The First Brony: The Great Pony Awakening

by Chetzi

The gunshot

I stood there, chained, beaten, defeated. My arms were sore, and my legs bloody. A gun was to my head, and all I had done was like My Little Pony. It wasn't fair. I was peaceful, loving, and I tolerated everyone. But, they still hated me. My life was near the end, but that didn't stop the revolution.

Nothing could have. I smiled at that, I did something big. I did what I wanted to do in life, and I would die for it. I wouldn't take any of it back. Not that day, not that oh-so fateful day.

"What is this shit?" I said aloud as I glared at my laptop screen. "Who the fuck would watch this? The show was shitty in all three gens. What's the point of making a fourth one?" My laptop had a video of the first episode of My Little Pony on it, no one seemed to care about it.

But, this was different. The animation looked, well, good. Look a decent cartoon. "Fine, I'll watch the first episode, it's not like I have anything better to do anyway." I clicked play, and the video started. I leaned back into my chair, as I sat in the dark room, with nothing but my laptop lighting it.

I saw some kind of pony that was yellow with pink hair, and had wings. She looked really cute. The video played on, I laughed. I got excited, begging for what would happen next. I felt like a kid again.

When the video was over, I was searching desperately all over the internet for the second episode. It hadn't come out yet. I can't wait a whole week to find out what happens to Nightmare Moon! But, still, that was amazing. I haven't laughed in so long. The plot was entertaining, the animation was skilled. It was a good cartoon. And you know what? I don't care about what the haters say about me, I'm making a pony shirt with all the ponies on it, and wearing it in public.

And I did just that. Within two days, I had made and pressed a shirt that had the MLP logo on it, with all the ponies hanging off of it. I wore it proudly, I worked hard on it. I left my house, head held out high. The streets were busy where I lived, and people quickly took notice. Teens, pointed and laughed, Mothers covered their son's eyes, men look disgusted. But I didn't care. I found the best show ever, I don't care what others think.

I went down the urban sidewalk, with no goal or detestation in mind. It wasn't long until a group of 3 older teenagers walked up to me, and said,

"Dude, go be a fag some where else." Another one said,

"We don't want to see you in that fucking shirt again." The last one just laughed at me. I ignored them, and went on my way.

That's how it went for most days. People would just hate, and a few bolder poeple would came up to me and hate me just for me shirt. Every time I talked to someone, and tried to tell them about the show, they just dropped everything and left. All my friends abandoned me, my family thought I had a mental disease. It sure as hell wasn't an easy life.

One day, the same group of teens came up to me. The first one said,

"We've had enough of you and your faggetness." He slammed his fist into my chest, leaving me huffing on the ground. "I hope that will teach you a lesson." They walked off, laughing. Alone and hated, I started to write fanfictions. I loved the show, and I thought writing about how me being in Equestria would help me feel better. It did, I even made my own pony. I called him, Speedy Blaze. I gave him personality, I gave him life. Sometimes I even saw him in my real life. I may have been going crazy, but I liked having him talk to me.

I finished the first chapter of my fan fiction, and posted it to a few online forums. Everyone said it was 'gay' or something else hurtful. Not one positive comment. My story was well written, it had good grammar, an interesting plot, it made people emotional. I've even cried manly tears while rereading it. But to some people, that was the last straw. A crowd started to gather at my house, holding up signs with the ponies being tortured or saying it's gay. I didn't care, I kept writing. I even drew a few pictures, even though I wasn't much of an artist.

The crowd turned into a blood-frenzy when I showed them the art. They lost all sense of humanity, and ran into my house. They broke all the doors, smashed all the windows, burned my house down. They dragged me outside, each of them trying to hit me. They broke both legs, teared off a finger, and scratched an eye out. But I smiled. It was worth it. That only made them madder. They threw me against a wall at night, in an alleyway. Held a gun to my head. Chained me down. I saw Speedy Blaze, right before I died. I thought back to my fan fiction, back to the beginning.

"Fluttershy, I'm fine. It's only a flesh wound." I chuckled as I quoted my favorite movie. I laid on a bed at Fluttershy's place, as she bandaged my wing. She said,

"No, your're badly hurt. Your wing is broken, and you were near dead when I found you." She finsihed wrapping my right wing, and bit off the end of the wrap. I guess I should go into how I got into this mes, shouldn't I?

Well, I woke up, flying. Not really flying, more just plummeting toward the ground. I had lived a normal life on Earth, expect that I died of cancer at 23. But, die, really isn't a good word here. I didn't stop living, I started. My last sound on Earth was the beep of a flat-line in a hospital. After that, I just opened my eyes, and found myself in Equestria.

I finally realized what was happening, and attempted to slow down. It was futile, as my feathers started to burn and catch on fire. I guess I was only destined to live here for a few seconds. I gave up trying to fight it, and just let the wind take me. Clouds shot past me, as wind whistled in my ears.


I tensed up, feeling like everything in my body broke. An intense pain shot through my right wing. I looked over to it, it was split apart by a few inches, and bent oddly

I snapped back to reality, to see Speedy Blaze, and the Mane 6, to stand by me. Accepting me to their world, like in the fan fiction. I heard the gun to my head click, and my mind went back to my fan fiction.

"Are you okay?" I heard a shy and small voice say. I used all my might to turn my neck, and the only thing I could say was,

"Help.... me..." before I passed out.

My eyes shot open, I woke up in a panic, screaming,

"WHERE AM I?! WHAT IS GOING ON?! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Quickly, Fluttershy ran over to me, holding my hoof, whispering,

"It's okay, calm down, everything will be all right." She rubbed my hoof, and looked into my eyes. They had a soothing sensation. I breathed slower and my chest stopped pounding. I managed to say,

"Wh-who are you?" She put my hoof down as she said,

"You can call me Fluttershy."

I looked back into real life, and saw Fluttershy, smiling, being held by Speedy. The crowd continued to rage, but the ponies were oblivious.

"Now, lay down. You're hurt." I complied, and said,

"Fluttershy, I'm fine. It's only a flesh wound." I chuckled as I quoted my favorite movie. I laid down as she said,

"No, your're badly hurt. Your wing is broken, and you were near dead when I found you." She finsihed wrapping my right wing, and bit off the end of the wrap.

Again, I looked back into reality. The ponies were hugging me as the crowd screamed curse words at me. They made my last few moments happy.

I thought 'near dead' was exaggerating, but I probably shouldn't say anything. She had left, leaving me to just lay on the bed. But, of course, I wasn't going to. I'm in Equestria! I'm not going to just waste this moment by laying in bed. I pushed myself up, avoiding my right wing. I was sore, but that didn't stop me. I couldn't move my left arm without pain, but I still threw myself off the bed. I wobbly took my first few steps as a pony, I'll remember this forever. I lost my footing, and fell toward the ground. My nose hit first, sending a sharp pain through it. Fluttershy came rushing in, asking,

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? I told you not to leave the bed." She held my hoof, and guided me back to the warm bed. I rubbed my nose as I said,

"I'm fine. Watch-OWW!" Fluttershy had twisted my right wing, causing it make an audible 'pop'. She mumbled,

"Sorry, I had to fix your wing." I curled up into a ball, hoping to the pain to leave. It did soon, and Fluttershy smiled then left. I didn't learn my lesson, and got out of bed again. My hoofs were a bit more steady this time, and I held firm. I painful moved my first hoof forward, finding solid ground to latch onto. I quietly celebrated my first victory on this planet as I moved my second hoof forward. I mumbled to myself,

"YES!" I heard a boyish voice out in another room say,

"I'm not a docter! Get Nurse Tenderheart or something." I couldn't hear the other voice, it was too quiet, but the first was loud. "If you're really worried that much, I'll try to see what's wrong." A rainbow-colored blue pony dashed into the room, looking for me.

I opened my eyes, and saw Rainbow Dash, floating next to Speedy, smiling. Nothing else in the world mattered anymore.

I stood tall, acting like I wasn't in any pain. When the blue winged pony zoomed over to me, the wind stung my skin. She could see I was wobbly, and pushed me back into bed. Which, of course, hurt. I screamed,

"OW! What was that for!?" She almost look satisfied as she said,

"I needed you on the bed, now turn over. I need to see your wing." I just scoffed and rolled over, my wings facing her. She moved a few feathers around, not lightly I might add. After a minute of suffering, she left, and said to Fluttershy,

"I think he just split his wing open. He'll fine in a week, it happens all the time to me." Fluttershy looked relived as she heard the news. I managed to say,

"Rainbow-mane, what's your name?" She turned toward me and said,

"Call me Rainbow Dash." I nodded to her as Fluttershy came toward me.

"Call me, Speedy Blaze." Fluttershy handed me some drink that had a stream of steam coming out of the top. How does she pick that up? She handed me the drink and said,

"Drink this, please."

"Uh, just put it down for now, I'm not thirsty."

"No, please drink it, it will make the pain go away. Do you need help?" I only nodded as she brought the cup to my mouth. She slowly lifted the drink, pouring a small amount onto my tongue. It was bitter, but I drank it anyway. She pulled the cup back, and placed it onto a nearby table. I was feeling better already. I said,

"Thanks." She said,

"Now, just stay in bed this time. I don't want you to get hurt again." I'm far too tenacious to stay in bed. As soon as she left, I jumped out of bed. My left arm tensed as it hit the ground, but I held still. Fluttershy was no where in sight, so I stealthily made my way to the front door. I fumbled with the door until it opened, then slipped out. The sun was bright, pegesi were flying above, and Ponyville was busy with the streets filled with ponies of every color. I held my wing folded so no one noticed it injured.

It wasn't long until I found a fancy building, Rarity's boutique. I stepped inside, looking for Rarity. There she was, stitching a piece of fabric together.

The shouts of the crowd came back, as I looked for Rarity. There she was, wearing a beautiful, yet simple, blue dress. Her hair was the usual well groomed curly hair that I loved so much.

"Hey." I said to Rarity as I walked in. She didn't seem to notice me coming. Without looking at me, she said,

"Here," she held out a piece of paper. "Take this to Twilight Sparkle."

"You're welcome..." was all I mumbled as I took the piece of paper in my mouth. I don't even think she saw me. I left the building, heading toward Twilight's tree. It wasn't that long of a walk, I could even see the place when I was at the Boutique. I knocked on that wooden door, and a small dragon answered in a few seconds. Twilight was behind him, organizing books.

Like the others, Twilight and Spike were there, next to me, providing me comfort for my last hour on this planet. Twilight held our favorite book on her hoof, while Spike stood next to her.

"Yo, Twi." I said to her. She turned toward me, and said,

"Hello, what is your name?"

"Speedy Blaze, nice to meet you." I held out my hoof and she shook it. I handed her the piece of paper, and she said,

"Oh yeah, can you take this to Applejack?" She held out a book covered in some kind of purple book with her magic. What do I look like? Everpony's errand boy?

That was as far as I got. Not a single word more. I never finished it. And I never would. I opened my eyes one last time, the crowd was still screaming at me, but I saw something. Someone near the back was wearing a pony shirt. He looked peaceful, and then I saw another. There was a group of people with pony shirts. I said,

"It has started." The gun fired, and my vision flooded with red, then black. I fell to the ground with a smile.

The End.