Camping can be Evil

by WolfoftheWaves Pony

Day 2 part 1

Luna awoke once again with a light shining in her eyes. "No," She reminded herself. "Just the sun." Groggily, she removed herself from what she now knows is a sleeping bag, and rubbed her hooves with her eyes. She glanced at the nightmare's armor cluttered in a pile in one corner of the tent and sighed. No, she was NOT going to wear those today. Of course, a naked nightmare will look rather silly, but the thought of wearing those uncomfortable shoes drove her to just ignore them. Unzipping the tent with her magic, she stepped outside, stretching. She glanced around the area. Discord was starting a fire, using flint and steel that he must have found around the campsite. Luna rolled her eyes.
She knew that Discord could just snap his talons together and MAKE a fire instantly, but she guessed that it wouldn't be "fun." God, if she heard Discord say that he wouldn't do something simply because it wouldn't be FUN, she was going to send him to the moon.
Chrysalis was sprawled out on the bench, staring into the sky. Somehow she must have escaped Sombra's trap, but the memory of her fears must still reside within her. But... where was Sombra?
"Hey, Discord?" She asked. "Where is..."
"He didn't return last night. And the monkey is still asleep." Discord looked up at the nightmare. A wicked grin appeared on his face. "You wouldn't mind waking him up, would you, my dear?" He batted his eyelashes that had somehow appeared on his face. Luna returned his smile. Walking up to the tent with the chains symbol, she zipped it open, and sent an icy blast inside.
"WAKE UP, TIREK!" She shouted.
Soon, the demon came running out, icicles hanging off of his frail body, screaming at the top of his lungs and running into the forest.
Discord and Luna rolled on the ground laughing. But they stopped when they heard Chrysalis chuckle as well. They both glanced at her. She turned her head to look at them, a small, tired smile on her face. "He shouldn't have gone that way," She whispered softly. "That's where the porcupines are."

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" They heard Tirek shout. And both Discord and Luna were back on the ground laughing.

Celestia spit out her glass of water all over her bed. A smile played on her lips, which then turned into maniacal laughter. Still chuckling and using her magic, she made a quill and a piece of paper appear in front of her. Levitating the items over to her, she quickly scribbled down, "Note to self: Add more porcupines."

She poofed the note away. Then, she brought a hoof to her lips. She started to wonder where the pony she sent into the world even was. Hopefully the unicorn would find them soon, if she had ended up in the wrong place.

"Eggs are not my most favorite," Luna sighed as Discord cracked one over the pot resting in the open flame.
"Well, tough luck. It's all we have. Now, scrambled, over-easy, or sunny-side up?" Discord asked, smiling.
"Sunny side up, huh? Nice one, seeing as you are speaking to the nightmare."
Discord chuckled. "Luna, sunny-side up is an actual form of egg." Discord glanced at Chrysalis and Tirek sitting on the bench. He smiled, as Tirek screamed. "Having fun over there, Chrysalis?"
The changling queen spun around to look at the Draconequus, revealing Tirek's porcupine-spine covered body. She nodded.
"You were right, Discord! This is fun!' And without turning around, Chrysalis used her magic to rip another spine out, causing Tirek to scream again. Chrysalis smiled.

"Well," Discord said, turning his attention back to the pan. "While we wait for the eggs to cook, why don't we sing the campfire song?"
Luna raised an eyebrow. "The what?"
"The campfire song! It will help if you just sing along!"
"Discord, your not making any sense."
Suddenly, with a flash of light, a guitar appeared in front of the Lord of Chaos. Luna gasped.
"Oh, Discord, your not going to-"
Then, he started to sing.

"Lets gather around the campfire
And sing our campfire song.
Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song!
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong!
But it'll help if you just sing along!

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song!
C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song!
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong!
But it'll help if you just sing along!

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song!

Discord pointed to the Changling. "Go away," She sneered.

"Luna!' He pointed towards the nightmare. She said nothing. "Good!
It'll help
It'll help
If you just sing along!
O Yea!!"

"Ugh! That is the most annoying sound I have EVER heard! What, is a cat dying?" All the villains looked around in surprise when they heard the unfamiliar voice.
"Who is there?!" Luna asked, getting to her hooves.
The mysterious voice gasped. "How dare you not know about THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!!" Then, a blue unicorn mare stepped into view.