Where Was Spike?

by powerpony

Wonderbolts Academy

Spike made his way to Sugarcube Corner. Twilight and the others were busy at the library checking out the new book Twilight got from Princess Celestia so he decided to go grab himself a little treat while they were reading.
When Spike got to the bakery, he was just to go inside when he saw Pinkie Pie starring at her mailbox with a sad look on her face.
“Pinkie? Are you okay?” he asked.
“No, I’m not,” Pinkie Pie sighed. “I still haven’t gotten a letter from Rainbow Dash.”
Spike understood what she meant. Rainbow Dash had left to attend the Wonderbolts Academy and Applejack told him how ever since Rainbow left, Pinkie has been standing by her mailbox waiting for a letter from her friend.
“C’mon Pinkie. Rainbow’s only been gone for two days,” he said. “I’m sure she’s just too busy with her training to write. Give her time.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Pinkie said in a sad tone.
Spike then went inside Sugarcube Corner. When he came back out, he saw that Pinkie Pie was still looking at her mailbox, looking more and more depressed. Spike just felt awful to see his pink friend so sad. She was usually all cheerful and bouncing and to see her with a frown just didn’t sit well with Spike.
The next day, Spike heard about how Twilight and the others were planning on going to the academy to give Rainbow Dash a care package. He had hoped that doing that would make Pinkie Pie happy. Sure enough, when Spike went to Sugarcube Corner to see the others off, Pinkie Pie was super excited. She was bouncing up and down with the biggest smile on her face.
“This is so exciting,” she said. “Rainbow Dash will be so happy to see us. That is, if she remembers us.”
“I’m pretty sure she’ll know who we are, Pinkie,” said Twilight. She turned to Spike and asked him if he wanted to come with them.
“I’d love to, but I have a lot of cleaning to do,” said Spike. “Tell Rainbow Dash I said hello.”
“We will,” said Pinkie Pie. “But if we tell you that Rainbow Dash doesn’t know who you are, don’t be too upset.”
Spike just rolled his eyes as he waved goodbye to his friends as they walked off. He was about to head home when he took one last look at Pinkie Pie’s mailbox. It reminded him of how sad Pinkie Pie was for not getting a letter and even though he knew that she would be happy to see Rainbow Dash when they give her the package, he still wanted to do something that would make her really, really happy. He then quickly came up with an idea and ran all the way back to the library.
Twilight and her friends made their way through Ponyville. They had just gotten back from their trip to the Wonderbolts Academy. Even though there were a few mishaps, like when they got sucked in by that tornado or the shock they received when Rainbow Dash almost quit the academy, they still thought it was great to see their friend again and were very happy that she made lead pony.
But no one was happier than Pinkie Pie. She was just glad that she saw that Rainbow Dash was okay, and that she remembered her. She almost hit a snag when Rainbow Dash flew off without receiving the care package they sent her, but luckily Spitfire took it and offered to give it to her.
Now Pinkie Pie was excited because she thought that Rainbow Dash had already sent her a letter thanking her for the package and she eagerly told her friends to hurry up so they can get to her mailbox and check. The others were a bit nervous that Pinkie Pie was getting her hopes up as they had just gotten back and they hoped that Pinkie Pie wouldn’t be too disappointed to see another empty mailbox.
As the friends made their way to Sugarcube Corner, they saw Spike standing beside the mailbox with a huge smile on his face.
“Pinkie Pie, you won’t believe it,” he said as he ran up to his friends. “I went by your mailbox today and saw that there was a letter inside. I think it’s from Rainbow Dash.”
Pinkie Pie let out a huge happy gasp and quickly ran past Spike, almost knocking him over, and stopped at her mailbox and peaked inside. Sure enough, there was an envelope inside. Pinkie Pie took it out and saw that her name was on it. She quickly ripped opened the envelope and pulled out the letter. It read:

Dear Pinkie Pie,

Sorry I couldn’t be able to write to you earlier, but I’ve been so busy with my training that I haven’t had time. The Academy is awesome. The exercises are a bit hard, but they are not hard for a tough pony like me. I really miss you and the girls and I can’t wait to see you when I get back. I expect an amazing “Welcome Back” party when I return. Of course, knowing you, it will be super amazing.

Love your super awesome friend,

Rainbow Dash.

When Pinkie Pie finished reading she couldn’t hold in her excitement. The smile on her face grew bigger and bigger as she pushed the letter to her chest and hugged it tight.
“She wrote to me! She wrote to me!” she said. “I told her not to forget to write, and she didn’t forget to write. You know what this means? I gotta write back to her! I can’t wait to tell about all the stuff that’s been happening. She’ll be so happy to get my letter.”
Pinkie Pie then bolted into the bakery, dropping the letter on the ground. Twilight then picked it up with her magic and took a closer look at it.
“Wait a minute. I recognize this handwriting.”
She then looked at Spike, who looked at her a bit nervously.
“You wrote this to her, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, I did,” Spike said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t do it to be mean. It’s just that Pinkie Pie looked so sad about not getting a letter that I decided to make one for her just to make her happy.”
Twilight couldn’t help but smile at her little dragon friend for what he did. She walked up to Spike and pulled him into a small hug.
“You did a very kind thing Spike,” she said.
“Thanks, Twilight,” said Spike who was very proud that he was able to get Pinkie Pie to smile again.