World War Fandom

by SolongStarbird

Entry 3.5

"Had your first action and injuries today, I see."
"Yeah, I forgot how much people could hate bronies, and even then, that Homestuck hated me more than anypony else I have met who found out I was a brony."
"Before, rivalries and ire existed between fandoms through the internet, now they happen in the world, and the hate has been amplified, even so much to the point where people will kill each because they dislike each others' affiliations."
"Indeed, but tonight, you learn different things. I discussed the perks of your fandom genetics last night. Now, we discuss the perks of your artistic/creative types. Your main type is a producer of fanfiction: a fanfictionist. It took you only a few hours to discover the ability to record a mental journal. Hats off to you. You also have a heightened mental acknowledgement of detail. For example, you were able to tell that the pistol was a Beretta from only a moment's glance at it. I know, I can read that mental journal of your's and it will be worth your time to know that you will most likely be able to go home, but you cannot stay without consequences. Back on track, there is an advanced fanfictionist ability called limited omniscience. Essentially, you are aware of everything going on everywhere, but you will only be able to know any of those things after they have happened through severe focus. The more distant an event, the harder it is to know it. Once you are able to do it, however, you might be able to know what happened in a building 100 miles away an hour prior."
"That sounds a bit complex."
"It seems that way. Think of it as the ultimate flashbackish vision accessed through meditation."
"Alright then..."
"A fanfictionist can also use their abilities to empower the unempowered through bio creation."
"Hold up! I understood about half of what you just said."
Guide sighed, and then perked up as if he had remembered something. "Oh, yes, I guess I am supposed to tell you, and I know that the topic has been gnawing at your mind, so here we go. Obviously, the founders of the New Order, they don't like people who lack the geek genetics. They are the unempowered, for they lack any of the special abilities that those of the fandoms have. There are generally a few kinds of unempowered. There are those who lack geek genetics entirely and even detested the geeks of the old world,the first class, then there are those who have the genetics, but did not have the strength required to undergo the empowerment, the second class. There is a way to empower the unempowered, as I suggested earlier. The prior of the two groups, you would need to completely change their mindset, as well as give them time to develop the love of a series needed to become a true geek, and that can be quite difficult. The second group, however, if you can merely boost their genetics through increasing... their involvements and assets as a geek, then they will be able to undergo empowerment. Like I said, you are a fanfictionist, so you excel at character development. If you can create OC bios for the unempowered, especially that second class, then you can help empower them."
"Okay.... It is weird that I haven't seen any unempowered yet. Oh, and what about the people who are total geeks over their show or book, but haven't even scratched the surface of fandoms, or even know what the word means for that matter, perhaps even hate them? I know people like that.
"I suppose I can tell you... My masters will allow it. They are the third class. They have ample geek DNA, and some even possess basic powers, so they do not need the genetic boosts that the other two classes need, but they do need to have their mindset changed like the first...." Guide winced, "That is all that they will let me tell you."
"That leads me to believe that your masters are hiding secrets about that third class."
"I have told you all you need to know about them, just as much as the other two, and perhaps they are restricting me as to not let you know too much too quickly."
I backed off. What Guide had said made complete sense, and even if it wasn't right, I wasn't going to get any more out of him. Too much knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
"On the note of flying, you are a quick learner, and you are somewhat right in saying that a lack of knowledge on flight and aerodynamics is preventing you from flight just know. Just keep practicing. I am sure it will click for you... eventually."

-End of Entry 3.5-