//------------------------------// // Lust (1) // Story: Her Greatest Desires... Her Darkest Fears // by Raidah //------------------------------// Lust stared at Rainbow Dash patiently while the broken pegasus recovered from Pride's onslaught of bad memories. She shakily got up and faced the purple mare before her, looking her in the eyes pleadingly. Lust only looked back at Rainbow unsympathetically and cocked her head. Greed gave Lust a warning look before returning to his brothers. Rainbow Dash looked to her protector of the group worriedly, and he returned the look. "Why the worry?" Lust asked, startling Rainbow and making her jump slightly. "I'm not going to hurt you." "Yeah, right," Rainbow replied sarcastically. "I'm not," Lust tried to reassure the cyan pegasus, but it wasn't working. "You're going to tear my heart out like everyone else did, and yet you're saying that you're not going to hurt me? I know bullshit when I smell it," Rainbow Dash fought back. "You remember what Greed did, don't you? He showed you your past and possible future. And that's what I'm going to do," Lust explained. Rainbow looked at her questioningly as the scene changed. It was many years ago, when Rainbow Dash first moved to Ponyville. She looked at how young everypony in town was, the mayor had only just been elected and Rainbow had just turned nine, her family making the move from Cloudsdale. It was a day she would never forget, the day she met Applejack for the first time. "Why here?" Rainbow asked. "It's where you first learned of my existence, though it was nothing more than a fillyhood crush at the time," Lust said. Rainbow nodded and watched the scene play out. The young Rainbow Dash was running in circles around her father, who was pulling the suitcases full of their belongings with him. He watched happily as the young filly sped around him leaving a rainbow trail in her wake. She eventually sped off in no particular direction and angled herself upward, flying into the sky to avoid a small house. The younger Rainbow Dash looked over her shoulder to see her father smiling at her. But when she turned around, she found herself crashing face first into a cloud. She crashed right through it, causing it to disintegrate but the resistance it provided was enough to send her spiralling out of control. She looked ahead to see an orange earth pony filly in front of her, and yelled for her to get out of the way. As soon as the filly turned around, Rainbow crashed into her, both of them landing in a heap on the ground. She got off of the filly and looked at her worriedly. "Are you okay?" she asked. The orange filly groaned and got up, her tied back blonde mane now tangled and dirty. "Yea', I think so," she replied. "Jus' what in th' hay were you doin'?" "I was flying and crashed into a cloud," the young Rainbow Dash replied, blushing slightly. "Uh-huh? Well, next time could ya try not crashin' int'a me? Y'nearly broke ma back!" The filly said. "Sorry about that," Rainbow apologized. "I'm Rainbow Dash." She held out a hoof as she introduced herself. "Applejack," the filly replied, taking Dash's hoof and shaking it. She didn't know what it was, but Rainbow was encaptured by her new friend's eyes. They were like glistening emeralds which shone in the sunlight. Probably the most beautiful eyes Rainbow had ever seen! She instantly knew that they were going to be friends, and so they were. The scene faded to black as Lust let it end. She looked to the rainbow maned pegasus beside her, who was grinning widely at the nostalgia of that memory. Lust frowned, disappointed that she hadn't done what she had intended. Of course, Rainbow probably cherished that memory above all others. So it would be hard to break her with it. She would have to try harder.