out because of the movies they watched about aliens saying the exact same thing and trying to destroy humanity soon afterwards.

A few weeks later ‘Princess Celestia’ as the ‘Ponies’ called her was able to get a meeting with Ronald Reagan, hoping to set up trade and other political bullshit I don’t care for. Another Princess called Twilight Sparkle wanted to read up on human history and was able to get some books.

Things went smoothly for the first few months, then the Celestial Bitch as I like to call her wanted to make an announcement to the human world. All around the world humans gathered around their TVs to listen to it. All they got was the Princesses bitching about how humanity was impure and needed to be converted into peace loving ponies using a potion.

Much to their disappointment and shock humanity turned them down, this only angered them and forced a purple shield to cover the island. Yeah that’s right, they didn’t even acknowledge it as a continent, instead calling it an ‘Overgrown Island’.

Afraid war was coming, the United States began stockpiling on weapons. Up in Alaska, Elmendorf Air Force Base was receiving B-52 bombers for if war did break out they would be ready!

It only took 5 weeks before Japan and Southern California was attacked, ponies dropped their ‘potion bombs’ (the ones that survived) on the cities of San Diego and Tokyo, only for the potions to have no effects on humans; this also made the workforce that kept the cities clean know they were about to have a bad day.

The ponies were shell-shocked on how their potions hadn’t worked, as soon as the reports came in the B-52s were already getting in the air!


“Go fish…” Said a young human male. He was sitting at a round table, along with three others who were playing the classic game of go fish they found it as a way to kill time until they got the go. They didn’t wait much longer as their commander ran into the door, causing to slam open.

“Get to your feet! We have orders to meet up in the debrief room!” they quickly put their cards down and rushed out of their seats. Running out the door they made their way to the debrief room. Once there they sat down along with the other B-52 pilots, later their commanding officer came in and have them the details.

“Listen up! We have just received reports of Equestrian Squadrons attacking Tokyo and San Diego! We have received orders to attack Equestrian cities, they did not specify the targets so I guess you can hit whatever the bomb falls on.” the old experienced officer looked around the room, making sure the inhabitants were paying attention. He wasn’t surprised to see a few of them to be sleeping or not paying attention at all. “Now, you will have a fighter escort. Your bombers will be filled with an assortment of bombs, as well as the wings in some areas. I don’t care what you attack, just send a clear message to these big-head equines.”


Soon the bombers were in the air, taking up a close formation the bombers took off towards the shield. It took hours for them to make it, and some of the pilots and crew legs were numb from the flight. Turning towards the shield they easily passes through it, its purpose was lost to them.

Either way, it was a quiet night over ‘Manehatten’ as the ponies called it. Ponies walked around the streets heading home or just out for a stroll. However a lone Earth Pony mare walked through the park, looking towards the clear sky. The moon gave a soft purple glow from the color of the shield. She wished that the shield wasn't there, she wanted to see the moon as it was. As she continued to watch the sky she noticed the strange bird formation approaching from the ocean. The more she looked at them the more clearer it became they were not birds.


“We are above the city of Manehattan, opening bomb bay doors.” said a man, the doors opened with a mechanical whine stopping with a clank. He reached over to a switch then flipped it, the bombs fell from their holders. Soon more bombs fell from the sky as the other B-52s dropped their loads of 500 to 750 pound bombs. They screeched as they raced towards the ground, angling themselves downward. Gravity doing the work caused them to fall faster, the ponies however hadn't taken notice yet.

That is until they touched the ground. Huge pockets of explosions shook the city, orange fires raised up from where the bombs had detonated. Building were reduced to rubble in an instant, the inhabitants killed from just the shockwave. The explosions following in large lines, each being close to each other in a single direction.

Skyscrapers were torn to pieces, destroying the floors causing them to become unbalanced. They later fell from the damage they had sustained, unable to hold their weight.

Ships that had been docked along with warehouses were turned into splinters of wood. Ponies jumped into the water, nearly avoiding the bombs that destroyed their vessels they once sailed on. Some ran around in panic, making them easy targets for falling bombs as they seemed to sometimes group up and run in a single line.

Soon the bombardment stopped, ending as soon as it came. It the span of a few seconds a majority of the city was reduced to rubble and fire. Foals that survived cried out for their mothers, a cry that will never be answered. Ponies crawled their way out of the rubble, some perishing before they could even be pulled out by others.

Many began to cry and weep from pain and loss. The streets were filled with bloodied bodies and craters, carriages that once transported ponies were piles of wood and iron.

In the sky the bombers turned back towards their base, heading home after sending a clear message to the Equestrians.

“You pissed off the wrong species.”

Hoofington was hit soon after, by three waves of bombers. The entire city was destroyed with casualties being somewhere in the thousands. Soon after; Canterlot was hit as the bombers faced resistance, but the ponies ‘magic’ only seemed to dissipate when they hit the frames of the aircraft. The city soon collapsed after six waves, causing it to become a pile of rubble at the base of the mountain.

An invasion fleet was already underway, but Equestria soon vanished from the Pacific, out of fear of another ass whoopin’. Humanity however just went about their lives, acting like it never happened. To the ones that had bombed the cities however, it was a good fireworks display.