A Hoof Heights Story: Sapphire Shores and Jill Jewel

by lyra_lover777

Chapter 5

The rest of the day had passed uneventfully, no one coming to the shop. When they finally closed the shop at 6, they went out to dinner. Sapphire went back to the house and changed into a sparkling blue gown covered in pearl. Fashion donned a simple silver dress studded with sapphires.
The pair headed onto the street. Sapphire saw a shish-ka-bob restaurant across from the boutique. "Why aren't we going there?" asked Sapphire.
"I don't think you're ready yet," was Fashion's answer. Sapphire scrunched up her face in confusion but still followed her friend.
They walked across the intersection of Unicorn Lane and Mane Street and continued on Mane Street. They passed Lacy's store and Bon's Cafe. Up ahead was an electrical shop on the right and a gumdrop store and a bookstore on the left. The street seemed to dead end then. But Fashion kept walking.
At the end of Mane Street, another road went left and right. It was called Horseshoe Road. The pair turned right onto Horseshoe road. The right side was filled with shops but the left was empty, a large, clear river winding alongside the road. Fashion said it was called Azurite Stream after its discoverer and the founder of the city, Azurite Tuna.
They continued up the street and passed a fireworks shop and a flight arena, whatever that was. At the end of the street there were two restaurants, a sushi cafe and a sandwich shop. They headed into the sushi cafe.
There was a patio with a few tables and about ten tables inside. Inside sat Solo Clef, bringing sushi up to is mouth in a blue aura. We sat down at a table at the patio.
A minute later a female pegasus arrived. She had a salmon coat and deep orange eyes. Her mane was marine blue with a single stripe of brown through it, cut short and shaggy. Her tail was the same as her mane. Her cutie mark was a single sushi roll. Her name was Susan Sushi.
She set down menus in front of us and then called for somepony. A little pegasus filly, her daughter, trotted out of the inside of the cafe. She had the same salmon coat as her mother, but her eyes were dark green and her hair was long and a mousy brown. Her cutie mark was three sushi rolls stacked in a triangle with a piece of lettuce behind them. Her name was Spring Roll.
Spring asked them for drinks and they both ordered water. The mother and daughter trotted inside to fetch their drinks.
When their drinks arrived, they gave their orders.They both ordered the all you can eat sushi platter. As Spring and Susan trotted inside again, Sapphire and Fashion sipped our drinks and started talking. Fashion made fun of Sapphire's lunch with Jill and Sapphire made fun of Star and her observatory. When they had gotten their anger out at each other, they both broke down into laughing fits.
Then their food arrived. While they were munching on carrot, seaweed, and cucumber sushi, Solo Clef left, a doggie bag in his wake.
When they finished their food they sat talking, sipping up the last drops of water. When they were done with the water, they paid the bill and headed back to Fashion's house. They stayed up for a little bit reading, but then both turned in for the night, falling asleep quickly and dreaming peacefully.

The next day they woke up early. Fashion made sure not to make toast so Sapphire couldn't burn her. As she warmed up leftover pancakes from the first day, Fashion thought, with a sigh of happiness, six days to be with her friend. She took out syrup and floated the pancakes onto plates, turning off the stove. She drizzled syrup on the pancakes and poured milk into glasses, floating the glasses and plates onto the table. As soon as she set them down, she turned around to clean up the counter. Sapphire snuck behind her, and poked her in the back, shouting "Boo!"
Fashion turned around and screamed jumping backwards and burning her healing hooves on the still warm stove top.
"How dare you!!" screamed Fashion she turned around and smiled before making a grumpy face.
"Now I won't be able to make dresses because my hooves are burnt." Fashion pretended that burning her hooves was the end of the world.
"That's good, because the world was better without your fashion!" Sapphire said.
Fashion mock gasped and said" Now that's over the line!" and started swinging punches at Sapphire. They soon fell down laughing.
They quickly ate breakfast and headed to the boutique. When they got there, Fashion continued to triple task with her dresses while Sapphire cleaned up the place. At 12:00 she headed over to Jill's store,a picnic basket she had packed earlier clenched in her mouth. She arrived at the Jill's shop. Susan Sushi was just leaving, a new emerald necklace hanging from her neck.
She entered to see Jill sweeping the floors while placing a ring in a glass case. When she saw Sapphire, she leaned the broom against the wall and trotted over to her, beautifully- Stop thought Sapphire. Even if you were lesbian, she's 23 and you're 30. To big of an age difference.
Jill loved the idea and the pair trotted down Mane Street, father than Sapphire had gone yet. Next to Jill's shop was a cupcake parlor and across the street were three stores, that Queen Bee's honey store, an ice cream shop, and Solo Clef's Music store. Next to Solo's store was a cactus garden.
Across from the cactus garden was a GIANT park. At the entrance there was a big hut, the ranger's office. The ranger, a light green earth pony mare, was in the hut, writing. Her mane and tail were dark green and cut short. Her eyes were light blue and her cutie mark was a pine tree with a light blue river behind it. She saw them and waved at Jill, and Jill waved back.
They walked into the park and Sapphire saw a gazebo near a large pond that was about 30 pony lengths long and about 15 pony length wide. They set the blanket down and took out the sandwiches and started to eat. There was a playground and Susan Sushi was laying on a bench, watching Spring Roll and two young pegasi colts playing. Sapphire couldn't see the colts well at all.
Then she turned her head back to Jill. They talked a lot and were still talking long after all the food was gone. Jill checked the time as they were in the middle of a conversation. It was 3:00!!
The mares both ran out of the park, quickly cleaning up and running down the street. Jill had an appointment with a customer on a personal ring at 3:05!!
As they raced down the street, they saw the customer, Queen Bee, walking up the steps. Jill stopped her and Jill quickly waved goodbye before ducking into her shop and closing the door.
Sapphire trotted back to the shop. The rest of the day was uneventful with no customers, just the sound of sewing machines and ripping fabric.
For dinner the pair had leftover sushi from last night. They talked for a bit. Star would be returning tomorrow night from Manehattan.
They read some books for awhile and then turned in for the night, both finding sleep easily in the warm embrace of their beds.