The Laws of Twilight

by OminousBrony

Intermission- Celestia and Luna

To say Princess Luna was confused would be like saying Pinkie Pie was just a happy pony. While she had not been back long from her one thousand year banishment, there were several things that still held true in modern day Equestria as they did back then. One of them being that making a new law work retroactively was not something done very often and normally for good reason as it could easily be abused. It was because of this that she was currently having tea and scones with her sister, Princess Celestia, in order to get some answers on her concerns over the new law Twilight Sparkle had just passed.

“Sister, why would tho- you let Princess Twilight add a retroactive clause to that law that she has undoubtedly passed by now. Even We know, with being gone for as long as We have, those just aren’t done lightly and cannot fathom why a law on bullying would require such a thing”, the midnight blue alicorn inquired while taking occasional sips of her earl grey tea.

Celestia set down her cinnamon chip scone she has been enjoying and look at her sister. “Luna, while adding such a clause to the law might seem excessive and possibly foolish to you, and possibly many others would agree, there is a reason. One that makes Twilight’s addition of it necessary.”

“And what, pray tell, might that be?”

“I’ve tried twice, in the last two centuries, to pass a similar law; it failed both times”, Celestia sighed as she thought back to both failed attempts. She had not expected bullies to be as smart as they had showed themselves to have been.

The wide eyed, almost slack jawed, bewildered look on Luna's face spoke volumes of her confusion, she then proceeded to state her confusion, “what? How can that be? How could a law have failed twice over? And even if it did We distinctly remember even laws that fail to show any results still stay on the books for the off chance they can be of use.”

Celestia sighed, knowing that the reason why wasn’t going to be pleasant to reveal since it had, in part, to do with her sisters banishment one thousand years ago. “Luna, not long after I had to banish you”, the pearly white alicorn winced at her sisters crestfallen look, “I made a lot of mistakes. particularly with passing laws, and I mean A LOT. There were many laws I had passed within the first century or so. Some of them were successful, some were complete train wrecks, but most were complete failures at their time of passing. And then decades down the line there were opportunistic ponies who decided to abuse these old and nearly forgotten laws for their own gain. It was one legal nightmare after another as ponies found ways to use them. I eventually had those laws stricken from the books and passed a new one keep such things from happening again… a law that has basically protected it self and is the reason why Twilight Sparkle is making her first law retroactive.”

Luna listened to her sister with intrigue, not having heard of any such law since her return and was concerned as to what it might be. “Sister, Celly, what kind of law did you pass?”

Celestia took a long sip of her own earl grey tea. “ Lulu, I passed a law which basically states that any law which does not show any signs of having had any discernible effect on Equestria, positive or negative, within one year of its passing would automatically removed from use. That law is the reason why both of my previous laws against bullying have failed’, Celestia gave a rueful smirk at what a double edged sword that law had been.

“How is that possible though? Bullying is such a problem that We have had to help colts and fillies alike in their dreams on occasion over what they have suffered through. Surely there must have been some results from such a law being passed that the one you mentioned wouldn’t have affected it.”

“First off, don’t call me Shirley”, Celestia joked, earning an groan and an eye roll from Luna because of the joke that she was positive was older than they were. “Second, bullies are unfortunately much smarter than many possibly give them credit for. Both times after I passed those laws, bullying basically stopped. And I don’t mean it decreased until you didn’t hear about it anymore. I mean it basically completely disappeared in the blink of an eye pretty much. And before you say anything about that being proof the law had results, I unfortunately wrote the One Year Law in such a way somepony must be punished by a laws guidelines in order for it to be considered a success. After a year of no bullying and no punishments, both times, the laws were taken off the books. And not even several days later you would hear that bullying had started again.”

Luna’s widened in comprehension of what it was that the newest princess was trying to do with her new law. “Celly, stop me if We are am wrong, but the reason Princess Twilight is passing that Anti-Bullying Law and making it work retroactively is to bypass the One Year Law, isn’t it?”

Celestia smiled as her sister figured out what Twilight was doing. “Indeed Lulu. With this Twilight is basically both bypassing the laws and bullies seemingly innate ability to keep themselves out of trouble as they have the last two times. With this there can hopefully be something done about bullying in Equestria with fair punishments. And if needed the punishment can be reworked as needed should any issues arise. I will say I was hesitant like you were when she approached me with this plan of hers, but between her reasoning and all the colts and fillies in Ponyville asking her to do something about the local bullies, it seemed like the best course of action. Now all we can do is wait and see how it plays out.”

“We guess you are right sister. More tea,” Luna offered to Celestia who gratefully took some as they continued their to enjoy their afternoon. That is until Luna added one last tidbit to the conversation. "Also, you must tell us about that Baked Goods Tax Law some time", she stated mischievously and taking delight in Celestia spitting her tea clear across the room at the mention of that particular law.