Time Lost

by Terciel1249

I'm a hippogriff! Get it right!

Time Lost
Ch. 3: I’m a Hippogriff! Get it right!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the rights related to MLP.

The following three days passed without much incident for Big Mac. The red stallion plowed the western fields and harvested the apples like any other day. The only difference, Applejack was quieter than normal. She’ll be fine. She just needs a couple of days. Everyday, Big Mac took a quick trip to the hospital. Just to be safe. His brotherly duties were acting up and he was going to make sure he would be available when his-soon-to-be-legal-charge was awake.

Now this was nothing like when Applejack, Applebloom or Granny Smith were sick. Big Mac was able to rein his visits to two or three times a day as oppose to his usual eight to ten. And no, ah am not being paranoid! Ah’m just being safe.

Noon rolled past, the members of Apple family taking a late lunch of apples and hay. Big Mac ate in silence, Applejack telling Granny and Appleboom she’ll be out tonight with Rainbow Dash. Applebloom and the rest of her friends were going to have a sleepover tonight. Please don’t destroy the kitchen again. Granny Smith said something about crocheting.

When all eyes turned to Big Mac, he shrugged, “Ah’ve got a card game with Caramel and some of the guys tonight.”

0 0 0

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Waking up after three days of deep was difficult. A dulled pain filled each limb. Trapped he was, the inside of his mind filled with darkness. Oblivion met the sleeping hippogriff. Slowly, consciousness began to rise. First feeling, his body felt worn and twisted in this darkness.

Soon memories began to emerge. Images of faces he could not name, places of tall concrete buildings and dry landscapes. He was confused, stuck between unconsciousness and wakefulness. He could feel that he knew these places. Why can’t I remember the name? The veins in the young hippogriff’s head pulsed, the brain trying to acquire information that just wasn’t there. He remembered the basic everyday things, but not the specifics. Looking deeper, he was able to find some information. I like video games, books and movies. Why is there a lot of Star Wars here? What is with that little yellow rat?

The human pushed through the shallow stream of images. A short distance ahead, a single person was looking towards him. His sister, her with long flowing brunette hair and hazel eyes appeared before his vision. She wore a simple blue shirt and jeans.

Her lips moved, but no sound reached his ears.

His heart felt a stab of pain when he felt his connection to her, but he could not name her. She looked pleadingly towards him. For what, he did not know. His mind was clouded, thoughts thick and sluggish. Why can’t I remember her name? Tension developed behind his eyes, trying to push past the heavy fog into any memory of her name.

She beckoned him to follow. He followed deeper into the darkness of his mind, a feeling of dread rising in his stomach. The hippogriff’s body tensed in apprehension when a large home came into view.

The front half of the house toppled inwards, leaving a large hole where the entryway use to be. The torn grey walls on the outside and black roof were torn. Windows shattered, leaving sharp teeth in their stills. He flinched at the sight, I know this house. He hadn’t lived here in it for over a year.

Something very wrong happened in this house. Moving through the makeshift entrance, the once pristine white walls were scorched by fire. Chunks of stucco, wood, a shattered door and glass littered the white tiled floors. Soundlessly, his sister moved through the destroyed home.

He moved slowly into the house, his inside feeling cold and shaking. The hippogriff’s body trembled, sweat developing on his brow. The apparitions of his sister could not be seen, turning into the main room. Ice gripped his heart, looking at the spider web of cracks running up and down both sides of the archway. He did not know what was in that room, but it felt bad.

He could easily walk away, to turn and leave. But he had to know. Something inside the house was calling to him, it whispered to him. This was important to him. The ice in his heart held him at bay.

Finally, he moved into the room as the need to know overcame his fear. The once clean sofa, television and flooring were destroyed. The man’s eyes were not on the walls, but on the floor. Three bodies lay in a crusting pool of their own blood.

The heart monitor skyrocketed, the hippogriff’s heart pumping madly in his chest.

He remembered this. He remembered jumping from the humvee before racing towards his family, a rescue mission for any survivors in the small town of his birth. There, he discovered their fate.

He wanted to throw up, remembering the three mutilated bodies. Hot tears rolled down the right side of his face. The hippogriff’s body wretched at the memory, bile filling his beak. A pink nurse rushed into the room, seeing the thrashing hippogriff. With ease, she gently placed pressure on the hippogriff’s shoulders to hold him down.

The world turned black, the man could only hear one sound. Laughter. The laughter he knew too well. It was from the sycophant who did this. The mad laughter rose and fell, echoing in the hippogriff’s head. The hippogriff’s body shuddered to try and shake the sickening feeling. In the darkness he tried to block out the sound, a more recent memory playing.

The fight he lost.

The haunting laughter continued to ring in his worn mind. Stop! The man screamed in his head. The sound only intensified, becoming a maddening chorus. The sound was everywhere. He could not block it out. The laughter continued to grow. It was too much.

Out of nowhere, all sound was cut off. The man sighed with relief.

A small snickering was behind him. He knew who it was, but did not want to look. With great apprehension, the human turned around.

A single pair of bright yellow eyes, with mismatched red irises filled his vision.


“AW!” The hippogriff head jolted up, sweat flying from his feathered brow. Bad move on his part. His stomach and ribs brought sharp pain to his small body when he tried to fight against the nurse’s hooves. Leaning his head back on his pillar, the hippogriff groaned in pain. Opening his eyes, the hippogriff could only see blurring shades of blue, white and pink while half of his vision was pitch black. What’s wrong with my eyes?

“Are you alright?” a worried voice asked. Seeing the hippogriff calm down, the nurse removed her hooves from the small body.

The hippogriff tried to rub both of his eyes, but stopped when he felt the soft wrappings. Gingerly prodding, the hippogriff slowly felt around his bindings becoming more worried as his hands explored his head. The heart machine began to increase alongside his pulse. Where are my ears? What the hell is this? The hipporgriff thought, his long slender talons gently outlined the hard yellow beak.

Poke! Poke! Poke!

That’s definitely real, the terrified thought penetrated the hippogriff’s thick skull. The hippogriff froze, unable to compute from this realization. I have a beak. The thought still did not register in his head as real or possible, but the evidence was all too damning. I have a beak. Still did not feel any better. Anger and confusion rose up inside the young body, Why do I have a beak?

The hippogriff closed his eye tight, hands rubbing his temples. His head felt like it was on fire, temples pounding. “Take a deep breath,” the nurse said, rubbing the hippogriff’s back to calm him down. Taking her advice, the hippogriff took a shallow breath. His ribs twitching in pain before his lungs could expand fully.

The hippogriff felt the large round object rubbing along his back gently trying to comfort him, but not hard enough to cause any pain to the stitches back there. Jesus! What the hell is that? It’s huge! “How are you feeling little one?” the sweet voice asked.

The former human took a moment before answering, considering where he was; listening to the beeping of the heart monitor, the hard metal needle sticking in his left arm, the smell of sanitizer. Heart monitor, hard as hell bed, sharp needle in my arm… I think it’s safe to say I’m in a hospital and whoever this is is most likely a nurse. But ‘little one,’ what’s that suppose to mean?

Taking a deep breath, trying to maintain any coherent thoughts through the pain in his head, the hippogriff answered, “M-my head hurts.” WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY VOICE? IT’S LIKE A FREAKIN SQUEAK BOX! The hippogriff yelped in surprise, his voice sounding like it belonged to a eight-year-old child and not a full grown man.

Taking this as a sign of pain, the nurse said, “Don’t worry, Dr. Hoarse will make you feel all better.” I swear to Buddha I will punch this chick for treating me like a kid.

Opening his eye again, the hippogriff turned towards the blurred body. Which was surprisingly pink, WTF. Squinting, the hippogriff could just barely make out a pink coat, white hair, long ears and a freaking huge head.

The Nurse saw the patient turn to her with deep warm amber eye, but they were eye red and unfocused. She felt a cold shiver run down her sides, she didn’t like the way he looked at her. The hippogriff stared at her with a mixture of shock and confusion with just a hint of horror. Rubbing his eye, the hippogriff was finally able to focus on the mare. The first thing he notices was her coat, he could just make out each individual hair. Her fur was like fur! Shaking his head to clear it, I blame the drugs.

Silence ran between them, the hippogriff rubbing his eye a few times. “Um, Nurse?”

“Yes, dear?” she asked, trying to be as comforting as possible. Instead the hippogriff thought her smile was kinda creepy. Her eyes are just way to huge!

“Where am I?”

The Nurse smiled, “You’re in Ponyville Hospital.”

I-I have nothing to say to that.

The hippogriff asked, “And that would be where?”


Don’t ask any questions. Just let it sink in and don’t insult them. The hippogriff could only rub his aching temple, this was not helping his headache. “I meant country?”

“Equestria,” Nurse-what’s-her-name supplied. I get the distinct impression the I’m in for a whole lot of pony related sh*t when I get out of here. The nurse stood in front of the hippogriff, his expression changing from confused to annoyed. The nurse decided to take charge of the situation, saying, “Now I want you to be a good little colt and wait while I get the doctor. Will you be alright without me?”

What do I look like a freaking child? Oh, wait. I do sound like a munchkin, so I should try not to be too surprised.

The hippogriff asked, looking up with his big gold eye, “Could I have a glass of water?”

The Nurse felt her heart melt, looking into that innocent and partially covered face. “Oh, of course you can sweaty.” The pony procured a glass from the bedside table, filling it with water from the faucet.

“Thank you,” the hippogriff took the glass in his thin yellow talons. Ok, so I have a beak and talons. I’m some sort of bird. Oh goodie, he thought with distain.

The pink pony left the hippogriff with a final smile. Stop smiling! It’s creepy! The hippogriff decided to take a sip of the cooled liquid. The water helped clear his mind. The hippogriff’s eye scanned the room. The only furniture aside from the bed was a single bedside table of white metal. Continuing to drink, the human decided he needed to get a better look at himself.

. . .


The hippogriff shook his head, looking in horror at his feathery plumage from in between the bandages to the blue fur and hooves. Wait I know where this is from. Let’s see… It’s from. Froooooommmmm, Harry Potter. That’s got to be it. What were they called? Bird and horse? Hippogriffs? I’m gonna go with that. I am a small hippogriff! Something seemed to stall in his brain, his normal human visage was now a young mythical beast. That doesn’t make me feel better. That makes me feel worse. Why! The hippogriff’s mind continued to wonder, Since I can feel the pain, even the hampering of these drugs can be accounted for as actually happening. So this is real. This is REAL.

The sound of hooves failed to breach the former human in his mental ramblings. “So how is our mystery patient?”

Knocking the hippogriff out of his reveries, he offered a hasty reply, “You mean me right?”

Dr. Hoarse smirked, moving to the patient’s bedside, “Yep, that’s you my fine feather friend.” Tonight on To Catch a predator! “I’m Dr. Hoarse, I’m the primary care physician for griffons in Ponyville.” Dr. Hoarse’s horn glowed a light blue, scanning over the hippogriff’s body. I feel like I should have an adult for this. Dr. Hoarse noticed the hippogriff’s uncomfortable looks. “Are you alright?” he asked, reaching up with his hoof to feel the warm forehead, noting the slight fever.

The hippogriff answered, “I’m just not use to being scanned.”

Hoarse tried to be comforting, “Oh, don’t worry about it. I’m just using some magic to check your vital organs.” How is that suppose to make me feel better? The unicorn levitated a small pen light, shining into the single eye. Satisfied with the iris’s reaction, Dr. Hoarse took a moment before asking, “How are you feeling?”

The hippogriff blinked several times, because he was just blinded by a freaking flashlight, “Hanging in there.”

Dr. Hoarse nodded, watching the child’s expression for any indication of his health. “Do you know where you are?”

“The nurse said Ponyville, in Equestria.” Repeating the name does not help with accepting it.

Good, short term memory seems to be good. Now let’s try the long term. “Can you tell me your name?”

“I’m hck,” the child stuttered. “My name is… Uh.” The hippogriff scrapped his memories, only to find some blurred images and random facts he had no care for.Where is it? Where’s my name? I know it’s in here, this is my head! My name should be attached somewhere. The hippogriff closed his eye, I’m gonna close my eyes and my name will come to me. Just need to calm down. Taking a deep breath, the hippogriff open his eye. Alright my name is… Where the hell is it?! Oh come on! I lose my body, my age, my macho manly voice and now my name. NO! The hippogriff cupped his head in his hands, his headache growing from inconvenience to blazing inferno. The human pushed his mental capacity to the limits, straining something he would probably need later. The hippogriff’s breathing increased drastically as he attempted to wrench the name from his scattered mind.

Dr. Hoarse watched as the hippogriff’s expression changed from guarded, to annoyed, then into frustrating pain. Hoarse was surprised, seeing the hippogriff whimper in pain and sadness. Losing his name. Losing those few letters that made his identity. Without it, who was he? What would he be called? What would happen to him? The hippogriff could not help but feel so lost, the world no longer made sense. Magic. Ponies. Hippogriffs. He could not begin to fathom this reality, his head hurt so much. All he wanted to do was rest, to heal his wounds. But he dared not try right now. Now he needed to be awake, he needed to get as much info on this world as possible.

Putting a hoof on the child’s shoulder, “Calm down. Everything’s going to be alright. Take a deep breath.” The hippogriff obliged, falling back on the doctor’s warm words. It was easier to listen. The hippogriff took several steadying breaths, trying to regain control of his emotions. The hippogriff finished off his water, it helped a little. Not by much though. Hoarse offered him a kind smile, “Feel better?”

“A little,” the hippogriff answered, looking down at the glass between his talons.

Dr. Hoarse asked, levitating the chart at the end of the bed towards him, “Can you tell me what happened to you?” Marking a few notes, Dr. Hoarse waited patiently.

What should I tell him? Hey, I’m a human and you’re a fictional character. No-no, that won’t do. I don’t want to lie to him either. He may get suspicious. I guess I’ll meet him halfway. The hippogriff took a moment before answering, “I was attacked by something.” The hippogriff had no words for the monster that killed so many of his friends and he had no inclination to talk about it.

“What was it?”

“I-I don’t know,” the hippogriff confessed. “It was fast and brutal,” looking up at the doctor, he continued, “I remember it had big yellow eyes.”

Hoarse scribbled away on the notes sections, taking every detail he could. “Do you remember your family? Where were you parents when you were attacked?”

Hoarse felt a stab in his heart, the child in front of him sniffing sadly, “They’re dead.”

“H-how do you know that?” Hoarse asked, unsure of the hippogriff’s memory was to be trusted.

The hippogriff let a single tear roll down his cheek, “I remember their bodies. My mom. My dad. My-my…” He didn’t want to finish that sentence. He didn’t want to remember that dream. He could try and dismiss it as such, but his gut told him otherwise.

Hoarse gently tried to comfort the hippogriff, the feathered features furrowing in anguish. Just calm down and breath. Let’s just take this one step at a time. Hoarse waited a few moments for the child to compose himself. Hoarse looked into the hippogriff’s face, “Are you going to be alright?”

The feather head nodded a few times. Dr. Hoarse said, “Now I know you’re confused and worried-” Understatement of the millennium. “but I need to you to talk to the Foal Protective Services Councilor.” Crap. It’s official! I’m a child now! I mean I may have one day wished to be child again, but not in a mythical creature’s body. This is just weird.

Dr. Hoarse left the room, but not before shooting one last minute sympathetic look to the hippogriff.

Once again alone, the former human just sat their numb to the world around him. Seconds passed turning into minutes, time flowing different in his perception. The human could no longer feel at home in his body. A thick blanket of drugs pushed against his waking mind, but he could feel the constant throb of pain from his right arm, broken leg, along with the constant twinge that came with each breath. Not to mention the other cuts he had to deal with.

A new problem began to reveal itself. I have to use the bathroom. Leaning over to the side, the hippogriff felt incredibly small. It was a long way down to the floor. A rational person would call the nurse for assistance, but that’s just awkward. ‘Hey nurse! Can you help me take a leak?’ The hippogriff decided to just wing it, No pun intended.

Sliding to the edge, the hippogriff ignored the pins and needles running up and down his legs. The hippogriff rolled his legs over the side, his hooves hovering several inches above the tiled floor. A sharp pinch in his left arm brought him to the realization he had made a major error. The IV was still in his arm. This won’t end well.


The hippogriff’s nails slid across the plastic mattress, gravity pulling him down with the fabric tearing under his talons. Crap. Falling on his rump, the hippogriff hissed in pain. Not from the pain in his bum, but the sharp needle pain left by the IV being forcibly torn from his arm along with the heart monitor. Blood seeped from the crook of his arm, Not my most brilliant idea. Picking himself off the ground, the hippogriff made his way to the bathroom.

The nurse running the children’s ward burst into the room, her heart racing. The heart monitor blared loudly, the bed suffered severe damage. Her heart stopped when she spotted the droplets of crimson. Oh no! We have a patient on the loose! Before she could become full blown panic, the light spilling from under the closed bathroom door caught her attention.

Equestrian were weird. They were like a sunken hole in the floor. Curse my American upbringing! How do you use these things? It’s just a hole. To make a long story short, the human used his two brain cells to figure it out. Just go in the hole. After finishing and washing his talons, the hippogriff took a few extra seconds to clean his left arm of blood. I have more respect for woman. Seriously, with fur you just have to clean after doing the business. Worse part, I have freaking claws. That’s just a problem waiting to happen! Sharp objects + junk = sad male.

Opening the door, a very concerned pink muzzle shoved itself into his beak. Personal space, please! “What do you think you are doing, young colt?” The nurse ground out from her clenched teeth glaring at him with her large purple eyes, consuming his soul like a blood hungry succubus.

Oh, she is mad! Quickly, look sad! No nurse can resist a sad, injured child. Right?

Looking up into her eyes, the hippogriff frowned as hard as he could with the light reflecting off his deep amber iris, “I’m sorry nurse. I didn’t want to bother anyone.”

Her heart melted, sweeping him into her big strong forelegs without crushing his puny bird-bones. “It’s alright deary, you just gave me a scare. Now let’s get you back to your bed for Dr. Hoarse.” What is she made out of? Stronger than steel, the earth pony’s arms held onto him to make sure he didn’t escape again.

The nurse waited patiently for Dr. Hoarse and Mary to arrive, her deep purple eyes watching the hippogriff twiddle his thumbs in silence. But she did grab him a second glass of water when requested, So this nurse isn’t that bad. Truth be told, under that cute cartoon like exterior this nurse could crush his bones without much difficulty. That fact kinda scared the hippogriff, not that he was afraid or anything. It’s just the drugs talking.

Mary moved next to the child offering him a kind smile, “Hello, I’m Councilor Mary Sue.” Gee, what an original name? Tell me, do you have mystical powers to fix all my problems?

“Nice to meet you,” the hippogriff offered his left hand, the right feeling stiff under the bandages.

Mary smiled at the response, He seems nice enough. “I was wondering if we could talk for just a few moments.”


Pulling out her clipboard, Mary said, “Dr. Hoarse told me you were attacked and have little memories about what happened.” The hippogriff nodded, Mary scribbled something on her paper. Words like ‘amnesia’ and ‘mental trauma.’ If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was talking to me. “Could you tell me a little about yourself?” the councilor pushed.

“Well,” the hippogriff scratched his chin, “I lived in a small mountain town somewhere in the desert. Had a family and that’s about it.”

“That’s it?”

“I like to read and play video games if that counts,” the hippogriff answered sheepishly.

Mary chuckled under her breath, A real comedian here. “Is there anything else you can share with us?”

The yellow beak opened to respond, but a loud rumbling from his stomach notified the room of its presence. Now that he thought about it, his stomach felt like a black hole eating away at him. I am starved. How long has it been since I’ve had a decent meal? “I was wondering, how long have I been here?”

“You’ve been out for three days,” Dr. Hoarse provided.

“THREE DAYS!” The hippogriff squawked in horror.

The pair tried to comfort, but the hippogriff held up his talon palm forward to hold them off. Taking a moment to breathe, he said, “I’m fine. I’m fine. I was caught by surprise.”

Mary turned to Dr. Hoarse, “Are there any test that you need to run?”

Dr. Hoarse shook his head, “No, we tested his blood this morning. The magic from before has dissipated.” Leaning closer, the unicorn whispered, “But I did talk to one of the griffin physicians in Canterlot. The Embassy has no plans for him as of this moment, but he did inform me that I need to remove him from the pain killers in his IV.” Mary shot him a confused look, “He said that a griffon’s system is delicate as a child and long term exposure to pain killers can affect his mental stability, throwing off necessary hormones in the brain.”

“You mean hippogriff.”

The pair jumped as the hippogriff corrected them. “Hippo-what?” Hoarse asked, his eyebrow raised.

“Hippogriff,” was the stark reply. “I’m a hippogriff, not a griffon.” Duh.


Mary smiled back at the hippogriff, “Dr. Hoarse and I are going to step outside for a moment. Are you going to be fine by yourself?”

“Yes.” It’s not like I’ve got anywhere better to be.

The pair stepped into the hallway, making sure to move away from the entrance. Mary asked, “What’s your opinion? “

Hoarse took a moment, “He’s healthy as far as I can tell. He won’t be able to walk properly for a few weeks until the caste comes off, but his wounds will heal in time. Luckily, his feathers will cover quite a few of the scars on his body. But the mind is a whole other area. For the body, I can say he’s going to have a rough few days ahead of him.”

Mary hummed, thinking to herself, “So far he seems mellowed, even polite. What do you mean, the next few days?”

“Surgery is never an easy thing. Some ponies have a better time than others as the drugs pass through their systems. I won’t be able to tell until after that happens,” Dr. Hoarse explained.

“So what do you think should happen?”

Hoarse took a moment to think, “I’m not sure. His body needs rest, but he is sound enough to leave.”

Mary sighed, “I don’t see why not. I’ll have to go over the situation with both him and Big Mac. Will he need any medication?”

“Anti-inflammatory,” Hoarse answered. “I got the prescription from my contact at the embassy. After that, only aspirin for the pain. Is that a good idea?”

Mary thought for a moment, “I think so. Being stuck in an unknown hospital isn’t going to help a lost and confused colt. You said he has no family. The best thing to do is get him in a comfortable environment. There he can rest in safety.”

Dr. Hoarse took a moment to think, “Alright. If anything happens he can always come back for a visit. But Big Mac will require a few items and instructions.”

Mary nodded, “I’ll go and break the news to him.”

As Mary turned away, Hoarse added, “Be sure he gets a name. I think Big Mac would like to call him by something other than ‘him.’”

Mary entered the room, the hippogriff reclining against the pillow with his eye closed. Hearing the hooves move closer, the amber eye opened to see Mary. Mary smiled, “I have some good news for you!” And here’s my nightmare fuel for the next week. “Now, I want you to be a good boy and listen. Ok?” I will if you look away. Mary explained, “You’ll be able to leave the hospital today.” Yeah! “A pony name Macintosh Apple will be your legal guardian and you will be staying with him and his family.” That’s just redundant, putting the name of an apple in front of the word apple. “Before Macintosh arrives, you are going to need a name. Any ideas?”

Oh, crap.

A name would be useful. Let’s see…

Kenneth… No
Joe… No
Nicholas… Too Christmassy.

Anytime now brain.

Jesus… Hilarious, but no.
Rob… No.
Christine… That’s a woman’s name.

Just stop over thinking things. How about we just go with the first name that comes to mind? Just pick any random name in my head and we’ll call it good. I had better be a good name. Something awesome. Got it!

Mary waited for the child to think, his brow furrowed. Until he finally spoke, a single name. “Luke Skywalker?”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This was the sound of the human’s brains bashing itself against the wall of his head. He could have picked a great name: like Alexander, Gabriel, Jeff Bridges, but nope he had to dive into his love for Star Wars. I should have gone with Han Solo. That would have been an awesome name.

“That’s-“ Mary began to say. Stupid, weird, love it? Why do you do this to me brain? “A very unique name,” she finished with a smile before writing it down. That was nice of her to say.

“Well then Luke,” Mary beamed at him, “let’s get you ready to meet your new family.”

Deciding to go along with it, Luke pumped his right fist into the air, “Yeah. Ow!” Mary rolled her eyes, taking time to talk to Luke about life in Ponyville and the family he would be staying with.

0 0 0

Big Mac approached the hospital, his mind wondering about the day. Entering that thick wooden door, shivering as his body was washed over by the unnatural cold air. “Big Mac,” the receptionist greeted the red stallion with a smile.


Big Mac stepped up to the desk, the reception looking happier than usual to see him. “I’ve been notified that Dr. Hoarse and Mary want to speak to you. It’s about the patient. Just follow me to Mary’s office.”

That doesn’t sound good. Mac followed in silence, worry seeping into his gut. When they reached the dark wooden door with a bronze placard, Big Mac was surprised to find the two wearing smiles as they prepared a large fabric bag. Looking up, Mary greeted Big Mac, “Hello.”

Big Mac nodded, entering the small office. The only furniture in the room was a large desk, black office chair and a worn bookshelf lining the wall filled to the brim with volumes of large leather bound books. Mary seemed overly excited today. Almost tap dancing where she stood. Ah wonder what it is.

Mary announced, “Big Mac, the hippogriff you brought in is awake and ready to leave.”


Hoarse rolled his eyes, “Apparently he’s species are called hippogriffs.” That sounds ridiculous.

Big Mac raised an eyebrow, “What’s all this stuff?” Mac’s cream colored hoof motioned towards the bag.

“These,” Dr. Hoarse explained, “are just some provisions. We have some ibuprofen, children’s aspirin, hydrogen peroxide, lots and lots of bandage wrappings, a toothbrush, and a large carton of saline salt.”

“Saline salt?” Big Mac scratched his head. “What’s that for?”

Dr. Hoarse explained, “These are to be used when he takes a bath. The solution will help keep the stitches clean. And don’t worry about his caste. It’s spelled to be waterproof.” Good to know.

Mary Sue decided to take the lead, “Now I have a few things we need to go through before you take him to your farm.”


“First, he goes by the name Luke Skywalker,” Mary Sue said, Big Mac raising an eyebrow at the name. The two professionals quickly went over what was to expected for the next couple of days and Luke’s memory loss.

0 0 0

Well, that was interesting.

Luke thought as the pink nurse pony took away his plate of hay-fries, offering her a quick, “Thank you.” Never, in the history of the world would Luke have ever though he would ever eat hay. That just came out of the blue. Dr. Hoarse and Mary left then suddenly the nurse was bringing him food. The nurse revealed a pristine white plate featuring a large pile of fried hay with ketchup on the side. What the hell?

As it turns out, hay fries were delicious. They’re like McDonald’s fries, but a whole lot healthier and far more satisfying. This has got to be the healthiest junk food I have ever tasted! Tis the snack food of the gods!

Luke sat silently closing his eye, his stomach content. Lazily, he mind drifted into the realm of bliss. Whether it’s the world being crazy or just me… I have no choice in the mater. I guess I’ll just have to take it one step at a time.


Dr. Hoarse and Big Mac walked into Luke’s room, Luke’s supplies balanced on his lower back. The pair noticed the single patient lying soundly on the bed, almost curled into a ball. Dr. Hoarse smirked, clearing his throat to wake the sleeping youth.

“W-what happened? Did I miss anything?” Luke awake with surprise, blinking rapidly to see the two stallions in the doorway.

Dr. Hoarse chuckled, “Not much. Did you have a nice nap?”

Luke brushed the comment off, “I wasn’t sleeping. I was just closing my eyes to contemplate the mysteries of the universe.”

Snickering Dr. Hoarse moved into the room to stand next to the bedpost. Big Mac followed closely, smiling at the little hippogriff. “Luke, this is Macintosh Apple. Big Mac, this is Luke Skywalker.” Jedi Knight and friend to Captain Solo. Why? Because Star Wars reference, that’s why.

“Nice to meet you,” Luke held out his hand to the big pony. My god, he’s huge! Luke felt very small looking up at the farm pony. Going by how he’s barely half the size of the average pony, Luke felt like a Chihuahua standing next to a Doberman.

“Likewise,” Big Mac offered his hoof, seeing the unsteady gaze. That big round orb looked up at him with some uncertainty.

Dr. Hoarse broke up the awkward moment, “Ready to go?”

“Yes!” Luke answered, standing on all fours. Luke winced, any rational thinking person would assume not to put weight on a broken leg.

Big Mac moved his alongside the bed, motioning with his head, “Jump on.”

“Wait, what?” Luke looked at Big Mac with some confusion.

Big Mac chuckled, Luke looking at him dumfounded. “We have a long trip to Sweet Apple Acres. We’ll want to make it there before sunset, so ah’ll carry ya.” Looking towards the window, the sun was almost touching the mountains.

“Um, okay. If you don’t mind,” Luke responded sheepishly. This is going to be awkward. I’ve never ridden a horse before. No, wait. They’re not horses. They’re smaller. Ponies? Sure, I’m going to go with ponies.

0 0 0

I’m the king of the world!

From atop Big Mac’s shoulders, Luke’s head quested from side to side above the heads of all other ponies. Both of his arms were not even close to wrapping halfway around the stallion’s neck. It felt great to be out of that hospital. The town was absolutely colorful, like a child had gotten into one of those giant boxes of crayons and went crazy. The streets were still busy with ponies running last minute errands.

So you’ve got Pegasus, unicorns and regular ponies? That’s kewl.

Big Mac moved through the streets with ease, moving towards a select tan house. Mac’s hooves bashed against the door, rattling the hinges. Big Mac smash tiny door. Luke thought hearing the heavy hoof make contact.

Time passed, the pair waiting patiently. A tan colored pony with a brown mane opened the door, surprising to see the pair in front of him, “Hi-ya Big Mac. How’s it going?”

Big Mac shrugged, “Pretty good, I was wondering if you can let the others know I won’t be able to make it to the card game this afternoon.”

“Oh,” Caramel’s ears flattened, “How come?”

Big Mac motioned with his head to Luke, the hippogriff watching the pair with mild interest. “I’ve got to get this guy settled in.”

Oh come on! Now you’re making me feel like a jerk. Luke’s gut punched itself for ruining this guys evening. He may have just met Big Mac, but that didn’t mean he wanted to screw over the farm pony’s free time.

Caramel nodded in understanding, “Sure, I’ll let the guys know. There’s always next Friday after all.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac answered with a smile.

After a quick goodbye, Big Mac and company made their way to the farm. Silence falling over the two, Luke looking at the ground thinking deeply. That sucks, I didn’t want to impose on Big Mac. Maybe I should apologize. “Um, Mr. Big Mac?” Luke began, realizing just how much he sounded like an eight year old child.


“Sorry about ruining your day,” Luke offering a sincere apology.

“That’s alright,” Big Mac smiled, turning his head to look at the hippogriff. “Caramel and the rest of the guys have been mah friends for years, they’ll understand.” Well, that’s a relief.

The town gave way to trees, and then Luke saw it. The hippogriff’s jaw dropped at the sight of it, thousands of trees littered the farmland. Big Mac chuckled, hearing the gasp of shear surprise. Luke had never seen a farm this huge before, apple trees grew tall and plentiful, bursting with red fruit. The dirt grounded under Big Mac’s hooves, the stallion making his way to the house. Luke’s amber eye took in all of the sights; the barn, the pig pens (What would a pony need with pigs?), and the shear open space of their land.

Luke analyzed the house as they approached. At least two stories, the home looked very inviting with the white trim and patio attached to the red barn. Luke felt a twinge of unease. He was just about to enter another person’s home and be in their care. It felt unnerving. To have been an adult and was now forced to play a child again. Just because I’m a child does not mean I have to act like one. Before we enter, let’s make some rules:

#1. Be polite. Mama did always said ‘kill them with kindness’. Or did she? Who said that? Now I want to know who said that. Argh!
#2. Don’t talk about human stuff, because then they’ll think you’re crazy.
#3. Uh.
#4. Don’t talk about the Game. Because if I talk about the Game then I will lose the game and I realized that I am thinking about talking about the Game. Therefore I have just lost the Game.

Big Mac pushed open the door to reveal quite the surprise. Colorful confetti burst from the open door, catching the two full in the face. Luke brushed the colorful papers from his face to find the most horrible sight possible, a pair of bright blue eyes filling his vision attached to a pink face. I think I peed a little.

Pinkie Pie continued to stare into the hippogriff’s eye atop Big Mac’s head, that amber orb shocked at her sudden appearance. Big Mac gently brushed away the colorful paper, the surprisingly light weight on his head barely fazing him. Luke was captivated by those bright blues, What is with these eyes? Luke shivered in fear as the pony continued to look deep into his eye. After a minute those eyes stared at him and they didn't blink once. Stop staring at me evil pink demon! What do you want from me? Stop looking into my soul! Be gone foul creature!

“Hi!” the pink pony said her smile so huge it would make the Joker scream in fear. What preceded this charming greeting is still unknown to science. Science even has a restraining order on Pinkie Pie because of what she does. Words seemed to vomit out of the pony’s mouth like lava. Every word spit out in a single breath, “I am so excited to see you! I couldn’t see you before because all the nurses wouldn’t let me wake you up. But that’s ookie dokkie because we can talk now! What’s your favorite color? Do you like parties? I love parties! I throw the bestest parties in all of Ponyville! I was going to throw you a party, but Twilight said I needed to wait until you were all better. Don’t worry, when you up and moving we’ll have the BEST WELCOME TO PONYVILLE PARTY EVA’!”

Big Mac turned around, finding Pinkie Pie twisting herself in some physics defying way to continue to look at Luke. Luke’s expression was quite the contrast to Pinkie Pie’s smile, his expression was so shocked and horrified that Big Mac felt his face would implode. I’m in hell. That the only logical conclusion. This is my punishment for hiding my sister’s car keys for her prom date.

“Miss Pie?” Pinkie Pie jumped from Big Mac’s head to stand in front of him, her whole body shaking in excitement.

“Yes?” she sang.

Big Mac took a deep breath, “Ah think it would best we tone down the excitement. He just got outta the hospital after all.”

Pinkie Pie nodded solemnly, “I understand. I’ll try again later.”

“Much obliged,” Big Mac smiled. Glad to see the party pony understood that now was not the best time to get crazy.

Pinkie Pie turned to leave, but remembered, “I brought some cupcakes over for you, Applebloom and her friends. Make sure Luke gets one. Also,” Pinkie Pie turned to the frozen hippogriff, “May the force be with you, young Skywalker.” With that Pinkie Pie closed the door in front of Big Mac.

But this is mah house. Big Mac opened the door a second time, finding no Pinkie Pie. In the center of the living room, the CMC sat among a pile of papers and crayons looking up in confusion. Granny Smith snored in her rocking chair, unaware of the events happening around her. Shaking the headache beginning to brew in his head, Big Mac gently entered the aged living room, depositing Luke next to the three fillies.

Appleblood was in front of Luke in a flash, the hippogriff’s mind stuck between first and second gear. “Is this him? Is this HIM?” Applebloom bounced up and down in rapid succession losing all memory of Pinkie Pie’s uh---- Pinkiness.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac smiled heading up stair to drop of Luke’s bag, “Just don’t be too rough on the pony.”

“As if we ever get too rough,” Scootaloo scoffed, looking the hippogriff up and down.

“Says the pony who wanted to get her cutie mark in crocodile wrestling,” Sweetie Bell chimed in moving next to Luke. The hippogriff remained impassive, nonresponsive to her. Waving a hoof in front of his face, Sweetie Bell’s brow furrowed in concern, “I think Pinkie Pie broke him.”

Applebloom slowly prodded Luke’s shoulder, the physical touch bringing him halfway to reality. “How did she know my name?”

Scootaloo answered, “Don’t worry about it. She’s Pinkie Pie, best not to question it.” So she’s like the Force? If you try to explain it, no one understands it.

Luke rubbed his aching temples, looking around the western style family room, an old green mare snoring in her rocking chair and the three beaming faces; a yellow earth pony with a pink bow, a white unicorn with curling purple hair and a orange Pegasus with a roughed up mane. They were so small and just so adorable with their big eyes. I don’t know how I will do it, but I must get pony snuggles somewhere along the way. Luke decided to address the three in front of him, “So, what are your names? I’m Luke Skywalker.” I think I just died a little inside.

“I’m Applebloom!”
“I’m Sweetie Bell!”
“I’m Scootaloo!”
The three jumped into a poorly practiced pyramid, shouting “And we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” The three tumbled to the ground in a pile of giggles. Big Mac re-entered the living room, Granny snapping awake from the fillies resulting Thump!

“What in the name of sweet Celestia’s sugary coated beard is going on?”

The three fillies’ giggles increased tenfold, Luke’s heart almost melting. He couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. That is just too cute for words. The mare turned towards the group, her eyes falling on Luke, “Well hello there squirt!” I’m not that small. The mare jumped to her hooves, showing a surprising amount of agility when she approached Luke. Luke couldn’t help but think of this mare as one of those kooky grandmas that everybody loved, with her walking cane and tight hair bun. I wonder what my grandma was like?

“It’s nice ta finally meet ya, I’m Granny Smith,” she offered Luke a lime green hoof to shake.

“Pleasure to meet you ma’am,” Luke’s beak spouted, taking the hoof in his talons.

“Ah, such a gentlecolt,” Granny Smith smiled, looking to Applebloom and her friends as they untangled themselves. Granny Smith decided to head to the kitchen, “Now you four don’t git into trouble. I’m gonna go start some dinner.”

Big Mac watched silently from the stairway, Applebloom asking as she caught sight of Luke’s hooves, “What kinda griffon are ya? I ain’t ever seen a griffon with hooves before.”

“That because I’m a hippogriff,” Luke responded warmly.

“What’s a hippogriff?” Scootaloo asked, scratching her head.

“I’m a hippogriff.”

Big Mac chuckled. Luke appeared to be fine with the three fillies. He was smiling, kinda. It was hard to smile when half your face was numb and covered in bandages. Big Mac moved into the kitchen, assisting Granny with dinner, making sure to keep an open ear out for the four.

0 0 0

Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell where quite the surprise. They’re insane. The afternoon wore on, the sun sinking into the mountains as Luke enjoyed the company of these three little fillies. From their adventures, Luke almost had three heart attacks from just listening to the crazy things these fillies did to get their ‘cutie marks.’ I tremble at the thought of what will happen when they get them.

Through the passing time, Luke felt his mind slowly clear of the numbing fog allowing him to think more clearly. The downside was the increasing aches and pains alongside the increasing amount of nausea he began to feel. His head felt warm and his stomach churned slowly.

Each filly took their turn to question Luke, asking him about his name, what was his home like, why was he covered in bandages. Luke tried to answer as best he could, keeping the whole different-species-thing to himself.

Granny Smith hollered from the kitchen, “Soups on, everypony!”

The three fillies made a mad dash towards the kitchen, Luke hobbling behind them. The wooden table was stocked with many delicious foods. All of them apple related. Luke raised an amused eyebrow, not sure if this was some joke related to Big Mac’s last name. The three fillies were already seated, Granny Smith taking one side with one open chair at the front of the table and one to her right already pulled out. Assuming Big Mac sat at the front of thetable. Luke made his way to the open seat. Luke leapt for the seat, his legs only getting him half way on. Flailing his good leg a few times, Luke was able to finally pull himself on the flat surface. Ha! Victory for Skywalker! I am now the master of all chairs! Muhaha! I think the drugs are hitting me harder than I thought.

Big Mac settled at the head of the table, looking over the spread of delicious food in front of him. Everypony began to dig into the scrumptious food, Luke enjoying the atmosphere of the room. Everyone was happy, laughing and enjoying the conversation, but something was nagging at him. Something Appllebloom had said.

“Um, Mrs. Smith?” Luke asked turning to the mare on his left, having only consumed a small portion of the salad and an apple fritter. The pastry leaving him speechless, Mind blown.

Granny cackled madly, “Oh ya don’t need to call me Mrs. or anything sugarcube. Just call me Granny Smith, everypony does.”

“Okay,” Luke nodded smirking at the mare. “Granny Smith, Applebloom mentioned something about getting a cutie mark earlier, what is a cutie mark?”

“A cutie mark is the mark a pony receives when they learn their special talent,” Granny pointed to her own flank, the image of an apple pie stamped on her thigh.

Luke was even more confused, “Why does that happen?”

Granny continued, “It leads a pony to their calling in life. Some will be bakers, farmers, tax attorneys, and so many others. A pony can look at a cutie mark as see themselves in it.”

Luke found the idea a little disturbing, “Isn’t that like destiny or a pre-destination?” Granny Smith raised an eyebrow as Luke continued, “Going by what you said, every child will have a pre-determined role to fill in society. What about the element of choice or chance? What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what had been intended for him or her? What if a child aspired to become something greater?”

Everypony around the table sat in silence, no entirely sure how to approach this. Big Mac started, “It’s not just about destiny, a cutie mark reveals that a pony has finally realized who they are.”

Luke asked, “That could also mean that they have no room to become something else. What happens when they aspire to reach a different or greater goal? Could their cutie mark hold them back because it outlines what their special talent in life is?”

Big Mac thought for a moment, it was strange having this level of debate with a pony this young. Luke wasn’t trying to be rude. He was just having difficulty of understanding cutie marks. Big Mac shrugged, “It’s difficult to answer, ah guess you may figure it out if you get your cutie mark.”

“What?” Luke raised an eyebrow. What would my cutie mark be? Can I even get one?

Applebloom decided to enter the conversation, “That would be so cool! A hippogriff cutie mark!”

“Can you even get a cutie mark?” Sweetie Bell asked, looking over to Luke.

Luke shrugged, turning back to Big Mac. “Maybe,” the stallion said, “you do have a pony’s rump. You may earn your cutie mark someday.”

Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie looked to each other as their grins grew across their small muzzles. I have a bad feeling about this. All three shouted, “You could join our club! Another pony to add to the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Even though their smiles were wide and happy, adorable even, Luke could only think of them as the opening to gates to hell:

Through me you pass into the city of woe:
Through me you pass into eternal pain:
Through me among the people lost for aye.
Justice the founder of my fabric moved:
To rear me was the task of power divine,
Supremest wisdom and primeval love.
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I shall endure.
All hope abandon, ye who enter here. (Dante Alighieri).

Luke shook his head a few time, Woah. That got really dark. Luke turned back to the smiling faces. He could say no, he wanted to say no, but just look at those cute faces. Only a heartless man would say no. “Okay.”

Their squeals of delight would have stopped anyone’s heart. Big Mac chuckled, seeing the hippogriff trying to be friends with his sister brought a nice warmth to his heart. Even though he’d have to contend with the new batch of insane ideas the three would think of next.

Loud voices on the doorstep broke everyone of the conversation.

“Now Rainbow, I told ya not to overdo it.”

“Yeah-yeah! But it was totally worth beating those stallion wasn’t it!”

“Ya say that now, but come tomorrow yur gonna be whining like a little foal because ya strained yur wing.”

Inside the house entered two mares, a orange country earth pony and a cyan Pegasus with the rainbow mane. Dude, I think I should be listening to Pink Floyd right about now. That hair is rocking.

Applejack turned towards the kitchen, seeing her family was a nice sight. However the sight of their feathered guest among the Apples drew her attention. Scootallo looked towards Rainbow Dash like she was the messiah, her wide grin showing all of her teeth. Moving into the kitchen, Rainbow Dash in tow, Applejack addressed her older brother and Granny Smith. “Sorry about this yall, but Rainbow Dash is gonna stay a couple of nights.”

Rainbow Dash brushed it off, “It’s just a sprained wing, nothing major. I just won’t be able to fly for a day or too.”

Applebloom asked, “How’d bowling go?”

Applejack smiled, “It went as well as you could have expected. Thanks to Rainbow we beat those stallions by a single pin.”

Scootaloo cheered, clapping her hooves together. Rainbow Dash realized the extra member of the Brady Bunch. Moving closer to Luke as he stifled a loud yawn. Rainbow Dash looked the griffon up and down before offering him a hoof, “Hey there! Names Rainbow Dash, number one flier in Equestria, what’s your name?”

Luke was happy to shake her hoof with a smile, “Nice to meet you, Luke Skywalker’s the name.”

“Luke Skywalker?” Rainbow Dash scratched her chin thinking deeply. “That’s a weird name, but sometimes the weirdest are the most awesome.” I’m beginning to like her.

Luke was surprised when he turned to Applejack, the orange mare giving him a hard look. It wasn’t a look of hate, but of distrust. Applejack said to Luke, not offering a hoof, “Mah name’s Applejack.” Her body language told Luke that she was ‘watching him.’

To try and quell the rising tension, Big Mac said, “Alright, everypony. Let’s clean up dinner and head to bed. Applebloom, you and yur friends can stay up in your room as long as you want since it’s the weekend. Luke?” Big Mac watched as the tiring hippogriff turned to him, “You can sleep in mah bed tonight on account of Miss Dash here.”

Luke tried to oppose, “Um, I really don’t want to impose on you Big Mac. I’m sure I can find some other accommodations.”

Big Mac shook his head, “Nope. No other beds are available and no pony is allowed to sleep on the couch. And I will certainly not see a guest of this house sleep on the floor.” Luke tried to protest, but Big Mac stopped him with a raised hoof. Giving in, Luke just shrugged. Thinking about when his sister once had to crawl into his bed when she had a nightmare. Pushing away the stab to his heart, Luke attempted to help clean up dinner alongside the rest of the ponies.

Again, nope.

Not too long later, Luke found himself being lifted gently by the scruff of his neck up the flight of stairs. Wood groaned under Big Mac’s hooves, carrying Luke to a very modest sized bedroom. A large bed sat against one wall, polished brown wood holding up a mattress that made Luke feel like it could eat him for breakfast. A tall dresser sat across from the bedpost, two picture frames and some knick knacks sitting on top. The strangest thing was on one of the bedside tables on each side of the bed, a small doll of grey fabric and white poke dotted shorts sitting on top of a book.

Luke decided not to question or talk about, he was no one to judge going by his collection of Pokémon memorabilia.

Big Mac chuckled at the sight of a metal bucket next to one side of the bed, the stallion already informing Granny Smith about what the doctor had told him. Placing the hippogriff on that side, Big Mac made to close the door, “Ya can sleep on that side. There’s plenty of room on this bed.”

Turning back, Big Mac looked at Luke. The hippogriff looked up at the farm pony with a sad expression. Despite his tiredness, Luke felt that it was his obligation to say something to this kind pony. “Big Mac?”


“Thank you,” Luke offered his gratitude in his high pitched voice, “I mean thanks for not only saving me, but taking me to the hospital.” Luke rubbed his eyes, a light burning reaching the right eye, “I mean you let me into your home and everything. Your sister and Granny are very kind. I-I just don’t know what to say beyond thanks. I don’t know how to express my gratitude.”

Big Mac’s eyes softened at the hippogriff. Today wasn’t an easy day for him. Waking up in a hospital had to be rough on anypony. Now, Big Mac knew that he had made the right choice. That Luke wasn’t violent or sinister like his sister thought. Big Mac moved towards Luke, gently wrapping him in a hug, “You’re welcome, Luke.”

Luke was surprised at this action. Everyone here was so kind and nice, offering him comfort when he needed it. Big Mac turned off the lights, the mattress complaining as the work horse slid under the covers on his side of the bed. Luke laid his head on the pillow, the soft fabric lulling him into slumber. His eye began to close, his last thoughts. I may be crazy, but I have an obligation to do my best and help these ponies like they have helped me. Maybe this won’t be bad. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.