A New World - A New Game

by V-Oblivion

Eighth Move

Eight Move


Griffenhiem Empire
Avice Institute for Bright Children
  Weiss was currently lying on the ground with one of the griffin kids holding a bag of ice on his chest. “I knew Bisharps had a four times disadvantage to fighting moves, but I never expect it to hurt so…” he carefully picked his words due to being around children, “flapping much…”


“You sure are frail for someone wearing armor, sir,” commented the griffin.


“… just keep the ice still.”


On the other side, Checkmate did their best to calm Roll down. It took Xavier’s entire body on top of her to achieve this and a couple of teeth from Simon, who was currently lying unconscious besides Weiss with swirly eyes.


When Xavier managed to get the Lopunny under control, they explain the whole situation to her: how they woke up in this new world, how they got to meet Empress Victoria and how they were currently under her orders to inspect a Pokemon living at a certain school. Roll, however, didn’t seem to care much for this and only wanted to dash towards the castle.


“Get off me you overweight computer!” Exclaimed the angry Lopunny, “I won’t try to run anymore.”


“You promise?” inquired Xavier calmly.


“… I will do my best…” scorned the Rabbit Pokemon.


“It’s okay dear,” defended Rouge. “She won’t be allowed to enter without us anyway.”


Reluctantly Xavier raised himself off Roll, who calmly stood up, dusted herself off, styled her ears  and hit Xavier with a Fire Pouch. Fortunately, Xavier had foreseen this and protected himself with a Protect.


“Coward…” muttered Roll.


“Hysterical,” retorted Xavier dryly.


“Enough!” shouted Weiss in exasperation from his end. “I understand your disliking Roll, but we have a job to do here.”


“Not to mention we have to wait for both of our comrades because of you manta” added Pancha.




“S-so…” started Miss Avice, not exactly sure who to be afraid of. “I assume you are friends with them then?”


“That depends on who exactly are you talking about” started the now calmer pokemon, although her tone denoted evident discontent, “right, I forgot!” exclaimed again Roll, her angry demeanor turning into a sweeter one, “I am very  thankful for your help until now Miss Avice.”


“Is okay dear, we owe you just as much” replied the old griffin, “If not more.”




Griffenhiem Empire

Avice Institute for Bright Children

One day prior


Avice Buho was an old but strong griffin; her rear had a tiredly colored coat of brown while dusty black feathers covered her front while white ones spot her here and there, however her body looked far from been weak by age, one quick glance of her eyes and you would notice that. The job of taking care for so many children required her to have such strength.


It was another regular day for her on the orphanage; she had finished making breakfast for everyone and had wake up the older children so they could attend their part-time jobs. It was holiday season which meant the younger ones could sleep more than usual, at least until mister Fulk, the resident teacher, returned. She missed having someone close to her age to talk though.


On the meantime, she enjoyed some quiet time in the mornings while doing things at a calmer phase like the laundry, cleaning the floors, rearranging the toys on the toddler’s room, cleaning the windows, looking at the cotton-like creatures floating on the wind through them.




Miss Avice had to double check what she was seeing, a group of small creatures made out of cotton and wearing leaves for ears where slowly passing before her eyes. Once they were finally taken away by the wind, the old griffin simply took a deep breath and opens all of the windows.


“Oh my, these cleaning products are definitely stronger than I thought, better ventilate this place before the children come down… to… play…?”


Avice’s monologue was short lived as another group of creatures appeared before her, this time inside; a group of spherical creatures with purple bodies and string-like limbs float near the roof, it would seem that there were a bunch of balloons hovering on the roof, if it wasn’t for the fact they had two dot-like eyes looking directly at the ceiling, not to mention their constant whisper of a single word to one another. They suddenly made notice of Avice and turned their gaze at unison, a dead shine coming from their inexpressive eyes.


“Great Siegfried!” exclaimed the caregiver as she slammed the door behind her, leaving the balloon-like creatures locked inside the room.


As quickly as she could, she made way to her office and snapped a whistle off its cord on a wall, blow into it as hard as her lungs allow her to and wake the children up as a result. Normally the whistle was reserved for important events such as earthquakes or fires, and right now the situation seemed to call for it more than ever. The kids drowsily but quickly moved off their rooms and formed an ordered line as they exited the orphanage.


“Did Ishild try to make breakfast again Miss Avice?” sleep-asked a kid with ruffled bed feathers as he made notice of the older griffin.


“I wish it was a simple fire dear, now hurry up and guide everyone outside” say Miss Avice as all explanation while instructing the young ones to make haste.


Since she was too busy with the young griffins in the building, Avice didn’t hear the call of one of the boys already outside.


 “Miss Avice! I found an odd looking kangaroo here!”


With everyone outside, Miss Avice closed the door and locked it with the key. She finally let out a relieved sigh and was about to ask one of the kids to go look for the Imperial guard when suddenly the air turned cold and eerie.


Her instincts made her turn to one of the walls and catch a terrifying sight: the balloon like creatures were passing through the walls, their dot-like eyes again shining coldly as they looked at the children. The word ‘Drifloon’ constantly coming from their invisible mouths as they slowly float towards them, as well some sort of ‘noise’ could be heard in everyone’s head.


 “WaXt X baXloXX?


“So cool!” exclaimed one of the kids as the Drifloon approached them, offering their cord-like appendages.

“Stay away of them Kevin!” exclaimed back Avice with a demanding voice.


The kid replied, but curiosity was getting the best of everyone else, especially the younger ones, the Balloon Pokemon didn’t take long to notice this and start focusing on them, the noise turning more constant as the younger griffin turned their gaze to them.


 “WanX a baXloXn? – TxeX XloXt – Xe alX flXXt!


“Kids stay away of them” instructed Avice again with her authoritarian tone and gestured for them to get back to the ground, yet to her horror, some were still raised, looking for the string with vacant expression on their faces.


WanX a baXloon?” the noise continued as the Drifloon come closer to the kid’s claws, “TXey floaX” mistress Avice quickly shout everyone to get away from those creatures, but her voice didn’t reach the ones in a trance, the noise continued “We all Xoat!


Avice then dashed towards the kids but a sudden gust of wind sent her flying back, while a couple of the Balloon Pokemon kept a close eye on her while the others finally made contact with the children.


Then the noise finally subdued, letting everyone hear clearly what lied in its melodically and hypnotic cold voice.


 “Do you want a balloon?

The feel Avice could sense in her blood was similar to a frostbite when she realized that the creatures were the source of the noise and that they, somehow, were talking directly on their heads. “They float” the Drifloon collectively continued, “We all float!”  Multiple string-like hands slowly tangling around the kid’s claws, “and now…” the Balloon Pokemon started to take off the ground with some griffin on their grasp as they triumphantly finished “you float too!


The conscious griffin could only look in horror and shock as the balloon-like creatures slowly take their pray away, the wind slowly taking the flock further higher from them.


 One of the Drifloon groups take the head of the cluster and were about to catch a good gust of wind when suddenly a brown blur appeared before them and send them back to the ground with an electric explosion.


The pokemon hit the ground with a couple of whirls occupying the place where the eyes used to be, yet their prey was no longer under their strings. Before it landed what one of the kids once called a ‘weird looking kangaroo.’


“Lo-Lopu-punny! Let them go!” exclaimed the Lopunny to the Drifloon that were still airborne, a now safe, but scared griffin in her arms.


Do not interfere!” exclaimed the Balloons in unison as again a gust of wind formed from nowhere and charged toward the unexpected savior, who merely take the hit as if were noting while covering the child.


She carefully placed down the griffin she had on her arms and pointed at the rest of the group, “Pun Go.


The youngster didn’t needed to understand what she tried to say, as soon she reached the ground, the young griffin was dashing and flapping towards miss Avice, tears filling her eyes.


The ‘kangaroo’ smiled at the sight and again turned to the group of ghosts, “Nny, lo-lopunny! Now, be gone!” the reaction she get wasn’t their surrender though.


The group of Drifloon fused their wind, the combined energies giving it a rotten purple tone as they unleashed their attack toward the Normal-type, “Ominous Wind!” the omni-voice exclaimed.


“…” again the ‘Kangaroo’ made no attempt to avoid the attack as it cause a small explosion of purple dust to erupt from the spot she was standing, causing an assorted laughter coming from the ghosts as they deemed their sudden threat deal with.


Yet from the dust emerged the pokemon unscratched, an expression of incredulity on her face, “Lo-lopunny-ny? Normal-type remember?” she said with a sarcastic tone.


Whatever she said, the Drifloon didn’t take it well, “SHUT UP!” they exclaimed as they started to charge yet another attack, however she didn’t let them finish.


With a series of jumps, too fast for anyone to follow, the ‘kangaroo’ retrieved each and every one of the kidnapped (griffnapped?) kids, leaving the group of ghosts confused at first, and even more angry once they realized what had happen.


Enough!” they shouted, as they turned their attack now at her and the whole group of griffins.


“Lo-punny So noisy” the Lopunny calmly said as she clapped her hands, ice and sparks coming off of them like dust.


And then, one by one, the Balloon Pokemon started to plunge into the ground, swirly eyes now present their faces as they lay defeated on the ground. With the Ghost-types defeated, Roll merely turned to the griffins and said, “Lo-pu-nny… Piece of cake…” while making a ‘V’ sign, only to pass out right after.




Griffenhiem Empire

Avice Institute for Bright Children

Back to the present


“We then took her inside, put her in a bed and waited for her to get better,” finished Miss Avice, Weiss now feeling well enough to be part of the chat while Simon was still out of commission.


“We also feed her as well!” added a griffin sitting on Roll’s lap, a small horde of them were currently lying close to their savior as well.


Miss Avice chuckled and continued, “As you may have noticed, the kids quickly grew attached to her and she has been like an angel with them.”


“If you say so,” retorted Weiss drily, knowing how the Lopunny could be. “Either way, we are in debt with your kindness miss Avice, you have taken care of my comrade despite the sudden commotion.”


“She saved my kids. I don’t have to be that smart to know she means no harm.”


‘If you say so,’ thought the leader.


“She has been playing with the kids since yesterday,” finished the director.


“While keeping an eye for those nasty little buggers, luckily they seem to have learned their lesson.” Proudly added the Lopunny.


“But…” started one of the young ones, “I didn’t get it, why did those things wanted to snatch us away?”


Weiss didn’t know if telling the whole ‘Drifloon like to kidnap children and take them to the underworld’ story was a good idea, so he only said, “They like to steal children, but that is very rare, not to mention they rarely attack the same place twice.” He hopped that was explanation enough.


The general whispering of worried kids told him he still managed to scare them.


“But what if they do come back?” started one.


“Or if something bigger comes back?” added a second.


“Or what about those things coming back with something big!?” finished a third one.


“Now, now, everyone,” Avice says with a serious but gentle tone. “Even if something comes our way, we have the imperial guard to take care of things okay?” pointing at said guards as she said this.


The whispering diminished, but the angst on their looks didn’t.


“Not to mention we will be training them to know how to deal with any pokemon malvado lurking around for you!” proudly shouted Pancha with a pose. That alone was enough to calm down the youngsters, while also making them curious about her and the other Pokemon.


“And who are you again?” asked yet another young griffin with a couple of magnifying lenses for glasses.


“You mean us as a group or us as a whole?” added Rouge, who was now standing beside her friend.


More whispers flooded the youngsters’ group, only for the same griffin to say, “As a whole.”


“I guess we can leave this to Professor Xavier here.” and without any further ado, or explanation, Rouge ‘baton passed’ the conversation to the Metagross.


The Iron Leg pokemon give a few steps forward and looked at his audience with a teacher like demeanor, properly playing his part, and with his deep voice stated, “Pokemon are creatures similar to any animal you may find in the wild. Some can breathe fire or water, some are beings similar to plants and some are just bugs, nothing that impressive.”


And so he returned to his original position, earning an scolding look from Rouge, “What is that half-assed explanation supposed to mean?”


“I’m sorry; Do you want me to give them a three hours explanation they would most likely sleep over?”


Before the little discussion could go any further, another claw was lifted, “So Pokemon are like dragons then?”


“That isn’t that special,” replied another kid.


“Thank you children for explaining my point,” finished Xavier with a grin, although no one was able to notice it.





The group decided to stay around the orphanage so they could check around to see what other Pokemon might have decided to make their nest around and determinate if they needed to deal with them before something happened. And by them I mean Weiss and Roll, since the rest of Checkmate couldn’t keep the griffin kids away from them.


Pancha was currently making some kids pose in various ways, Rouge was helping another group with their flowers, Daring was giving a sneak peek about her next book, Simon was given an ink mustache, Surskit was dancing on a bird’s bath for an amazed but short audience and Greninja was giving a short class about origami.


The only one doing nothing was Anzu, who merely stayed besides Miss Avice, although she didn’t talk with her.


‘Seriously though, why is everyone so scared of me?’ wondered Weiss with a down tone as he and Roll looked around for any dangerous pokemon.


‘I presume it’s because of your expression,’ pointed out Xavier.


‘SAYS THE WALKING PLAYGROUND!’ mentally exclaimed Weiss. Amongst all the mercenaries the kids liked to play with, Xavier seemed to be the most interesting for them, mostly because he was big enough for many to play with him at the same time.


‘Girls, girls, you are both pretty,’ Roll cut in. ‘Can we finish this now?’


“… there are no traces of any other ghost-type around, and the most dangerous thing I have seen so far were a couple of Beedrill, but they seem to pay no attention to the orphanage so...” he turned back at the backyard, “I guess our job here is done.”


This line made Roll excited immediately. “Then we can go now?!”


“Yes, we can, although we have to wake Simon up…”


“On it!” exclaimed the Lopunny as she took a deep breath and shouted, “Oh my! It seems someone used Rain Dance!”


As soon the shout reached Simon’s ears, the Excadrill sprang back to life, quickly dashing under the nearest roof he could find while screaming.


“Where? Who? How much!?”


“There, done, let’s go!” shouted Roll as she pulled Weiss along by his arm.


They soon arrived with Miss Avice, who give the Rabbit Pokemon a sad look, “We only just met you a couple of days ago, but we will miss you dearly.” Then she turned to the kids. “Children, it is time for Miss Roll to go back with her friends.”


A general ‘Awwww’ filled the place, as the kids stopped playing with Checkmate and gathered around Roll, the Pokemon doing their best not to cry at the scene.


“Do you really have to go? – can’t you stay just for a bit longer? – Now that we finally could talk – Sorry I call you a kangaroo,” were the general things they said.


 “I’m sorry kids, but there is someone I really have to see no matter what… but…” a single tear formed at the corner of her eye, yet she clean it away before it show too much, “But I promise I will come back okay?”


The kids seemed to accept her promise as they gave her a collective hug. Meanwhile Weiss told miss Avice, “You don’t have to worry, we have inspected the zone and there seem to be no threats around, not to mention the guards will receive proper training to deal with Pokemon.”


Weiss’ words seemed to assure the old griffin, “I thank the Empress for sending you all here, I presume this was a petition her personal maiden asked for.”


“From Grizelda?”  Wondered the Bisharp.


“Yes, she used to be a resident of this school years ago, and then she managed to achieve a position beside the Empress, and since then she has kept an eye on us.”


Weiss smiled at the short story, ‘If an orphan managed to become the closest person to a ruler, then this place is definitely better than I expected,’ he thought. “I will send her your regards then.”


At this point, Roll had managed to hug every child good bye, and was now ready to go.


With little more than a wave from the rest of the mercenaries, Checkmate left the Orphanage, the cheering voices of the kids bidding them farewell, mostly for Roll.


“… so is it going to rain or not?” asked a still scared Excadrill.




Griffenhiem Empire

Nesting Hold castle


The way back was rather hurried since Roll wasn’t in a mood to lose a single second on site seeing, souvenirs or any kind of tourism. All she wanted to do was reach the castle and drag every member trying to stay behind even a little. This also included the imperial guards, who soon learned she was a ‘hit first, ask later’ type of person when they tried to hear the report from a patrol.


In the end, they all reached the imperial castle tired, sweaty and electrocuted.


“How can she use electric moves on me?” exclaimed Simon as he rubbed his rear.


Before Xavier could reply with his theory, Roll took over the conversation. “Where is she?”


Xavier expanded his mind and looked for the familiar sensation each member of Checkmate emanated. Once he found it, he proceeded to see if the mind was the one of the original Bisharp member of the group.


“She is in the left yard,” said Xavier with his monotone voice...before Roll dashed into the direction as soon as she heard it.


With a collective sigh, the group ran behind her, but not before Weiss thanked the guards for their help, and sent them their way.


“I guess rabbits are still fast in your world,” Daring commented as she did her best to keep up with the Pokemon, let alone Roll who was already way ahead of them all.


“That is true,” replied Rouge over Xavier’s head, which was hovering besides Daring. “She is the head of Bishop so it’s only natural for her to be fast.”


“Tambien she had a good reason to be this fast,” added Pancha with a grin while running at the head of the group alongside Greninja.


At their current speed, the group didn’t take long to reach the buildings besides the castle, Roll simply turn to give Xavier a demanding gaze.


“The building pouring smoke” was all the Psychic-type said and all Roll needed to hear.


“By the way!” exclaimed Weiss form the rear, “shouldn’t we warn Shred about this?”


“Nah!” replied Pancha, “I want to see that look on her face again!”


Once close enough to the building, Roll took another deep breath of air and shouted with all she had, “SHREDDER!”




Griffenhiem Empire

Imperial blacksmith


Shredder had finished looking at the request she had made to Swanhild, giving her a few pointers regarding the mobility and reaching an agreement with the embellishments her new skirt would have, ‘I want it for battle, not to show’ explained the Bisharp, but the griffin insisted on giving it a some decoration to it.


In the end Shredder let her do her job, not that she had much choice, and headed back to her chamber while thinking out loud, “Starting tomorrow I will be working here. I wonder how are these guards I have to train, I hope they can endure some proper training and don’t shake like cowards once I have to deal with them.” She was about to step out of the building when she hear.




At this voice, the Sword Blade Pokemon started to sweat bullets, “T-that can’t be!” she quickly closed the door and hid behind it, “how could she find me so fast!?” wonder Shredder coldly to herself as she dared to look from between the door’s crack.


Before she could make head or tail for what lied outside, a brown blur jumped into the air and aimed at the door. “Get out of there!” the blur exclaimed and added, “High Jump Kick!”


Shredder barely had time to jump out of the way as the door was blow into a million of pieces, a projectile rabbit making impact on the ground like a small missile a few feet away. As quickly as she could, Shredder made her way out of the rubble, dust and building, only to face the rest of her group.


“Everyone!” she exclaimed at first, “She is here, you have to help me!” she implored.


Anzu and Daring were about to oblige but were stopped by Greninja, who merely stood in their way, telling them to wait with a sign.


“We would really like to darling,” lied Rouge. “But I’m afraid we value our lives a bit more.”


“Not to mention we are dead tired!” finished Pancha as she sat on the ground, however she kept a good eye on the events happening before her.


Shredder was about to demand something else when from the smoke screen the silhouette of Roll could be seen coming out of the building; her shining eyes locked on Shredder, who put a defensive stance out of instinct.


“I have you now…” slowly said the Rabbit Pokemon as she launched against Shredder one more time, quickly closing the gap between them and suddenly tangling her arms around her neck, “I miss you so much!”


 “…eh?” was all Anzu and Daring could ask.


“Y-you fool, let go of m-me!” demanded Shredder, a hint of a pink blush coloring her face while struggling with Roll.


“I was so lonely, and then these ghosts appeared out of nowhere, and I was so scared!”


Somehow the story Roll was giving didn’t feel accurate to the group.


“I-Is that so…” said Shredder with a less demanding tone, although her blush remained. “I-I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you…” she stop struggling with Roll and slowly, but awkwardly, returned the hug.


“I was, I really was” said Roll with Totodile tears, “But you can make me feel better right?” asked the Normal-type with gleaming eyes.


Shredder’s anxiety returned with renewed strength, “I-I-I would l-love to a-assist you on t-that regard but right n-now…” she turned to the others who continued to enjoy the show.


“What? The audience?” asked Roll with sarcasm, “It's okay, let’s just give them something worth to look at.” and turning Shredder’s face to face her, Roll give the Dark-type a deep and long kiss,  the metal covering her slowly steaming as the seconds passed.


Finally Roll let go of Shredder lips and triumphantly say, “I really needed that, thank you dear,” and proceeded to hug her again


On her end, Shredder was limping on Roll’s arms, her expression showing that she too enjoyed the kiss while it lasted, “a-any time…” was all she could murmur in response.


“I don’t know if I should feel good for them or bad for us,” pointed Daring.


“Oh, just wait for the second half” pointed back Rouge.


Then Shredder remembered she was just kissed by her mate before a bunch of people, a bunch of people that had seen this scene a lot of times before, but a bunch of people nonetheless, and then turn bright red, all of her, “You fool!” she exclaimed again. “How long do you plan to keep this pose, its greatly embarrassing for me and you know that!” she was again trying to break the hug the Lopunny was giving her, but Roll didn’t budge an inch.


“It feels nice, so no,” was all the reply Roll gave.


Before the second half, as Rouge called it, could continue, another shout could be heard within their proximity.