It's In The Cards

by Zurvan

Chapter 1: Bad Moon Rising

Disclaimer: I don’t own MLP or Cardcaptor Sakura, or any of the characters therein.

Chapter 1: Bad Moon Rising

A shadow fell over Luna's moon instantly rousing the alicorn from her nightly routine. "A great evil approaches, I must warn my sister."

"I don't believe you'll be telling anypony anything princess." A sinister voice says.


"Sister, it's time for you to lower the moon." Celestia says as she bangs one of her front hooves on the door. After a pause she knocks again. "Luna?" She asks hesitantly. Once again not getting a response she carefully opens the door. "Are you in here?" She asks then sees Luna apparently asleep on her bed. "That is strange." Celestia says more to herself than aloud. She walks over to the bed and nudges Luna. "Awaken sister."


Meanwhile in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle stands at the window of her magical castle starring at the horizon. "That's odd."

"What is?" Spike asks.

"The sunrise is late today." Twilight muses. "I hope everything is okay."

"Should we write a letter and check?" Spike asks concerned.

"Wonderful idea!" Twilight says as she sets herself about the task.

"Wait, I think I have one coming." Spike says right before he burps up a scroll.

Twilight immediately grabs the scroll in her magic and unrolls it. "Spike I have to the go Canterlot immediately." With that she teleports away dropping the scroll as she does.

Spike walks over to the scroll and picks it up. "What could possibly be so important?" He asks as he reads the scroll turning pale as he does.


Twilight arrives in Canterlot in a flash of purple light. She immediately checks her surroundings to see if she landed where she planned. "At least I was successful, now to find Princess Celestia." She quickly sets off toward Princess Luna's room and enters it. "Princess Celestia?"

"Twilight Sparkle, I'm glad you came so quickly." Celestia says.

"Your message sounded urgent, and you haven't raised the sun yet so I was concerned."

Celestia looks at Twilight then races to the nearest window, quickly taking control of the moon and lowering it, then raising the sun. "Thank you, Twilight." Celestia says as she comes back to her sister's bed. "I can take care of the sun and moon for a while, but we need to find out what happened to Luna."

Twilight nods. “We should discreetly contact a doctor, in the mean time I’ll read over medical journals looking for clues.”

Celestia nods. “Thank you my faithful student.”


“So you thought you could just get rid of me?” Nightmare Moon asks as she walks around the cage that Luna is in.

“Nightmare Moon?” Luna asks shocked. “How is this possible? You and I are the same pony!”

“I was lost in the dream realm after your precious elements separated me from you.”

“This is the dream realm then.” Luna says as she tries to command the world to change.

“Don’t bother, I know how your powers work, and I’ve shielded this castle from them.”

“How did you get me here?”

“It’s not easy but I can inhabit anypony’s body I want, I simply took a royal guard and knocked you unconscious. Your unconscious mind was easy to move here.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Isn’t obvious?” Nightmare Moon asks. “I’m going to take back over your body so I can rule Equestria!”

Luna slumped in defeat knowing that she couldn’t get out of the cage herself. She reached out with the last tendrils of her power and sent out a message using the power of the moon.